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I hate all the Consular Companions


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I don't get the "mostrous Qyzen". To me he seems like a hunter with a heart of a paladin. He almost never likes the dark side choices, and seems to honor bravery as the highest dignity. Sometimes consular should be harsh to appeal to him, but never evil.
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If it's any consolation, the vast majority of companions in this game suck. Off the top of my head, the only Companions I've enjoyed are:


1) Scorpio - Only because as an Imperial Agent forced to use Kaliyo for over half your levels, then when you think 'omg, I'm finally going to get a new Companion while almost every other class has 3-4 by now', you get the worst Companion ever in Vector, so by the time you get Scorpio, she's like that cliched bottle of pond scum you deliriously praise after having stumbled through the Sahara for a week.

2) Elara Dorne - Her voice. Imperial is just intrinsically better than Republic, and Elara Dorne is, by virtue of her voice, the best thing the Republic has.

3)...yea, there is no #3.


The rest of the Companions in this game fall about half and half into two camps: meh, and 'I want to reach through my screen and *****slap you'. And, yes, the JC Companions all fall squarely in the latter category for me.


It's even worse when you end up inevitably using the same Companion based on their role, rather than their personality, effectively making many of us use Companions we hate.

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I find it a shame that the class mechanics I like the best so far (Shadow tank) has the companions I feel the least "love" for.


Don't get me wrong, I can actually enjoy Tharan (I do like his cocky mentality) but for the others I just can't have anything else but that "We're stuck with each other, so we'll make the best of it" feeling.


Then I jump to my Guardian and it's the other way around, I like my companions (yes T7 makes me chuckle, sue me :p), yet i just can't play like a Duracell bunny, hopping from one enemy to another.


Nonetheless, I'm keen to see what they have in store for us in the future regarding our companions and the story our characters go through.

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You sound as if you are defending a personal choice you have made or trying to justify the horrible actions of someone that you love. I would suggest to you that you re-evaluate your relationships with these individuals as they do not respect women, neither do they appreciate them. Quite the opposite, in fact.


My friendships with these people are based on common interests, mutual support, and a mutual appreciation for each other's work, rather than on their dating behavior. Obviously, you have every right to employ different criteria, but I would appreciate it if you afforded me the same courtesy.


I also take issue with considering serial dating as "horrible actions." Many people, of both genders, choose to engage in it, and it is not our place to judge their behavior as "horrible" when things like violence, discrimination, genocide, etc. happen in this world. I guess it depends on where your priorities lie.


Their reasons for doing it vary wildly and aren't always centered on a lack of respect and appreciation for the gender they pursue. These reasons can include egocentrism, perfectionism, a lack of realism as to what can be expected from a person or a relationship, fear of intimacy and commitment, desperation to prove certain things, etc. I am not saying that these reasons are healthy or that some people shouldn't get therapy, but generalizing and saying that this kind of behavior is rooted in misogyny is an oversimplification.


It also does not mean that these people are incapable of maintaining friendships or that their friends/families should abandon them.


Next, I don't think we need to infantilize women by depicting them as victims in situations which don't involve coercion/violence or lying/cheating. Adults are responsible for themselves and for the choices they make, and making oneself prematurely available to someone you don't know very well can be a poor decision, especially when you have no proof that they will be equally available to you. That's a delicate way of saying that if you don't value yourself as a shimmersilk purse, others won't either, and you can't solely blame them for it.


In any case, my point was that people like Tharan Cedrax are not necessarily evil to the core and that it is possible for a woman to be friends with them, as is the case with our Jedi. Obviously, I don't expect everyone to agree, but I wanted to show a different perspective.

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Qyzen - he is all about old world honor (not chivalry, talking the true meanign of honor here which is not the romantic image westerners have twisted and distorted it into). If you say you will do something, do it...don't change your mind and waffle in the end (which is what a quarter of the lightside options have you doing). People that can save themselves should do so (plenty of the people your lightside option is to rescue them, they save themselves anyway if you don't). Truly strong enemies need to be killed, you can't have them come back to try and kill you (you also cannot "save" everyone, the Jedi on Nar Shadaa is actually proof of this if you choose the LS option, in the 3rd chapter you will get mail saying he kille dpeople and broke out of the temple).


