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  1. What makes you leave the game? Is it bugs that made it into release? UI or ability delay? No class balance? No roll back for those that used expliots? Something else or all of the above? Or is it the lack of faith that BW is even working on all these bugs? I guess the real question is whould you keep your subscription if BW communicated more openly on " how and when" or do you feel the game is so broken that staying is not really an option anymore until its all fixed? I think this is important because I believe the whole secrecy MMO developers have been practicing lately does more harm than good for the game and community. Sure people would still complain about time schedules for patches because fixing bugs takes time but don't you think a lot would have a reason to stay subscribed knowing BW is really working on it? Keeping your players uninformed doesn't make them any happier as you can witness now on the forum. What do you think? Would you keep your sub if you knew i.e. that BW won't manage to fix everything within the next month but some will have to wait till March or April? Or would you cancel and come back then when its all fixed? And for you that stay, would you still remain subscribed in such scenario? I would, as I did with another MMO in the past.
  2. I remember seeing thread like this on DCUO forums before the mass exodus.
  3. Don't worry about it you're getting 4 medals
  4. Yeah Warcraft 1 and 2 were good games but never stood out as prime RTS titles. Popularity came with WOW but younger players weren't around 1&2 to know that. I can see how they can make false assumptions though because one would think Warcraft had to be extremely popular in the past to achieve such success with WOW.
  5. @Arodin It's not incompetence but business strategy. It's either retention or expansion. Company needs to prioritize between the two. Trion with Rift focused on retaining its player base which resulted in timely patches and fixes in an effort to improve the quality of the existing game. Slow content updates is the downside. If the company aims at expansion over retention then advertising and new content is where the resources go. Bringing new players is more important than retaining existing ones. Hope that makes sense, I'm getting tired. Time for bed.
  6. They know that, it's one of the first rules of MMO's after all. They announced specific date to make it seem as they had good intentions of releasing the patch within the free month.
  7. I've seen belated patch before with DCUO because SOE cared too. It just happened so it slipped outside free month period. Tough luck. Well, I started 2 weeks late just like SWTOR so I'll probably get to see the patch without subscribing again.
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