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RESPEC costs why?


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It is one of Biowares selling points, consequence in dialog and other choices like class builds it seems.

Your build choices are more permanent like this, 'forcing' people to take a more hybrid approach if they want to do multiple things, and making it hard to min-max. Which provides the real min-maxers a greater advantage if they do while giving casual and roleplayers an incentive to hybrid build their character, reducing the amount of cookie cutter builds out there.


Well, in theory anyway.


Cant say I mourn the price of respeccing. would be higher if I had a say in it.


You know, you can completely form the consequences of said dialogs to your own liking.

First you can scroll over options to see the light or darkside points. Then you can even turn on the preference of choices just showing it in their texts if they award light or darkside.

And best of all, if you made a choice that doesn't give what you'd expect. (Like say, you gave the answer "it's their own fault for being stupid" and your companion doesnt like it.)

Then you can just hit [Escape] and re-do the whole conversation.

Actually, you can pretty much re-do the conversations as many times as you want till you get the results you want.


Not to mention you can just go to TorHead and look up the quests and the various gains all the dialog choices bring along.




If those "consequences" can be so tuned to your own liking.

Why is it so bad to be able to tune your spec to your liking?


Why, if we already choose a sub-class, which only has DPS+Healing or DPS+Tanking.

Why can't we choose freely wich one of the two we want to be there to fit the needs of the party?

Why if someone who wants to tank also needs tanking gear. Or if someone who wants to DPS also needs effective dpsing gear, does the respeccing to effectively switch between the two have to be such a moneysink?




Wouldn't it be more of an effective moneysink if it were just capped at 30k credits?

30k is something most endgame players always have.

As a raider, if you then respec 6 times a week, you'd spend 180k credits on respecs.

And if your party needs you to respec but you dont have it, they can always pitch in a little to cover the cost. (Conveniencybonus; 30k is easily spread across 3 other people, and is pretty much pocket change for almost any endgame player. And they earn it back during the flashpoint their healer/tank had to respec for to do.)

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It is because they, the fanboys, dont have any propper reason what so ever for why there should not be a dual-spec.


All they are saying:

LvLing is easy, start an other of the same class as you play now.

I dont need it, so you dont need it.

It will ruin the game.

I will quit if dual-spec is coming.

Dual-spec is for the lazy.


There are no facts or reasons why dual-spec should not come. No matter what we say, all they say is "you are just lazy, just start LvLing a new character".


But anyway. The "nei" sayers can whine and QQ as much as they want. dual-spec is coming. IMO it should have been in the game since release but for some reason BW has not made it to that. But it is on its way. To late though.


But while bioware fixes the plethora of bugs and real issues, the only one doing the whining is... well... 3 guesses.


Oh, and something else : Calling someone a fanboy is NOT a valid counter towards their arguments against dualspeccing, just thought I'd let you know.

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Try think a bit longer than your nose.


If you respect 2 times every day, that is 14 times during a week.


You do some flashpoints, quests and maybe raids, then you respec from PvE to PvP to run some havoc against other players for then again back to PvE spec later for making ready for tomorrows runs.


And for all of you who think there are no PvP spec, there is and believing other vice are being ignorant and naïve.


so true +1.

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If those "consequences" can be so tuned to your own liking.

Why is it so bad to be able to tune your spec to your liking?


You can, but like the dialog, just not two at the same time. Once you've picked an option, you stick with it.

And if you do make a mistake in your build, the current respec system lets you rectify it.

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Yet that is exactly what Bioware is aiming at, seeing the legacy system and the relative ease of leveling/gearing




I used to a Paladin in WoW before the burning crusade. Unless you'd like to state that we where either the best healers, best DPS'ers or best Tanks, I have to ask you if you REALLY want to go there?


So WoW had dual spec, and after BC paladins changed in alot of fundamental ways, to become best tank , best healer. Never could you spec as one role and expect to be able to do another role worth a damn as any class , so not sure what your point is. Or be some of each and be worst at every role.

Edited by savantus
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My question is why do we have a cost at all to respec?

It seems to double every time you respec within a period of time ( zero , 1300 , 2600, 5200 , 11400, 22800 , 46800 , 93000 ) where does it stop? )


It's a credit sink, since almost everything you do in this game has credits attached to it. It stops at around 100k, knowing this cause I hit that cap fairly often :(


What can i say? I love each different tree of sniper, so I tend to respec to what i feel like playing at the current moment.

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WoW, it got dual-spec back in vanilla, but did it brake the game? No


When you say Vanilla, you mean WoTLK right?


I do not see the problem here with respeccing and the cost involved in it.


  • Each week the cost for respeccing resets
  • Money is abundant in TOR
  • Each AC has 2 sub groups PVE/PVP


Now you could argue that some trees are better at times and you would like to Min/Max. If your guild is telling you to respecc for each occasion then I feel they should assist with sponsors. If you do it outside guild and it was your choice then expect to pay.