Theran - the science guy. A great companion that has his faults. Yes, he hates "Jedi-speak" and especially hates the jedi mind trick. As a matter of fact, every single time the JC has the option to use mind trick, you can also talk your way out of it without it. Theran is all about intelligence, only a fool need the mind trick...the truly intelligent can just talk their way out. The reason he doesn't like Jedi-speak is nearly every time you can use it...the person could use much more practical advise and you basically just give them crap advise. He expects you to actually HELP them not to just spout mumbo-jumbo. He is also a typical lab rat in a way, so voluntarily putting yourself...and him...into danger is naturally not going to make him happy when the mission is basically described as a "suicide mission". To the women that don't like his flirting and such...lighten up will you? Theran is literally harmlessly flirting and once more you should know it, he only loves Holiday and if you actually use him you find that out pretty quick.


Zenith - the terrorist. All about freedom, never leaving a man behind, and killing imperials. That is him in a nutshell. He will hate anything that has you being even the slightest bit pleasent to imps, and utterly despize any decision you make that forgives one. He is all about rescuing people from captivity...unless it is imps. Despite all of this he is like your bodyguard, watches your back and assumes the worst of everyone. Women wanting to romance him are being stereotypical really, he is the mis-understood dark guy you can try and show the light to. He really is just a soldier that is quicker on the trigger and full of mistrust in others. You can earn his trust (as can the rest of the crew) but it doesn't change him any (though I found the higher his affection the more forgiving he is on things he doesn't like).


Iresso - he is literally the perfect Republic soldier. Believes in the cause and is really just laid back. Anything pro-republic he is all over. He actually get's along with Qyzen (no one else in your ship really likes Qyzen very much) and his easy-going nature shows itself constantly. As for the "whining about his memory" I have heard from a few people...going to assume none of you have ever blacked out, had a cuncussion, or had amnesia. Anyone that has ever suffered from any of those things (cuncussions cause short term memory loss in the best cases and can cause long term memories to become lost) will kind of obsess over that lost memory for awhile. His grumbling is expected. Out in the field he has humor and is just laid back rollign with whatever happens, very much your bud.


Nadia - the innocent. It sums her up best. She has a hero worship in the PC (if your LS) and has watched you this whole time. She is all about doing the right thing, though she has a hard time not wanting to do the imperials some serious damage despite the consequences (correlia transit system, she wants to use the device on the train to kill the imps despite the fact it would kill civilians). Perhaps it is me, but I don't hear the psudo-erotic part of her voice when she says "it hurts"...she sounds like she whines when she says it and that is it. She is dutiful, as all padawan are expected to be, and is rather protective/worries over you if your a male.

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Walking around with Khem Val you feel feared and even respected. Walking around with Qyzen I feel like I found someone's drooling child at a fair and need to find his mom. His personality is interesting so far (only level 12), but the way he *looks* is awful. I was surprised when I only got gear for him before leaving Tython and no character customizations.


I do not like the Sith Assassin spam lightning at all, but idk if I can handle these companions! The one female romance option I have sill be the same class as me, which I'm not a big fan of either!


i umm found some heavy armor chest that i think was for a jedi knight..and put it on Qyzen....the hood made some of his head stick out kinda like horns (being the armor i dont think was made for his model) my friend kept asing what he was and i was like thats the lizzard dude ..i ended up finding better heavy but i thought the hooded top was funny on him

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Er...yes we do. I would suggest you take a moment to look it up.


He's pretty much the definition of it: uses women, leads them on, fears them, objectifies them, sees them only as a vessel for his sexual release, etc., etc. I wouldn't hesitate to suggest that he is angry at the power that women have, and fearful of it. This is presented by hateful behaviour and disrespectful dialogue.


I ask again, when and where? I have seen nothing of the sort.

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Add another Shadow tank that can not stand the consular companions to the list.



And while I'm at it here's another question: why the heck does every class get 4 male/non-gender specific companions and ONE female. Damn Bioware, how about a little equality?



