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Swtor's Secret Space Project Speculation


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I hope the secret project is a huge ship w/Mr Olhen's legecy system on the side of it so we can blow it to pieces!!! They spent more time on this useless system then their raid's and pvp!
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in original post, this is the point im sure the developers are stuck at. I'm sure they know 30-40 ships in space will mirror the 30-40 people in illum pvp and thanks to hero engine , it will lag to shlt.


Hopefully they can optimise it.


WARs engine had trouble (admittedly it could handle more than SWTOR to start with), but they optimised it, even with collision detection which adds a load of extra info, and got it to a point where it could handle a LOT of people (400 v 400 in a zone before servers crashed).


Of course it's all about time, WAR was too slow with it's optimisation for a lot of subscribers, who just didn't come back.

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If they had a place holder for the LFG tool since launch, you can logically conclude they have been working on it since launch. Focus, let it sink for a bit like this game is doing.


The "placeholder" is actually a fully functional old style LFG tool. One where the responsibility for actually forming the group is put on the player. But I guess Bioware expected too much of their playerbase. It's an interesting dichotomy. You have the people that want the game to do everything for them when it comes to putting together groups and a few other things. And on the other side of the coin, people whining and complaining that everything is dumbed down too much. And I would bet a fair amount of money that there's a large population that's part of both groups.

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Space will be off the rails but limited in the sense we can just fly forever,but we will be able to have control over were we want to fly and steer the ship.

Bounty hunters can hunt players in space & smugglers will smuggle

We will see naboo and dathomir

Space PVP

Space Operations and heroics.

Space mining

We will be able to decorate the ship outside and in

PVP guild battles with bording partys and the whole smear.

drop ships for guilds to raid opposing factions planet.

Many new crafting features directed toward player ships.

Some type of proto-deathstar operaion

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You misunderstood. That doesn't mean they were coding that specific software for 6 months. To be realistic, they probably didn't start coding it until about a month and a half ago.


This is true since we have a quote that the team working on LFG tool this "cycle" is the team that previosuly worked on and created the UI customization.

Edited by aeterno
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I swear if they do nothing more than the new "Moonbreakers" Space Ship PvP warzones, I´m seriously disappointed.


A Star Wars space expansion must and only can be:


- Walk to your ship, enter the cockpit and steer it out of a hangar, space station or away from the planet surface

- A free navigable universe with a huge galaxy map and star systems plus if you zoom in, planet systems

- An overview which faction controls which parts of the galaxy, EvE style

- Full planetary atmospheric flight with on-ground battles and manual landing/departing/refueling/repairing

- Space Stations to land on

- Trading and smuggling goods accross the universe

- Asteroid fields and resource mining

- Capital ship battles

- Recreation of epic PvE/PvP space ship battle events, realtime every week, SW movie flavored

- A kind of an ancient gigantic "Death Star" like super weapon to fight

- Open universe PvP

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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since they laid off all those peeps, I am betting that anything previously promised means SQUAT....the "New" team is being told just bandaid the game until we no longer make a profit....so I would not gewt your hopes to high for this game, maybe the next one will deliver......

Trust me, I wanted this game to survive and thrive, but I just dont see it any more... :(



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Actually, the space plans for future dev is quite unveiled with something we all have in our ships : the Escape Pod.


Look at it :

- every ship has it

- it's a functionning door

- it's called escape pod

- there is a message popping "not available yet" when you use it.


Now in which scenario would you have to be able to use an available door to space from every ship ?

One answer : space battles.


Right now, when you die in space, you're just prompted to restart the mission or return to your ship cockpit.

So if there is an intentional way to escape your ship from a battle while manually walking inside it, this means we'll have freeroaming in space, nothing more, nothing less. This Escape Pod would be used like every escape pod, aka when your ship is out of control from severe damage.


It's pretty logical, considering the amount of already produced space assets, the way we can customize our ship parts, and the way there's already a whole galaxy to roam in.

It's also logical as SWG was shut down for Swtor release, and how Jump to Lightspeed was a real success. Bioware is just gonna take the relay.


I could take 4:1 bets on it, seriously, or that something mostly like it will be implemented "soon" (©).


I can say this is gonna mega-boost the whole game value. Everybody dreams of wandering into Star Wars' space, with his own ship.


sorry to burst your bubble, but the escape pod is to let a grouped member leave the ship, for instance if the main character starts space combat

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  • 1 month later...
Its been months now and they haven't told us a thing about it, nothing at all I would really love to know what's happening with this project


my money is on them waiting till it gets closer to Mists of Pandaras Launch before they reveal anything. No point on blowing the big suprise now.

