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Operatives: Most broken garbage balance ever.


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If they would just remove the stun from that knife spam crap that they do I think it would be fine.


As a consular in almost full champion gear I get taken down to about 25% before I can even do anything from knife spamming operatives. Its the most broken thing I have seen in this game.


yeah you're right, you should just be able to survive a burst from a stealth dps with your light armor caster crap.

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No there aren't.


I'm a trooper commando with some pvp gear and purples/blues and have been 3-shotted by OPs.


Yes there is. You go try to kill Cup on Rakata Mind Prison. That guy is a beast and you will not bring him down. He probably has full Battlemaster (I don't know but he must) because he is basically like a raid boss.

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Yes there is. You go try to kill Cup on Rakata Mind Prison. That guy is a beast and you will not bring him down. He probably has full Battlemaster (I don't know but he must) because he is basically like a raid boss.


Five lowbies or 50s with no pvp gear don't count.

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Five lowbies or 50s with no pvp gear don't count.


Like I said you go try and kill Cup. I have champions weapon/offhand and a bunch of pieces and I can only get him to 50% if I Shoot first, backblast, do some other attacks, vanish, shoot first and backblast again... and then he just heals it all right back again... because interrupting works so well when he just switches between his 2 healing spells.


No really... go and try and GOOD (and geared) Merc/Commando healer.

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Like I said you go try and kill Cup. I have champions weapon/offhand and a bunch of pieces and I can only get him to 50% if I Shoot first, backblast, do some other attacks, vanish, shoot first and backblast again... and then he just heals it all right back again... because interrupting works so well when he just switches between his 2 healing spells.


No really... go and try and GOOD (and geared) Merc/Commando healer.


I'm pretty sure an OP with equal gear can take him out solo.

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I'm pretty sure an OP with equal gear can take him out solo.


I'm sure you dont know what you're talking about.


Really, the lot of you. If you get plowed by an Operative, you deserve it. Break the CC, bust a shield/sprint/knockback/whateva, and begin kiting them to death.


There are so many of you that...LOL..are really bad at PvP.

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I'm sure you dont know what you're talking about.


Really, the lot of you. If you get plowed by an Operative, you deserve it. Break the CC, bust a shield/sprint/knockback/whateva, and begin kiting them to death.


There are so many of you that...LOL..are really bad at PvP.


Dont worry oss, our turn ids coming. once of them will get killed by a guardian cos he was afk an then the new crusade will be "waaaa JK's are op nerf them or I quit...."

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I'm sure you dont know what you're talking about.


Really, the lot of you. If you get plowed by an Operative, you deserve it. Break the CC, bust a shield/sprint/knockback/whateva, and begin kiting them to death.


There are so many of you that...LOL..are really bad at PvP.


I have a 50 OP and I have NEVER been kited to death. It just doesn't happen. I have several stuns, a combat escape, heals and honestly if I catch you by suprises your trinket won't save you.


I play a OP and even I know they do way more damage then any other class. However the one thing I will say to that aspect is that is ALL I can do. I can stun folks and stab them to death flat. However I can't pull or push or any of the things that really come in handy in a game like Huttball. I also can't charge into a group and start mixing it up like other melee can. I die as fast as I kill. So basicly I spend the whole game just hunting and killing and I do it DAMN well.


However I tend to contribute much less then a normal player in the grand scheme. Can I gut you 1v1 like a pig and make you rage? Sure can! Can I be much of a help if the other team is running th ball towards the goal? Not really. I can pick of players but if YOU don't stop him, hes gonna score.


Operatives are the hands down best 1v1 class. Don't let anyone pull the "l2n trinket" BS, it will not stop a good Op from killing you in 3-5 seconds flat. But as far as really making a difference in WZ's... we don't. I'd trade damage for ulitity in a heart beat.

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Dont worry oss, our turn ids coming. once of them will get killed by a guardian cos he was afk an then the new crusade will be "waaaa JK's are op nerf them or I quit...."


No kidding.


Here, check this out. A Gunslinger can drop shield, root a Sith (or his own faction Jedi depending on population and the WZ) and they cannot leap to him. They can't close the distance other than by foot. Leaving the Gunslinger the ability to deliver what I ASSURE YOU to be >10K dmg that is unanswered.


When they DO get there, they can't interrupt him/her due to Hunker Down, and the Gunslinger will use Frieghter Flyby to finish them off if needed.


Hmm...if the Sith only expanded on the range or LOS and picked another fight?!




How about this. A Sith Maurader chockes player A, maxes out his Smash stacks then hits what...3 people or more in the area with over 6K?! Then does a Scream for another couple of thousand?! None of which cannot be interrupted...



The arguments about what's overpowered and what isn't is subjective and pathetic.

