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There are 2 different games!


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Yes, there are! Both titled SWTOR, both are made by Bioware for EA, but they are completely different.


One is the game people play and write about it on these forums.


1. It is boring and linear.

2. It has lots of bugs, most of those are gamebreaking.

3. Its not even an MMO! you cant see anyone outside of your factions hub.

4. PvP is terrible.

5. Endgame is bland, copypasted from WoW.


There are way more concerns about the game, all of them you can read on this forums. People are leaving and unsubbing in HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS. This you can read about here too.


Another SWTOR, is the game i play, daily, with my wife and friends in a small rl people guild.


1. Leveling is amazing. Quests are fun, sometimes deep, sometimes tricky. Class stories of those i've seen are great. I really do care about my character, i care about my team. I dress them, i buy them presents, i eagerly wait for new "want to talk to you" icon to appear. It bugs sometimes tho, hehe.

2. I am lvl 41, gladiator title, done through half of Hoth. One gamebreaking bug i yet to encounter - bugged Scorched Earth quest that stops our progress through Hoth, which is amazing planet. Ability lag is teh beatch in pvp, and is annoying, not gamebreaking yet if they fix it. Will be if they will not - simply because there are better alternatives. GW2 also incoming.

3. On Hoth, yesterday, we were constantly fighting over pirate location with imps. Massive zerg, with 50s coming being called by their guildies. Around 20 republics and same amount of imps in one area. Only thing matches it - vanilla Ashenwale tennis pvp games, those who played them knows why its called tennis :). In the game thats less one month old. I was impressed.

4. PvP is decent and fun just to pass time in my game. Ability lag sucks, 50s decked in full t2 pvp set sucks, lvl 12 in your team sucks. Still its fun to play 2-3 matches in a row. Huttball is amazing with proper partners and a nightmare with bads.

5. Cant say about my SWTOR since i havent yet reached the endgame. Will let you know asap when i am there.


My guild is constantly growing, while i put zero effort into it - just more and more rl friends are dragged into it by other friends.


Thats all about this small report of another SWTOR. I suggest you guys who got the bad version go and sue your dealer for selling you broken game, and get the one i play. Its great. Cant wait for more people to start playing it.

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I must also be playing the "good" version of the game.


have i seen bugs?


1. yea lots of visual bugs, big deal, no effect on game, some rather amusing ( whoever did cloak movement needs to rethink their job choice)

2. oddities in some quests (all easily worked around with a bit of common sense)

3. one that buggered me for a bit ( BH class quest, died, got put behind a locked door with the only method of openeing the door on the other side. Fleet pass, and try again FTW)


Im 50 now and jsut starting into the end-game, TBO its no different here than with "the game wich shall not be mentioned", as well as EVERY other MMORPG on the market.


There is plenty to actually do, just no hand-holding to show you where or what it is. Again, this is normal for an MMO. "that other game" only seems different because its been played sooo much that everyone knows what there is and where to go.


Combat logs - there are times i miss them, especially when im clubbed like a baby seal by a mob, for no apparent reason.


In game DPS charts - TBO without a training dummy, they are not really usefull for figuring anything out numbers wise.


Ops. - Actual play here is fun, but of course you mileege may vary depending on the PEOPLE you play with. I would like to see dps charts available in game ONLY for the Ops leader so he can troubleshoot issues, TBO nobody else needs them.... There is simply no need for them anywhere else in groups.


Addons- are there things that i wold like to change about the interface? yes, of course. Do i think the stock interface is the optimum solution? OH GOD no. Does it keep me from actually playing or reduce the fun of doing quests/FP/Ops? No, not really. It is serviceavble, and does not get in the way too often, but could use some improvements. This will be / is being addressed.


GTN (galactic trade network) - Ok, to put it simply, this interface is... HORRIBLE. it makes baby kittens cry. seriously... PLEASE jsut scrap everything you have and start from scratch, it cant get much worse. It is, however... still usable (with alot of patience, and nasty words).


