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No patch on 1/17/2011


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Look I am a python programmer myself. I run plugins for 3d apps and sell them for a good amount.


I know nothing about development, and you just compared writing plug-ins to a project the size of this game? OK. For the record, I've been developing software since... well, I'd guess it's been since before most people here were born. I'm not completely ignorant on the subject. You say that I know nothing about it, but I certainly know enough to realize that if you're on a 30-day schedule, it's very possible that you won't finish in time, or that you'll find issues at the last minute. It happens all the time, and as convincing as your credentials are, if you're trying to convince me that never happens, or even happens infrequently, then I'm going to have to start doubting them.


Are you honestly trying to say you've never missed a deadline? It happens. Sure, it's often a sign of shoddy planning, but it's not unheard-of, especially on a schedule as tight as this must have been.


Are you OK with a buggy patch being pushed out now? It's pretty obvious that a lot of people around here wouldn't be, but then a lot of those same people are throwing fits about this one being delayed, so I don't know whether to believe a word about what they say they want at this point.


More than anything, I'm just really tired of all the totally pointless yelling, screaming and complaining. If people don't like the game or Bioware at this point, fine. Many of them have good reasons. But why turn these forums into a cesspool for people who are enjoying themselves? There's only one thing Bioware will care about, and that's subscriptions. If people want to cancel, fine, they can do that. But for the love of God why start attacking everyone here who disagrees? Why bad-mouth every little issue in a way that's completely unconstructive? Why not just go?


It's petty, it's unnecessary, and it's childish, and it's getting really old.

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I for one am glad they have put the patch back if it is not ready and needs more testing. I don;t see why people have a problem with this and think there's some kind of conspiracy at work where "they are deliberatly doing this to con us out of our money"


And no I am not some fanboy with a blow up doll of princess leia or something before the trolls come out.


This is the first MMO i have ever played and yes there are some problems but ffs it's been out less than a month why can't people give it time to iron these out instead of coming on here and acting like a bunch of spoiled children. I never expected this community to have so many haters and those that are unsubbing or threatening to unsub are the saddest of the lot.


Just give the game some time and the devs time enough to fix these teething problems to EVERYONE'S satisfaction and not your own.

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Is that too short a paraphrase of the last 13 pages?


BW are damned if they do, damned if they don't! Does patience and perseverance not exist anymore ??


For those of you who take it upon yourself to sulk and complain, your epeen expects too much! Clearly the majority of you don't have a life outside the radius of your pc... because really if you did, you would just suck it up and shrug it off for what it is A GAME (shock horror)!! I find it bemusing that there is this self righteous sense of entitlement that everything should've been perfect (if only in your opinion) upon release !!


If your not happy then stop playing, because complaining as you are this early into a game release your never going to be happy with it!

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One thing is we will know all the people crying wolf, because if they are still posting in the next few days, they obviously didn't cancel like they said :p


Another thing we know is that a lot of the people that profess to love the game, the way it is, are spending inordinate amounts of time posting on the forums... People that are unsatisfied, with the game...I can see that.

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I know nothing about development, and you just compared writing plug-ins to a project the size of this game? OK. For the record, I've been developing software since... well, I'd guess it's been since before most people here were born.


But you said you know nothing about development...

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I for one am glad they have put the patch back if it is not ready and needs more testing. I don;t see why people have a problem with this and think there's some kind of conspiracy at work where "they are deliberatly doing this to con us out of our money"


And no I am not some fanboy with a blow up doll of princess leia or something before the trolls come out.


This is the first MMO i have ever played and yes there are some problems but ffs it's been out less than a month why can't people give it time to iron these out instead of coming on here and acting like a bunch of spoiled children. I never expected this community to have so many haters and those that are unsubbing or threatening to unsub are the saddest of the lot.


Just give the game some time and the devs time enough to fix these teething problems to EVERYONE'S satisfaction and not your own.


We are on EA's turf here and have every reason to think that way. We, oldtime players (+10 years) have a history with EA for many many years, we do NOT forget easily! That will always backslash at them when things go wrong! EA I did not yet forgive you for pulling that Space MMO as you can clearly see. >:)

Edited by Waxmask
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I know nothing about development, and you just compared writing plug-ins to a project the size of this game? OK. For the record, I've been developing software since... well, I'd guess it's been since before most people here were born. I'm not completely ignorant on the subject. You say that I know nothing about it, but I certainly know enough to realize that if you're on a 30-day schedule, it's very possible that you won't finish in time, or that you'll find issues at the last minute. It happens all the time, and as convincing as your credentials are, if you're trying to convince me that never happens, or even happens infrequently, then I'm going to have to start doubting them.


Are you honestly trying to say you've never missed a deadline? It happens. Sure, it's often a sign of shoddy planning, but it's not unheard-of, especially on a schedule as tight as this must have been.