Edited by Ossos
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they just dont like the idea of having to work together when farming their shinys. I find it quite amusing, because in world pvp this crap doesn't happen. They all farm BGs solo so they are free kills, an its their own fault, but you cant tell them that. Ive been reported already for daring to tell them not to stand still an always travel with your group....
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Actually I'm 50 with half pvp gear, couldn't get out of spawn in huttball.


before you jump down like a useless sheep, walk to the side then jump outside of where he is camping taaddaaaa


only reason he would camp there becaue ops are useless in huttball, cant pull enemy to fire, or pull teammate to safty or knock back people or jump on people, and you are a weak under geared char who know not what to do

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Sure nerf my burst damage and remove the knockdown stun.


Then I want overload shot range increased to 30m, a pbae knockback+slow, explosive probe usable outside cover, and sever tendons range increased.


I have never done 9k damage in a single hit. Have I done it while they still knocked down? Yeah sure I have, have I done it too pvp geared people? Maybe, with the expertise buff.


And I'm not biochem, as classes shouldn't be balanced around a crewskill.


And also the entire healing tree should be buffed, was a operative healer first, and it's subpar to any other healer. I couldn't heal as much as them, I certainly couldn't survive as them.

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The problem with operative/scoundrel is not the damage, they are suposed to have high spike damage, its the fact that the action / power costs are not high enough.


It should take nearly all your action to drop somebody in a few seconds with burst damage, however they usualy manage this with 25-50% of thier action/power used and it regenerates so fast you can do it all over again a few seconds later.


If they want to be the best 1v1 PVP class for burst damage no problem.. let them but they should suffer in pve because of it due to high action costs.

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It doesn't even matter if you have battlemaster gear...if you get opened up on by a operative from stealth you will be dead.





You are so full of BS. Why must you people turn our happy forums into a DEN OF LIES? :mad:


I play a Medicine Operative (not yet level 50), and I have survived being opened on by a level 50 scoundrel many, many times (and I play solo, so no tank guarding me). If you don't know, we aren't particularly durable....and we are forced to stand around with no stealth in order to keep our team alive and fighting.


How does a level 30-something survive a melee scoundrel? CC break, stun, snare, and get the hell out of line of sight to pop a quick heal if needed....and move to a new location very quickly. Most of them don't even bother following once you are out of range. Sure, sometimes they score a kill, but that's how it goes. You'll forgive me if I'm skeptical of all these ridiculous claims from level 50 players who are supposedly getting globaled. I'll grant that being a healer makes it easier for me to pick my health up after a sudden drop, but still.....Call me cynical, but it sounds to me like a lot of people have some L2P issues.


Burst is supposed to be scary in PvP. It's supposed to intimidate you. When you are playing against a bursty character who has opened on you from stealth, one of the keys to your survival is how well you manage to keep a cool head. Sometimes your cooldowns aren't up and you die. Sometimes your brain freezes up, and you don't do the right things in time. Oh well.


Biochem is getting nerfed, right? Since that's what is causing the insane burst we see from a lot of players right now, how about we wait and see how that turns out before going on a crusade with the rest of the lemmings? It's too early to see if they need to be nerfed yet. Perhaps once these changes go live, more adjustments will need to be made.....Then again, maybe the planned changes will do the trick.

Edited by belialle
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The problem with operative/scoundrel is not the damage, they are suposed to have high spike damage, its the fact that the action / power costs are not high enough.


It should take nearly all your action to drop somebody in a few seconds with burst damage, however they usualy manage this with 25-50% of thier action/power used and it regenerates so fast you can do it all over again a few seconds later.


If they want to be the best 1v1 PVP class for burst damage no problem.. let them but they should suffer in pve because of it due to high action costs.


You can't really drop below 75% energy except every 2mins for adrenaline probe unless you want to gimp the **** out of your dps. The reason Operative/Scoundrel don't go below that mark isn't because they can't, its because its dps suicide.


Also, it does generally take every you've got to drop an equal geared player, assuming you can actually drop him.

Edited by staysa
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You have to be an operative/scoundrel to deny that they are overpowered. I'm in near full PvP gear and Ops in less gear than me are still able to roflstomp me, and it's not because I don't know what I'm doing. They're just plain overpowered.


Nerf their opening burst and buff sustained and we'll talk.

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This is the pvp forum.


The same reason they should suffer in PVE due to action costs also makes it impossible for them to kill more than one person at a time without having to wait for action regen.


They play very similar to SWG melee spy, you could pretty much one string anyone you wanted with a SWG melee spy but after that you were out of action and were forced to cloak. This blanced them out and made them nothing more than the occasional nusiance.


It aslo meant they couldnt do any dps on anything gold or pvp tankish class because they ran out of action, so to keep your action costs low you had to sacrifice damage buffs for action cost ones.

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