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  1. The recruitment topic has been posted, the guild website and forums are all set up. Temple Watch is live! http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=5620875#post5620875
  2. What was originally pitched as an idea became a guild. Temple Watch is a Republic guild, based on one simple principle: to promote social interaction between our members and the playerbase. Our primary goal is to offer a friendly and helpful environment for both shy and new players. Through our division system we try to offer each guild member as a wide and diverse range of activities and events as is currently possible. This recruitment post is intentionally cut to a bare minimum, because let's be honest, who likes to read entire walls of text? If you are interested in joining we would like to forward you to our guild website: http://templewatch.enjin.com To make sure your choice is the right one, take a peek at our rules, mission statement and guild structure stickies on our forum. If you have any questions you'd rather pose in person, just whisper one of the officers ingame for a quick chat. Zi'ack - Dal'trey - Skruffy All are more than happy to give the information you may need concerning the guild. All at Temple Watch are looking forward to see you joining us and becoming a part of what will hopefully become a vibrant community! Kind regards, Dal'trey Fleming Officer Temple Watch Recruitment Centre
  3. For those trying to contact me please note that it's Dal'trey instead of the above mentioned name . We are in the process of building a website with all the bits and bobs required, alongside that we are writing down rules, guildelines and mission statements to what we want to accomplish with the guild. As soon as all that is in order you will find us recruiting both on the website and ingame (we promise not to spam!)
  4. Tried to stay online as long as possible last night but had a massive headache, hence I didn't make it. Besides I believe that was 10.30 GMT? It's a tad too late for me as I'm in CET and my alarm clock goes off at 5.00 in the morning .
  5. More than happy to join you peeps. Sad to say that ever since I started mmo's I played as a tank, I can't help it, I just am a sucker for getting hit in the face I suppose . However, ever since the dungeon tool came out in world of warcraft something "broke" inside me (due to the mentality change and a whole bunch of stuff I hardly need to explain to those who pug) which made me decide to only tank for guild groups or people on my friendslist, something I still hold onto. I just don't like tanking for a bunch of strangers no more. Currently after a few months hiatus I took a subscription again and started a fresh character, at the moment I'm a lvl 20 Jedi Guardian who's more than willing to tank for you peeps in flashpoints and who knows, maybe operations in the future. I do admit that I am someone who likes a good laugh both in guild chat and group chat, so patient and laidback runs are my favourite. I simply don't care how long a run takes, as long as people in the group have fun. So if you need more players, I'm more than up for it . Give me a shout when I'm online tonight for sure! Dal'trey , lvl 20 Guardian.
  6. I find it a shame that the class mechanics I like the best so far (Shadow tank) has the companions I feel the least "love" for. Don't get me wrong, I can actually enjoy Tharan (I do like his cocky mentality) but for the others I just can't have anything else but that "We're stuck with each other, so we'll make the best of it" feeling. Then I jump to my Guardian and it's the other way around, I like my companions (yes T7 makes me chuckle, sue me ), yet i just can't play like a Duracell bunny, hopping from one enemy to another. Nonetheless, I'm keen to see what they have in store for us in the future regarding our companions and the story our characters go through.
  7. Don't change a thing, me and Tharan are a killer combo . Besides I like his snarky "Pacifist" comment, not to mention a man having a completely hot sentient hologram as his sidekick? Win!
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