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To the "Nothing to do at 50" crowd.


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Simple: I'm bored with TOR.


I haven't even logged in to TOR for more than a week now.


And no, I did not blast through the content. I only have one level 50, and a few lowbie alts. I actively listened to all of the voice-over content. I enjoyed the storyline. I don't even have all of the end-game gear. Before 1.2, I had Columi and Champion gear. After 1.2 it hasn't changed much for my main. And yes, I've PvPed, but my favorite was open world and, well, Illum was killed off by Bioware, slowly after 1.1.4, then completely after 1.2. And yes, I've done operations. Many times. Crafting? Of course. There's no argument that there's plenty to do end-game, it's just that a lot of it gets old after a couple months. The UI changes and other fixes in 1.2 really brightened my mood in TOR, but it's still not content.


Other than enjoying my alts, there's really no fun to the grinding at end-game. The Corellia dailies are sort of bland. I grinded like crazy at 1.1.5 to get all of the limited-time items like white crystals and speeders before they were gone. But now I just don't feel like anything end-game is fun. Stuff for my ship that should have been there in the first place. Gee, hold me back. And a speed boost that doesn't work in PvP (understandable), nor does it work in instances (WTHeck?). And a bunch of *yawn* boring emotes. Some pets... yeah, interesting, but still just aesthetics.


Will I keep subscribing? Yes. I might be bored now and not active, but I'll give Bioware time to give us something fun to do at end-game. In short, I had more fun grinding at end-game in LOTRO than I have in TOR, and people complained more about LOTRO end-game a couple years ago. I'm resisting the urge to mention WoW. On snap, I just did. Oh well.


In short, I'm here permanently for TOR provided EA/Bioware has a plan to release more end-game content, future expansions with level-cap bumps, etc. But as it stands right now, there's just not enough to keep me entertained as a primary game. So I drift a bit. I'm not expected TOR to fill all of my free-time, but there's little point playing it if it's just not fun for me right now.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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We all felt very confident when we 'firt' hit 50. Now many of us who've been here since before BETA are on their third or more 50. I have 3 level 50's myself.


It's like make it to 50, start to like a character while leveling, then dump them in the trash to do it all over again. Very unfortunate but SWTOR got really repetitve really fast. Everything you listed gets old the umpteenth time you've gone through it and by the end of it all you just ask what's the point?


SWTOR is a single player game with co-op elements. Doesn't feel massive and for those of us on dying servers makes it very lonely. Much less trying to even do fp's, op's, or anything groupish. A simple LFG tool would at least give some boost to our morale.

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Bugged and rewards are meh.




Woopie do, grind the same quest over and over, so immersive voice acting oh my god I feel so heroic.




Biochem or bust it seems, for their reusable consumables, no point crafting armors and whatnot.




by the time I got enough centurion commendations for one piece of centurion gear, I had all Champion pieces except gloves, eventually the same will happen with battlemaster.









Starfox only goes so far






Here's where you insert Ohlen's quote regarding a group of heroes vs one big monster, "its not heroic guys"


I guess its either grind valor rank so I can RNG some battlemaster gear, and grind operations in the meantime.


This is the truth of the matter. And this also assumes there people to play with if your not on a dead server already. Really the only worthwhile and enjoyable endgame activity is raiding, and even that has some serious issues. Outside that it's repeat the same faceroll content over and over. The problem with the end game is that ya, there's a lot to do, but it either is bugged, has crap for rewards, or you do it once and your done since it's just repeat the same thing with no variety in each running of it.

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Bugged and rewards are meh.


Woopie do, grind the same quest over and over, so immersive voice acting oh my god I feel so heroic.


Biochem or bust it seems, for their reusable consumables, no point crafting armors and whatnot.


by the time I got enough centurion commendations for one piece of centurion gear, I had all Champion pieces except gloves, eventually the same will happen with battlemaster.




