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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Operatives: Most broken garbage balance ever.


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Hey remember, according to all the people protecting Ops, they are underplayed. After all, nothing like this is happening. I got in on the tail end of that match there with only 100 points left on a node, and I capped one in the process, so that's why I only have 4 badges. So evidently people were getting tired of the ganking they can't control or stop. So yea, Operatives are so underplayed and such an under performing class. We have to take their word for it. Names of course are covered up because it's against the forum rules to name and shame. Edited by Silverspar
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Why does the class matter? Any class with a significant gear (and likely experience) advantage will have the capability to kill you as many times as it likes if you're alone.


I disagree, you have a defense against every other class. You can CC them. Stealth combined with opening burst is the issue. Especially when the burst is so high it kills you. It's the equivalent of having a PvP geared tank able to stand there and take no damage from a non-PvP geared DPS. This is not the case.


The battlemaster tank has an advantage, a big advantage but there is no place in the game for out-of-stealth-one-man insta kills. This is my opinion, but I really don't see the other side. I dont care if this needs to made up to the Operative with some other ability. I just think one man insta-kill does not belong in PvP.


The guy in his example who is taking advantage is a reason why.

Edited by richardya
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dude, there are 2 side exits from the spawn in hutball ^_^


Instead of dropping down, follow the path to left or right and you will end up near the ball stand :p. I think they are meant to avoid spawn ganking :D


Just one of those things ya know ^_^


I died about 10 times during the game, and I did manage to get to mid once or twice, by dropping down the running as soon as I could. He still caught me before I could do anything, and then just ***** me. I almost killed him once, but he ran around a corner, popped a heal and his biochem medpac and then vanished to rekill me again.


P.S. I've been a warlord in vanilla wow, 2500 rated rogue in arenas and decided against rolling the generic rogue this game, little did I know that they would be as broken as vanilla rogues were in wow, being able to 3 shot people, except this time they don't die in 2 gcds.

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I played a game yesterday where a 50 Op chased me all over the map in Huttball. He opened hard, I healed up and proceeded to run all over the map with this goof pickin away at me. (I'm a merc healer) Sure, their burst is big, but after that I dont see how they are all that mean.
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I played a game yesterday where a 50 Op chased me all over the map in Huttball. He opened hard, I healed up and proceeded to run all over the map with this goof pickin away at me. (I'm a merc healer) Sure, their burst is big, but after that I dont see how they are all that mean.


You probably massively outgear him, and he's probably not using biochem stims.

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I have a fully geared Shadow tank and they open up on me for 9k. Operatives are the most BS class in the game by far. No way of denying it and the people saying otherwise are just people playing the class praying they don't get nerfed like they should be. Edited by Frankaficky
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You probably massively outgear him, and he's probably not using biochem stims.


Is that what happened to you? Or do we think worst case scenerio when basing arguments?


I just finished my champion gear set this morning. (Just armor.) So perhaps that 6% that I get, or he didnt have, was what turned it? I dunno.

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lol you people are clueless


how does a solo operative defeat






yeah..they don't.


146k protection? 4 healers over 100k? 3 of them over 200k? that's teamwork. an individual operative being able to kill an individual who undergears them is nothing. i couldnt dent any of their healers in this game even with support from my teammates and with 4 healrs, the two powertechs using guard were unkillable.


oh, my team only had one player not 50 and two battlemasters.


this is what scoundrel/op damage is actually like...here in this video. no consumables used. note the total lack of 5k crits you all whine about...


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I have a fully geared Shadow tank and they open up on me for 9k. Operatives are the most BS class in the game by far. No way of denying it and the people saying otherwise are just people playing the class praying they don't get nerfed like they should be.


because he stacked consumables and outgeared you


without all those consumables it takes battlemaster level gear to break a 5k crit with shoot first

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lol you people are clueless


how does a solo operative defeat






yeah..they don't.


146k protection? 4 healers over 100k? 3 of them over 200k? that's teamwork. an individual operative being able to kill an individual who undergears them is nothing. i couldnt dent any of their healers in this game even with support from my teammates and with 4 healrs, the two powertechs using guard were unkillable.


oh, my team only had one player not 50 and two battlemasters.


this is what scoundrel/op damage is actually like...here in this video. no consumables used. note the total lack of 5k crits you all whine about...



On that map specifically... good operatives are going to go around to the nodes with one or two defenders on it and wipe them both out in a short amount of time. They can do it solo or they can wait for a diversion to jump on a mutual target and burn it down before a reasonable window to make a save.

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I don't know what's worse, the number of Ops out or just the defenders of them. What makes me laugh more is the number of people trying to legitimately say Ops are not OP, yet the number of them per match has been steadily increasing. Well steadily being that consistently 4+ per match I've been in now. Edited by Silverspar
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On that map specifically... good operatives are going to go around to the nodes with one or two defenders on it and wipe them both out in a short amount of time. They can do it solo or they can wait for a diversion to jump on a mutual target and burn it down before a reasonable window to make a save.


if the two you are takling about are a battlemaster powertech with a battlemaster merc healer who is guarded then...um no.


even in equal gear popping consumables you arent giong to break open that powertech or that merc

Edited by Corran
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How anyone can defend 3 second stun that doesn't break on damage and 50% armor reduction buff on the same class that has stealth is beyond me.


It's a old train of thought. If their favorite no talent class has the potential to get nerfed their common excuse is L2P to the people they easily steamroll because of broken mechanics and OPness.

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It's a old train of thought. If their favorite no talent class has the potential to get nerfed their common excuse is L2P to the people they easily steamroll because of broken mechanics and OPness.


I have a guy like you in my guild. If anyone beats him, their class is OP. If they were the same class, it becomes a lag issue, etc.

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How anyone can defend 3 second stun that doesn't break on damage and 50% armor reduction buff on the same class that has stealth is beyond me.


because it IS a stun it doesnt break on damage. DISORIENTS break on damage



different things.

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Actually, sages and sorcs would be the runner up for most overpowered class after operative.


except for teh fact that healing opreatives/scoundrels are very squishy compared to healbot sorc/mercs with no real defensive cooldowns. therefore if you start seeing matches with all scoundrels/op's it's easily countered with tanks and heales and use of guard.


yes one person may be bursted down through guard by 2 ops/scoundrels on them at once, but think about that for a minute.

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