*Edit: My bad. Just noticed the Sith Warrior and Imperial Agent both get 2 female companions. /rude

Edited by Arigo
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Add another Shadow tank that can not stand the consular companions to the list.



And while I'm at it here's another question: why the heck does every class get 4 male/non-gender specific companions and ONE female. Damn Bioware, how about a little equality?



*Edit: My bad. Just noticed the Sith Warrior and Imperial Agent both get 2 female companions. /rude


Smuggler gets 2 ladies too... if you consider a Female Darth Maul - look Mandalorian with a techstaff a lady (has a lovely voice though).

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Clearly the title was designed to attract attention. However, I value your opinions on our companion characters. I hope that someone can point out endearing characteristics about them that would show me the light, so to speak, so I don't continue to find them all too annoying.


Me: level 50 Pure Healer spec, maxed light side (the entire way through) (female gamer and toon)



I have to ask, have you completed the story for all of the companions? Because your descriptions of the companions read more like bios the game provides. If you haven't then your judging a book by it's cover.


I'm 8k or so out of the 10 affection with Qyzen(sp?) and all others maxed affection and I personally thought the companions for the consular are pretty good fit, considering consular story.


The mention of other classes companions and in case of Mako (bounty hunter companion) speech interaction. Small stuff like that makes the game seem a little bigger.


Zenith is more of a patriot than a rogue. The Lt. is a grunt who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and has had bad luck ever since, but tbh story seems unfinished. Tharan is Bill Nighy the future science guy and i would think classier than larry. Nadia sees her dad die and then kills the guy who did it, she's anything but innocent. I took her behavior as she wants authority figure to pay attention to her since dad gone master fills that role. Qyzen is an adviser for consular lived beyond age of most trandoshans hunts all these crazy beast. If preparing for war i would listen to a person like that for advise.




You mention Qyzen not liking your decisions, there is a tool tip window that tells you how affection works and that you shouldn't just think light and dark with your companions. For example: Tharan does not like ultra violence so he likes light side options that don't kill people, BUT he loves science/knowledge so likes the dark side option to save knowledge or tech instead of destroying it.


Edited: Tharan does NOT like ultra violence

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I love Nadia and Qyzen. I feel Zenith is a well written character, but his and my consular's opinions are pretty opposed. Iresso is just kinda there as the token black guy with zero personality. I hate Tharan. I wish I could kill him. I hate him more than I hate the ship droid. Almost as bad as Morrigan from DA:O.


I would tell you to **** of my mind, but I have more of a love/hate with Nadia. Couple her innocent wide eyed and bushy-tailed personality with the events preceding her joining you... and I 150% feel like a pedophile taking advantage of her, WITHOUT considering I'm seducing my student O.o However... that whole master/padawan thing going on is nice, and she is a good person. Side note... about Voss HOLY **** can you all but max out nadia on Voss if you try @.@ Other side note... What IS naughty about her dialogue is when you send her on a crafting mission and she goes "Let me show you what I can do" in a husky voice. The "It hurts!" is only fanboish if said fanboi was into hardcore masochism >.>


And only way I think Zenith could have been more well-written is if they put in a romance option to help break down his walls. @ the OP... hes NOT a moody teenager, hes the jaded french resistance fighter that has lost 10 friends too many to the evil oppressors. In fact if you remember, Kai (idealistic new president of Balmorra) renigs his promise of giving Zenith a government seat, and kicks him off the planet because "you learned a little too much from the sith you were fighting" / "When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back into you .... be careful when fighting monsters, lest you become one yourself" His years of desperately fighting the Imps, losing friends, being betrayed by the very citizens hes wanting desperately trying to protect (time and again he goes ******* around collaborators) ... have left him jaded. He has major trust issues due to literal betrayals and all that grief of dieing comrades. Its trauma that closed him off/made him gruff, not ******* hormones.