Starfox only goes so far


Here's where you insert Ohlen's quote regarding a group of heroes vs one big monster, "its not heroic guys"


I guess its either grind valor rank so I can RNG some battlemaster gear, and grind operations in the meantime.


Yes biochem is the best craft

No you cant get BM part b4 u get centurion 1 part

Grind are in all MMOs and in some is more than here

Yes Space is very entertaining and new style of space combat for most

Yes socialize

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1: Run Flash Points.

There's no point.


2: Run Hard Mode Flash Points.

I ran all hard modes at least once after 1.2, to get the Aratech Ice speeder. I run Kaon/Lost Island Hard Mode for the black hole commendations. That's a couple of hours every 7 days.


3: Do daily repeatable quests on Illum for gear upgrades or just for credits or just for (gasp) fun.

I'm burnt, I've been doing the same sh*t since december.


4: Do repeatable group quests on other planets, some of which have specific goals in mind, for instance, there is a planet where you can do daily group quests that reward orange level gear specifically for your companions.

But wait a second, why do you need more than one companion at level 50? I have Elara Dorne in full rakata, it's all I need.... and once again, the same group quests since december.


5: Craft. Believe it or not, some people LOVe doing this and it is actually quite entertaining in this game.

Hmm... crafting quite entertaining in SWTOR? I respect your opinion. You can get good money from crafting augmented gear, augments and cybertech speeders after 1.2 but that's if your server is not dead and people actually are online to buy stuff.


6: PVP. It's pretty good here. Lots of reasons to do this, particularly with the coming ranking system. This will keep some people very busy for days on end.

I like SWTOR PVP but after some time, it gets boring and repetitive. I need to stop for a while. Maybe it's my class?


7: Socialize. Yes, people do still like to just "hang out" and have fun shooting the breeze. Get in there and meet new people you anti-social gits!

I just logged for this, I have 17 players in my friend list, whom I've played with from early access. On average now, I see 0 to 3 online at a time.


8: Space Combat. Many people enjoy this very much.

The same daily mission every day, since december. I stopped doing them last month.


9: Run normal mode, 8 man operations. Some good story here and very simple to organize and complete.

I don't need to do 8-man story modes anymore for now. But that doesn't apply to everyone.


10: Run hard mode, 8 man operations. Again, easy to organize but a much steeper learning curve with gear rewards that reflect this.

In an active guild, we raid EC hard mode and KP nightmare mode, 3 times a week.


11: Run 16 man normal operations. Harder to organize but much more epic in scale. If you have a big guild or a huge friends list or both, it's well worth the time to organize one of these and get it going.

Our guild can organize them but it's not the case for our server. Population has been down.


12: Run 16 man operations on hard mode. Not for the feint of heart but just what the doctor ordered for others.

Our guild can organize them but it's not the case for our server. Population has been down.

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This game offers almost the exact same end game progression system as WoW yet people say WoW doesn't get boring.


What they don't want to admit is that it gets boring in WoW too. Its easier to mask in WoW because of their enormous population. However, sitting around AFK is the same in both games.


Look, if you smash through Story Mode, Hard Mode, and NM mode in a week's (or two) time then you only have yourself to blame. You obviously play the game...a lot. Bioware cannot give you infinite content. WoW and TOR offer similar daily activities and raid type experiences.


PvP can be infinite but only if you enjoy it. If you don't like PvP that isn't bioware's fault.


I'm sorry your bored but maybe you should examine yourself first. You don't have to play this game every night. You can do a lot in your personal life to make gaming more rewarding.

Edited by Arkerus
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This game offers almost the exact same end game progression system as WoW yet people say WoW doesn't get boring.


What they don't want to admit is that it gets boring in WoW too. Its easier to mask in WoW because of their enormous population. However, sitting around AFK is the same in both games.


Look, if you smash through Story Mode, Hard Mode, and NM mode in a week's (or two) time then you only have yourself to blame. You obviously play the game...a lot. Bioware cannot give you infinite content. WoW and TOR offer similar daily activities and raid type experiences.


