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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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I would love to have an experience like that, I'm pretty sociable and have alot of social experience in finding teams in other games... in this game, not happening. Maybe you found a magical server.


I am playing on two servers. On guilded, one not. I have generally found my experience to be similiar. If you find your server to be lacking for the time you play, maybe you should roll on a different server. Just a suggestion, also, if your servers population is very light, I would guess that Bioware will start some merges and other population balancing efforts around the 4 to 6 month mark.


The point of my response was that your generalizations were driven from your experience and do not reflect the experiences of others. I play a lot, so I don't spend a lot of time of the forum. I expect that there are others that do the same. So, when I have the opportunity to share the positive experience I am having, I try and do that.


I am not sure about a "magical" server, but I am enjoying the ones I am playing on.



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This I agree with. a LFD tool that auto creates a group is the same as a Mutliplayer game were you just join a server a person put up clear and never talk to them again. This does not created a community.
No one talks while putting a group together either. Players talk after the group is formed and the run is about to begin or is ongoing.


NOT having a LFD tool is what goes against what mmo is about. A mmo is about people playing the game together, and any roadblocks to facilitating easy access to group oriented content flies in the face of what a mmo is all about.

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I am playing on two servers. On guilded, one not. I have generally found my experience to be similiar. If you find your server to be lacking for the time you play, maybe you should roll on a different server. Just a suggestion, also, if your servers population is very light, I would guess that Bioware will start some merges and other population balancing efforts around the 4 to 6 month mark.


The point of my response was that your generalizations were driven from your experience and do not reflect the experiences of others. I play a lot, so I don't spend a lot of time of the forum. I expect that there are others that do the same. So, when I have the opportunity to share the positive experience I am having, I try and do that.


I am not sure about a "magical" server, but I am enjoying the ones I am playing on.




I would love to play on multiple servers. This is something I know the legacy system will ruin, so I haven't done it. It forces us to roll all our characters on the same server to get the legacy abilities we'll be getting.


As far as my own or other's experiences -- if you're not having a bad experience, great. But I am. And if they gave me a tool to improve the situation, then you and I would both be having a great experience. No one loses anything.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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Thanks for joining our conversation Toadboat, your thoughts and opinions are important to our discussion :)


Thanks for having me :)


And, more germane to the topic. It's not so much that I don't want (the royal) you to have an LFD tool (x-server or not). I just think there are many other issues that I would prioritize above it for Bioware to attend to.


When Bioware does put one together; I would use and prefer a same server LFD. I would love one that prioritized my guildmates and friends (including alts). Just something that flags me as role X and wanting to play through flashpoints A, B or C.


Currently, pugging would have to be a lot more difficult for me to use a x-server LFD. I like to get to know who I group with. It is a social game for me, that's why I am in a guild, that's why I build my friends list with people I like to play with. And, that's why I fill my ignore list with players who are rude, pvp'rs who just stand there, general chat spammers, and blindside group invites.


My experience, like some others vocale enough to post here, is that a x-server LFD makes the LFD community too big and that the groups generated from them are less social.



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Not only a no but Hell No. LFG is a trolls dreamboat. no accountability for being a douchebag in a flashpoint? no tnx. If you're a jerk you deserve to be black listed on your server.
There's absolutely no accountability now, and as it is now the trolls (and every other bad seed) has absolutely no repercussions and gets to finish the runs because it took so long to get a group together no one wants to leave group and have to form another. So in truth the intended remedy is actually contributing to the spread of the ailment.
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Thanks for having me :)


And, more germane to the topic. It's not so much that I don't want (the royal) you to have an LFD tool (x-server or not). I just think there are many other issues that I would prioritize above it for Bioware to attend to.


I can't imagine any issue of greater magnitude than ease of access to content.


People can work around bugs, they can work around most everything else. They can't work around not being able to access the content that they want, or need, to access. Most people only have so much time each gaming session, and when most of that time is taken up just finding a group, they look elsewhere for a game that will allow them to PLAY it.

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I can't imagine any issue of greater magnitude than ease of access to content.


People can work around bugs, they can work around most everything else. They can't work around not being able to access the content that they want, or need, to access. Most people only have so much time each gaming session, and when most of that time is taken up just finding a group, they look elsewhere for a game that will allow them to PLAY it.