All in all, this is a very fun game solo, and even more fun grouped (given you like the people you play with), and I find myself spending more and more time here. At this point i doubt i will be going back to any other games for a long long time.

Edited by ballofuzz
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The game lack a lot of ... refinement ... but that is ok , is not even one month out.

Im also having a blast , just wish they could add legacy + a shared chest storage cross faction faster.


which game? the second one? yeah i definitely agree its unpolished, a lot of fun still. first one is just.... pile of trash it seems, according to what people write here on the boards.


i even pity them, i wish i can get that broken version of the game to try it out and see myself. too bad they do not sell it here where i am - my wife and all the friends got the second version.

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sadly this is what it seems like


LIke i see people quoting bugs exist that have already been fixed etc..etc..


I don't understand it, and whne you point them to patch notes where "they have been fixed" the person doesn't even acknowledge the notes exist


I'm enjoying the game very much lvl 50

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The game is buggy as heck, unpolished, has a lot of unnecessary loading, running and general tedium. No LFD, no macros, no chat bubbles, no custom UI, bare bones chat system. bare-bones everything.


Game is okay, but anyone that claims it's up to par with what we should have is trying to fool themselves. Bioware has a lot of work to do to make this game be of even their own standards.

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sadly this is what it seems like


LIke i see people quoting bugs exist that have already been fixed etc..etc..


I don't understand it, and whne you point them to patch notes where "they have been fixed" the person doesn't even acknowledge the notes exist


I'm enjoying the game very much lvl 50


Because they don't care about the game, likely they haven't even played it. they are here just to troll. Add them to your ignore list, just leave out the very entertaining ones (XUGOS WHERE ARE YOU?!?!)

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We all got the second version here, wonder if i shouldtry the first version.


I'm afraid the shields on your enjoyment are quite operational. :csw_deathstar_un:


Me and my guild are having a blast!! I love this game and can't wait for the improvements over time!


Of course they are. Everyone who isnt interested in scrutinizing the game to bits and claim they are game designers alot more qualified to develop this game and have unrealistic expectations of a game with more features than WoW and less bugs releasing out of the gate will enjoy this game ALOT.


It is an awesome game, dont worry about the haters... they just forgot what its like to have fun because they think that hating on everything is beeing cool. :)

Edited by Nemmar
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The craziest thing people say is game breaking bugs... I have yet to see any bugs that prevented me from playing from levels 1 to 50. I have not seen anything preventing completion of higher level raids either. I've seen minor bugs, aka green ati graphics card bugs, not getting daily credit for some war zone wins, logging in between characters only to see the previous characters crafting skills on my companion tabs, etc. Edited by thomasmeadows
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Great Post!


Sadly, I have the second version. This means that even though I like to come to these forums to moan and groan .... I can't. I'm having far too much fun to do so.


Oh wait! When my chars wear a robe they have big butts which don't look that great on male chars. I know .... lame ... but I'm trying here OK?


Maybe if I could get my hands on the first game ......

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I found a game breaking bug last night, tried to kill the Sand Demon on Tatooine one level below it and it killed me! IT KILLED ME!!! This kind of things don't happen in WoW, because it's a more polished piece of sh,.... ahem a more polished game
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Great Post!


Sadly, I have the second version. This means that even though I like to come to these forums to moan and groan .... I can't. I'm having far too much fun to do so.


Oh wait! When my chars wear a robe they have big butts which don't look that great on male chars. I know .... lame ... but I'm trying here OK?


Maybe if I could get my hands on the first game ......


Mate what server are you on? I can craft you some nice robes that don't look like you are wearing a pillow downunder...

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I've had 2 CTD. I always end up with people who just want to kill and not do objectives is PVP.

And I'm on Taris. (enough said)



Despite all of that. I'm still loving it. Still having an enjoyable time and even more exited that the patch tomorrow will make things even better when damn Kailyo sells when I ask her too

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