PvP can be infinite but only if you enjoy it. If you don't like PvP that isn't bioware's fault.


I'm sorry your bored but maybe you should examine yourself first. You don't have to play this game every night. You can do a lot in your personal life to make gaming more rewarding.


I am not a World of Warcraft player.


I raid three times a week and I don't find much else to do in this game right now, other than that. It's not a question of how ''fast'' my guild burns end-game content that will equal to my amount of fun.


I just expect something fun to do when I login, other than on my 3 other nights for raiding.


Happy that Diablo III is around the door~!

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keep running them flashpoints and operations, OP. glad you have a population that lets you even do those things. the fact that it took your guild 3 hours to do EV means you are relatively new. trust me, you'll soon get it on farm mode, and you'll soon realize what everyone is talking about.


i, too, was like you. then i got fully geared.

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OP, so yer saying Rinse and re-pete... Often!

Not an option IMHO.....


Game is NOT what is was said to be and BW seems very reluctant to talk to the community about anything. The rather lock/move threads.

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Yes, all that stuff exists.


A person can do hardmodes and flashpoints, if group related PvE is what you want. As with all group related PvE, though, there are limits as once the content is consumed, repeating it is entirely a subject of endurance related to the user. For me, a dead opponent stays dead, and repeated killings are of little more replay value than daily quests.


Which brings up daily quests. These are not fun, they are a grind to make funds or gear to play the parts of the game with replayability.


After that comes PvP. A fine pursuit, provided the game allows participation. At current, that is very limited even on the best servers.


Socializing can be done on facebook, at a bar, at the mall, on other games, in your house, at your job, etc. Socializing happens in the places that you go--every place on earth--so coming to a place that you'd otherwise not have a reason to go is not a selling point.


The rest of the game is structured around rerolling and not being 50 anymore because, well, there isn't anything to do at 50.

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This game offers almost the exact same end game progression system as WoW yet people say WoW doesn't get boring.


What they don't want to admit is that it gets boring in WoW too. Its easier to mask in WoW because of their enormous population. However, sitting around AFK is the same in both games.


Look, if you smash through Story Mode, Hard Mode, and NM mode in a week's (or two) time then you only have yourself to blame. You obviously play the game...a lot. Bioware cannot give you infinite content. WoW and TOR offer similar daily activities and raid type experiences.


PvP can be infinite but only if you enjoy it. If you don't like PvP that isn't bioware's fault.


I'm sorry your bored but maybe you should examine yourself first. You don't have to play this game every night. You can do a lot in your personal life to make gaming more rewarding.


Curious, why isn't it BioWare's fault for making something that can easily become boring?

Why didn't they attempt a more lively implementation that evolves as the players play more of?

Why did they create such limited and restricted content and not expect people to get bored of it?


Simulation room, hall of challenge, whatever one calls it, can be achieved for a more variable end game group option.

-People group up, enters instance, loads into random "room" and battles the mobs there.

-The group is moved to another room when ready (via vote or simply out of combat after 10~30 seconds upon completion of room).

-Every 3-5 "rooms" a boss/mini-boss will appear, can be any existing boss/mini-boss ingame.

-Rooms can also contain just a vendor npc every 25/50 rooms.

-Repeat until players finish 100 rooms or defeated.

-Gains loot upon challenge completion, not while fighting the mobs.

-Can earn points that can be used to purchase certain things within this mode, such as self/group revive, stat buff, reward chance bonus, etc.

-The whole point of this mode is that you don't know what's coming up next, and that people can try to get as far as they can, if their luck holds out. It's not about trudging through the same corridors and skipping the same dialogues but the simple concept of, "who's next?" and be surprised at the one that shows up.


This is 2012, not 2005, it's disappointing to see that 7 years have passed and nothing much has changed and BioWare not taking the initiative to improve the genre and better their games. That is most definitely BioWare's fault, for lacking vision during their development of this game.

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There is hope, cause the pressure is now on the developers. EA just announced financial results and a big drop in SWTOR subs, and their stock tanked.