Right... and my whole point is that I love star wars and I'm really trying not to look elsewhere, but I'm not having fun LFG for 30 mins to an hour.

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Right... and my whole point is that I love star wars and I'm really trying not to look elsewhere, but I'm not having fun LFG for 30 mins to an hour.
I'm right there with you. I think that BW did a lot that was right. I want the game to have a chance at being at least a player in the genre like RIFT or LotRO, not a "gave it a go but in the end failed" like AoC, WAR, CO, STO, DCUO, etc etc.
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Quoted from other thread on this topic, to add to the larger thread:


We don't need a LFG tool it will ruin the community


(wait 2 months)


-- hmmm, can't get a group, this community thing isn't working


Ok maybe we do need a LFG tool... but server only.... cross server will ruin the community



(wait 4 months)


-- hmmm, ok we did the server only for a while, hey what about the cross server LFG thing, we need that!


(wait 6 months)


LFG ruined the SWTOR community posted on another game's board


This is exactly how it's played out already, only it happened in less than a month. It's just sad that it will be too late for the game by the time the cross server - LFD tool gets implemented.


Right, the fact is, once features become available in a certain service or technology, it is expected in all similar competitors. The reason it happened faster is because these features have become a standard and are expected.


When a new product is released that doesn't have features standard to their competitors, it doesn't last long. Would anyone these days buy a smart phone if it had no internet functionality but they still charged the same monthly fee for the service? No, they would go get an iPhone or Android or Blackberry and the new product would go ignored.


If this game wants to stay alive, it needs to have ALL the features offered by other MMOs that many of us have gotten used to and loved. And when we came to TOR from our old games, we expected to get everything we had and more, in a star wars setting. And if they want us to stay, they have to keep up with other games.


Sorry, that's the way it works Bioware, so put in the features we expect, or you're just not competing and you'll lose your playerbase, who will go back to their old games which did offer the things they expect, or join the next new MMO which does have the foresight to keep up with the progress and evolution of MMO features these days.


Reality check.

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Another one from the other thread:


You know what I'm actually going to say to all the "omg weesa community is going to diiie" crowd who constantly yell "make friends, don't look for good game tools"


...I have real life friends, and you know what, sometimes they're even more trouble than they're worth when you have to get things done for yourself in life. I'm here to play a game, everyone is, and it shouldn't require forging deep relationships with strangers to play it. If you're here because you just need to make more friends, have fun with that. Most of us just want casual, fun, gaming interactions with other players... to just get on with playing the game.


The only real connection you have with anyone in a game is the game, so let's just get one with playing the game! I'm not looking to become BFFs or get married. Are you people really so lonely that you need to have such a deep "community"? The community isn't so deeply connected as you pretend anyway. And if you think it is, then you must not have many real deep social connections in life.


There, I said it... jeez just make the damn game easy to play.

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There's absolutely no accountability now, and as it is now the trolls (and every other bad seed) has absolutely no repercussions and gets to finish the runs because it took so long to get a group together no one wants to leave group and have to form another. So in truth the intended remedy is actually contributing to the spread of the ailment.




Give this man a cookie and give us a cross-server dungeon finder

Edited by dargor-
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Once again, wanting to do Maelstrom Prison as a healer, on what has been one of the highest populated servers, on a Saturday afternoon.


45 minutes to finally fill the group, 10 minutes for everyone to be ready and at the instance entrance. We do really well downing the first boss, and suddenly the tank is standing there and not moving. We wait for 15 minutes, then I ask if people want to go out and find another tank. Everyone says no it'll just take too long, and they leave group.


Over an hour and a half of my limited time to play today completely wasted. This has essentially been my experience when trying to do every FP and most Heroics so far.


This is just stupidity for a modern mmo.

Edited by Umbral
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Once again, wanting to do Maelstrom Prison as a healer, on what has been one of the highest populated servers, on a Saturday afternoon.


45 minutes to finally fill the group, 10 minutes for everyone to be ready and at the instance entrance. We do really well downing the first boss, and suddenly the tank is standing there and not moving. We wait for 15 minutes, then I ask if people want to go out and find another tank. Everyone says no it'll just take too long, and they leave group.


