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Anyone Rift Players Getting Deja Vu?


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....now that you're 50?


The VO and Class story elements of the leveling experience were amazing in TOR. I found myself rushing to log on to see what happened in my personal story and the leveling experience was amazing. Now that I'm 50 I feel like I'm playing Rift in Space.


1) Horrible PVP balance. It makes doing WZ's a total drag. If you're a healer without a Tank buddy you may as well not play and if you're Empire you better like Huttball.


2) The Flashpoints all seem the same. Same environments (ships and hallways) for the most part. Boring Boss tactics and weak stories (tell me you thought BFI or FE were engrossing).


3) Crafting is a waste.


4) Operations are fun more as a chance to play with friends than because of the encounters themselves. Plus it's odd that it's more efficient to AFK in WZ's to gear up than to run Normal Operations.


I'm getting Rift Deja Vu. Pretty World but there seems to be no soul to the game. I have to say I'm feeling a little bummed right now.


I'm leveling a Republic Trooper just to get back to the good stuff. Is that all this game really is going to be? Play alts for the good part (story) and be bored at 50?

Edited by zootzoot
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I was a beta tester for rift but never played it on release. It still a good game?


It's weird. It was polished, had a great class system (IMO), nice graphics etc but something seemed to be missing and I'm getting that feeling from TOR right now.

Edited by zootzoot
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....now that you're 50?


The VO and Class story elements of the leveling experience were amazing in TOR. I found myself rushing to log on to see what happened in my personal story and the leveling experience was amazing. Now that I'm 50 I feel like I'm playing Rift in Space.


1) Horrible PVP balance. It makes doing WZ's a total drag. If you're a healer without a Tank buddy you may as well not play and if you're Empire you better like Huttball.


2) The Flashpoints all seem the same. Same environments (ships and hallways) for the most part. Boring Boss tactics and weak stories (tell me you thought BFI or FE were engrossing).


3) Crafting is a waste.


4) Operations are fun more as a chance to play with friends than because of the encounters themselves. Plus it's odd that it's more efficient to AFK in WZ's to gear up than to run Normal Operations.


I'm getting Rift Deja Vu. Pretty World but there seems to be no soul to the game. I have to say I'm feeling a little bummed right now.


I'm leveling a Republic Trooper just to get back to the good stuff. Is that all this game really is going to be? Play alts for the good part (story) and be bored at 50?


Did you ever play any other MMOs and think the same thing? Because they are / were all the same when they came out and you hit max level. Some (Eve) take longer than others to hit max level.

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No. Trion had a polished, mostly bug free game with working macros/custom UI, etc out of the box.


The nothing to do at endgame issue is same with all the themepark clones. That's what they are now apparently. Get to 50 then grind dailies and weekly raid. Yay.


The MMO genre is stagnant and boring. Bioware innovated nothing, neither did Trion, but at least Trion released a much more finished and polished game.

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I think there are lots of similarities, however, with TOR, it has the Star Wars universe to make it appealing. With Rift, I just lost interest because it was so easy and had no lasting appeal. No real reason to play that game. Edited by Vydor_HC
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Did you ever play any other MMOs and think the same thing? Because they are / were all the same when they came out and you hit max level. Some (Eve) take longer than others to hit max level.


Played EQ, WOW, LOTRO, Aion, Rift and AoC. I'm sort of an MMO junkie TBH.


WOW was the only game (Vanilla) that held the wonderment for me after level cap. Maybe it was the fact that the Instances seemed so diverse and Epic at the time for a new 60 (Strat UD and Live, Scholo, Dire Maul, LBRS and UBRS).


I know I can't get back that feeling again but TOR seems closer to Rift....oddly bland for some reason that I can't put my finger on. Maybe it's the sci-fi setting that limits things or it's the Hero Engine but everything looks the same.


PVP is horrible unless you're one of the OP classes/specs (I was a healing Operative but have joined the dark side and specced Concealment for the annoying Opener), crafting is waste of time and Dailies are a snore.

