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No patch on 1/17/2011


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This. As a software developer I am always astonished by the amount of people which think delay never happen. Or people which think bugs and feature can be easily corrected at a snap of hand, and "threaten to unsub".


I am surprised on how they reminded everyone the patch was going live, on January 16 at around 11:00 am eastern time. And then said they have to reschedule on January 16 at around 11:00 pm. The patch has been on the test server for two weeks and by their own admission, they just found a problem merely 12 hours after sending out a reminder that it was coming. Was the reminder used as a sales tactic to ensure everyone that it was going live. I mean they did it so early in the day, whereas the rescheduling was done very late.


Anyone that cannot read between the lines and make an assumption based on facts is the reason companies have been moderately successful with a medicore product. Well i hope that all of these gamers continue to sub SWTOR for a very long time. Because that means the real gamers, will be able to call a game out when the time comes.

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Anyone that cannot read between the lines and make an assumption based on facts is the reason companies have been moderately successful with a medicore product. Well i hope that all of these gamers continue to sub SWTOR for a very long time. Because that means the real gamers, will be able to call a game out when the time comes.


Or maybe you are reading too much into it and seeing what you want to see.


If you made something you are not 100% happy with would you withhold it or release it?


And as for those saying "release this bit or that part" lol. Things don't work like that and you are just being selfish. In fact the majority of the posts i have read are like this: selfish rants from what appear to be children crying that they are not getting what they want when they want it. Well too bad, Deal with it. And if you want to unsub go right ahead.


I will give the game time to get everything in order. However what I will not do is resort to the petty crying done throughout most of the posts in here and other threads :cool:

Edited by DizzyrupTor
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Code breaks right at patch launch after saying it's fixed? Man you are trying your damndest to stick up for this company and failing, I have never EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVER seen code break right at launch.


I am a software developer, and I see it ALL the damn time.

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i understand that sometimes a planned maintance goes long or wrong or gets delayed, sometimes at the last min,maybe they did a dry run on a alpha test server and found a hardware or software bug that was unknown.


I also play City of Heroes , and even at 7+ years, they have moved maintance downtimes around , cancelled some maintances, and some times during a 8 hours of scheduled split it into two days of 4 hours.


COH has even had it when they pushed a patch, a few hours later had to do a Roll back, when some problem was found.


This game is still only about 1 month old. give it time.


I like the game,but will be "unsubbing" when my "free" month is over, due to being laid off end of next month. hopefully when I get new employment ,I will return.

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You can go on but I fail to see you mention one bug, at all...


How about a feature which was totally broken ?


if you took your time to level and missed the initial flood of player, the starting zone were *empty*. Not too bad , until you hit the instance and group quest. OK you might even skip those. But there were long quest involving killing bosses of invasion, but those invasion ONLY triggered if enough population was in. And if an invasion happened, you had no chance to stop it because too few people were in.


Which means you did not have those shard currency to exchange items against the good equipment at the vendor.


results : it was damn impossible to do certain quest because of the mechanic, and you could next to never catch up, until the last bracket before max level.


They changed it later I think by lowering population threshold for invasion, and making invasion more doable, I don't know exactly I left rapidly, the game was good but boring. I don't feel that way with TOR, despite the quest being half as good.

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They cant win. If they release it tomorrow people will yell "We told you about these bugs and you did not fix them but put them out anyways!!". If they postpone it you say "I cant believe you postponed this update!!". Better postponed than giving us a bunch of new bugs or another economy ruining exploit I say.


you know what would have been better to postpone? the release of the game.

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I am surprised on how they reminded everyone the patch was going live, on January 16 at around 11:00 am eastern time. And then said they have to reschedule on January 16 at around 11:00 pm. The patch has been on the test server for two weeks and by their own admission, they just found a problem merely 12 hours after sending out a reminder that it was coming. Was the reminder used as a sales tactic to ensure everyone that it was going live. I mean they did it so early in the day, whereas the rescheduling was done very late.


Anyone that cannot read between the lines and make an assumption based on facts is the reason companies have been moderately successful with a medicore product. Well i hope that all of these gamers continue to sub SWTOR for a very long time. Because that means the real gamers, will be able to call a game out when the time comes.



I have found problem in a reservation system for big airline running on a mainframe *one hour* before release. It was just very nasty and very lurking and very breaking, but occured in a specific config. Despite having been tested for weeks.