Hopefully they can implement the "up the ante for HM FP dailies" feature quickly, even before a 1.3 release.


I noticed several responses which implicitly or explicitly supported such a change.

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Socializing can be done on facebook, at a bar, at the mall, on other games, in your house, at your job, etc. Socializing happens in the places that you go--every place on earth--so coming to a place that you'd otherwise not have a reason to go is not a selling point.


Lol, what? That is the point to MMORPG's. To socialize in a virtual world. It's not all about doing dungeons/flashpoints, raids or ops.

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Guess there are magenta crystals and datacrons. (66/67 cause of the buddy Illum) .. and the repub plus 10 ... but even then, annoyingly buggy and frustrating experience for the min/maxer.


As far as I can tell, the Advanced Magenta Eviscerating Crystal (+41 crit - crafted) is bugged. I've put in 2 tickets for this bug so far and both tickets came back telling me they needed more info, even though I addressed every one of the issues they said they required. My guess, some moron got to my ticket just before they could leave and just used a canned spam response.


The issue? I crafted an Advanced Magenta Eviscerating Crystal. Everything went find. It was sitting in my inventory. I finally managed to craft a Hand-Crafted Lightsaber [Augmented]/ I socketed the Advanced Magenta Eviscerating Crystal in to the lightsaber and what does it give me? A Light Red Power Crystal (that is the name of the crystal as it is in the lightsaber. Color wise it is a slightly lighter shade of red than a standard Red crystal, but it sure as shooting is not any shade of Magenta I could find on the internet.


You are better off spending the time you'd spend gathering the mats for a Advanced Magenta Eviscerating Crystal farming credits and buying a crystal than make the Advanced Magenta Eviscerating Crystal.


I've given up on ingame help support. They can't seem to be bothered helping or reading issues/

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I hit 50 last week


I initially stopped reading there after seeing your thread title.


After deciding to give it another go; let me explain to you what's wrong with your list of things to do at 50...


1: Run Flash Points.


Been there done that. Gear is worthless.


2: Run Hard Mode Flash Points.


Same as above only the gear is slightly less useless when you have higher gear already.


3: Do daily repeatable quests on Illum for gear upgrades or just for credits or just for (gasp) fun.


Yeah, this is nice for a few days until you have all the armorings and mods you need from them. And they are NEVER fun. Wait until you are on your 3rd or 4th 50. It's the opposite of fun to mindlessly do repeatable dailies.


4: Do repeatable group quests on other planets, some of which have specific goals in mind, for instance, there is a planet where you can do daily group quests that reward orange level gear specifically for your companions.


Nobody gears out all of their companions...NOBODY. It's such a waste of time since you will never use them in a HM FP or Ops and you can't use them in PVP.


5: Craft. Believe it or not, some people LOVe doing this and it is actually quite entertaining in this game.


Crafting is fine and I do it but I do it to have my own stuff since my server is dead and I can't get it elsewhere.


6: PVP. It's pretty good here. Lots of reasons to do this, particularly with the coming ranking system. This will keep some people very busy for days on end.


Some people can't PvP cause their servers are dead and the queues are hours and days long.


7: Socialize. Yes, people do still like to just "hang out" and have fun shooting the breeze. Get in there and meet new people you anti-social gits!


Hard to socialize when you're the only one on the fleet.


8: Space Combat. Many people enjoy this very much.


Yeah for a few days then it's as old and boring as the rest of the 50 stuff.


9: Run normal mode, 8 man operations. Some good story here and very simple to organize and complete.

10: Run hard mode, 8 man operations. Again, easy to organize but a much steeper learning curve with gear rewards that reflect this.

11: Run 16 man normal operations. Harder to organize but much more epic in scale. If you have a big guild or a huge friends list or both, it's well worth the time to organize one of these and get it going.

12: Run 16 man operations on hard mode. Not for the feint of heart but just what the doctor ordered for others.


