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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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The forums told me that I should unsubscribe and that having fun with this game is a trait which only a dastardly thing called biodrone possesses. As this logic unfolded to me I made my decision:


I will keep my subscription. Reason: Spite.


Anyways, I got nothing else to play right now, the game market sucks as a whole. Might as well pick the most entertaining thing right now until perhaps something else pops up. No really, I am still having fun.

Edited by ArmchairMagpie
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It's 7pm GMT +1, primetime and all the EU servers have a population of Light or Standard.




I play on a EU PVP server but am in the US (friends are EU). The population last night around 11pm pacific-- no one on Alderaan, 12 people on the fleet, etc.)--got me wondering about a US server. Logged into a US RP PVE-- loads of people on, even in starter planets.


It's all about time and day, you know?


As to the original question, yes I am keeping my subscription! :) Having a blast with the game. Have been playing since December. A few server changes and starting over slowed me down, but am in no rush to get to 50 so it's all good. My main is level 36. When she hits 50, there are a few alts I want to play. I'm hopeful that within a year they'll have added new content.

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I want fun, repeatable content. Something to aim for. Guild functions other than acting as a secondary friend list. Player customization.


Some may say I demand a lot but those are all basic things that most MMOs feature at launch.


In less than two weeks and without rushing I went from being a total noob to



saving the entire galaxy with both Darth Malgus and the Emperor defeated



Sure, BW will introduce more chapters but they will be brand new. I have nothing to aim for or achieve. Guilds have no function in this game, so much for the MMO in MMORPG. And the player customizaation is severely lacking.


I still can't believe SWTOR launched with the current features. Or lack of. I would go back to Aion in a heartbeat now that it's F2P if it wasn't for the fact that Gameforge are even more useless than NCsoft. Perhaps in a couple of days when they get their s*** together.

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Your point being? A MMO as new as SWTOR should have heavy server populations be it weekdays or weekend. Since when is primetime considered weekends only?


Heck, there are tiny F2P MMOs out there with a total population of 1000 players that have more population activity during the night than most SWTOR servers....


But fair enough, feel free to check the server population during next weekend, I did last weekend, servers were far from full...


Lots of MMOs are like this dude. Even WoW was. >.>

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i think if ppl played anything as much as they play mmos they'd get bored of those things too.


i think most ppl play a moderate amount and thus prolong that meh feeling.


and i think that the devs did a great job of giving these moderate players plenty to do for a very long time.


of course bw would like to please and thus keep everyone and theyve done a lot to that end. but as they said (and so many other mmos have said) they wanted to focus on the largest player base. and that base is eating up this game and loving it.


you'll make more money and make more ppl happy selling civics instead of ferraris. (and yet theyve let ppl sorta try out ferraris.)

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions


Why does this stupid question keep getting asked on a weekly basis? Who really cares if other people are going to keep their subs???


If YOU like the game, then YOU can continue to play. You don't need to look at others peoples reasons to keep playing, ffs.

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Will I keep my sub?

Yes. On a 3 month plan, and have no plans on canx any time soon.




Because I did not rush to end game and OMGIHaveToHaveAllTHePurplesInTheGame.


Your kind of attitude really peeves me bc its not at all true for a lot of people who are 50. The fact of the matter is, this game is very care bear.

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Why does this stupid question keep getting asked on a weekly basis? Who really cares if other people are going to keep their subs???


If YOU like the game, then YOU can continue to play. You don't need to look at others peoples reasons to keep playing, ffs.


Its being asked bc its actually pretty important to know at this stage of the game. The next couple months will be very crucial for TOR. A lot of people are unhappy with this game for many many different reasons. If BW doesn't pick up their game hard and quick then I'm afraid this game might fall to the wayside.

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Lots of MMOs are like this dude. WoW was. >.>


Not major AAA MMOs, not so soon after release. Please get that through your head. An hour later and 4 servers aside we're still looking at Light and Standard server populations. During primetime.



Standard <-- Current server population state of SWTOR two months after release



Very Heavy



Not very promising, is it?

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Am I keeping my subscription: Yes


Why: Because this game is awesome. Yes it has some problems, but it is still new. I have played launches for over a dozen MMOs and this is by far the best, most stable, game at launch. I remember back at WoW launch when there were weekly rollbacks and times were servers were down for days at a time. Neither of those have happened in this game. I also remember back to WoW at launch when there were NO raids, those came later. These forums are full of the QQ of the minority. For the majority of us, we are loving one of the best games to ever come out.


Lets see, since launch, my guild has lost 4 members. One because he has a stiffy for WoW and one of the first things he did was turned off voice chat, speeding through quests as fast as he could. He got burnt out in a few days. Another is someone that has sworn off MMOs, but he tired this one anyway. He got to 35 before he remembered that he didn't like MMOs anymore. The other 2 raced to 50 then got bored and quit when we did not yet have enough 50s to raid.


Now, since launch we have also gained nearly a dozen members, we have now been raiding for a few weeks and we are all loving it.


Conclusion: If your only concern if blowing through content as fast as you can, I do not think this game is for you. On the other hand, if you enjoy playing with friends, and playing a great game, then this is the game for you.


