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PvP Greed and the Ego that comes with it..


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That's right I said it, PvPer's are greedy gamers with a ego.


The greed goes so far that people will leave a Warzone over the ego. These players don't want odds stacked against them, and want it their way or the highway. If a greedy PvPer sees something they don't like, they either troll the whole game, till every last person leaves because of this monkey of a player.


Or the greedy player will leave like the rest of the poor losers, that make excuses like well we don't have enough 50's, or I am not staying here to lose this game cause of the pre-made.


Where is the passion to PvP at?


I know where, it's gone down the toilet years ago.


Warcraft has taught this crowd some really nasty habits that has created a nasty ego. I don't see a bright future when it comes to the old style ways of PvP anymore. What I mean old ways is SWG, EQ, and games that had pride.


Older games never acted this way, if they did it was a small scale compared to this huge paparazzi of trolls and egotistical PvPers.


People want instant gratification, don't want to work for nothing, wants to point fingers, and can't make a simple game go smooth without complaining and crying.


It is sicking to me, it disgusts me, and it baffles me that this is what mmo's are these days. I was hoping for change after after TBC Warcraft, but no it's alot worse.


The ego and greed of these PvP gamers will bring down other people, and will make other people hate PvP and hate mmo's.


The main glue for success for a mmo is the social game, and for the most part the social game in SWTOR is complete poop in a large scale.


Just look at the forums, it carry's over into the game.


It is like a plague of babys not geting their way, and making everyone have a headache with all the crying, and whining.


-Alot of you are going to tell me, grow a pair.


-Some of you is going to tell me, play and have fun, don't worry about other people.


And your right I will do all of those, bottom line is I am right about the way people act.


I am not going nowhere, I love SWTOR, but at this moment this game of players alike makes me think twice about mmo's sometimes.


It makes me miss what a mmo stood for.

Edited by Caeliux
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Pretty much every warzone I do there are level 50's blaming low levels for loosing. Constant "stop sucking" "ur bad" talk. Absolutely no teamwork or any kind of solidarity. We rarely ever win alderan as a result. If you try suggesting a strategy someone is bound to call you a scrub.


This is mainly on my Empire server.


Played Republic with less issues. Seems like Republic players have more respect and appreciation for each-other. But my experiences are pretty meaningless.


Best you can do is find a good guild and only play with them.

Edited by fadingdimension
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Where is the PVP passion, you ask? I just finished a game where I was the only 50 and entire other team was in full battlemaster gear. Explain to me why I should stick around and get farmed instead of letting this joke of WZ close due to lack of players? Oh yes, I am greedy and egoistical to want a level playing field. Having fun in PVP? Preposterous notion... you should be fodder for valor point farmers.


And before you start ranting about WOW, etc... I enjoyed PVP in UO immensely and never left. What I see in WZ here every day is bull frikkin' horse*****.

Edited by Shendar
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I generally stick around unless the other team is half Imperial Agent cheese balls then i honestly get frustrated and leave. Not because of my team. I mean win or lose i generally can pull off 1100 valor and get my 9-11 medals which to me is all that matters at the end of the day. Sure winning is good. But when grinding valor you actually hurt yourself more constantly leaving games, wasting time. It is not efficient at all to constantly be leaving games unless you are not trying to rank up quickly and efficiently.
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I actually quite enjoy these greedy players - especially when they get angry and start trolling. The other day I saw these two guildies operatives going to middle on alderaan (The Civil War) instead of defending the two turrets we had. I was one of two people guarding the right turret and saw that the left only had 1 defender. Low and behold the republic players took the left turret and the Operative in middle got clipped. Then he proceeded to put into Ops chat "STOP GOING MID YOU MORONS!".
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In my experience the loud mouth boar who bad mouths others in a Warzone is bad 98% of the time. With this confidence i lay into them right away and make them look silly. Even if they are not totally incompetent when fighting their negativity makes them a horrible teammate. If you see one of these loudmouths popping off, don't be afraid to tell them to shut up. They are wannabe bullies and are easy to put in their place.
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Pretty much every warzone I do there are level 50's blaming low levels for loosing. Constant "stop sucking" "ur bad" talk. Absolutely no teamwork or any kind of solidarity. We rarely ever win alderan as a result. If you try suggesting a strategy someone is bound to call you a scrub.


This is mainly on my Empire server.


Played Republic with less issues. Seems like Republic players have more respect and appreciation for each-other. But my experiences are pretty meaningless.


Best you can do is find a good guild and only play with them.



