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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

You took too long with Warzone Brackets


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This is the logic that fails.


There are so few level 50s that they won't be able to do warzones.


So, by implication, there were more people sub 50.


So what is the better choice?


Allow the larger majority of your playerbase to be farmed by the minority, or have the minority wait longer for Warzones?


To me the answer is obvious.


To Bioware it was let the majority of your playerbase be farmed.


That is why I will not resub, even if everything was fixed tomorrow. Simply cannot face dealing with a company that would treat their customers like that in the long term, and MMORPGs, for me at least, are usually for the long term.


You sound pathetic. Don't take this game so personal. Bioware is doing whatever they can to make the majority happy. People that are happy with the game normally don't come to the forums so you don't read what they have to say. Bioware doesn't want to come across as not caring or make the game unplayable. They want people to like the game so they will continue to pay the $15/month. You sound like a big **** on here acting like someone personally attacked you by making the game mechanics the way they decided to.


Games always take time to develop and change drastically after launch. The population always spikes at release then people like you cry and quit. The game will go on and this petty issue you have won't be a problem 2 months from now. If you like the game just do what you can to advance and enjoy it. Balancing, adding content and adjustment of rules will continue to happen for the life of this game.


Right now there are several issues being worked on:


1) balancing server population

2) balancing classes

3) coming up with solution to the imbalance of imp/rep population

4) making pvp more fair

5) coming up with more end game content


Stop ************ because you have to wait 2 more days before you are getting rolled by level 10s instead of level 50s.

Edited by Raclen
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I'm a pretty casual gamer that just hit 50 and began PVPing regularly. On the way up, I only did enough of it to afford the level 20 and level 40 sets, because it was the best gear I could acquire given my play time/rhythm. I don't have long stretches of uninterrupted playtime to do flashpoints, operations, etc., so now PvP is my endgame thing. I can spend 30 to 60 minutes and get a few rounds in here and there. I lone-wolf / solo-queue almost exclusively.


Here's what I don't get:


  • Below 50, it doesn't really matter if you win or lose. You're still getting commendations and valor. Yeah it sucks to lose, but you can still work out some medals and learn and practice the PvP mechanics of your class, and that of others.


  • Not only that, but you get to rub elbows with some of the level capped players from your faction, and I saw plenty of sub-50s recognized for doing a good job in a warzone.


Now at 50, winning MATTERS, because you need to get those daily/weekly quests complete. I don't have all night to grind out 3 pug WZ wins. I want to get in, be successful, and get out.


Don't the sub-50s realize that now, when they arrive in the 50s bracket, they're still going to get crushed just as hard by an ocean of 50s that are already geared, and stacked in voice-chat premades?


The heterogeneous nature of the single bracket was a little bit of an equalizer. One team with 4 premade 50s might get served with 4 ultra-lowbies, while the other team of 40s is more well-rounded.


I've got some good Champ gear now, so whatever, but I just get the sense that the sub-50s don't quite understand the ramifications of what they're asking for.


Could certainly be wrong though.

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Bioware showed utter contempt for their casual players by leaving out brackets at launch and then not putting them in for a month.


You showed a total disregard for your player base, opting to allow them to be farmed by level 50s in far superior gear while you sat on your hands and did nothing.


The excuse that there weren't enough level 50s was not good enough. You had other options, you could have disabled Expertise in PvP and told those at 50 it will be reinstated in a month along with brackets, but you didn't.


You did nothing.


This is why I will not resub.


The rest of the game, it can be fixed, eventually, should you get around to it.


Your attitude towards your paying customers is much harder to fix.


Lawl, this is funny. 30 days is a pretty good turn around time for a resolution, even if it is half cocked and will cause a lot more harm then good, but you seem to think that breaking up the community is a better answer then a real fix.


Brackets are the worst possible answer to the current problem. Fix the core of the problem, not slap another bandaid on another sucking chest wound.


Fix/remove Expertise, fix Biochem, fix crafting, fix the WZ's themselves, modify the rules of Huttball to remove massive movement advantages, etc etc. These fix the problem, not brackets.


So you whiny little sniveling child who demands everything in 2 seconds, I'm glad you are not coming back, the game does not need you.


I'd rather deal with another month of bad if I knew they were planning an intelligent redesign, but nooooo they are reacting to people like you and adding a broken fix to a broken core which results in something else to complain about in another week, when everyone crys about long queues etc. Have fun with the crap you brought down upon yourselves.

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Problem... there's not enough 50s to make a game. How was the 50 at the beginning of the game's release (and even on some smaller servers now) going to be able to grind to rank 60 if there is no activity? Make a new character, grind BGs from 10 through 49 and hope they hit rank 60 before they hit level cap?


