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Is TOR done growing?


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None of the games you listed were anywhere close to TOR in pre-orders or box sales.


Apples n' Oranges.


So your saying a whole bunch of people got to see how bad the game is? You are saying we will all be quite surprised (well some of us won't be) when BW loses 300k subs on the 20th?


I think that is what you are telling me.

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You sir are not a pvp'er, you may think you are. But you are not.


If you did not play IPY2 you are not a pvper at the core, because in 2011 that where real pvpers hung out. Stuff like CoD is not pvp, that is competitive mode!!!


But if you think button smashing aka swtor pvp is good, ok or just plain not terrible pvp I am sorry but you dont know what you are talking about.



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all three of those games saw a HUGE drop in players after the first 2 weeks.


That hasn't happened here.


So from big queues on most servers to most servers being standard isn´t a huge drop in your eyes ?

I know, holidays and stuff but still if you use that comparison...

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Such polish when my main PVP and PVE shot over writes it self every other shot or just simply never fires. That I must stop and wait to use my escape ability. That my other charged shot over writes itself if you don't pay attention. Those are game breakers and hardly the list.


Gamebreaking? So you mean you cannot at all play your class? That is hardly gamebreaking, but more off a big annoyence. And if you have played any MMO in the past you should know things like that will get fixed. If you like the game, bugs like that are not that big of a deal.


Overall the polish of this game is much better than alot of other MMOs. There are bugs, some more annoying than others, but when you buy an MMO on launch this is something to expect. Can't deal with "launch bugs"? Next time, don't buy an MMO around release, because you will be equally dissapointed.

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Because everyone has a "huge list" of things they hate about the game, play "that other game" yet feel compelled to post/troll on a game they hate right?


Just curious seeing as you have literally "nothing" good to say about the game. What's your deal?


He's gone back to WoW, apparently that game is so great he spends all his time posting here :D

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1. I have no idea what each server indicator means ie Full means 10k standard 5 k and so on


2. I have no idea how many people subscribed.


3. I have no idea how many people will leave


so in other words it's impossible to know


1. http://www.swtorarena.com/statistics/


This site is really cool for server stats and history.


2. Official numbers are just north of 2 million I believe. That's a pretty good working estimate.


3. That's what were are discussing. Have you ever discussed something you didn't know the answer to? It can be interesting. It's impossible to know for sure what will happen, but the point is to take an educated guess, and substantiate your points.

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So from big queues on most servers to most servers being standard isn´t a huge drop in your eyes ?

I know, holidays and stuff but still if you use that comparison...


They could have upped the max capacity of each server, which is what I'm guessing they did because I see about a 25% increase in players now on my server than I did during the first 2 launch weeks. During peak times there are still Full and plenty of Very Heavy servers.


And yes, this can be done because SWG lowered their population status sign over the years that game was out.

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They could have upped the max capacity of each server, which is what I'm guessing they did because I see about a 25% increase in players now on my server than I did during the first 2 launch weeks. During peak times there are still Full and plenty of Very Heavy servers.


And yes, this can be done because SWG lowered their population status sign over the years that game was out.


I've noticed a 50% decrease of pop on my server.

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If you release a new mmorpg you make sure it's on par, if not better, then what is currently available on the market.


What does SWTOR do better, aside from storytelling and cinematic experience, than World of Warcraft?


This game has flaws, and will eventually be adressed over time, sure. There are also flaws which have been adressed in the beta and have been ignored. If Bioware can fix the flaws at a reasonable rate people will stay. If it's going to take forever, especially annoying ones, then people will leave and will result in a domino effect.


For a game that has been in development for six years, big names backing it up and knowing what's happening on the market, I expected a lot more out of it. That's just my opinion.


Flame on.

Edited by Fixiooo
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Gamebreaking? So you mean you cannot at all play your class? That is hardly gamebreaking, but more off a big annoyence. And if you have played any MMO in the past you should know things like that will get fixed. If you like the game, bugs like that are not that big of a deal.