Ime, players that do not name call, insult other players, etc, tend to be the ones that have pretty satisfactory real lives. If your real life is good, you tend to not sweat the little stuff, like someone making a mistake in a video game.


In my experience the loud mouth boar who bad mouths others in a Warzone is bad 98% of the time. With this confidence i lay into them right away and make them look silly. Even if they are not totally incompetent when fighting their negativity makes them a horrible teammate. If you see one of these loudmouths popping off, don't be afraid to tell them to shut up. They are wannabe bullies and are easy to put in their place.

I agree, though I just tend to ignore them, and try to simply the support the team -- regardless if its is a sure loss.


It is a video game, being played for fun.
Edited by Loekii
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Ime, players that do not name call, insult other players, etc, tend to be the ones that have pretty satisfactory real lives. If your real life is good, you tend to not sweat the little stuff, like someone making a mistake in a video game.



I agree, though I just tend to ignore them, and try to simply the support the team -- regardless if its is a sure loss.


It is a video game, being played for fun.


While ignoring them is an option I think it is better for the team to call them out because it validates others who think he is an arse. I just find calling them out quickly works much better for the group. Plus when you are about to win you can ruducule them for being bad and wrong

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Warcraft has taught this crowd some really nasty habits that has created a nasty ego. I don't see a bright future when it comes to the old style ways of PvP anymore. What I mean old ways is SWG, EQ, and games that had pride.


You mean games where the wholepoint of killing the other guy was killing the other guy? I completely agree.


Oh and about the greed and ego thing...yeah. Completely agree too. :)

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Most people who have a passion for pvp have a passion for real fights- fighting someone who can kill you in two seconds when it'll take you twenty to get them to half hp before they use a single heal to get back up to full... is not something that inspires passion for pvp. Thing is, alot of people want to pvp from the start of the game- they don't want to level to 50 first then pvp, but the current system makes it so if they want to pvp the whole game, they're going to spend 50 levels- and with being stomped game after game, that'll be an extremely long 50 levels- being utterly dominated.



At least, until now- with 50 brackets that will change because while yes, 40s have slightly better stats and several more abilities, most of your decent damage/heals are in low level abilities- ie, a sniper can use snipe and ambush before level 20. True, you won't have all the neat talents including procs for instants at low level, you won't have the burst potential- but you will still be able to throw out good enough damage to make a difference, and it won't be artificially mitigated by someone who also has a bonus to all their damage due to expertise- a stat you can't have til 50.


You'll see a big change come 50 brackets.

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That's right I said it, PvPer's are greedy gamers with a ego.


The greed goes so far that people will leave a Warzone over the ego. These players don't want odds stacked against them, and want it their way or the highway. If a greedy PvPer sees something they don't like, they either troll the whole game, till every last person leaves because of this monkey of a player.


Or the greedy player will leave like the rest of the poor losers, that make excuses like well we don't have enough 50's, or I am not staying here to lose this game cause of the pre-made.


Where is the passion to PvP at?


I know where, it's gone down the toilet years ago.


Warcraft has taught this crowd some really nasty habits that has created a nasty ego. I don't see a bright future when it comes to the old style ways of PvP anymore. What I mean old ways is SWG, EQ, and games that had pride.


Older games never acted this way, if they did it was a small scale compared to this huge paparazzi of trolls and egotistical PvPers.


People want instant gratification, don't want to work for nothing, wants to point fingers, and can't make a simple game go smooth without complaining and crying.


It is sicking to me, it disgusts me, and it baffles me that this is what mmo's are these days. I was hoping for change after after TBC Warcraft, but no it's alot worse.


The ego and greed of these PvP gamers will bring down other people, and will make other people hate PvP and hate mmo's.


The main glue for success for a mmo is the social game, and for the most part the social game in SWTOR is complete poop in a large scale.


Just look at the forums, it carry's over into the game.


It is like a plague of babys not geting their way, and making everyone have a headache with all the crying, and whining.


-Alot of you are going to tell me, grow a pair.


-Some of you is going to tell me, play and have fun, don't worry about other people.


And your right I will do all of those, bottom line is I am right about the way people act.


I am not going nowhere, I love SWTOR, but at this moment this game of players alike makes me think twice about mmo's sometimes.


It makes me miss what a mmo stood for.


I feel sorry for you...

In a way, I kinda wish I was around during these days but I was too busy clocking frags back then. While I agree on "People quitting over some losses" ... I must also disagree on the same point 'cos nobody wants to be in over & over knowing that they're only chance to win is to hit the jackpot and play with "the pre-made".