Currently the currency is ridiculous, but once everyone starts to understand the value of credits then you will notice that you are not actually spending so much.


spent 500k np.


This is to keep game economy in check too. In future this might be something which we might see, but until there are more 'Vanity' items which could be bought for credits there would be systems in place to regulate cash flow in the game. Take traveling around with your ship, that costs money too.


Economy in an MMO is just as important as balancing of classes and can be just as game breaking.

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It is because they, the fanboys, dont have any propper reason what so ever for why there should not be a dual-spec.


All they are saying:

LvLing is easy, start an other of the same class as you play now.

I dont need it, so you dont need it.

It will ruin the game.

I will quit if dual-spec is coming.

Dual-spec is for the lazy.

You cant respec in real life (doh, like star wars is real life)......


There are no facts or reasons why dual-spec should not come. No matter what we say, all they say is "you are just lazy, just start LvLing a new character".


But anyway. The "nei" sayers can whine and QQ as much as they want. dual-spec is coming. IMO it should have been in the game since release but for some reason BW has not made it to that. But it is on its way. To late though.


Actually tha post could aswell be for AC dual specc...........

And in what way form are Dual specc incomming?

latest is that ofc they talked about it but are you a person that are using wish as will?


Dual specc is at the current stat undecieded i actually have this saved so i will post it just for you but misinforing is a bad thing ;)


Dual Speccing is something we want to add soon after launch. Also, features like Guard, PvP Taunt, Resolve, etc. work to narrow the gap between PvP and PvE specialized skills (i.e. a +Block skill would be helpful in both PvE and PvP).


that is the whole sentence and that is around 7-10 months old but that aswell doesnt say that they will implement it into the game.

and then we have this from about the same time



Georg Zoeller

Seems obvious that he avoided the question, probably because they won't have dual spec at release.


I think the translation makes it sound like I'm avoiding something there, which isn't the case.


First, we fully understand why dual spec is a popular topic.


Currently, we do not see the need to allow for dual spec at release. It's something that we'll definitely monitor over time, but we do think there is enough flexibility in the class system to keep people occupied well past launch.




Georg Zoeller clears up any confusion about changing skill trees within an Advanced Class and the ability to have two different specs simultaneously.


Georg Zoeller

What it doesn't say is "you can longer pay to reset your tree points and re-do them",which being able to was confirmed a long time ago.


Correct. The ability to respec your skill point distribution is still in the game.


Summary, since this is a confusing topic:


You can change your skill point distribution by paying credits at a vendor on your capital world. That has not changed.


You may or may not be able to change your Advanced Class, we haven't decided on this one yet. If you can, the cost would be significant. That has not changed.


There is currently no plan to add dual spec (the ability to swap almost instantly between two skill point configurations) for launch. At this point, it seems not necessary for us, but we're not opposed to add it at a later point / patch should we feel that the game would benefit from it.


Hope that helps.


then we have the latest update from Stephen Reid from now in December


Q: do you think that alternative specs will be allowed at some stage in the future? Also, legacy system, any further insight you are willing to share with us at this point in time?


Dual specs could well come at some point in the future - it's been discussed for sure. Legacy System... will be cool? :)

But still where in those posts above do you actually see that they are 100% that they WILL implement it?

And still it doesnt stand that they w will not implement dual specc either.


These are all the information that exists about Dual Specc so as i said there isnt anything 100% concrete how this game will handle and or and if they will implement Dual Specc.


And when people are saying that Bioware have promised that they will implement Dual specc they are either misinformed or havent realised that want doesnt mean will.

Edited by Varghjerta
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Another reason why this game is uninstalled and my sub cancelled. You should be able to respect everything including advanced classes


Totally. You should be able to completely change you character whenever the heck you want. I mean its soooooooooooo stupid that I have to pick a class in a RPG and actually stick to it, right!? I should be able to change specs, and ACs and even classes at the drop of a hat. I mean, I pay the for the game so I should be able to play how ever I feel like. Maybe I wanna be a marauder...BAM...I'm a marauder. Maybe later I wanna be a sniper...BAM...pew pew, right!? It doesn't even affect other people and it would improve my quality of life and make the game so much less tedious so it like shouldn't be a problem, right?!



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Another reason why this game is uninstalled and my sub cancelled. You should be able to respect everything including advanced classes




I hate it when I have to actually make decisions that have any weight or consequence in games. This is why I refuse to call it an MMORPG because that last half would imply that I am actually following a reasonable story for a character, and that is absolutely the last thing that I want out of a game. I just want CoD with Lightsabers, so the less I have to use my brain and deal with making decisions and adapting to adversity, the more comfortable I am.

Edited by Malastare
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Is this honestly so hard to understand? Obviously they respecc to fill different roles.



"Hey, we're gonna do an operation now Bob, could you go healer?"