Ops can only be run once a week on each difficulty mode. And on servers like mine with next to nothing for population, you can't do these.


My point here is... You just hit 50. It's all new and fresh for you. But for those of us who hit 50 long ago and have since made several more 50s and the content is stale.

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Yes, there's lots to do! Years worth of content!


1. Grind credits for level 50 abilities

2. Grind credits for advanced speeder piloting

3. Grind credits to buy gear

4. Grind credits to pay for repairs

5. Grind credits to buy ship upgrades so the space missions aren't impossible

6. Grind credits to buy mats and craft items to sell

7. Grind more credits to make up for your losses trying to sell crafted items

8. Grind credits to buy Legacy items


(I apologize for my frustrated remarks in advance, but you have to admit I do have a point.)

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I hit 50 last week and between running hard mode flash points, doing dailies on Illum, gearing 6 characters (yes you need to gear your companions as well,) slowly working on my pvp ranking, crafting, I am finding that there isn't enough time in the day to accomplish all of my daily goals.


Last night my guild completed EV, 8 man. It took about 3 hours and was good fun with some awesome content. After EV we cleared Hutt Hospitality, the other operation (raid.) It took less than 30 minutes to organize these and on normal mode they are no more difficult than a hard mode flash point. Overall, a very fun and interesting way to spend 3 hours on a Sunday evening with friends.


So let us be very clear here.


At 50 you can:


1: Run Flash Points.

2: Run Hard Mode Flash Points.

3: Do daily repeatable quests on Illum for gear upgrades or just for credits or just for (gasp) fun.

4: Do repeatable group quests on other planets, some of which have specific goals in mind, for instance, there is a planet where you can do daily group quests that reward orange level gear specifically for your companions.

5: Craft. Believe it or not, some people LOVe doing this and it is actually quite entertaining in this game.

6: PVP. It's pretty good here. Lots of reasons to do this, particularly with the coming ranking system. This will keep some people very busy for days on end.

7: Socialize. Yes, people do still like to just "hang out" and have fun shooting the breeze. Get in there and meet new people you anti-social gits!

8: Space Combat. Many people enjoy this very much.

9: Run normal mode, 8 man operations. Some good story here and very simple to organize and complete.

10: Run hard mode, 8 man operations. Again, easy to organize but a much steeper learning curve with gear rewards that reflect this.

11: Run 16 man normal operations. Harder to organize but much more epic in scale. If you have a big guild or a huge friends list or both, it's well worth the time to organize one of these and get it going.

12: Run 16 man operations on hard mode. Not for the feint of heart but just what the doctor ordered for others.


So there. Took me 5 minutes to think of 12 things you can do at 50. This list encompasses all player types and I dare you to find time to do all of these and still be bored.


I submit that if people are bored at 50, the problem lies in the person themselves and not with the content that has been provided.


It's like my dear old granny used to say. If you're bored, you're boring.


I agree 100%


What do you do in other games at max level.. raid,pvp,social,craft,dungeon crawl,daily's, I never got it why people say there is nothing to do here, when it is the same here as in every other game, I think it boils down to more of what do I want to do, and in allot of cases it seem like allot of people just want to complain..LOL I think over all there is a certain amount of mmo burn out starting to happen in general.. This model of mmo's is pretty much the same as day one of the genre, strip away the twists other company's have add and at the root you find eq.

But I have three 50's atm and always have something to do fo rseveral hours a day with my friends..

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I agree 100%


What do you do in other games at max level.. raid,pvp,social,craft,dungeon crawl,daily's, I never got it why people say there is nothing to do here, when it is the same here as in every other game, I think it boils down to more of what do I want to do, and in allot of cases it seem like allot of people just want to complain..LOL I think over all there is a certain amount of mmo burn out starting to happen in general.. This model of mmo's is pretty much the same as day one of the genre, strip away the twists other company's have add and at the root you find eq.

But I have three 50's atm and always have something to do fo rseveral hours a day with my friends..


That's because everyone bypasses the RPG part in MMO

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