And about theran... what gets me the most is his over the top sleeze. He keeps trying to abuse your status as a respected/honorable figure to get him out of jams. He wants you to use your station to get debtors off his back... you tell him they'll let him buy his supplies if he just pays his tab and he goes crazy on you THAT'LL BANKRUPT ME/WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO PAY FOR ALL THIS BOOZE/DRUGS/STRIPPERS/GAMBLING!? RAWR /ejects from airlock About Holiday... you can have a conversation w/ her alone about whether Theran programmed her to love him. I figure he also tweaked her programming to his liking. So if shes comes off as a poor stereotype against women... look at it in that context.

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I would like to voice my loathing of Qyzen Fess and his horrid immoral "philosophy".


His body looks monstrous and scary; I would not want to be near him. His gear looks silly on him. A lizard sticking out of Trooper armor, with a marching baton for a weapon.


He sounds horrible, much like an ugnaught, that drones on.


His story is uninteresting. It boils down to "he is a hunter".


And worst of all his horrid, immoral philosophy. He kills things, sentient included, for magical "points". The more beings he kills, the more magical points he gets.


Is this a joke? A parody of serial killers? It sounds very similar to the real life Zodiac Killer's demented beliefs. Is it a self-parody of MMOs, killing things for experience points - mocking the customer base?


I hated it from the start. The dialogue scene (Spoiler) where he talks about hunting and killing *wookies* for his monstrous points really brings home: he is an insane serial killer. For magical points.


I loathe Fess to the point of considering writing the company about it. Whoever dreamed him up and thought he was a good idea should honestly consider a different line of work.


Thank you for reading.

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I loathe Fess to the point of considering writing the company about it. Whoever dreamed him up and thought he was a good idea should honestly consider a different line of work.


Ugh, read a book already. Start with the one where Bobba Fett survives and is hunter by trandoshan named Bossk. Or just read an article or something,like this: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Trandoshan


In comparison to most trandoshan, Fess is a saint.

Edited by Shadenuat
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I did this with Kira on my JK-G, but prefer the tank-healer set-up. No downtime is worth the longer battles, for me at least. :)


I agree. People make comparison that less downtime or quicker combat balance out, but I would much rather be in combat longer, using my abilities, than just regen'ing stock-still outside of combat.

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Ugh, read a book already. Start with the one where Bobba Fett survives and is hunter by trandoshan named Bossk. Or just read an article or something,like this: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Trandoshan


In comparison to most trandoshan, Fess is a saint.


Hello... I don't really know or care what other Trandoshan are like. Nor is the behavior of other ones relevant. After all, the greater crimes of other humans doesn't give you a moral blank check. So ugh yourself :)


His killing others for points is monstrous and makes him an awful companion, besides the other things that are wrong with him.


Maybe he would be good for a guaranteed evil character, if they could fix his look and sound.

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Hello... I don't really know or care what other Trandoshan are like. Nor is the behavior of other ones relevant. After all, the greater crimes of other humans doesn't give you a moral blank check. So ugh yourself :)


His killing others for points is monstrous and makes him an awful companion, besides the other things that are wrong with him.


Maybe he would be good for a guaranteed evil character, if they could fix his look and sound.


This whole game is about traipsing around the galaxy and killing guys who think differently than you...


You find Qyzen morally objectionable because he kills things for his goddess' favor. But he doesn't go around killing indiscriminantly. You say he's like a serial killer. If that's so, then he's like Dexter: a serial killer who focuses on killing other serial killers. He killed wookiees? Well, I'm sure some of them deserved it. Remember Zalbaar's brother? He had wookiee henchmen, not just human, Czerka Corp lackeys. And Qyzen's hooked up with you in order to redeem himself in the eyes of his goddess, which means he isn't killing anything right now that you aren't.

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This whole game is about traipsing around the galaxy and killing guys who think differently than you...


You find Qyzen morally objectionable because he kills things for his goddess' favor. But he doesn't go around killing indiscriminantly. You say he's like a serial killer. If that's so, then he's like Dexter: a serial killer who focuses on killing other serial killers. He killed wookiees? Well, I'm sure some of them deserved it. Remember Zalbaar's brother? He had wookiee henchmen, not just human, Czerka Corp lackeys. And Qyzen's hooked up with you in order to redeem himself in the eyes of his goddess, which means he isn't killing anything right now that you aren't.