There are often more 50ies in the Battlgrounds currently on my server than low lvl players, it makes no sense for the lower players and some did give up probably. But sometimes you see even lvl 10´s, there were 3 lvl 10´s in a pvp round without even an advanced class choice lol.

Edited by BobaFurz
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What I always giggle the most about is people defending the 10-50 bracket "There's not enough 50's duuuhhh" Yeah well what about the other 150.000 mmo's that use max level brackets and nobody seems to suffer from it? Are you people telling me that this game out of all the mmo's in the world is the only game EVER that would NOT work with 50 brackets from release?


If you have time to grind a 50 in a few days after the release then you surely have time to wait a week or two for others to catch up, try enjoying the storyline instead of hurrying.


What makes me giggle is people who think that bracketing ever worked.


How did WoW's brackets work? or right, queues were so long that they needed to add cross server queuing....oh, DAoC had Battleground brackets...to bad 90% of them were dead. RIFT? yeah, the brackets only work again because of cross server queuing.


The blind leaning the blind right off a cliff.

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  • Below 50, it doesn't really matter if you win or lose. You're still getting commendations and valor. Yeah it sucks to lose, but you can still work out some medals and learn and practice the PvP mechanics of your class, and that of others.



Although points and commendations are important - what's more important is how fun the fight is. Nothing less fun IMO in PvP when the fight is too one-sided. And let me say - for real PvP'rs - who are in it for a good fight - not just how many points they can farm - being on an OP team that destroys lower level players - really ain't that fun. What I look for are close - hard fights between equal teams. For me that's the real charge I get from PvP'ng. So it works on both ends - it's definitely not fun being ROFL STOMPED by a bunch of 50 pre-mades - but it also gets boring rather quick being able to easily take out another team (there's just no challenge to it).


Balance: that's the main problem right now. It's obviously why Bioware is moving to create a 50s bracket - although even that I think is a half-baked fix - that isn't going to do the job that well.


PS: And we're not talking about somewhat close fights here where you still lose - but it feels like it was a good fight. The team matching really can be so uneven that it turns out not being fun at all. It's not really a fight - it's really low levels ending up being tools to be farmed.

Edited by jamenta
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Redundant. What youre known for. Im not going to go back and quote you just so you can ignore that too.


Gear score has nothing to do with anything I said. My logic is sound. Of course youre confused. You feign ignorance when it suits you.


I already agree low levels need their own brackets. Carry on.


Ok seriously, excuse my interruption but...


What is your point exactly? I mean...i don't know what other history you might have had with Spymaster specifically (and honestly don't care), but at least during this thread you have only put abstract labels or made claims backed up by thin air ("my logic is sound", "redundant", "i'm not going to quote" etc).


I honestly fail to see any point and/or contribution to the discussion apart from a personal attack. Please clarify your point.


Otherwise i guess the only word that comes to mind is....


Hmm..its "redundant".

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Holy crap it's been like a month since early access.


That means assuming it took people a week to hit 50 and get enough expertise to matter this problem has been around for 3 weeks? That's just the hard cores. The problem has probably been wide spread for 2 weeks and they're fixing it?


Do you have any experience at all with other MMOs and the time frame on fixes for stuff? You SHOULD unsub, just like you say you are, because you will never be happy in the MMO genre. I'm guessing you're probably just never going to be happy with things in general.


Let go and stop taking yourself so seriously.

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Holy crap it's been like a month since early access.


That means assuming it took people a week to hit 50 and get enough expertise to matter this problem has been around for 3 weeks? That's just the hard cores. The problem has probably been wide spread for 2 weeks and they're fixing it?


Do you have any experience at all with other MMOs and the time frame on fixes for stuff? You SHOULD unsub, just like you say you are, because you will never be happy in the MMO genre. I'm guessing you're probably just never going to be happy with things in general.


Let go and stop taking yourself so seriously.


Yes I have years of experience.


I posted earlier.


If this was a bug, that allowed "some" random group of classes and players to roflstomp everyone else, any decent MMORPG would have hotfixed it in days.


Not weeks. I have seen it happen, when a major bug appears that disrupts the playing of everyone because a few have managed to find a way to abuse the system, it is fixed and it is fixed fast.


Ok so it is not a bug, but instead is a design flaw....that justifies 3 weeks of allowing it to continue?


I have seen Gold dupes fixed in 24 hours.


The fact that it has been 3 weeks is just a reflection of Bioware's attitude towards their players.

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I'm looking forward to the brackets coming in.