Are you OK with a buggy patch being pushed out now? It's pretty obvious that a lot of people around here wouldn't be, but then a lot of those same people are throwing fits about this one being delayed, so I don't know whether to believe a word about what they say they want at this point.


More than anything, I'm just really tired of all the totally pointless yelling, screaming and complaining. If people don't like the game or Bioware at this point, fine. Many of them have good reasons. But why turn these forums into a cesspool for people who are enjoying themselves? There's only one thing Bioware will care about, and that's subscriptions. If people want to cancel, fine, they can do that. But for the love of God why start attacking everyone here who disagrees? Why bad-mouth every little issue in a way that's completely unconstructive? Why not just go?


It's petty, it's unnecessary, and it's childish, and it's getting really old.


Did you see what Trion was able to patch into Rift on the very first month?


And you don't think a huge company like Bioware can patch their game as well as tiny Trion did their first time?

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Really, this is like watching Fox News.


Actually i would say that i do see the reason why Fox is popular reading some of these posts. :D


BAsicly i am surprised that some people have the time posting on this forum when they are hiding under the stairs with tinfoil hats on

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One way of saying this is "We care" another way of saying the same thing is:




which i what they did, they didn't give us a date, it's a sugar coated way of saying indefinitely.



So you think Bioware won't patch this game again? That's weird.

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Actually i would say that i do see the reason why Fox is popular reading some of these posts. :D


BAsicly i am surprised that some people have the time posting on this forum when they are hiding under the stairs with tinfoil hats on


Your first time playing an EA game, I imagine?

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So you think Bioware won't patch this game again? That's weird.


No, but any patch without a deadline is just talk. Bioware has done way too much talk of what it plans to do and has fixed nothing real. Talk is great and all but makes my experience no better.

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Runnin' out of days bioware. If this patch isn't out and useful before the end of the "free" month expect to lose a large chunk of players.


I agree, I have already cancelled...to bad because even thou I am still subscribed to WOW and the future of panda-land, I will get Diablo 3 to play for free. Hmm...let me see.



Release just over 1 month, Players: mostly in PvP gear (easy to acquire than raid), Players are in Champion and some are now hitting Battlegear (ut-OH). New Players can't do WarZones - killed in 2 hits by lv 50 battlegear players and 3 / 4 hits by champion gear players (kills the fun - for pve servers). Server balances - just out of WHACK. Bugs / exploits - mentioned in beta testing 6 months ago were exploited upon release (wasn't fixed).

Friends - Left WoW (lol - mad at me because they made it to tatoonie and were camped the entire time by a guild. The guild left - and 2 lv 50's killed 10 / 12 players because of gear / lv difference - they have went back to WoW (where they have geared toons).


Me - I play WoW and will wait now for Diablo 3 and Guild War 2, which both will not cost me a month subscription.

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Did you see what Trion was able to patch into Rift on the very first month?


And you don't think a huge company like Bioware can patch their game as well as tiny Trion did their first time?


Trion actually annouced that the whole development team is still working on the game. And the huge patches and added in content was the result. Who knows how many people Bioware still has working on patches at the moment.

Edited by crimsonhart
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I for one am glad they have put the patch back if it is not ready and needs more testing. I don;t see why people have a problem with this and think there's some kind of conspiracy at work where "they are deliberatly doing this to con us out of our money"


And no I am not some fanboy with a blow up doll of princess leia or something before the trolls come out.


This is the first MMO i have ever played and yes there are some problems but ffs it's been out less than a month why can't people give it time to iron these out instead of coming on here and acting like a bunch of spoiled children.


Theres the problem, your like an abused wife. You dont know what greener pastures and valleys of gold await in functional games. You dont have to take this abuse but like an a abused wife you'll justify it.

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Trion actually annouced that the whole development team is still working on the game. And the huge patches and added in content was the result. Who knows how many people Bioware still has working on patches at the moment.


Go read the interview on MMORPG.com


BW is fully staffed with same team as before launch!


Edited by Waxmask
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I've seen belated patch before with DCUO because SOE cared too. It just happened so it slipped outside free month period. Tough luck. Well, I started 2 weeks late just like SWTOR so I'll probably get to see the patch without subscribing again.
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Did you see what Trion was able to patch into Rift on the very first month?


And you don't think a huge company like Bioware can patch their game as well as tiny Trion did their first time?


Yes, I did. And Rift's launch was amazing. They had very few bugs to fix. Content is a different matter. They obviously had a plan to release content on a rapid schedule, and certainly had quite a bit in the works prior to launch.


You don't get that kind of lead time on bug fixes.

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No, we don't have to be patient. We don't have to "give them a chance." We don't have to "Compare to WoW *at release*." We can set whatever the hell standard we feel like and vote with our wallets.


That's some real common sense for you.




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