"Yeah sure, always happy to help out" *respecc*

"Tom showed up Bob, his healing gear is a bit better than yours, would you mind going dps for the rest of the operation?"

"Yeah sure!"*respecc*

2 hours laters

"Bob, come heal us in pvp dude!"

"On my way guys!"*respecc*

1 hours later: Bob wants to do his daily quests, but sadly they take a long time for him in healing specc, so he switches to dps again *respecc*

After finishing his daily quests, Bob tries to find a group for flashpoints, but everyone is looking for healers, noone wants a dps! *respecc*


(This happens 3-4 nights a week when Bob plays with his friends)


So judging by the comments in this thread, it is wrong to want to enjoy all the roles your class can fill without going broke. It is wrong to be able to step up and help your friends in different roles on a daily basis.



Its called an MMO for a reason. Im not sure you understand there are other people who can help you, fill in the roles that your missing or replace you. So as with any real world situation chose a nitch and stick with it thats hw you play the game.


An if bioware reads this please do not change this system for people to do this. Let them make costly decisions so maybe they can learn a bit from it. THe only time that a respec should be cheap is once you hit 41, 50 and whenever a large change in the talent tree happens in a patch

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bob should learn to think ahead and find another guild:


1: tom shoved up late yet he still gets to force peeps thats on time to repecc.

2: all dailys can be done in healing specc, they got notting to do with killing reds or farming but only to do mission obejcts(ilum is just right click, WZs allways needs a healer, FB allso needs a healer)

3: bob failed bigtime in not thinking ahead, planning what should be done when and just be everybodys standin.


Tom and Bob are part of a guild consisted of friends that really want to kill stuff, and aren't nitpickers when it comes to showing up. They just play the game to have fun.

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Is this honestly so hard to understand? Obviously they respecc to fill different roles.



"Hey, we're gonna do an operation now Bob, could you go healer?"

"Yeah sure, always happy to help out" *respecc*

"Tom showed up Bob, his healing gear is a bit better than yours, would you mind going dps for the rest of the operation?"

"Yeah sure!"*respecc*

2 hours laters

"Bob, come heal us in pvp dude!"

"On my way guys!"*respecc*

1 hours later: Bob wants to do his daily quests, but sadly they take a long time for him in healing specc, so he switches to dps again *respecc*

After finishing his daily quests, Bob tries to find a group for flashpoints, but everyone is looking for healers, noone wants a dps! *respecc*


(This happens 3-4 nights a week when Bob plays with his friends)


So judging by the comments in this thread, it is wrong to want to enjoy all the roles your class can fill without going broke. It is wrong to be able to step up and help your friends in different roles on a daily basis.

  • BoB isn't too bright. He's asked mostly to heal so guess what he should stay as healer.
  • If a group asked me to respec to healer and another healer comes by with "better healing gear" (Which is the same as the dps gear FYI) he/she is gonna be the one who's gonna respec to dps not me.
  • Bob also fails cause in this game unlike other games tanks and healers arn't gimped. Sure they are lower some than pure dps but they still mow down mobs fast.

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It should cost real money to respec.


If its that big a deal for you, to be able to fill 2 roles or more, roll multiple chars.


That being said, I wonder why the hell they have a tip on one of the loading screens stating that you can respec by clicking on the Respec button on your skills tree window?

Edited by Propanelgen
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It's not just an MMO, it's also an RPG.


You create a ROLE and you play that ROLE.


You want to be able to heal and tank? No problem. Create a healer and a tank.


All this whining about respeccing comes down to people being too lazy to level multiple characters and expect one character to be able to do everything.


Respeccing, if it should even be allowed at all, should be BRUTALLY expensive. Like say, 1 million the first time, and doubling every time after that with no reset.


THINK about what selections you're making, and stick with them.


Oh, you specced DPS and they need a healer? Guess what? You lose your slot to someone who leveled a healer. As it should be.

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My question is why do we have a cost at all to respec?

It seems to double every time you respec within a period of time ( zero , 1300 , 2600, 5200 , 11400, 22800 , 46800 , 93000 ) where does it stop? )


Why is there a penalty to the player for wanting to be the right spec for an activity they want to do.

Whether that means one spec for PVP or another for a raid / flashpoint or even to level up.


Having Dual-spec should be a no-brainer , if not at least cap the cost at a lower amount.


Because it prevents whiners like you changing specs every two seconds because of the mere possibility that "that" is the spec flavor of the moment. Make a choice, own it, stick with it, and learn to play it. Or better yet,s top whining and play the game for fun not to stroke your own ego at someone else's expense

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Another reason why this game is uninstalled and my sub cancelled. You should be able to respect everything including advanced classes
Yea! I can't wait til they get rid of classes entirely. Choosing a class is barbaric and archaic. You're just a person...why not make it official. Level 50 Person.
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