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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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Bioware should listen to the MMO Overlords (that's Blizzard) and learn from them:




Q: What do you think the most successful aspect is? (Patch 4.3)


DK: Right now? So far for me it seems to be Raid Finder. I know there are a lot of players that really wanted to see that content, and they really wanted to ramp up their character and then have a real challenge of fighting a raid boss but the logistics of getting together with a guild where everyone was available at the same time to raid – not everybody can do that. So Raid Finder opens up a whole lot of content for a whole lot of people and we definitely want to do it with this patch because it's our most epic raid fight we've ever done.


No wonder theses guys have 10m subscribers.


Isn't the problem that Bioware doesn't feel like doing cross-server LFG? Couldn't they instead just make a Dungeon Finder tool for the invidual servers instead of cross-server? That way people could be doing whatever they want to do and still be LFG to a FP or whatever.

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All I have to say on the subject is this: I quit WoW because it had turned into "World of Looking For Tanks And Healers" for me. I was literally spending all of my time in Dal spamming for people to come run heroics with me.


Then my friend told me about the dungeon finder and I came back. The game became playable again. Suddenly I could do heroics until my eyes bled if I felt like it. Sure there were the occasional tards (I swear there is something VERY WRONG with the boulderfist server). But the percentages didn't seem appreciably worse than when I was running them the old fashioned way. And if I DID get a bad group it didn't ruin my day because I could just votekick or leave and it would be a reasonable delay before I was back in the action instead of back to spamming for a tank for hours on end.


The only negative of the dungeon finder was occasionally randoming into a dungeon that I couldn't find the door to. But then they fixed that by making it so you had to actually DISCOVER dungeons first in Cata.


Now, I didn't notice a lot of ninja behavior from this but, to be fair, that may have been because by this time we were all pretty much spamming heroics for emblems and didn't really care about the gear anyway. I have no idea what effect it would have while the gear actually matters. But since we have an emblem system in play here too, I don't foresee a big issue.

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Bioware should listen to the MMO Overlords (that's Blizzard) and learn from them:




Q: What do you think the most successful aspect is? (Patch 4.3)


DK: Right now? So far for me it seems to be Raid Finder. I know there are a lot of players that really wanted to see that content, and they really wanted to ramp up their character and then have a real challenge of fighting a raid boss but the logistics of getting together with a guild where everyone was available at the same time to raid – not everybody can do that. So Raid Finder opens up a whole lot of content for a whole lot of people and we definitely want to do it with this patch because it's our most epic raid fight we've ever done.


No wonder theses guys have 10m subscribers.



Completely agree..

I also remember a blue responce on the wow offical forums that proclaimed the cross server lfd a success, Sadly they wiped the old forum with cata release. But the blue post said that with the new lfd system players were doing more 5 man content and completing the content than ever before in the games history


The facts are clear here the majority of games prefer cross server lfd systems So much so that other games have started putting them in place.

The problem is the majority of the player base are a silent majority. While the anti lfd crowd are very very vocal!


You know i really wish game companies would take a page out of old mythic (before EA buy out) and use log in pols to get a feel for how the majority feels. Mythic used this polls as a base and you had to answer the poll before you could log in and play.


I would bet the majority of players if asked would vote for a cross server lfd tool.

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Isn't the problem that Bioware doesn't feel like doing cross-server LFG? Couldn't they instead just make a Dungeon Finder tool for the invidual servers instead of cross-server? That way people could be doing whatever they want to do and still be LFG to a FP or whatever.


It sounds like that is what they will do, EvilTrollGuy, but after doing Huttball for the umpteenth time (and due to the experience in other games), some of us would LOVE cross-server from the start to alleviate imbalances and low population servers. BUT if they start with same server I will wait it out until Bioware sees the light.

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Bioware should listen to the MMO Overlords (that's Blizzard) and learn from them:




Q: What do you think the most successful aspect is? (Patch 4.3)


DK: Right now? So far for me it seems to be Raid Finder. I know there are a lot of players that really wanted to see that content, and they really wanted to ramp up their character and then have a real challenge of fighting a raid boss but the logistics of getting together with a guild where everyone was available at the same time to raid – not everybody can do that. So Raid Finder opens up a whole lot of content for a whole lot of people and we definitely want to do it with this patch because it's our most epic raid fight we've ever done.


No wonder theses guys have 10m subscribers.


