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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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If they didn't make a game so similar to WoW people wouldn't expect (or possibly even need) the same set of tools/features. When they make a game very similar to another game and align themselves to directly compete with said game, players are going to expect the same or better functionality.


Whether like WoW or not, people will still ask for all those things.

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Already bought a 2 month sub card. Im having a blast and will be sticking around.


While I dont know about in-game population, one thing is for sure...the forums are going to drastically change on the 20th as an active sub is required to post.


I expect epic levels of rage Thursday, and a quite calm on Friday.

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Giving it two months.


So far, these are the cons (in my opinion):

Boring, puerile cut scenes that interrupt gameplay

Unresponsive combat

Terrible UI with no customization options

Little reason to re-role with same faction

Infantile crafting

Overly Linear maps, progression

Weak space content

Choices meaningless for the most part

Choices indicator text has little to do with what character actually says

LS/DS choices askew (according to my admittedly warped sense of morality)

Terrible community

Uninspired PVP maps, objectives

Companions are pets (don't like having pets)

Substandard LFG tool


Pros (again, according to my opinion):

Nice looking backgrounds

Ships are fun

Mod System

Flashpoints are fun

Bonus missions

Color coded loot indicators

Nice combat animations


I'll see if things improve.

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Least painful leveling in an MMO to date. Loved leveling my IA to 50, enjoy the hard mode flashpoints, PvPing is OK and I don't have to do it when I don't want to. Do some dailies on my main everyday for gear and run with guildies when they want to.


Just started a Sith Inquis, and an so far really enjoying the story and leveling again. Find myself wanting to log in on him a lot, and I love my sniper.


I find the opposite, even with my level 50, that there is so much I want to do when I log in I can't decide what to do first. I half hope my guildies don't want to run something so that I can level my inquis.


I came into this game with such low expectations, I didn't even log in when I got beta invites because I just thought it would be another MMO. I'm quite blown away from it.


There are nearly some game breaking bugs, which I could see that would really put some people out. I think they will be fixed, and I think that I'm willing to give BW some time to sort them out. This game has not been out for very long, and with the complexity involved in everything they tried to do, it probably is a lot to fix bugs.


I don't plan on going anywhere, I think I'll be playing this for a long time.

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I'm here to stay.

Best mmorpg experience I've had so far.

Played wow from beta to cata. Raided hardcore 40s to 10 pugs as healer and dps, pvp'd, collected crap and vanity pets, did most of the achievements, made a ton of friends and a bit of trade chat trolling. Played aion, rift, age of connan, LOTR, etc too...

Nothing gave me the fun I get from SWTOR.

I'm having a blast playing 1 or 2 hours at night with my husband when our kids are getting ready to go to sleep.

I'm an adult, with a lot of rl stuff to do, I couldn't rush my way to 50 to save my life, mayyyybe that has something to do with me enjoying the game.


Programmer A, wife, mother of 2 and Bounty hunter by night.:jawa_tongue:

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I do plan on staying but I think i'll take my time/wait to get to 50 after a few patches...which is fine, I already got my RP set and RP figured out so i'll just have some fun RPing with guildies and the server population, after a few patches when they iron out stuff i'll start getting back to leveling.
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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions



"Expose your opinion"? Sheesh, Im not exposing anything to you! I think you meant to say "expouse".


As far as the game goes, my GF and I are enjoying it for the moment; we are treating it as a cooperative 2-player game. Its a good game, but not spectacular.


We are waiting for GW2 and will likely drop our SW sub when that comes out.

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Eh for those going to GW2...I dont know.


GW1 was awful..it was more singleplayer than this...and I heard GW2 is gonna have a cash shop which will be OH SO FUN! (pay 2 win types etc etc most likey) and its a medieval fantasy...im so bored of medival fantasy...SO *********** BORED! Oh and that TERA game? Enjoy your korean mmo catering to pedophiles with a race of kids that are oversexualized.

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oh hi, i didnt know 15$ a month was a lot of money for some people. i subbed 6 months b/c im a boss and i barely even play this game im so busy bein a boss


Personally, $15 a month is nothing to me; I don't presume to speak for anyone else. Many people, however, do feel that if you are unsatisfied as a consumer that you shouldn't support a company by paying for their product/service.


I feel that as a smart consumer it is prudent to not buy long term subscription plans to a game you may not want to stick with for that duration. Paying for a product you are unsatisfied with cause you are a 'boss' and the money means little to you is still, in essence, supporting and rewarding what you feel is mediocrity.

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I already uninstalled the game (shh don't tell anyone) and unlike everyone else I didn't come here and make a whine/cry post about how TOR ruined my life and slept with my wife.






I already paid for 3 months. :eek:


But wait, didn't I just say I uninstalled it? Yep sure did.

Gonna give the game a break (burnt my self out) and play some other games I got on sale from steam.

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Already bought a 2 month sub card. Im having a blast and will be sticking around.


While I dont know about in-game population, one thing is for sure...the forums are going to drastically change on the 20th as an active sub is required to post.


I expect epic levels of rage Thursday, and a quite calm on Friday.



I don't think this is true. Actually I know it's not true. I created this account before getting the game to ask some technical questions about my rig. You don't need an active account to post here.

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Another one of these threads. :rolleyes:


To answer, yep, most definitely keeping my sub (as is my fiance, and all my friends who play). Otherwise, I wouldn't waste my time on the forums of a game I dislike, I'd go play something I do like. ;)


Been through quite a few MMO launches over the last 15 years and this one is one of the better ones. Anyone who expects a brand new MMO to have all the features of already established games (which themselves launched lacking many, many features) has obviously never experienced an MMO launch before. The ones who have experienced launches yet still buy these games (even pre-order them) at launch and can't handle it need to learn to wait a few months before buying (or wait for a free trial, which all MMO's invariably give at some point) while bugs get ironed, problems fixed and content added.

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Personally, $15 a month is nothing to me; I don't presume to speak for anyone else. Many people, however, do feel that if you are unsatisfied as a consumer that you shouldn't support a company by paying for their product/service.


I feel that as a smart consumer it is prudent to not buy long term subscription plans to a game you may not want to stick with for that duration. Paying for a product you are unsatisfied with cause you are a 'boss' and the money means little to you is still, in essence, supporting and rewarding what you feel is mediocrity.


thing is this game is far from mediocre. lots of ppl pay $ for stuff that is mediocre everyday, think about the clothes u wear and the food u eat, the crappy movies u watch or that PoS phone you got. i've said it time and time again, this game is beautifully made and by all standards of game artisanship, has succeeded. i'll pay 15$/month even if im only logging 5-10 hours a week.

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