Overall the polish of this game is much better than alot of other MMOs. There are bugs, some more annoying than others, but when you buy an MMO on launch this is something to expect. Can't deal with "launch bugs"? Next time, don't buy an MMO around release, because you will be equally dissapointed.


Polish to what? Voice Acting.... WOW I was impressed for a few levels. At 50 getting killed cause half my skills do not work when I demand them too is polish to you? Yes game breaking not a difficult term to understand go play with your force lightening.


Even Bioware admitted this is a HUGE problem and not a word on a fix. They had a month deal is over. Plus this is not an MMO at all

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Honestly come the 20th they will lose a massive amount of subs.


Then in about 3 months they will lose even more to tera, (mainly pvper's that know what tera is).


Then later this year the rest that aren't total 100% into swtor will drift off to play GW2 when its released.


Honestly..come a month later a WoW will lose a massive amount of subs.


Then in about 3 months..they will lose even more to something else...people are starting to hate WoW.


Then later this year the rest that aren't total 100 percent into WoW will drift off and play some other game.


Do you know how many people said those same things about WoW and how ****** the community was for the first couple of months criticizing the game saying "this game sucks! i want my money back.." umm..yeah we all saw how THAT went...love or hate wow...it's number 1 and I believe in time SWTOR will be above it

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says the button masher :)



SO what is IPY2 then? do you even know? go google it. Was the rip roaringest best damn pvp the world has seen since 1999.


"You're not a US Soldier unless you fought in WWII, the wars soldiers are in today don't count"


You are so derp it's not even funny. Lol, yes it is actually.

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They will retain their star wars fan base and maybe even sci fi fans that are desperate for a sci fi mmo. It will be reduced to a niche game and recorded as the biggest flop in mmo history that even Vanguard couldn't rival.


Umm, yeah, Vanguard was supposed to be the next big coming of the MMO gods. It hasn't had an update in 2 years and is only kept alive by station pass. VG launced unplayable, which is what killed it. SWTOR is very playable with a few things that need to be fixed. Really bad comparison.

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1. http://www.swtorarena.com/statistics/


This site is really cool for server stats and history.


2. Official numbers are just north of 2 million I believe. That's a pretty good working estimate.


3. That's what were are discussing. Have you ever discussed something you didn't know the answer to? It can be interesting. It's impossible to know for sure what will happen, but the point is to take an educated guess, and substantiate your points.


Really? The maker of that stat has come here and explained what his stats mean and they dont mean what you think. Its becoming as bad as taking an arrow to the knee...

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Those who quit now will be back in 6 months when there is 6 million subs and they realize it's actually the trendy game.


I predict 70 million users by next month, they are having a sale!


70 million, lol. Even I don't believe in this game that much. You have the power of positive thinking.


To the OP, we all can speculate on this game but that is all it can be at the moment since we have no real numbers to base anything on. The MMODATA you listed is a little old to use of numbers, but close. It has no numbers at all on TOR.

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They could have upped the max capacity of each server, which is what I'm guessing they did because I see about a 25% increase in players now on my server than I did during the first 2 launch weeks. During peak times there are still Full and plenty of Very Heavy servers.


And yes, this can be done because SWG lowered their population status sign over the years that game was out.


Man you are in denial serious denial. I am not sure but doesnt seem healthy over a game online.

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The game will have a BIG decline on the 20th, will it grow afterwards? Doubtful.


this probably.


It'll do well as MMOs go, but I doubt it will be a record breaker, or even come close. Its jsut to middle of the road and coasting on its IP.

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If you release a new mmorpg you make sure it's on par, if not better, then what is currently available on the market.


What does SWTOR do better, aside from storytelling and cinematic experience, than World of Warcraft?


This is what hits home for me... besides story, there isn't much new (or good). However, they can improve, and if enough people are captivated purely by the story, then the game has a chance to survive for a long time.

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