Yes! Yes! Yes! 1000x Yes!

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Isn't the problem that Bioware doesn't feel like doing cross-server LFG? Couldn't they instead just make a Dungeon Finder tool for the invidual servers instead of cross-server? That way people could be doing whatever they want to do and still be LFG to a FP or whatever.


You don't fix most of the problems if it's not cross-server. Eternal queues outside peak hours or in low pop servers will remain.


Come on guys, get this concept of "Server equals Gated Community" out of your heads. Servers are meant to enable millions to play the game, not to simply divide and label them.


Blizzards knows that and in the near future you will even be able to party and queue for BG/LFG/LFR with people across servers. The concept of "server" will vanish. As it should.

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Yeah I have to agree with you, I'm all down for grouping but it has to be done in a way that makes sense and doesn't cause discomfort. Last night (i'm staying up late to adjust to nights for work) around 2am I couldn't find a group for the life of me on Alderan (however you spell it). This is the 3rd planet in a row where I haven't completed the group quests.


As you've already stated, they need to remove the barriers to group. Downranking players would help for sure :) I'd like to see a planet teleport if you group with someone on another planet, this would be supported with a LFG channel to make heroics easier. All good stuff Aeon.


I am currently levelling a healer Sith side. I was on Balmorra (which has Heroic 4's out the bum) on a High pop server.


While questing I constantly asked /1 for more people to do the instances. I got 1 reply over the space of almost 4 hours. No guildies were on that planet and I *really* didn't want to make one of them come and carry me on their 50.


Honestly, the lack of an Instance Finder tool is probably going to be the thing that sours this game for me.

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The only reason why games have the player population separated into servers is because current computer technology cannot easily support having all players in the same world. The ultimate evolutionary goal of the MMO world is to eventually have all players able to interact in one massive online world, forming one massive community and all interacting with eachother.


The reason for having different servers is not to spread out the player base and to keep us segregated into small groups just for the sake of itself. It is purely a technological limitation.


You are forgetting there are PvE, PvP and RP servers... will be potentially interesting to see how some of those are connected. People do act and react very differently within the different communities.


Yeah and if you showed a cell phone to someone in the 1400s they would have burned you for practicing witchcraft. Primitive minds evolve and progress with time... look forward and move forward... and don't hold the rest of us back.

If I wasn't trying to attract people to this thread I might have changed my sig.


I am currently levelling a healer Sith side. I was on Balmorra (which has Heroic 4's out the bum) on a High pop server.


While questing I constantly asked /1 for more people to do the instances. I got 1 reply over the space of almost 4 hours. No guildies were on that planet and I *really* didn't want to make one of them come and carry me on their 50.


Honestly, the lack of an Instance Finder tool is probably going to be the thing that sours this game for me.

It wasn't till Quesh and the planet right before it that I started noticing a lack in people doing heroics. Before that it's been off hours where I see a decline in people asking to do them. But, they still appear to be skipped over by a lot of people which is sad, because the content is worth doing.


Hit enter on the post too early... anyway..


Yea, we definitely need a LFD - probably a cross server LFD. While talking about the battle tag/other cross server friend systems other games have come up with, lets not forget.


1. Blizzard was originally wanting to charge you to be able to specific q with friends you had through battle tag/real ID. A separate subscription on top of your regular.


2. While rift doesn't have cross server friends - they give you a free character xfer every 7 days after you've used one. no limit, no charge beyond having to wait 7 days after changing server. A guild leader can even move an entire guild and (when you log on) if you didn't move with the guild you get a notice on which server they moved to. When you go to server select to move your own character - which server that guild moved to shows up with a little shield next to it that tells you the name of the guild that transferred (if you were in it, obviously). When you transfer, you're put right back into that guild.

Edited by Manathayria
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I'm really starting to think that they just don't even care. With my account payment coming up I'm just going to have to let my account slide until this is addressed. Money is all these companies will ever understand and as a consumer the only thing I can do is vote with my wallet.


It really was a good fight and I really enjoyed reading everyone's view on this but I got to do what I think is necessary. I wish everyone the best of luck, yes ... even all you anti lfd folks.

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I'm really starting to think that they just don't even care. With my account payment coming up I'm just going to have to let my account slide until this is addressed. Money is all these companies will ever understand and as a consumer the only thing I can do is vote with my wallet.


