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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Proof People are Leaving...


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or maybe they are increasing the pop cap as they said they would do slowly over time as needed.


This is where you're wrong. I saw these exact same trends with RIFT. Now RIFT only has 1 server with an actual population. Same thing is happening to this game.

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After people get the game people try the game out and decide if they like it. Some people experience sticker shock (just got the game and cant pay the next month fee). Some people get burned out 60 million hours does that. they generally start balancing out about the 6th month.
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This is where you're wrong. I saw these exact same trends with RIFT. Now RIFT only has 1 server with an actual population. Same thing is happening to this game.



This is where you are wrong you state..wth do you know about that. We dont care what you saw with rift black and white PROOF..or skip posting.

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This is where you're wrong. I saw these exact same trends with RIFT. Now RIFT only has 1 server with an actual population. Same thing is happening to this game.


Wait, I thought people were saying RIFT is doing well. I thought people said RIFT was great and was adding content and was polished and had great communication.


So RIFT isn't doing well?

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This is where you're wrong. I saw these exact same trends with RIFT. Now RIFT only has 1 server with an actual population. Same thing is happening to this game.


its been a month, and it released during the holidays... more people with time. how many times do people have to be told this.

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Thank goodness you are here and keeping track for us! We appreciate all your hard work!


I know this is probably radical thinking, but perhaps (stay with me here) people are not logged on right now but still subscribing.... Crazy but possible, right?

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People are also going back to work/school/whatever following Xmas break so a decline in concurrent online population is expected. Since there is no way to measure other than "Empty/Light/Standard/Heavy/Full" and assigning arbitrary values to it everything is just speculation.
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or maybe they are increasing the pop cap as they said they would do slowly over time as needed.


This would be true if the servers were still populated like they were...

Fact is there are less people playing. That is why the servers are showing lighter loads.

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or maybe they are increasing the pop cap as they said they would do slowly over time as needed.



The internet is no place for logic or being reasonable! I need two conspiracy theories, four unfounded assertions, a meme reference and an invocation of Godwin before the day is out! :D


In all seriousness, I don't doubt some people are leaving. You can't make a game that appeals to absolutely everyone. I'd be surprised if most of them were not being replaced by new players, though. Of course, only Bioware has access to actual numbers so this entire discussion is pretty pointless.

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Wait, I thought people were saying RIFT is doing well. I thought people said RIFT was great and was adding content and was polished and had great communication.


So RIFT isn't doing well?


The RIFT population has died down a lot since last year. If you look at the server populations the only server that is at capacity is Wolfsbane. Most of the other servers lost a LOT of subs.

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I've been checking this the past couple weeks and noticed the decline in server trends is going down. Servers that used to be heavy, full, are now becoming standard. It's a slow process but it's not working in favour of TOR.


LOL actually your disproving my 30% burn off theory that all MMO's expierence to me it looks like TOR may only loose 10% in first month! thats outstanding and enraging at the same time. I thought i was the only one willing to sit out there poorly designed game to see if they could fix it.

Edited by Paralassa
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I've been checking this the past couple weeks and noticed the decline in server trends is going down. Servers that used to be heavy, full, are now becoming standard. It's a slow process but it's not working in favour of TOR.


You don't understand mmog populations and how the evolve especially right away so I excuse your ignorance. What I don't excuse is your weird negative focus.

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or maybe they are increasing the pop cap as they said they would do slowly over time as needed.


Or you could log in at prime time on Sunday (typically the heaviest day of the week for most MMOs) and see that on my server, Sanctum of the Exalted... we had 61 people in the fleet station at 7pm server time. Last week, we had nearly 200.


From 10pm last night til early in the AM, there was never more than 14 people on Alderaan. There was under 40 people on Nar Shadaa, and when I went back to Coruscant (which always had 150+), there were less than 60.


Our server is dropping off the face of the earth. Pop wise, it still has lowbies... but once you get to Tattoine, ghost town. People are dropping out of the game once they approach 30. One of my alts is in a large Imp guild on the server and we're down to less than 20 people who have logged in in the past week (down from 90).


I was the only person on Ilum for almost an hour last night.... and that's the end-game zone :(

Edited by Laeris
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I've been checking this the past couple weeks and noticed the decline in server trends is going down. Servers that used to be heavy, full, are now becoming standard. It's a slow process but it's not working in favour of TOR.


Honestly you dont even know.


Bioware could be increasing server pops like they said they would lol.


They left server caps low at launch on purpose to fill up servers and push people to roll on new/light/standard servers. Then stated that they would slowly begin to increase the caps after the population spread out....


I remember the first 2 weeks a bit better I think. In that there were ALOT of light and standard servers even at prim time. Now I see no light servers at all and the majority of servers are at heavy/very heavy during prime time.


This indicates that they did raise caps and populations accross servers is more balanced.


Not that people are leaving lol based on what you see.

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Or you could log in at prime time on Sunday (typically the heaviest day of the week for most MMOs) and see that on my server, Sanctum of the Exalted... we had 61 people in the fleet station at 7pm server time. Last week, we had nearly 200.


From 10pm last night til early in the AM, there was never more than 14 people on Alderaan. There was under 40 people on Nar Shadaa, and when I went back to Coruscant (which always had 150+), there were less than 60.


Our server is dropping off the face of the earth. Pop wise, it still has lowbies... but once you get to Tattoine, ghost town. People are dropping out of the game once they approach 30. One of my alts is in a large Imp guild on the server and we're down to less than 20 people who have logged in in the past week (down from 90).



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