Over an hour and a half of my limited time to play today completely wasted. This has essentially been my experience when trying to do every FP and most Heroics so far.


This is just stupidity for a modern mmo.


And this is the way it goes down in reality.


The people arguing agianst LFG are just people who have nothing better to do, have all the free time in the world, play 24/7, and an hour of wasted time looking for a group just must not be a big deal to them.

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I would love to have an experience like that, I'm pretty sociable and have alot of social experience in finding teams in other games... in this game, not happening. Maybe you found a magical server.


I have one of those magical servers too. You should try another server perhaps if yours has such a bad community.

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Yeah that's what MMO players really love to do, reroll on another server once they're already max level.


Hey, you're the one trying to make everyone believe server communities are bad. And when someone says he has a different experience, you try to undermine that by sarcastically calling his server a 'magical server'.


There is just no pleasing you. So I'll go play the game now. Cya.

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Once again, wanting to do Maelstrom Prison as a healer, on what has been one of the highest populated servers, on a Saturday afternoon.


45 minutes to finally fill the group, 10 minutes for everyone to be ready and at the instance entrance. We do really well downing the first boss, and suddenly the tank is standing there and not moving. We wait for 15 minutes, then I ask if people want to go out and find another tank. Everyone says no it'll just take too long, and they leave group.


Over an hour and a half of my limited time to play today completely wasted. This has essentially been my experience when trying to do every FP and most Heroics so far.


This is just stupidity for a modern mmo.


+1 This was my experience so many times in WoW pre-LFD and is exactly why I'm not even bothering with doing Flashpoints with the current "tool"/system. Also, between 2:30a and 4am last night I was able to run 5 Warzone matches. Usually without having to wait more than 10 minutes. How would a similar tool not be completely awesome for Flashpoints.

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Hey, you're the one trying to make everyone believe server communities are bad. And when someone says he has a different experience, you try to undermine that by sarcastically calling his server a 'magical server'.


There is just no pleasing you. So I'll go play the game now. Cya.


And people like you insist that because you in some way have a better experience, maybe because you joined the game with friends, that everyone else must be happy with things the way they are. Because you're happy, nothing needs to change, and who cares if the next guy is getting screwed, right?


And who the hell is saying that a community is bad or whatever? I'm just asking for an easier, faster way to find a god damned team ffs! Stop extrapolating nonsense from that.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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What this game really needs at this point...is a Dungeon Finder. It was a huge success in other MMO's, no reason for it not to be in this game.




1. Can continue questing while waiting for group to form.

2. Prevents trolls from sitting there ruining General Chat while they are bored trying to fill a group.

3. Proves that BioWare can do something like this. Buys street creds.




1. Some people think it ruins the community...but I think they are wrong. They obviously have not sat for an hour trying to fill a Flashpoint group.

2. People who think like that are probably in a huge guild and have no trouble filling groups. We're usually filling 2-3 of 4 and just need that last role.


I would be able to approve a better, more polished and obvious LFG tool. But I dont want people to just press a button and then have the darn servers set up the grps! Especially not with other servers etc.


But some kind of tool that made it more obvious (not that the current LFG tool doesn't work, it's just that most people ignore using it, or dont know how to), perhaps a search tool, more specifics (not just a "I'm LFG - comment" kinda tool).

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I would be able to approve a better, more polished and obvious LFG tool. But I dont want people to just press a button and then have the darn servers set up the grps!


Why? What do you lose? If you don't want to use it, don't use it, and let the rest of us use it. If you only want to team with friends, make a group and queue up as a group, just like premade WZs. What's the problem for those of you who don't like using the tool?

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+1 for a DF tool. To the maximum allowance even. Cross server, automatic group composition, all of it.


Why? Because no matter what the LFG changes too, the current system is always available as an alternative. It is the absolute most minimum of what any kind of LFG system can be. Anything less would just be people saying they are LFG which they do now anyway, just without tags.


I find myself wanting to log on Rift just to use its DF tool for some sort of satisfaction when it comes to grouping tools.

Edited by Neiloch
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