It really was a good fight and I really enjoyed reading everyone's view on this but I got to do what I think is necessary. I wish everyone the best of luck, yes ... even all you anti lfd folks.


I don't know if i am going to renew yet, still debating on it. I wanted to get the majority of my leveling done in the next 2-3 months since it's winter. If I hold off for these fixes, that means I gotta level the other 3 or so stories and maybe more if i persue the republic side in summer when I want to be spending less time on the computer. Sigh.


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=240100 Another thread full of people complaining


EDIT: Well we know the Devs know something is up, they did sorta change there stance from we are looking into to we are doing something about it.


I'm not waiting 8-12 months for a fix, they need to


1) Acknowledge there is a big/serious problem


2) Adminster a fix for it within 3-4 months internally with an automated dungeon finder with the potentially for a X-LFD if that doesn't work within the year

Edited by Touchbass
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I don't know if i am going to renew yet, still debating on it. I wanted to get the majority of my leveling done in the next 2-3 months since it's winter. If I hold off for these fixes, that means I gotta level the other 3 or so stories and maybe more if i persue the republic side in summer when I want to be spending less time on the computer. Sigh.


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=240100 Another thread full of people complaining


EDIT: Well we know the Devs know something is up, they did sorta change there stance from we are looking into to we are doing something about it.


I'm not waiting 8-12 months for a fix, they need to


1) Acknowledge there is a big/serious problem


2) Adminster a fix for it within 3-4 months internally with an automated dungeon finder with the potentially for a X-LFD if that doesn't work within the year


I'm actually less patient than you on this I think, even though it's less of an issue for me right now - I duo with my boyfriend all the time now, and have my roomate to fill a 3rd slot till he quits. However, I still believe they need a dungeon finder within the next month or two (server only). If that doesn't work to resolve concerns within 2-3 months of release (if not less) they need the cross server system.


This is not something that should be coming in late to the game. I have no doubt that they are aware that the communities are more casual overall on all MMOs.


People will vote with their wallets - people will leave the game if it doesn't give them what they want within a reasonable amount of time. It's really up to the player base as to what they consider 'reasonable' and how much people complain after we get each system in place.

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I'm actually less patient than you on this I think, even though it's less of an issue for me right now - I duo with my boyfriend all the time now, and have my roomate to fill a 3rd slot till he quits. However, I still believe they need a dungeon finder within the next month or two (server only). If that doesn't work to resolve concerns within 2-3 months of release (if not less) they need the cross server system.


This is not something that should be coming in late to the game. I have no doubt that they are aware that the communities are more casual overall on all MMOs.


People will vote with their wallets - people will leave the game if it doesn't give them what they want within a reasonable amount of time. It's really up to the player base as to what they consider 'reasonable' and how much people complain after we get each system in place.


The only reason I am patient is this game really doesn't really have the "vaccum power" that other MMORPG's have had on me. I've been playing for almost 4 weeks and haven't reached max on my main or any alts. The fact that I even have a few alts at this point in the game instead of solely focusing on my main is a scary warning sign for me as I tend to focus on one character and move on to another to keep things fresh.


I don't know how Bioware is even keeping tabs on those are quitting over the issue because my friend who left already over this X-LFD issue said there wasn't a click box in the reason for quitting section for dungeon finders. Literally the only way they have any info on this based on unique user forum post key word scans, if someone put in a comment/ticket in game or someone called customer server. Sad Panda


I really can't see them getting that work done in that kinda timeline. They would have to have already started working on months ago to even be ready to implement it on the PTR.

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Personally dont think a dungeon finder will add anything to the game thats going to change the quality of your gaming experiance , but if you insist on pugs and people leaving after there particular boss is killed and people going afk cause there cat needs fed etc , then go for it , ill stick with organised guild activities .
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Personally dont think a dungeon finder will add anything to the game thats going to change the quality of your gaming experiance , but if you insist on pugs and people leaving after there particular boss is killed and people going afk cause there cat needs fed etc , then go for it , ill stick with organised guild activities .


