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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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That fact that fanbois come to the staunch defence of any criticism towards this game without even a tiny bit of constructive feedback proves that this game will only be funded by exactly that......... FANBOIS!!


once again i say this game had the potential to be amazing and somehow BW managed to screw it up.


Amazing story driven quests..... but that's all it has.

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I plan to play for a few months still. finish out some of the class stories I really want to see, run the new stuff they release in the content patches and such.


But if in say 2 months the game is still in the state it is now (horrible end game bugs not getting fixed, failure of BW to enforce their own policies regarding inappropriate player behavior, all end game bosses being DPS spams, etc.) then I will be quitting and probably not coming back even months down the road.

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Yes, I'll be sticking around. I know the forum community likes to bag on BW for what may seem like a long time between bug fixes ect ect.. But from what I've seen, read and experienced, a game with this much potential right out of the gate can only get better, heck I took a few weeks off after launch to focus on school work and so on, came back and my biggest gripe with the game was for the most part corrected(Very bad ability delay).


I think we'll see many more improvements over a short time while they also work to correct and fix any bugs or exploits/hacks in the case of PvP, while focusing more and more on delivering a better and engaging endgame experience. Remember the game launched just months ago, we've got alot ahead of us as players I would suspect.

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That fact that fanbois come to the staunch defence of any criticism towards this game without even a tiny bit of constructive feedback proves that this game will only be funded by exactly that......... FANBOIS!!


once again i say this game had the potential to be amazing and somehow BW managed to screw it up.


Amazing story driven quests..... but that's all it has.


Proof? The act (even if wide spread) doe not prove the other assumption. Just saying. From one of the people who really enjoys the game a lot but knows there are problems with different aspects to varying degrees.


On a side note, what is with the "fanboi" spelling? Are they all French? Just subing an "i" for a "y" for kicks? Did i miss something?

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That fact that fanbois come to the staunch defence of any criticism towards this game without even a tiny bit of constructive feedback proves that this game will only be funded by exactly that......... FANBOIS!!


once again i say this game had the potential to be amazing and somehow BW managed to screw it up.


Amazing story driven quests..... but that's all it has.

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  • 2 weeks later...
this is a great question. My time card ends middle of march I believe so I have a few weeks to figure it out but as of right now I'd have to say no im not sticking around. I barely play anymore I have a merc at 50 and just can't get into it. I tried alts got a few to 20 one to 35 but I just can't enjoy it. I'm sad in a way but for some reason I can't get into this game any longer. I want to hang around for the sole purpose of my guild but idk if I want to pay 15 per month or another 30 for 2 months just for a chat when I can still log on vent and shoot the poo with them. Edited by Fawlan
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As of now, my subscription stays until Diablo 3.


BioWare needs to make improvements or else they will loose my sub as well. I am giving my serious patience knowing this is a new game.


I can't wait for the QQing and ragequit posts in THAT forum haha. Blizz is already telling people to tone down their expectations. Gee...wonder why that might be?

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Everyone who is complaining about this game being boring at max level.. Do you not do anything other than game?


Get a job or something seriously. 3 weeks into a new game and you have already got max level and maxed out the pvp gear.


No wonder it's boring for you.




It's so wildly stupid how people look at this game as a competition. It's like someone is giving you a bowl with every fruit in the world and you only eat a single grape as fast as you can. Learn how to not rush it, enjoy it and everything it has to offer.


I should be poet some day... :csw_jabbapet:

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People running out of stuff to do after the first 2 weeks due to playing the game like there's no tomorrow is common in most MMOs that have come out since WoW.


I remember this being the case in Age of Conan as well, which I bought from day 1. I took my time, was around level 18 after 1 week, and there were already many people shouting "I've reached lvl 80 and have nothing to do, am sooo bored, this game sucks Funcom!" etc.


Granted, that game had its issues, mostly technical ones, but playing 18 hours a day then complaining that you ran out of stuff to do is quite retarded to be honest.


As far as SWTOR is concerned...I already reached level 50 on my main since early January, have reached BM rank, rolled 2 alts, and have already bought another 2-months game time. It may not be perfect, but I'm having LOTS of fun, and that's all that matters in the bottom line as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by KaL_InvictuS
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Just stopped it today. Had a 50 Pub and got to 46 on an Imp but the missions and story overlap was almost the same as the Pub side at the later levels. By the time I reached Voss on my Imp character it was like "ah man I've seen all this stuff already on my Pub. Same enemies and almost the same story just with a little twist."