Because then the forum will go from posts regarding the lack of 50 brackets to the over geared 50 premades.


Exciting times!


Yeah. It really is like you go to the doctor and tell him you broke your leg - and he gives you a bottle of aspirin and tells you to go home and rest for a few days ...


It's like huh?

Edited by jamenta
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My server isn't ready for brackets. During prime-time, there are between 30-40 level 50's on the Republic Side. There just aren't enough 50's to support their own bracket.


Oh! Damn stop the patch that makes most servers more enjoyable for a bunch of lowbies since it would ruin your game. What is BW thinking?

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Yes I have years of experience.


I posted earlier.


If this was a bug, that allowed "some" random group of classes and players to roflstomp everyone else, any decent MMORPG would have hotfixed it in days.


Not weeks. I have seen it happen, when a major bug appears that disrupts the playing of everyone because a few have managed to find a way to abuse the system, it is fixed and it is fixed fast.


Ok so it is not a bug, but instead is a design flaw....that justifies 3 weeks of allowing it to continue?


I have seen Gold dupes fixed in 24 hours.


The fact that it has been 3 weeks is just a reflection of Bioware's attitude towards their players.


Yeah except it's not as game breaking as gold dups. Gold dups are devestating to the economy and the game, this is just a balance issue. How long do those take to fix in other games? This is a pretty quick turnaround for a fix any way you slice it.


Granted the fact that the fix has been delayed and is TBA isn't really a gold star on BW's report card. If the fix doesn't come soon then there is going to be some problems.


My point still stands, I'm guessing you quit the other MMOs too for lack of quick fixes if your behavior right now is any indication of past behavior. You should switch game genres, you'll be much happier.


Also, lighten up some.

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I'm guessing that most people who are complaining about the length of time these fixes and tweaks are taking have never played an MMO before.


Bioware could take 2-3 years to fix these bugs and they would still be significantly more on top of things than most MMO developers. Be grateful that they have acknowledged the issues and have indicated that they are working on them, that is much more than you should be expecting.

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Give them a chance, the game has only just been out a month.


I'm frustrated sometimes as well. Just stick with it. They will sort it, they sort most things we ask for.


Uh - they spent 6 years developing this game. And they had betas for how many months?


And they had no idea that a few 50s on a given side would clearly ROFL-STOMP any low level players?


Or they had no idea that the open world design they layed out - which has been done before in a similar fashion in other MMOs has failed as well?


This is the PvP expertise you have on a 300 million dollar game?


Give me a break ...

Edited by jamenta
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I'm looking forward to the brackets coming in.


Because then the forum will go from posts regarding the lack of 50 brackets to the over geared 50 premades.


Exciting times!


No no, it will go to 'OMG queue times are sooooo long!!!'


Then it will go 'We need cross server PvP!!!!'




Yeah, you all talk about BW making the same newbie mistakes that everyone makes in MMO's...well so are you, and you are going to regret the end result like usual.

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Nice imagination you got there buddy.





Ummm you said "casual players will fall behind"..... you weren't talking about skill deciding the winner... you were talking about gear score and levels. Now you're back tracking to cover your mistake.




So I was right all along? Thanks for your contribution. :rolleyes:


They will fall behind in progression. What is progression in pvp? Usually some kind of ranking system and gear! Casual players (including me) will fall behind those who play all the time. Skill will always be prelevant but when it comes to PROGRESSION' again they will fall behind.


Awesome you think youre the one who thought of this. Its not about being right or wrong. I agree on the general consesus of there being a level bracket wether you do or not. I could care less what you feel is right. My contribution has been around before I posted here.

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Uh - they spent 6 years developing this game. And they had betas for how many months?


And they had no idea that a few 50s on a given side would clearly ROFL-STOMP any low level players?


Or they had no idea that the open world design they layed out - which has been done before in a similar fashion in other MMOs has failed as well?


This is the PvP expertise you have on a 300 million dollar game?


Give me a break ...


You should have seen the Beta forums warning them this would happen.

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I'm guessing that most people who are complaining about the length of time these fixes and tweaks are taking have never played an MMO before.


Bioware could take 2-3 years to fix these bugs and they would still be significantly more on top of things than most MMO developers. Be grateful that they have acknowledged the issues and have indicated that they are working on them, that is much more than you should be expecting.


There is a lot more competition out there right now for the game player's money. Might have been a good excuse to use a few years ago... But with Diablo III coming up - and the fierce competition of other MMOs - I would say - "taking your player base for granted" approach - is turning out to be a fool's errand - game wise and pound wise.

Edited by jamenta
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