It gets old after 5 and very damn old after 10 ... and after that, you're just wishing it was any different ... that something is done real quick to end your suffering.


If you can't win or if you're not even under the impression that you at least stand a chance... I mean, why would you stay other than to enjoy the beating you're been given que after que ?

I surely not going to blame these guys for leaving a warzone knowning that ... uh well, if you can't win or even harm your opponent 'cos of some stats, I'd just quit myself.


It's very amazing.

Edited by NinjaScroll
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Nice points all of you.


And if you leave a Warzone because of these types of people I have suggested, then by all means I understand.


But to leave over a egotistical ego, and also to downgrade other players while everyone is suppose to be on same team is downright disgusting.


I do hope Bioware introduces a function to report these self proclaimed PvP gods, cause some of it is hurtful, and demeaning and some people need to tone it down with a warning.


I agree it's a double edge sword reading into what is going on in general chat, or OP chat aka Warzone chat. But most of us is not connected to a team speak or a vent like some premades, and some of us have to type to communicate.


Things I really notice, and what I started to notice in TBC Warcraft was this self entitlement that these gamers try to throw on everyone.


It is almost like people think since they are on a internet and has a high level toon that is gives them the right to downgrade and haze other people to gain some respect.


I swear sometimes it feels like bootcamp in the Army how some of these people act like in a PvP game lol.

Edited by Caeliux
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The sore losers that start the verbal abuse in the WZ need to be reported by everyone. These players will eventually eat a ban, and the community will at least get more tolerable in the WZ.


A option to report after a match would be nice, to comment on the match and to weed out the afkers and the people who left the match.


If we could get some sort of customer support system where the bad weeds can get some sort of warning or punishment, then the game would be in control a little better.


Allowing people to abuse people in chat, go afk, and to leave a warzone for whatever reason is shameful and disrespectful.


I understand everyone has a bad day, I understand noone is perfect, all I want in my time playing is some sort of social respect way, instead of this dirty bar way.


And the people that provide a bad attitude and want to troll all day long in warzones, they need to be sorted out and dealt with.


Guess I am wishing in one hand, and pooping in the other huh. :p

Edited by Caeliux
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Am I the only one who wants people to leave early in stacked games? I've been in situations where our team was 2 premades of 50s in full pvp gear (champ/ battle master) smashing through a team with like one level 50 in questing gear and a bunch of level 11s.

It's really not fun for me to have to farm up 40+ kills because I can 3shot everyone on their team and still have to wait however long it takes for a 3cap to tick down?


A good close game without stacking that's exciting is great the whole time. A stacked 3cap where your spawn is getting farmed in the first 2mins just leave so we can get our badges and requeue.

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Welcome to todays MMO generation mate,

the single worst,entitled generation ever seen.


The days of Daoc community where people helped each other, because they wanted too.

Where people talked in game for hours

An did things for fun of it.

Where crafters actively bought sold an traded with people.

Where healers were seen as special an treated as such (the good ones)

Where pvp was actually pvp, an we fought for realm pride not some grubby little shiny, that just made us want more an more an more....


Those days ?, all gone mate.You will never ever see that again, MMo's now are built from ground up to entitle them, an feed into their greed for grabbing bucketfuls of shinys for logging into the game. Where they abuse everyone who dares to laugh at them.

The Devs have to take some blame too, because those muppets at blizzard weened them on it, now they expect it an devs dont know how to say no, an make a real MMO.


Look how shallow MMO's are, an how many have failed in last 5 years, they fail because they all wanna be warcraft. An many of the adults among us have generally had enough of that simplistic eyes closed push 1234-----repeat game play.

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Welcome to todays MMO generation mate,

the single worst,entitled generation ever seen.


The days of Daoc community where people helped each other, because they wanted too.

Where people talked in game for hours

An did things for fun of it.

Where crafters actively bought sold an traded with people.

Where healers were seen as special an treated as such (the good ones)

Where pvp was actually pvp, an we fought for realm pride not some grubby little shiny, that just made us want more an more an more....


Those days ?, all gone mate.You will never ever see that again, MMo's now are built from ground up to entitle them, an feed into their greed for grabbing bucketfuls of shinys for logging into the game. Where they abuse everyone who dares to laugh at them.

The Devs have to take some blame too, because those muppets at blizzard weened them on it, now they expect it an devs dont know how to say no, an make a real MMO.


Look how shallow MMO's are, an how many have failed in last 5 years, they fail because they all wanna be warcraft. An many of the adults among us have generally had enough of that simplistic eyes closed push 1234-----repeat game play.


Good read and a amen. ^



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