No desire to run the same WZ's over and over or grind dailes. That's not worth a monthly sub to me so time for a break and I'll check back later.

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I have 3 lvl 50, my main in full rakata for PvE and battlemaster rank for PvE, and I'm not the one sayng "omg, there's nothing to do, I quit". I log in everyday and still find ways to enjoy the game with my guildies.

There's really nice changes coming with 1.1.5 followed by behemoth patch 1.2, and I'm sure this game will be better and better, so yeah I'm sticking with this game for long.

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Just stopped it today. Had a 50 Pub and got to 46 on an Imp but the missions and story overlap was almost the same as the Pub side at the later levels. By the time I reached Voss on my Imp character it was like "ah man I've seen all this stuff already on my Pub. Same enemies and almost the same story just with a little twist."


re-roll a alt is so stupid,

i feel so boring to re-leveling again.

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There's really nice changes coming with 1.1.5 followed by behemoth patch 1.2, and I'm sure this game will be better and better, so yeah I'm sticking with this game for long.


the UI is getting better,

but BW already do it right at v1.0,

then they change it to a ****,

now it is improved again,


bugs r still so many,

and more and more connection prob. appear.

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It's so wildly stupid how people look at this game as a competition. It's like someone is giving you a bowl with every fruit in the world and you only eat a single grape as fast as you can. Learn how to not rush it, enjoy it and everything it has to offer.


I should be poet some day... :csw_jabbapet:


What are you smoking, the game has been out 2 months. I don't see how you people can say that isn't enough time for a person to reach max level. Even casual players doing at most an hour a day have done that. How long exactly do you people think it should take to reach level 50? 2 months isn't enough, so maybe let's shoot for 4? No, because guess what would happen. Even at 4 months it would be the exact same thing.


Fanboys need to face it, once you reach level 50 there is only a very limited amount to do. The bulk of the game is pre 50. Now the problem there is that the bulk of the game is EXACTLY the same on an alt. I know this because I have multiple characters already there. Sure the story lines are great, but that's such a tiny portion of the content. The rest of it is all the same. Now if they had made it so that the story lines were the bulk of the content I could agree that rolling alts becomes really interesting.


Oh and bw go ahead and give me an infraction for this post because I really just don't give a damn anymore.

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What are you smoking, the game has been out 2 months. I don't see how you people can say that isn't enough time for a person to reach max level. Even casual players doing at most an hour a day have done that. How long exactly do you people think it should take to reach level 50? 2 months isn't enough, so maybe let's shoot for 4? No, because guess what would happen. Even at 4 months it would be the exact same thing.


Fanboys need to face it, once you reach level 50 there is only a very limited amount to do. The bulk of the game is pre 50. Now the problem there is that the bulk of the game is EXACTLY the same on an alt. I know this because I have multiple characters already there. Sure the story lines are great, but that's such a tiny portion of the content. The rest of it is all the same. Now if they had made it so that the story lines were the bulk of the content I could agree that rolling alts becomes really interesting.


Oh and bw go ahead and give me an infraction for this post because I really just don't give a damn anymore.


A man of truth finally. /agree

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What are you smoking, the game has been out 2 months. I don't see how you people can say that isn't enough time for a person to reach max level. Even casual players doing at most an hour a day have done that. How long exactly do you people think it should take to reach level 50? 2 months isn't enough, so maybe let's shoot for 4? No, because guess what would happen. Even at 4 months it would be the exact same thing.


Fanboys need to face it, once you reach level 50 there is only a very limited amount to do. The bulk of the game is pre 50. Now the problem there is that the bulk of the game is EXACTLY the same on an alt. I know this because I have multiple characters already there. Sure the story lines are great, but that's such a tiny portion of the content. The rest of it is all the same. Now if they had made it so that the story lines were the bulk of the content I could agree that rolling alts becomes really interesting.


Oh and bw go ahead and give me an infraction for this post because I really just don't give a damn anymore.


+1 Boom, nail on the head there

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