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Why Sorcs need a nerf


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There are two ACs in SWTOR that in my opinion are blatantly OP; Operatives in terms of burst, and Sorcs in terms of utility combined with damage. More so the latter one. Sorcs got way too much utility, especially when they produce numbers similar/exceeding the other classes.


To sum it up:

- Ranged

- Sprint

- Knockback

- Instant cast long duration CC

- Great AoE damage

- Snare

- Mostly instant cast dmg abilities, if specced "right"

- A shield working post-mitigation, with a short CD

- Great burst

- Rescue

- Heals


This class needs to be toned down. My suggestions for how to do this is either increase the CD timer on several of their abilities (Static Barrier and Sprint especially), or reduce their overall damage output. A single class should not ever excel at every single aspect of a game.


Am I on crack, or am I actually on to something here?

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The CC and instant cast abilities all come from the same tree which relies on DoTs for damage. It is not doing instant cast spike damage. The shield has a 10 CD BUT it can't be reused on someone for 30 seconds. The shield will still be useless if you concentrate on them.


The burst doesn't occur if you also have the instant long CC and the instant DoTs.


Heals are garbage - 3 sec heal and a 1.5 heal - if you aren't spec'd for healing. They are both highly inefficient. And who in the hell has time for a 3 sec cast?? Even if you are fully decked out in PvP Expertise gear, and you force a crit, it will only heal for about 3k. What is that? 1 skill?


Sounds like you are being intimidated by the lightning more than the actual skills. A smart Sorc has a lot of tools at his disposal, but none of them are going to help unless he has teammates around. A Sorc can't kill someone before their CC runs out.

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Sorcs are ridiculous, Im a tank and their lightning just cuts through my defenses I keep interrupting, I keep on them to keep up the pressure and they use their bubble and kite away with their sprint and LoS and reheal.


It doesn't help that Empire realise the class is OP and every single WZ I'm in has at least 6 sith sorcs in it. Sith sorcs out there Im a tank and and you know how long my main two survivability skills are on CD for? 3 minutes...


It just enrages me some classes have it so good when classes like Guardian have to work harder for their survivability.

Edited by Highfives
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Sorcs are ridiculous, Im a tank and their lightning just cuts through my defenses I keep interrupting, I keep on them to keep up the pressure and they use their bubble and kite away with their sprint and LoS and reheal.


It doesn't help that Empire realise the class is OP and every single WZ I'm in has at least 6 sith sorcs in it. Sith sorcs out there Im a tank and and you know how long my main two survivability skills are on CD for? 3 minutes...


It just enrages me some classes have it so good when classes like Guardian have to work harder for their survivability.


What defences...your armor probably doesnt protect you versus their type of dmg :o

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Sorcs are ridiculous, Im a tank and their lightning just cuts through my defenses I keep interrupting, I keep on them to keep up the pressure and they use their bubble and kite away with their sprint and LoS and reheal.


It doesn't help that Empire realise the class is OP and every single WZ I'm in has at least 6 sith sorcs in it. Sith sorcs out there Im a tank and and you know how long my main two survivability skills are on CD for? 3 minutes...


It just enrages me some classes have it so good when classes like Guardian have to work harder for their survivability.


Your problem is Bioware's crap coding - or - their crap thought processes. Your armor is not mitigating anything a Sorc or Sage sends your way.


And I mean anything.

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The CC and instant cast abilities all come from the same tree which relies on DoTs for damage. It is not doing instant cast spike damage. The shield has a 10 CD BUT it can't be reused on someone for 30 seconds. The shield will still be useless if you concentrate on them.
20 sec, 17 with set-bonus. Can still be applied to 5 teammates while waiting for the debuff to disappear from yourself..


The burst doesn't occur if you also have the instant long CC and the instant DoTs.
True, but you can manage your proccs freely, so you have the alternative to do both, whatever suits the situation :)


Heals are garbage - 3 sec heal and a 1.5 heal - if you aren't spec'd for healing. They are both highly inefficient. And who in the hell has time for a 3 sec cast?? Even if you are fully decked out in PvP Expertise gear, and you force a crit, it will only heal for about 3k. What is that? 1 skill?
Not that garbage when you can sprint out of LoS, throw some heals, then go back/wait for the enemy to appear and finish the job.


Sounds like you are being intimidated by the lightning more than the actual skills. A smart Sorc has a lot of tools at his disposal, but none of them are going to help unless he has teammates around. A Sorc can't kill someone before their CC runs out.
At Valor rank 58, I hardly get intimidated by the lightning effects. Thank you for your concerns tho.. To me, it sounds more like you refuse to see the true nature of the Sorc. And "A Sorc can't kill someone before their CC runs out." What is that supposed to mean? If you think you are totally fine balance wise, just because you don't have the burst of Operatives, you are sadly mistaking, in my oppinion.


Something about trying to duel Sorcs
I do that every now and then, with no environmental use (LoS for instance). Win and lose 50/50 vs the guy (equally geared), depending on who's lucky with the crits. I'm a Sniper.
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sorc isn't OP at all. They are quite squishy and their damage is *** unless they are standing still freely casting.. they have no burst. all these complainers are casual pvpers who get kited a few times and then whine. all the good pvpers know that sorc/sage aren't that good. and this is from a sentinel player. sorcs tickle me with their pitiful damage. theres no way they can kill me unless I dont have cooldowns.
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Yeah sorcs and sages can be a pain and yes they do kill me, but NO THAT CLASS DOES NOT NEED A NERF EITHER....