I've heard so many iterations of this "zomg lazy n00b cazul u dun need it, get guild lolz, imma uber l33t" condescending nonsense... at this point I can only think of one response I want to give after repeating so many sound arguments in response to this crapload:


[response] *Nod* Uh-huh, yeah [/response]

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2) Adminster a fix for it within 3-4 months internally with an automated dungeon finder with the potentially for a X-LFD if that doesn't work within the year


They have the remaining 54 days I already payed for to get this in. If they have any sense they'll make it number one priority and have it in the game within the next few weeks. I'm not even playing right now, the time I payed for is just ticking away. I'm basically paying for forum posting rights at this point. Already decided the game in it's current state is not a worthwhile use of my time, and that I won't be playing much at all, and that I definitely won't be renewing, until an LFG tool is available. And even if they do get it in but don't make it cross server so it still sucks, I may still quit. It's very bad business to have paying customers unable to use the product they're paying for in the way they wish to. Can't find teams worth a damn for pve, and pvp is so busted it's just sad. What am I going to do, grind more boring, uninteresting endgame daily repeatable solo missions which take a couple hours per day? No thanks, that only held some enjoyment for about 5 days.

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I really can't see them getting that work done in that kinda timeline. They would have to have already started working on months ago to even be ready to implement it on the PTR.

That's true. I think the fact they have posted anything on cross server meant they had looked at and considered the system - makes me a little hopeful that they at least have/had a skeleton make up for the program to put in for server only, but simply had done nothing with it in hopes that the /who system they have now would work.


Which it might, if people were more aware, but they're not, the system isn't 'advertised' enough for someone just jumping into the game.


FFXI has a similar /who system - with the ability to go anon, and the ability to just set simple /seacoms for anyone searching for a specific class. (Even my solo BST class occasionally used that to post a warning on where we were hunting for groups to avoid us)

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That's true. I think the fact they have posted anything on cross server meant they had looked at and considered the system - makes me a little hopeful that they at least have/had a skeleton make up for the program to put in for server only, but simply had done nothing with it in hopes that the /who system they have now would work.


Hell, at this point I would be perfectly fine with them just stealing one from somewhere, then refining or reworking it later... just throw something in there for us to work with. Even a crap tool would be better than no tool. And the faster it gets in, the better... they need to take some shortcuts and get it in... it was a huge mistake to launch without it, and now they have to work double time to make up for lost time.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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I don't know if i am going to renew yet, still debating on it. I wanted to get the majority of my leveling done in the next 2-3 months since it's winter. If I hold off for these fixes, that means I gotta level the other 3 or so stories and maybe more if i persue the republic side in summer when I want to be spending less time on the computer. Sigh.


I'm not waiting 8-12 months for a fix, they need to


1) Acknowledge there is a big/serious problem


2) Adminster a fix for it within 3-4 months internally with an automated dungeon finder with the potentially for a X-LFD if that doesn't work within the year


This is really hard for me to say because I went all fanboy out for this game, but after creating my 11th alt, I'm getting very bored.


I've hit a wall on my main Republic Consular at Quesh. The planet is difficult for me because I am slightly too low level even though I completed all of Balmorra (except group quests, of course). And bored because of two "uninteresting" planets in a row Balmorra and then Quesh. I attempted PVP to help level but without any level brackets or cross-server it's much too hard. I can't stand Huttball anymore and lately it seems like my groups get railroaded by either pre-mades or people in actual PVP gear? And space combat...WAS fun for a while.


Basically, I'm frustrated. I thought I could wait this out but not knowing what kind of system they're going to put in and then KNOWING they won't put in cross-server right away. God-forbid, maybe when Mists Of Panderia comes out I might leave. Somebody shoot me if that's the case. :wea_07::(:i_confused:

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this really makes me laugh tbh, everyone i crying and moaning about spamming for hours trying to find a group, i understand the thought process behind it but you do need to think about the other side of it.


On wow every moan about dungeon finder cause u get fail-a-lot players who dont know anything and die every 2 mins in dungeons, so the way i see it you have two choices:


1) No dungeon finder and fail-a-lot players cant be bovered to look for groups as its not "easy" and they just wanna play. but you have to wait a long time.


2)Dungeon finder, and u find the group super fast but 9/10 times you will encounter someone who dont know anything and will just run into a large group of elites, without backup.


Your choice.

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What this game really needs at this point...is a Dungeon Finder. It was a huge success in other MMO's, no reason for it not to be in this game.




1. Can continue questing while waiting for group to form.

2. Prevents trolls from sitting there ruining General Chat while they are bored trying to fill a group.

3. Proves that BioWare can do something like this. Buys street creds.




1. Some people think it ruins the community...but I think they are wrong. They obviously have not sat for an hour trying to fill a Flashpoint group.

