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50 pvp bracket won't solve anything, just hurt players


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So you're saying that 48 expertise would do well against a level 50 with 600+ expertise?


Maybe is the level 50 was played by a 9 year old and had utterly no clue how to use their abilities.


yes the higher your level the more expertise you need to get the same %.

34 with 48 expertise is the same as level 45 with 150.

what im saying is expertise is not the issue with level 50s ****** lower levels. its the extra skill points and their build. at level 34 i did not have the extra 50% to crit dmg on project,

not saying i could not beat unskilled 50s, but a level 50 vs a level 20-30 is no contest. if the level 50 is skilled. skilled 30 vs skilled 50, the 50 will always win.

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People who are slow levelers and are sub-50: you aren't dying to people who are 50 because they're 50 on the enemy team, you're dying because you're being outplayed skill-wise, focus-fired, etc. and the enemies are better-organized than your team. You'll see shortly once the patch hits and you're still getting owned :(, meanwhile us 50's will be screwed out of being able to play much if any PVP content (60+ minute warzone pops if we're lucky) until more of the populace catches up. /sigh forum whiners somehow successfully misguide a company yet again!


I believe you are not trolling, I do believe that you are sincere and truly believe what you write.


So heed my advice: Get a thick second skin. Because you are actually the one in for a rude awakening when 50 brackets are live. Looking forward to it :)

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It's also the best MMO to level alts in ... if you do pvp + class story, you get 8 unique play throughs.


Actually, that's pretty true.


My Juggernaut I mostly quested with - he's 50.


My Sorc, I'm pretty much doing instances, PvP and class quest.


Sure, my dark side points are very low, but I waste so little time running through zones I've already done (since there's no option at any level range to go to A or B).


As for the topic - all the bolster does for a 15 or 25 or 35 or 45 is equalize their stats. It doesn't make up for untaken talents and unlearned skills.


My 27 sorc is a MUCH better healer than it was at 18. I don't have any more health, but I have more than 2 heals now, and I have some of them talented to make other heals more effective/cost less force. Plus I have a dispel now. My skills themselves are actually just better now, and I can cast more of them before running out of Force.


Bolster can't fix that level disparity.


That being said, the stat/skill that causes the most disparity is the 50's with expertise. If you have expertise, you don't even have to be good to win - a 4 man premade of average skilled rush to cap and rush to gear expertise-laden 50's will still be "better" than a 4 man premade of good skilled level 30's.


The problem that the 50 bracket will run into (especially on low-pop servers) is that people will stop PvPing once they hit 50, due to running into a brick wall when they show up without expertise and face fully geared out people. This will happen everywhere, but on small servers it will be worse, as the likelyhood of facing those fully geared people at 50 goes up. People will simply stop because it won't be any fun. The gear grind at 50 is just awful, and losing over and over and over until you are geared will simply not be enjoyable.


Once the free month is up and they get a good picture of how many people are playing, I'm sure there'll have to be server merges. If not, some servers will be effectively dead. If they don't, then some system of battle groups will need to be implemented (especially at 50). On my server (standard pretty much always, rarely heavy, only light during off hours), it's the same small pool of pvpers right now. That pool will shrink some in a week, and will be divided in half with the 50's bracket. But the transition from 10-49 to 50 once there's a bracket will shrink it even more.

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People who are slow levelers and are sub-50: you aren't dying to people who are 50 because they're 50 on the enemy team, you're dying because you're being outplayed skill-wise, focus-fired, etc. and the enemies are better-organized than your team. You'll see shortly once the patch hits and you're still getting owned :(, meanwhile us 50's will be screwed out of being able to play much if any PVP content (60+ minute warzone pops if we're lucky) until more of the populace catches up. /sigh forum whiners somehow successfully misguide a company yet again!


Someone's mad because they can't farm lowbies anymore for easy wins, sucks to WORK for PvP rewards don't it...?


Thankyou Bioware for using common sense to bracket the warzones so ***-hats like the OP can't farm people in PvP.

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I agree that there shouldn't be a 50's only bracket but .. you HONESTLY think the ONLY reason a lv 10 might die to a lv 50 is that the lv 10 sucks and was outplayed? Has nothing to do with skills and abilities they don't have yet, right?


This may have been addressed in the 5 or so pages I didn't read, but I felt like throwing my 2c in there.




If you're going to add a 50's bracket, don't make it so 50's HAVE to queue for it.

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On top of the expertise gear, you have the ability of L50s to more easily get level appropriate purple gear.