Bioware cannot please everyone. When given the choice to please the 5% of hard-core players (that burn through end game content) or the 65% of semi-casual players (that participate in endgame content but do not burn right to it or through it) (the other 30% are super-casuals that will probably never raid or do end game PvP), it is smart for Bioware to cater to the semi-casuals, not the hard-core minority. The only problem with this logic is that even though only 5% of players are actually hard-core, about 50% of players THINK they are or want to be hard-core. To those players I say, you are only screwing yourself. If Bioware gives you what you want, you are not going to be able to complete it, and then will quit because it is too hard (this is what happened to Rift). It is like a chicken voting KFC as the best restaurant.

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I closed my sub, took some time off. Gave them 15 more dollars today, closed my sub again right away. Why? Well, I have no other games to play, and it should be a good time filler to level that inquisitor. Maybe I can stomach the planets again.


However, I doubt I'll be staying once GW2 comes out. It just gives me more of what I personally like. End of story really. (END OF RINE!)


Really, 15 bucks isn't much at all. But, I still don't really like SWTOR all that much.

Edited by VenthiosLestaran
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The rate and quality of content added isn't enough to keep me playing. Rise of the Rakghouls was such a pitiful failure of a major content patch. 1.2 is at least 3 weeks away, and there is absolutely nothing I haven't completed over and over in this game.


Here's a tip, should you actually bother to act on good feedback: Don't screw up your rated warzone system, and add a 4v4 arena system ASAP. The argument that world pvp would die if such a thing was added no longer applies to TOR, because its obvious that TOR is a collection of instances separated by several loading screens apiece.





14 of the people I've personally played with since launch have all quit for the same reasons I now have.

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BW already decided to kill Ilum in 1.2 by having Warzone efforts count towards your daily and weekly quests anyway, lol.


So yeah, what the guy about me said. Feel free to add FFA Warzones too, that could be fun. At least for future players, I'm going back to Aion now that it's gone F2P as soon as Gameforge get their act together. Until GW2 is out, that is.


I logged in today for the first time in days and couldn't get myself to finish the Warzone, that's how bored I am with SWTOR. It took less than two weeks without rushing to hit endgame. Most of my friends have already moved on. And while BW had the chance to improve things and say, bring other crew skills up to par with Biochem or certain classes up to other classes and make things fun, they decided to just half-arse it and nerf the s*** out of everything instead. Not wise.


Fact: Players don't like it when you nerf the s*** out of everything. And I'm not QQing, my Sentinel is OP, even without Biochem.

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I'm sitting at level 25 with little to no interest in developing my character further.


My crafted gear is as generic and useless as the next guys. Automatic companion quests and recipes learned, as expected, offer no sense of accomplishment or attachment.


There’s nothing ‘unique’ about my leveling experience and there’s little option to vary from the narrow tunnel the game’s pushing me down.


While people hate the comparison, in WoW, you at least had the choice between two different leveling area’s for any given level range.


That choice and those areas defined my characters.


Current subscriber but seeing as the only interest I’ve had in game in the past two weeks has been to sign into the forums, I doubt for long.

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Yes, because I am not burned out. I took last month off while waiting for improvements, came back and found that playing an hour or two a day when I'm bored keeps me interested but not overly burdened by the game's detractions. When 1.2 hits, I hope that I will find even more reason to play.



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I have not burnt myself out. Been enjoying all of the classes stories. And I see good changes coming up in the near future.


The first 6 months (estimated) is always rough for a new MMO. I expected it to be a rocky start. I expected there to be faction imbalances, bugs, and glitches. Knowing this I still partook in its launch and dont have any regrets.


Yes, there are features of the game that frustrate me like the current PVP system and resolve bar. But those I can do without until it gets tweaked later on. I expect this game to keep me entertained for the next 5+ years honestly.

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I will play until GW2 or The Secret World, then I'm out.

Hate to say it, as I am (or was) a big Bioware/Kotor/Star Wars fan.. but this game was released unfinished by a greedy developer who knew players would pay to play it even if it was bad.

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I have a level 50 Trooper Vanguard in full Rakata tanking gear, as well as a full set of Rakata DPS gear. I am not the type of person to play Alts. I would rather have my eyeballs skewered with Bamboo than roll through the same quests and planets a second time. With that being said, there really isn't anything more my toon can do. I am leaning towards dropping my Sub for the following reasons:


Ilum is a joke. Players are now trading kills for valor and the weekly. BW continues to try and "fix" Ilum, but to no avail. The other PvP battlegrounds are enjoyable, but with only 3 maps they are getting old.


End game Operations are lacking size and depth. Would be nice if trash dropped some loot or creds. The operations themselves are too easy and too buggy.


End game crafting is pointless. All the best items come from Daily Comms and Hard Mode Operations. The only useful profession (Biochem) continues to be nerfed, making it almost as useless as all the others.


After having followed this game for 3 years, it is seriously disappointing to be saying these things about SWTOR only after 3 months. If patch 1.2 doesn't make significant improvements to the game, I'm out.

Edited by Bashanator
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This was posted in January please stop bumping it

Unless its gona get renamed question of the year



I don't care if it was posted in 1976 at the Atari Convention in Zimbabwe ... if I want to post in a thread on some forum, I will.


Unless you're willing to pay me in cash for me not to post. :)

Lets talk turkey, shall we?

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