2. People who think like that are probably in a huge guild and have no trouble filling groups. We're usually filling 2-3 of 4 and just need that last role.


Let's see.


No, we don't need a Dungeon Finder. Get a guild.

It has not been a huge success in any game? Which other game? Perhaps in your mind, but not for anyone else. It's a disaster.




1. Can search for a group while questing - Agreed.




1. Will get you really really bad pugs with loot stealers and rude people.

2. Will actually promote ninjas (loot stealers).

3. Will ruin the community.

4. Will absolutely ruin BW cred with it's customers.

5. Will make people lazy and stupid.

6. Will make your guild less worth (who needs a guild when you can just sign up for a random group).

7. Will give people more reason to troll, act like jerks or insult people without penalty.


It's a TERRIBLE idea that will make a lot of people leave the game and ruin a lot for most of the community.


Stop asking for this horrible, game-destroying crap! It's not wanted. It sucks!

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this really makes me laugh tbh, everyone i crying and moaning about spamming for hours trying to find a group, i understand the thought process behind it but you do need to think about the other side of it.


On wow every moan about dungeon finder cause u get fail-a-lot players who dont know anything and die every 2 mins in dungeons, so the way i see it you have two choices:


1) No dungeon finder and fail-a-lot players cant be bovered to look for groups as its not "easy" and they just wanna play. but you have to wait a long time.


2)Dungeon finder, and u find the group super fast but 9/10 times you will encounter someone who dont know anything and will just run into a large group of elites, without backup.


Your choice.


Troll post is trolling!


And we get two trolls for the price of one!



Let's see.


No, we don't need a Dungeon Finder. Get a guild.

It has not been a huge success in any game? Which other game? Perhaps in your mind, but not for anyone else. It's a disaster.




1. Can search for a group while questing - Agreed.




1. Will get you really really bad pugs with loot stealers and rude people.

2. Will actually promote ninjas (loot stealers).

3. Will ruin the community.

4. Will absolutely ruin BW cred with it's customers.

5. Will make people lazy and stupid.

6. Will make your guild less worth (who needs a guild when you can just sign up for a random group).

7. Will give people more reason to troll, act like jerks or insult people without penalty.


It's a TERRIBLE idea that will make a lot of people leave the game and ruin a lot for most of the community.


Stop asking for this horrible, game-destroying crap! It's not wanted. It sucks!

Edited by BlueSkittles
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Let's see.


No, we don't need a Dungeon Finder. Get a guild.

It has not been a huge success in any game? Which other game? Perhaps in your mind, but not for anyone else. It's a disaster.




1. Can search for a group while questing - Agreed.




1. Will get you really really bad pugs with loot stealers and rude people.

2. Will actually promote ninjas (loot stealers).

3. Will ruin the community.

4. Will absolutely ruin BW cred with it's customers.

5. Will make people lazy and stupid.

6. Will make your guild less worth (who needs a guild when you can just sign up for a random group).

7. Will give people more reason to troll, act like jerks or insult people without penalty.


It's a TERRIBLE idea that will make a lot of people leave the game and ruin a lot for most of the community.


Stop asking for this horrible, game-destroying crap! It's not wanted. It sucks!


Too late, it's coming. At this point it's just a added bonus that it irritates the rest of you even when you swear you won't be using it. Please please please rage quit. Really, all these anti-LFG seem like the exact people you don't wanna run Flash Points with. Being able to navigate a Flash Point doesn't get you a raise at work or a gold star on your report card. Most people only need to run them a couple of times to get the hang of them and then they are good to go. What they don't need is to audition for idiots like you in order to get a chance to run these Flash Points, let alone does anyone wanna spam LFG a hundred times just for the chance to "socialize" with some of you douche nozzles.


1. Don't want a guild, don't need one.

2. Want to access all game content when/how I choose, don't care what you think about it.

3. There is no skill in it. Figure out mechanics, beat FP. No elite training required.

4. Absolute best part of the LFG tool? Knowing you people won't be using it. Hooray.


It's like you're worried the mystique will be taken away from "Hardcore Raiding" and you'll have to run flashpoints with people you won't like, or even worse jerks! Oh noes. You get inconvenienced every once in a while, so that the rest of us aren't inconvenienced all the time. I promise no one is in any hurry to play with you either.


I can't wait until they eventually announce they are adding X-server to the LFG tool. Reading all your little nerdragings will be better than watching a crappy reality show.

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