Stop whining. I hate sorcerors/sages, but hey, when I blast them they hate me to and go whine about some other class here.

Edited by Mr_Gallows
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sorc isn't OP at all. They are quite squishy and their damage is *** unless they are standing still freely casting.. they have no burst. all these complainers are casual pvpers who get kited a few times and then whine. all the good pvpers know that sorc/sage aren't that good. and this is from a sentinel player. sorcs tickle me with their pitiful damage. theres no way they can kill me unless I dont have cooldowns.




I play sorc myself and get killed a lot by just about every other class in the game one on one. The heals I have on my madness sorc are crap and heal less than simple medipack you get from a vendor.


No need to nerf sorcs. The only reason som sorcs have high dmg in warzones is because they spam dots. We do not however kill that much as we have no burst dmg at all except for death field which do around 2-2.5k or so with a 20 sec timer. Everything else is dots or channeling.


The shield mitigates 3k dmg and is on a 30 sec timer. It doesnt help very much. You cant cast it for 20 sec after its been cut down.

Edited by Radiozo
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Oke my main is a sorc and i dont consider myself some elite pvper however a sorc in the right hands is something that can really ruin your day.


However, ANY class in the right hands can ruin your day. The times i had ops come up behind me and kill before i have a idea whats going on, or BH's that just nuke me to dead with only a very short window for me to go like... OMG RUN..


I will admit that most melee classes that i get in a 1vs1 seem to favor me a lot more then them. But also this is not always true, I have fought against people that completely steam rolled me. DPS sorcs allthough they have speed and their shield are quite squishy high dps players can kill them quite effectively. If you are a melee class and you cannot kill a dps sorc then consider changing tactics or rethinking your talents. Because i can say from experience their are plenty of melee classes that are specced and have the skill to take me down in a heartbeat.

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sorc isn't OP at all. They are quite squishy and their damage is *** unless they are standing still freely casting.. they have no burst. all these complainers are casual pvpers who get kited a few times and then whine. all the good pvpers know that sorc/sage aren't that good. and this is from a sentinel player. sorcs tickle me with their pitiful damage. theres no way they can kill me unless I dont have cooldowns.
Apparently, there is a lack of skilled Sorcs at whatever server you are on. How can they be squishy when they have a 3000+ dmg absorbing shield working post-mitigation, and on a 20 sec CD, along with sprint, knockback and an incapacitate?
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Apparently, there is a lack of skilled Sorcs at whatever server you are on. How can they be squishy when they have a 3000+ dmg absorbing shield working post-mitigation, and on a 20 sec CD, along with sprint, knockback and an incapacitate?


Protip: We wear cloth.

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I'm a pvp juggernaut i love jumping on sorcs, since most of my ataks melee based, they take more n more dmg due to low armor.


If u dont use skills in right time and rotation, a sorc will tear u like any other will..

For my opinion, all classes are as meant to be, have strong points and weakness...


so stop coming here, xx class pwnd me, it must be nerfed.. if a class pwning you, it has 2 reasons :


1. rock, paper, scissor. all classes will have a counterpart its weak to, its meant to in any mmo for pvp.

if not, option 2.

2. you simply fail :)

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The biggest issue with sages/sorcs are their op dfensive cooldowns:


Knockback -> Sprint -> Shield



All of these have very short cds - 20/20/30 sec cd if I am not mistaken.


Simple pressing these 3 buttons in a row you should NEVER die unless zerged 10vs1.


And yes also they ignore all tour defense.

And yes also they have insta ccs and heals.


Hell at least operatives can be bursted down if catched in the right moment.


Is it too much what do you think?

Edited by Errthu
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In PuG vs PuG I can see why you would be dominated.


however the solution is simple.


Cleanse the dots away.

Use Force of Will to remove the stun.

Focus fire the Sorc/Sage and you'll notice theyll die fast if they dont have Guard.

Use interupts on their force lightning / TK Throw (i rarely see this happening)

As soon as you see their sprint, stun or root the target - simple solution.


People need to start working on a counter rather than crying for a nerf.

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Lol.. Sage/Sorcs are terrible in most situations.



Our burst is nearly non existent


We're light armored so we need the bubble to make up for the fact people wreck us faster.


Force Sprint is great, but not as good as "Blink" from wow. You can be stunned while using it, rooted or even slowed. Basically stopping the effect.


Our damage is good, however it's not a bursty unless we have lots of CDs up.


Our heals are weak, 1.5 sec cast heals for 1100 or 1900 on crit.

3.0 sec cast Heals for 2300 crits for like 3.7k.

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I would say resolve/cc is the problem not the sorcs....they are SQUIIIISHY if you get in their face.


Kite classes with heal abils are ALWAYS good in 1v1....if you try and balance a game based on 1v1 then PvP will be boooooring.


PvP is about getting a decent balanced group and working together - If you get 4 sorcs versus a decent tank/dps/dps/heal group then I feel confident in saying the sorcs will lose 9/10 fights.

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