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Yeah i really miss a custom UI and macros of rift, I have 28 abilties i use in either pvp or pve on my sith sin. Thats just to much to key bind as a far amount of the slots are buffs that even a simple macro system like wow would eliminate the need to keep oh key bind. i didnt mind the macro system of rift letting you macro whatever you wanted. It made playing with low fps doable as the lag/slowdown didnt make to much difference on the key binds and the better you anted to dps/tank the less you would put into one macro.


Also the part of the UI that would show you what reactive abilities are usable was very nice kind of like a power auras lite.


Really hope the dev team gets ont he ball and gets the missing parts of this game out ASAP 50 is boring!!!

Edited by kharnedge
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No. Trion had a polished, mostly bug free game with working macros/custom UI, etc out of the box.


The nothing to do at endgame issue is same with all the themepark clones. That's what they are now apparently. Get to 50 then grind dailies and weekly raid. Yay.


The MMO genre is stagnant and boring. Bioware innovated nothing, neither did Trion, but at least Trion released a much more finished and polished game.




Too many big companies nowadays are designing MMO's because they like the idea of people paying a recurring subscription to them, and not because they have any particular love for the genre. It's been awhile since I've played an MMO where you could tell the developer really loves MMO's. Rift was the closest thing, but even that started to get stale when they started nerfing experts to make it so anyone could do them.

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I was a beta tester for rift but never played it on release. It still a good game?


Just logged on to Rift about an hour ago, got into warzone right away, went to see if there was any people to get killed by in open world, managed to die after about 2 min :) so it's still alive atleast.


Achievements, those collection thingys, world pvp, less instancing and more lifelike atmosphere aside, I guess it's the same as this game more or less.

If Star Wars is your thing, you're probably alot better off here though hehe.

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If they add the amount of content Rift has since it was released I'll be happy as hell.


I'm not feeling any deja vu outside the obvious due to both games being theme park oriented.


I actually enjoy the story mode more in this game. It is done way better and has a lot more depth to it.


I enjoy the class design more in Rift.


The faction imbalance in this game is getting so god awful it is hilarious on some servers.


I enjoy the dungeon oriented group content more in this game, but I miss the world events that took place in Rift.


The crafting in both games is pretty poor but in Rift least I felt like I was accomplishing something. Not really anything to brag about in either game though.


I miss the ui customization available in countless other games that doesn't exist here because it was obviously designed by someone that doesn't play mmorpgs.

Edited by GarbonzotheDude
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If they add the amount of content Rift has since it was released I'll be happy as hell.


I'm not feeling any deja vu outside the obvious due to both games being theme park oriented.


I actually enjoy the story mode more in this game. It is done way better and has a lot more depth to it.


I enjoy the class design more in Rift.


The faction imbalance in this game is getting so god awful it is hilarious on some servers.


I enjoy the dungeon oriented group content more in this game, but I miss the world events that took place in Rift.


The crafting in both games is pretty poor but in Rift least I felt like I was accomplishing something. Not really anything to brag about in either game though.


I miss the ui customization available in countless other games that doesn't exist here because it was obviously designed by someone that doesn't play mmorpgs.



I could type an answer but apparently this Garbonzo guy stole mine.

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Did you ever play any other MMOs and think the same thing? Because they are / were all the same when they came out and you hit max level. Some (Eve) take longer than others to hit max level.


I don't think you've actually played Eve. There are no levels on Eve. There are skills to train, and I guess you could theoretically argue that one could train all of them to level 5. However, that is currently mathematically impossible as the game has not been out long enough for anyone to have done so.

Edited by Phaedrynn
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It's weird. It was polished, had a great class system (IMO), nice graphics etc but something seemed to be missing and I'm getting that feeling from TOR right now.


I remember playing Beta Rift and I have to admit, something was indeed missing. I couldn't really narrow that down to anything, it just didn't grab me by the balls for some reason. I don't know. The game was indeed kinda fun, but maybe I was burnt out?


