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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Definitely staying. I subbed for 6 months. It makes me laugh at the no-lifers who rushed through everything and are now whining, or those that expected a perfect game a launch. While those of us to whom patience is not a lost virtue enjoy the ride and watch the game get better, the Jersey Shore generation will move on to the next game to whine about. Good Riddance.


I'm just starting a period of 13 hour days with an internship plus a class plus a full-time job, so I won't get much time to play in the next few months, but I'll be rocking my Vanguard on the weekends. :D

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Def Will be subbing, and more friends of mine from other MMOs (WoW included) are still trickling over.


I have full confidence that Bioware will listen to the fanbase that sticks around after the month is up and start implementing fixes and improving the great framework they've already laid down.


Its sad that this forum community is so volatile that its crippling the usefulness of the forums to provide constructive feedback. Honestly, if there were less useless griping about non-issues and reposting of the SAME threads, Bioware might have a easier time prioritizing their patches towards more important issues.


I wouldnt be surprized if they stopped checking these kinds of post all together. I would if I were them. At least until all the trolls get bored.


Mods Close these useless Threads please!

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The funny thing about this kind of "argument" -The Peasants Way of Arguing, as I like to call it- is that you automatically invalidate every review by every critic ever.


You're essentially saying restaurant critics should keep their mouths shut unless they can cook the food they just ate themselves.


Xugos? Is that you?


I never said because your not a writer you cannot criticize tor did I?


I said write a story just as good.


I bet he cant.

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I bought the CE (Sucker born every minute) and a 60 day game card. Right now I am 50/50 on whether I will buy another time card. I am certainly not subbing. My highest level character is 28, but its really about the fact I feel alone out there. There needs to be a better group advertising system then yelling over general chat. Maybe there is, but I have yet to find it.


Perhaps I will find a guild and get into a regular player base, but for now I feel like I am soloing the entire game.

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Remember if you are posting saying you are staying..to insult everyone who isn't. Dismiss anyone with a complaint as wanting a perfect game, and use the word whine a bunch of times. Then call names to generic "trolls" and complain for a paragraph about the whiners.


Then tell us again about how great the community will be when it's just people like you left. Gonna be so pleasant.

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Remember if you are posting saying you are staying..to insult everyone who isn't. Dismiss anyone with a complaint as wanting a perfect game, and use the word whine a bunch of times. Then call names to generic "trolls" and complain for a paragraph about the whiners.


Then tell us again about how great the community will be when it's just people like you left. Gonna be so pleasant.


Die Scream, you were trolling on another Thread already. Seriously dude?

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Xugos? Is that you?


I never said because your not a writer you cannot criticize tor did I?


I said write a story just as good.


I bet he cant.


I can write better than anyone at BioWare but that is neither here nor there.


The story is poor on a multitude of levels. Anyone who has an appreciation for literature (I'm talking Dostoevsky here, not Stephanie Meyer) and for the craft of writing can see this.

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From the insulting punitive travel to the incredibly amateurish UI and lack of class balance I cannot see paying them for this tripe. Oh I know they will retain a lot of subs, people are desperate for a Star Wars MMO and will gladly accept this **** as many need their virtual companions to have a relationship they could never have in the real world.


What a disappointment this game was. It looked so awesome but let down by a development team clearly over their heads.

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I will be keeping it. I am still having a good time. This is most likely due to expecting most of what people are saying are their "issues" with the game. I fully expected a game more towards a single player with other people, and got just that. I fully expected the PVP to be...well laughable, but fun here and there (In my opinion MMORPG PVP will always be on the joke side, which has nothing to do with fun, but to be taken serious there would need to be a whole new system). I have yet to have any issues with hardware, running the game at max avg 60 FPS. I have rolled many characters, trying to decide what to play, enjoying the story and all that. I even bought the Collectors edition and am glad I did. Sure, this game has it's issues, and bugs, and all that but I've been playing MMORPG's long enough to be able to cope until they are fixed or they finally get to me, crazy I know but sometimes I even laugh when they happen. What really matters is that, I am having fun. Edited by Domoto
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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions


Cancelled for this exact reason. This is not an original game. Once you reach 50 it is a complete WoW gear grind clone. No VO, no nothing. stand in the fleet and do dailies. Sad.

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Nope. And here's a pro-tip for all those Star Wars fan boys who are wishing us good riddance:


Eating whatever garbage the devs pour out and claiming it's delicious is the reason WoW's quality has been headed downhill. And this game didn't have all the good will WoW had accumulated before Kotick took over Blizzard.

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Nope. And here's a pro-tip for all those Star Wars fan boys who are wishing us good riddance:


Eating whatever garbage the devs pour out and claiming it's delicious is the reason WoW's quality has been headed downhill. And this game didn't have all the good will WoW had accumulated before Kotick took over Blizzard.


And here is a pro-tip for you my friend:


It's going to happen regardless, hence why most of gaming in general's quality has been headed down hill. The other thing is, not everyone who is enjoying the game is purely a fanboy.

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No. definitelly not.

The main reason is that most of the friends I'm playing with are not resubbing.

The usuals are known: very choppy content at 50, the mighty UI, abilities delays, bad programing code making castings cancels if the animation isn't completed or the cast bar delay and you guessed it macro's.

We believe these are factors that cannot be missed in an MMO. It is astonishing that most of the other mmo have those things and SW:TOR doesn't.


However, this does not mean we do not like the game. We all still like it and we all agreed that it's a very nice game and has a lot of potential, but with those things in the way they will only annoy us more rather than enjoing it. We decided to give it a break before calling it off for good.


To avoid fanboys start crying, we decided the following: Give SW:TOR 3-6 months of development to improve things and give it another serious shot.


Classes will be nerved, others buffed, positive and nevative things will take place, so we decided to leave the already 50 mains in dust (I already have a BH and a SA) and level as many classes to 50 as possible for hehe, you guess it, rerolls. Just a precaution.


When we will be back, we can reroll the class we desire acording to the changes and give it another go.

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Yes, I'm having fun, still a lot of stuff I haven't tried, alts I want to check out etc.

The game has its issues, depending on dev activities in upcoming months I might question my sub perhaps in 3 months but not now for sure. I'm definitely still enjoying the game.


I did not pay for it thinking it will be perfect the moment it launches and I can put up with issues and give devs time. If that makes me a fanboi so be it.

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No the game has serious issues that are not acceptable. This is a game i wouldn't have even done a open beta on. I think many studios would feel the same. The number of bugs that hurt player game play are quite a bit and the engine itself is not optimized to ever go live.
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Yes, I plan on continueing my subscription for quite a while. I've been playing since release and have just hit level 35. I'm taking my time and doing almost every quest to see all the content. I'm enjoying the content, I'm enjoying the cut scenes, I'm enjoying the group quests and the flashpoints, and I'm enjoying trying out the different companions to see which best fits my playing style. I can't wait to start another toon to go through another story line.



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Undecided, solely for the fact that I have nothing better to spend my free time on at the moment. I may give it another month. All seven of the friends I came over with moved on to greener pastures over the past couple weeks, though, so it's not looking good for SWTOR on my end.
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Was going to subscribe three months, now I'll probably subscribe one month, cancel immediately after it's paid, and stay wary of billing shenanigans.


Already shifted last week from trying to convince RL friends to play to telling them the reviews are shortsighted, but I guess that just renews interest in D3. *********** Blizzard always gets so damn lucky, but then again, sometimes it's better to be lucky than to be good.

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