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It's going to be a retro space shooter taking away another axis of movement. Think Galaga but with your ship at the bottom of the screen :)


Good call. I do not want to get my hopes up too much, so this is a very good baseline. :D

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This may sound like anti-hyperbole (word may not exist) but I honestly think they will allow you to change the color of your space ship... in about 6 months.


jokes aside I think if they are thinking about expanding the space game they will need to add a reason to do it after hitting 50. Currently all space is good for is money and xp. None of the 50's I know have done any space missions since they hit 50. So they will probably add some sort of "token" for endgame content. No other big changes are likely coming since it would require a major redesign of the architecture.


Sadly, I think this is it. If we were going to get endless space travel from planet to planet with people fighting in space we would have had it from day one. (cough thanks ea for rushing the game)

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Sadly, I think this is it. If we were going to get endless space travel from planet to planet with people fighting in space we would have had it from day one. (cough thanks ea for rushing the game)


Its not EA. Ea gave them the money, and they decided to add a space mini game.


They should have focused on making swoop racing pvp instead of a space mini game.


And force people to use public transportation.


Then release space pvp down the road as a big money sink, with ship decoration.


However they should have had player housing that also allowed people to decorate thier house, and also have trophies relating to the quests/raids, or even pvp to be used as memiors of that occasion.


It was a BW decision to use thier money and hire an external part of the BW team out of Austin as they mentioned to do the space mini game. Bad call imo.

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Space the final frontier. These are the Voyages of the Starship Bioware. It's 5 year lo mission to separate us from our money, to exploit its players with strange new money sinks, to seek out new ways of frustration, to boldly take gamers to where they have never gone before.


You will need this new special attachment to play the new improved space combat game.



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The one big thing they need to do to "expand space gameplay in a significant way" is implement non-railed free flight in space. Anything else would be insignificant.
That doesn't mean free flight. Could be still rails but giving you the option to sit on a turret while your companion pilots your ship (sounds familiar?. 1 word: KOTOR). Besides, my experience with what devs says about their projects and what players expects never is the same.


Said that, I must stress that free flight is the only thing worthy to be considered a significant gameplay change, not just space gameplay "expand". With huge staff reduction in development teams and all the issues with the game they must address, and considerering that ifree flight means rework the whole space up from the ground (no way to patch JTL code, or any other bizarre idea like that, into the game, forget that), I don't see BW rebuilding space in any way. Whatever they'll do will be worked on top (expand) of what already exists because is the easiest and cheapest path, thus will be rails.


Another reason why we won't see any significant change in rail space is because it was a strategic decission. They had time enough to implement free flight space but it was clear from early development stages of SWTOR that space wouldn't be free flight.


I'd love to see free flight in SWTOR. I'm sure would be a blast even if it is mouse contrlol flight (I love Freelancer). But I'm realistic and I don't have reasons to think that wie will have free flight not even in 2 years.

Edited by Diktat
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It would be a cool idea.


I hate to say this, since I don't like thinking of things in a negative way.... this game isn't really much of a OPEN WORLD MMORPG. It somewhat is open world, but for the most part.... everyone is kind of restricted to running in certain areas of the world, sticking to paths and roads, running between mountain passes, areas that are basically forcing you to go a certain way....etc. Just like the Space Missions are right now, a set path.


If they create something like the OP is describing, it will never be as epic sounding as hes making it out to be. We would be restricted to being able to fly within a small area I would assume. We wouldn't be able to go off and fly around the space station as we please, and there would probably only be one or a few designated areas you could land on in the space station that you are attacking.


There would be many people complaining that its too much like an FPS... if people aren't good at it they won't play it, which is why I think lots of people play MMORPGs in the first place....since lots of them aren't all that good at other types of games. MMORPGs are more of a thinking game, more strategy to them...while games like FPS are more based on hand-eye skill and reflex.


For example... Im not the best at FPS games, and I find myself having more fun playing MMORPGs sometimes since I find them easier to play... even though I believe a FPS game would be more fun if I was good at it.

Edited by Brodysmith
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In terms of a space combat related PVP gamemode, i think they should just rip Battlefront 2's space combat RIGHT out and plonk it into a PVP match.


  • Start off on faction ship (Either Republic or Empire obviously) and get in a ship and start dogfighting in OFF RAILS combat.
  • Head toward enemy ship and land in docking bay, jumping out and heading to the ship's defences (Shields etc)
  • After depleting enemy shields you work with your team to sabotage the hyperspace engine.
  • After the objective above has been completed you can place charges on the main engine and blow the ship sky high.


Bare in mind that this kind of gamemode would need around 30-40 player PVP game.



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