For me the game was about playing a Jedi in the Star Wars world. ( Or a smuggler or trooper.) Definitely not running around killing people. I do see the similarity you are talking about though, because of the nature of MMOs. That's why I mentioned wondering if he was a parody.


(If it matters, I choose not to kill people when given the choice in dialogues. But I don't think it does.)


Yes, I still find him very objectionable, and the killing people for points thing awful. I would never associate with such a person. I would like to turn him in to the Republic or something.


It seems really clear cut to me. And he was a big disincentive to playing my Counselor for me. But that's just my opinion. If you like him that is cool.


Take care

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Hello... I don't really know or care what other Trandoshan are like.


And that is why Consular's story, and Qyzen story both, are completely lost to you. If you don't care about understanding other species and if you judge aliens from dry human morale point of view, you are not in a role of playing interstellar diplomat and mediator.


Nor is the behavior of other ones relevant.


The irony. If you would carry Fess around a lot and try and gain a lot of affection with him, you would see that he is against judging one person for behavior of whole species that person belongs to.

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And only way I think Zenith could have been more well-written is if they put in a romance option to help break down his walls. @ the OP... hes NOT a moody teenager, hes the jaded french resistance fighter that has lost 10 friends too many to the evil oppressors. In fact if you remember, Kai (idealistic new president of Balmorra) renigs his promise of giving Zenith a government seat, and kicks him off the planet because "you learned a little too much from the sith you were fighting" / "When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back into you .... be careful when fighting monsters, lest you become one yourself" His years of desperately fighting the Imps, losing friends, being betrayed by the very citizens hes wanting desperately trying to protect (time and again he goes ******* around collaborators) ... have left him jaded. He has major trust issues due to literal betrayals and all that grief of dieing comrades. Its trauma that closed him off/made him gruff, not ******* hormones.



This! A million times this! Especially the sentence in bold...


Zenith is actually my favourite companion period, why do I like him so much? I was talking to a friend about it last night, I like him that much because he treats me as an equal not some highly revered Jedi Master like the other sad cases on my ship, I don't like that, or play like that, he feels far more real than any of the others. Let me romance him, break down his walls and my TOR life will be complete!

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This! A million times this! Especially the sentence in bold...


Zenith is actually my favourite companion period, why do I like him so much? I was talking to a friend about it last night, I like him that much because he treats me as an equal not some highly revered Jedi Master like the other sad cases on my ship, I don't like that, or play like that, he feels far more real than any of the others. Let me romance him, break down his walls and my TOR life will be complete!


I haven't gotten more then the first but just from what I have read on all the companions I also totallllly agree with this. I can so see Zenith being my fav....and would so eat the dark points to Romance him.


BioWare are you reading? Seems most of us female players all want to romance Zenith. So make it so.

Edited by LadyStarlea
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I haven't read anything besides the last page, but yeah, I felt more...I don't know, something with Zenith than any other male (though me and Tharan have had our fun). I liked getting to know him although I'm not finished. I wish he had been the female romance option instead of Iresso, who is a sweetie, but rather boring.


You know how us girls like saving our broody friends from themselves with love and compassion :D Or joining in and having a dark, sexy romance... <3

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I am also a Zenith fan and very disappointed that he is not the romance option for my sage. I am going to opt out of that path due to Felix being so bland. I just don't feel any pull towards his character used him once last night and was like nah back to Zenith. I tend to swap him out for Qyzen when I need someone who can truly hold aggro off me but other then that Zenith to me is better to run around with.


I don't hate on Thran though I just don't take him seriously, when he flirted with me on Nar shadda I just took it in stride, when he invited himself and his pink wonder into my life and onto my ship I took it in stride as well. I doubt i'll get romantic with him because the few times I ran with him and have him talking about being a pacifist put me off completely.


Wish I had a mute for that ship droid every time I walk by him he yabbers at me. I have taken to jumping over the rail to get off my ship just so I don't have to hear him speak.


I really like playing my Consular though and have been enjoying the story so far guess i'll just be a celibate Jedi Master though cause my options are very lack luster.

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