ToR is good but it frustrates me a lot.

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Also the part of the UI that would show you what reactive abilities are usable was very nice kind of like a power auras lite.


That feature is brilliant in RIFT. Its so simple and lets you concentrate on your character and not stare at teh bottom action bars all the time.

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At launch, ya... Rift's PvP was very lopsided. Now though, they normalized PvP gear to provide equal defense from R1 to R8. R8s have more HPs and damage but they can't 1 shot anybody. They also made new brackets for pvp and sorted the R1-R4 and the R5-R8s together. They've also separated premade and PuG queues.


Rift's leveling is boring and seemingly soulless. There's no denying that. It's your standard whack-a-mole questing and such interspersed with level specific dungeons.


That's fine though because it takes no time at all to get to 50. The zones are wide open and beautiful and it makes the trip nice. However... the game starts at 50. They've got a ratio of 3:1 L50 content to pre 50 content. There's numerous raids and advanced dungeons, and a unique L50 zone that is 2x bigger than any other zone in the game. There's objective based world PvP events, and all sorts of things to do that can keep a person busy.


Rift is publishing a new feature-size content patch in the coming week or two. They're adding yet another full size raid, another 10-man, more 5-mans, new collectibles like rare drop mounts from world events, gear sets, social armors, RP social content (the ability for players to marry in-game and share a surname and experience shared alternate character progression), and loads of other things.


All of this is available primarily to L50 players. I'm an admitted Rift junky. It took me 62 hours to make 50 on my first playthrough on my main. I hate to admit it but I have over 3000 hours played according to Steam... and most of that is on my mage.


That doesn't mean others will like it... but I can honestly say I rarely go to Sanctum except to drop stuff in the guild bank or maybe throw some loot on the AH. I spend most of my time on Emerald Isle and I -still- haven't finished the questline there.

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....now that you're 50?


The VO and Class story elements of the leveling experience were amazing in TOR. I found myself rushing to log on to see what happened in my personal story and the leveling experience was amazing. Now that I'm 50 I feel like I'm playing Rift in Space.


1) Horrible PVP balance. It makes doing WZ's a total drag. If you're a healer without a Tank buddy you may as well not play and if you're Empire you better like Huttball.


2) The Flashpoints all seem the same. Same environments (ships and hallways) for the most part. Boring Boss tactics and weak stories (tell me you thought BFI or FE were engrossing).


3) Crafting is a waste.


4) Operations are fun more as a chance to play with friends than because of the encounters themselves. Plus it's odd that it's more efficient to AFK in WZ's to gear up than to run Normal Operations.


I'm getting Rift Deja Vu. Pretty World but there seems to be no soul to the game. I have to say I'm feeling a little bummed right now.


I'm leveling a Republic Trooper just to get back to the good stuff. Is that all this game really is going to be? Play alts for the good part (story) and be bored at 50?


The tier 1/2 system in rift was awesome and as a direct result of it crafting was more useful in rift than in any other mmo i have ever played. Also the tuning of rift was the exact opposite of SWtor at launch. T1/T2 were VERY hard and arguably over tuned, in SWtor people had all best in slot after two weeks :p.

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The tier 1/2 system in rift was awesome and as a direct result of it crafting was more useful in rift than in any other mmo i have ever played. Also the tuning of rift was the exact opposite of SWtor at launch. T1/T2 were VERY hard and arguably over tuned, in SWtor people had all best in slot after two weeks :p.


I find it hard to talk good about any crafting systems after having played SWG and EQ2. Two MMO's that actually got it right.

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I don't think you've actually played Eve. There is no "max level" (nor has anyone hit level 5 in all possible skills).


Ya, several years ago, they said it would take a person almost 18 years to learn all of EVE's skills to rank 5.


Well, they've added a couple dozen more new skills since then. My toon on EVE has been active since early 2004... and has almost 38 million SPs... And I'm nowhere close to being topped out.

Edited by Laeris
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