Sometimes murphy law happens and some breaking stuff lurk and go past all testing.


The difference between a bad company, an average company and a great company , is how often such bad bug are caught only at the last moment or only after release. it happens to all of us, but to the bad company it happens more often.

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Thank you for the postponement of 1.1 patch, Bioware. I cannot speak for everyone, just know however that I, for one, love seeing patches delayed and under-go more testing rather than rushing things out because the "vocal community" demands such.


Please, do not give into the demands of a rushed product. Instead, please take as much time that you feel necessary to release content as bug-free as humanly possible.


Thank you!


Really, this is your response? You do know the game itself was RUSHED out a few months earlier than expected because EA wanted that money for Christmas sales right?

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No, it's more like stockholders demanded a return on their investment. SWTOR was already over two years late.


They might make money on TOR, but I will probably never buy an EA/BW game again. They might have gotten the quick return... but I think they lose in the long run with games like this.

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They might make money on TOR, but I will probably never buy an EA/BW game again. They might have gotten the quick return... but I think they lose in the long run with games like this.


You gotta understand that these investors aren't gamers, they don't care whether the game is good or not. All that matters is they get a return on their investment in a timely manner.

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oh we found a bug from our PTR forum and we care so we are delaying this patch so this game breaking bug doesn't hit your game.


You think they only found out about the bug through the forums cause, like us they have no search feature and can't find crap on here? :rolleyes: Looks like that search function is more needed than we thought.

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Really, this is your response? You do know the game itself was RUSHED out a few months earlier than expected because EA wanted that money for Christmas sales right?


A few months wouldnt have made that much of a differance to a game thats taken a years to develop


And im a lover of the game

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It's really simple for me: the whole 1.1 patch idea was a bad design/marketing decision.


Instead of implementing small patches every 1-2 days that would fix bugs and other small problem they made us play with very small but very annoying bug for over a month.


Do you really think most of people complaining about posponding because they wont see new 'super-fun' content? I'm sure not. We are just tired of bugs. We are tired of dead pvp because there are no brackets at WZ (seriously, releasing w/o WZ brackets and broken bolster system? I dont think I've ever seen smth as stupid as that).


Why releasing new content that you KNOW will have even more bugs if u didn't fix present bugs and problems yet?


You would think that after so many years of MMO history, after so many launches of other games developers and management will learn the lesson. But no, not a chance, ain't gonna happen.

Edited by ShadeSlider
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You know if Bioware released the patch before hand some of the whiners would have wailed.


"OHHH Bioware is trying desperately to patch and add content to keep people from quitting!!!!!"




No matter what they do it isn't enough to some people Bioware is in a no win situation...so they say to hell with it and do what's best for the game..there are a couple things that needed tweaking so they held off and I applaud them for that.

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This game is in bad shape right now. Would have been at least nice for something new. 5.5 bosses is hardly enough raid content to keep you interested, not to mention how it is filled with easily fixable bugs, such as randomly dying when running in EV, or zoning into the rancor pit in HH.

Rancor pulling on entrance is an awful design oversight which WAS being fixed in this patch.


If the new content wasn't ready, who cares, don't release it. Bugs HAVE to be fixed, or SWTOR will go down as the biggest upset, as well as overhyped game of the last 10 years.

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It's really simple for me: the whole 1.1 patch idea was a bad design/marketing decision.


Instead of implementing small patches every 1-2 days that would fix bugs and other small problem they made us play with very small but very annoying bug for over a month.


Do you really think most of people complaining about posponding because they wont see new 'super-fun' content? I'm sure not. We are just tired of bugs. We are tired of dead pvp because there are no brackets at WZ (seriously, releasing w/o WZ brackets and broken bolster system? I dont think I've ever seen smth as stupid as that).


Why releasing new content that you KNOW will have even more bugs if u didn't fix present bugs and problems yet?


You would think that after so many years of MMO history, after so many launches of other games developers and management will learn the lesson. But no, not a chance, ain't gonna happen.


This is what I am talking about. They should be hotfixing the crap outta the game instead of trying to pile it all into a massive patch with new content. Stuff like the throwing 50's in a seperate bracket and making Kira talk again are prime canidates for "Oh this works now and has been a problem since beta, hotfix that in tomorrow."


If more of that would happen then there would be less outcries when content patches get pushed back. We all want the new stuff to be bug free when released, but they shouldn't sit on things that have been fixed just because they want to push it out with something else.

