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Everything posted by bearlol

  1. The game has been out a month, I am not one to defend the pvp, as I agree... it is aweful, but I have also fell victim to being killed in a stun from a operative from 80% with 13% expertise. Resolve is an aweful system, with some obvious (and I mean blatantly obvious) room for improvement, to where it works like DR. Outside from the fact that seemingly 50-60% of stuns don't even add to your resolve bar, warrior snare goes through full resolve (via charge), and full resolve doesn't break current CC's so if you've been stunned for 4-5 seconds, you will probobly die before resolve even does anything. The fact that I can be stunned for 20 seconds and not feel an effect from resolve is just poor design, and I'm sure we can all expect a change to the mechanic. With all this being said, this only really bothers me in Hutt Ball, in which is only enjoyable for Juggernaughts and Sorcerors anyways.
  2. People that are happy that the patch was pushed back have never raided, ran foundry, or been to Ilum
  3. This game is in bad shape right now. Would have been at least nice for something new. 5.5 bosses is hardly enough raid content to keep you interested, not to mention how it is filled with easily fixable bugs, such as randomly dying when running in EV, or zoning into the rancor pit in HH. Rancor pulling on entrance is an awful design oversight which WAS being fixed in this patch. If the new content wasn't ready, who cares, don't release it. Bugs HAVE to be fixed, or SWTOR will go down as the biggest upset, as well as overhyped game of the last 10 years.
  4. All this being said, any fight that involves forcing your main tank (IE me in my case) to either respec, or be sat, is a poorly designed fight. Also, im fairly sure every player that plays this game agree's with the OP that Target of Target HAS to be in the game. Alot of things that i'm sure will be implemented / fixed soon. Just a clarification. The Rancor WAS tankable in beta, not only would the fight be more enjoyable, it would be less RANDOM, and it wouldn't involve sitting half of your main raiders. I really hope future content looks different to this, or the other 40% of guilds that are melee heavy will never kill this boss.
  5. My guild completed this 8 man nightmare by completing the south puzzle first for the first 3 rings, then completing the 4th at the same time. Any other solution bugs the boss.
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