Most levelers are in semi-level appropriate blues and greens. If they keep their gear up to date, they will have (with bolster) about 13k hp and do comparable damage to a fresh 50 in blues and greens. Considering how fast leveling occurs it is usually too much hassle for people to keep current level purples for a sub L50. But, gearing up with purples is the entire point for most 50s. This leads to 50s having a gear level that isn't really attainable by non-50s, ie 50 tanks having 19k health.


In short, low level players have several disadvantages:


1. Less than max skill points

2. Very little expertise on gear

3. Limited access to purples... that would be out-leveled shortly and thus not scale as well w/ bolster


I know.... some level 50s just love to roflstomp lowbies. But, you can get through this. It will be alright. Just learn how to play the game well and beat people on a level playing field. Sure, I giggle when I take a lowbie from 100 to 0 in a few globals. And, I usually find lowbies "annoying" when they attack me rather than "threatening". But, it isn't CHALLENGING. If owning low-level players is what you want, go camp the questing areas on Tat or Alderaan. I'm sure that will give you the affirmation you so desperately need.


OP: Mom, look! I defeated an enemy player who was 20 levels under me!

OP's Mom: Oh, could you print out that screenshot for Mommy, so I can stick it on the fridge?

OP: I'll do that right after I take a nap in my blanket fort. Killing lowbies is hard work!


PS: I am a 50 who wants brackets.

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People who are slow levelers and are sub-50: you aren't dying to people who are 50 because they're 50 on the enemy team, you're dying because you're being outplayed skill-wise, focus-fired, etc. and the enemies are better-organized than your team. You'll see shortly once the patch hits and you're still getting owned :(, meanwhile us 50's will be screwed out of being able to play much if any PVP content (60+ minute warzone pops if we're lucky) until more of the populace catches up. /sigh forum whiners somehow successfully misguide a company yet again!


when 5 peeps are pounding on one geared 50 and he's taking no damage and no healers around him THATS NOT SKILL FOCUS or ETC. Stop perpetuating the lie, u basement dwelling slugs want no challenge or competition u just want to one shot everything on your way to the best gear so you can harass and hold back others from getting said gear. You weasels are now moving in packs ruining games in 2 weeks, grats.

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People who are slow levelers and are sub-50: you aren't dying to people who are 50 because they're 50 on the enemy team, you're dying because you're being outplayed skill-wise, focus-fired, etc. and the enemies are better-organized than your team. You'll see shortly once the patch hits and you're still getting owned :(, meanwhile us 50's will be screwed out of being able to play much if any PVP content (60+ minute warzone pops if we're lucky) until more of the populace catches up. /sigh forum whiners somehow successfully misguide a company yet again!


I don't understand why this is such a debate with people. Expertise makes you tough as ****...and if you are level 50, you have a full range of all your skills which DUH MAKES YOU MORE POWERFUL THEN YOUR OPPONENT.


GRANTED.... OF COURSE I can effectively PVP at any level range and even fight a 50 and come out on top under the right circumstances and overcome those odds. I do it regularly and have enjoyed my PVP experience thus far. But I am still OVERCOMING a DISADVANTAGE...


The fact is if you are level 50 you have a huge advantage. Brackets really only hurt players who cannot win on a more even playing field... It is really that black and white.


The bolster system is not completely terrible. Just flawed.

Edited by KurleyKilla
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the bracket was nessesary, and there's no doubt about it, but until BW doesn't fix the animations disadvantages for one of the factions, you will discover that there was no too much difference, I'm starting a waiting time for this to happen, meaning i'm going to lvl up other chatracters because PVP is total unbalanced, and there's not enough endgame content at this moment.
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People who are slow levelers and are sub-50: you aren't dying to people who are 50 because they're 50 on the enemy team, you're dying because you're being outplayed skill-wise, focus-fired, etc. and the enemies are better-organized than your team. You'll see shortly once the patch hits and you're still getting owned :(, meanwhile us 50's will be screwed out of being able to play much if any PVP content (60+ minute warzone pops if we're lucky) until more of the populace catches up. /sigh forum whiners somehow successfully misguide a company yet again!


You know nothing about expertise and gear benefits at top level- you clearly aren't a 50 and thus shouldn't be making posts.


Also, there's enough 50 pvpers right now to have their own brackets, if they decide they want to play fair games.


Of course, I imagine once the patch comes out and they realize they can't one shot lowbies endlessly, there will be queues because it's not EZ mode any more.

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