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I'd like to add a it of rational thinking to this thread. (What am I, crazy?). OK, Here goes. When WoW came out, the majority of gamers at the time didn't really have any other MMO's to compare it to. I mean there was UO, EQ, DAoC, but it wasn't a fully realized genre as of then. WoW took it to the next level, supported it well, listened to its customers concerns (whether you personally agreed with them or not) and flourished.


Now, every game company attempts to jump on this cash cow and profit. Well, profit for a gaming company doesn't always mean the best products for gamers. Hence, SWTOR. Look, let's be realistic... MMOs have been out awhile now. People expect a certain level of polish on a game. I put forth Rift as an example. A game that I didn't personally enjoy that much, but, with it's bugs and faults definitely felt like a finished product upon release. Also, Rift was master of the HOTFIX. A term that Bioware needs to come to know and love. I mean the Defend the Shipment Daily on Ilum has been broken for weeks?? Really, that can't be HOTFIXED in. People inexplicably falling over dead while out of combat in raids. These are all things that make people feel like they are still Beta testing a “finished” product that they spent hard-earned money for.


And now, the coup de grace. Let’s postpone the patch. Why? Is it not ready..? Sure maybe. But a more likely reason is that Bioware knows that they have millions of Star Wars fans, who wanted nothing more than to love this game, and will sometimes defend Bioware like a bullied child and the opportunity to make them subscribe for at least another month if they delay the patch a few more days. Why? Because people want this game to be good, they want it to be fun, they want it to be polished, but goddamit I want it to be finished. And we should all, as customers, be upset by being treated like fanbois that will give every last dollar of our allowances to play their broken game. /rantoff



(Re-posted due to my very lively conversation thread being closed.)

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I'd like to add a it of rational thinking to this thread. (What am I, crazy?). OK, Here goes. When WoW came out, the majority of gamers at the time didn't really have any other MMO's to compare it to. I mean there was UO, EQ, DAoC, but it wasn't a fully realized genre as of then. WoW took it to the next level, supported it well, listened to its customers concerns (whether you personally agreed with them or not) and flourished.


Now, every game company attempts to jump on this cash cow and profit. Well, profit for a gaming company doesn't always mean the best products for gamers. Hence, SWTOR. Look, let's be realistic... MMOs have been out awhile now. People expect a certain level of polish on a game. I put forth Rift as an example. A game that I didn't personally enjoy that much, but, with it's bugs and faults definitely felt like a finished product upon release. Also, Rift was master of the HOTFIX. A term that Bioware needs to come to know and love. I mean the Defend the Shipment Daily on Ilum has been broken for weeks?? Really, that can't be HOTFIXED in. People inexplicably falling over dead while out of combat in raids. These are all things that make people feel like they are still Beta testing a “finished” product that they spent hard-earned money for.


And now, the coup de grace. Let’s postpone the patch. Why? Is it not ready..? Sure maybe. But a more likely reason is that Bioware knows that they have millions of Star Wars fans, who wanted nothing more than to love this game, and will sometimes defend Bioware like a bullied child and the opportunity to make them subscribe for at least another month if they delay the patch a few more days. Why? Because people want this game to be good, they want it to be fun, they want it to be polished, but goddamit I want it to be finished. And we should all, as customers, be upset by being treated like fanbois that will give every last dollar of our allowances to play their broken game. /rantoff



(Re-posted due to my very lively conversation thread being closed.)


Hahahaha, I will reply the same as most of us did in your previous post.



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This is what I am talking about. They should be hotfixing the crap outta the game instead of trying to pile it all into a massive patch with new content. Stuff like the throwing 50's in a seperate bracket and making Kira talk again are prime canidates for "Oh this works now and has been a problem since beta, hotfix that in tomorrow."


If more of that would happen then there would be less outcries when content patches get pushed back. We all want the new stuff to be bug free when released, but they shouldn't sit on things that have been fixed just because they want to push it out with something else.


No they shoudn't actually. Hotfixed are things that never fix anything. A solid patch that fixes the problems and keep them fixed are the right way to go. If that means postponing, then so be it.

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Hahahaha, I will reply the same as most of us did in your previous post.




Let me guess, you are probably only mid to high lvl 30. You either are not in a guild, or in a small one, AND you don't pvp?


It's simple they need to rename the game Star Wars: The old Rebuglic. Way to many, and way to many fanboys defending a broken game.

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