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Bioware is killing pvp on voss in 1.1!


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you really cant read cant you.....how do you even log into this game if you cant read simple words..


Did someone else log onto your PC to type this then:

i joined veela because early on republic out numbered empire.. so i rolled empire


At no point in time, has republic outnumbered Empire. Heck, even during all of beta testing all of us beta testers were stating issues with populations. even looking at the guilds being made, it was more than 4 to 1 empire:republic.

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It's quite simple folks, Open PVP needs safe areas when you have large population imbalance. Cut and dry. It's difficult to push out and defend against a never ending zerg of 2x as many players as you have at all times.





Funny thing though. When you get more people all these "serious PVP players" do 1 of two things.


1. Either they get double your number again, having a far larger population to grab from, and continue to destroy you through sheer zergage.


2. They leave. Straight up leave. "WAH WE WANT PVP, WAH WAH WAH." Then you give it to them and you actually manage to win a few battles. Suddenly they are all gone. This is the exact same as they have acted for oh, I dunno, TEN YEARS NOW across various MMORPG.


Then miraculously when your side goes back to what they are doing, they return. Ya, some PVP players they are. *spits* I have nothing but contempt for those players. They are the lowest form of PVP and given any amount of challenge they fold like a house of cards.





I will however give nothing but respect to you few stalwarts mixed in with them who continue fighting even after all the whiney cry baby "serious PVP players" leave and suddenly YOUR outnumbered. Yall are the people I enjoy meeting on the battlefield.

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PvP here is:




-having 2-3 mobs on you


-getting jumped by an enemy passing by who is 2-3 lvls higher


-who starts attacking your companion and kills him


-then you start fighting 2-3 mobs, an enemy player and his/hers companion.


-you die


-and get comment like "lol noob", just because he managed to kill you...


But seeing the same player when you are not on a mob, he will run away and

you can either ignore him, or chase him for a while with no chance of catching up to him.

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PvP here is:




-having 2-3 mobs on you


-getting jumped by an enemy passing by who is 2-3 lvls higher


-who starts attacking your companion and kills him


-then you start fighting 2-3 mobs, an enemy player and his/hers companion.


-you die


-and get comment like "lol noob", just because he managed to kill you...


But seeing the same player when you are not on a mob, he will run away and

you can either ignore him, or chase him for a while with no chance of catching up to him.


That is pretty much pvp in any open world pvp environment. Some people will always go for the easy kill and claim they are "skilled". It certainly isn't just swtor that happens in, not sure why you thought it would be any different in this game when it is the same everywhere you go.


Pvp servers will always have


1. Low level gankers


2. Zerg guilds who only pvp when they have a 5x advantage


3. Stealth gankers who only attack once you have pulled some pve mobs


It's just the way it is, you deal with it in the hope that you do find good open world fights from time to time.

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PvP here is:




-having 2-3 mobs on you


-getting jumped by an enemy passing by who is 2-3 lvls higher


-who starts attacking your companion and kills him


-then you start fighting 2-3 mobs, an enemy player and his/hers companion.


-you die


-and get comment like "lol noob", just because he managed to kill you...


But seeing the same player when you are not on a mob, he will run away and

you can either ignore him, or chase him for a while with no chance of catching up to him.


Does what he call you, hurt you?, do you need medical treatment for such a stinging insult?.... no obviously not. why do you care what he says. If you know your gonna die, take the kill off him an suicide. I do it every time I am out numbered. Far FAR better to suicide an remove the kill from them than let em get you. I wouldn't worry to much about it anyway anymore. From Hoth on both sides are starting to /wave as they walk past each other.. none cares anymore since Bioware removed world pvp progression. There is no actual death in tor, no risk an no death penalty, I personally use death as a free travel system.

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I'm not a griever, but over the years I'm ganked hear and there. I have been ganked as well over the years by people who love to sit on corpses, but you know what, that is pvp and I like it that way, guards are good tho, trying to kill a lowbie before guard gets you sounds fun, and luring a ganker toward a guard sounds good to. That's my interpretaion of nuetral town anyhow.
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Nooo.. Voss-Ka is my favorite place in the universe. What other place can you roam around ganking imps happily in the midst of their own NPCs?


Just love those 1v1 w/companion fights. Ganked people 4 levels higher than me with the companion-conc-shot-now-I-have-a-pockethealer-and-you-dont-combo.

Edited by Niconogood
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Those "PvP in the city is good, or just go on PvE server" comments just made me laugh so hard :D


I'm a 34 sniper currently, yesterday i went out in the Alderaan to get some commendations. While doing quests i ran into camping lvl46 sage. I almost (shame the level difference is way too implying) killed him, died myself of course.

After resurrecting and finishing the quest i went to the republic side and killed 4 people ~32 in the old fashion 1on1 manner, they all were in full health and with the companion not being attacked by any mobs. Two started to run away, so the were obliterated and got danced on their bodies, two took a challenge. It was fun.


If none of you can't kill anything 1on1 being your level or at the very least close to it, it's your problem, not the one of those normal people.

If your PvP is all about griefing, ganking and killing underpowered people... yeah, you must be so good, so good...


P.S. Unless i am mistaken, swtor is in the first place a story-driven MMO, and as such, it is completely illogical for authorities in the city to stand aside and do nothing, while two (or more) dudes of the opposite fractions fight one another on the streets, harming civilians/buildings/other guards with the AoE, jumps, sabers etc...




But i guess all that means nothing to kinds of you :p

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There has never been a PVP themed mmo where you could gank lowbies in town without the guards attacking you whatsoever.


Your problem is that you confuse ganking and zerging with PVP.


I'm not a griever, but over the years I'm ganked hear and there. I have been ganked as well over the years by people who love to sit on corpses, but you know what, that is pvp and I like it that way, guards are good tho, trying to kill a lowbie before guard gets you sounds fun, and luring a ganker toward a guard sounds good to. That's my interpretaion of nuetral town anyhow.


Meh, I get what you're saying. Personally I don't really care either way about the changes, I DO think that those that whine about the changes are mostly just in gank squads though and they can't easy mode players at vendors anymore.


I mean, all they have to do it just move away from the towns, but no they'd rather come here and whine about it.

Edited by CapuchinSeven
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I like pvp, but only when both me and the other side wants it. I don't want to bother people when they quest, nor do I want to be bothered when I quest. Hence I rolled on a PvE server.


If you don't want ganking, don't roll on a pvp server. There is no reason, none, nada , zilch, to roll on a pvp server if you only want fair fights. You can head to pvp zones and war zones on PvE servers, to deal with people who want to pvp. The only reason to roll on pvp servers is to gank and be ganked in the open.


Don't want that? Don't roll on pvp servers.

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Have had many a good fights on Voss. Bioware plans to make the city a Sanctuary, so that means no more of these excellent battles. Now, after 1.1, we'll get to stare at each other go off on missions on a PVP SERVER!


Voice your disagreement so that maybe they will keep Voss a PVP planet for PVP servers!


Frankly, people should be able to enter the planet for the first time and not load into a gank.



Edit: I love pvp on any planet. But, I don't want to see imperials camping the shuttle from the orbital station inside the republic embassy (and vice versa) and not have any help from any world boss level turrets.

Edited by Sunflier
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They are nothing more than a bunch losers who have pent up rage from being bullied irl and need to take it out on people in a video game.


You hit the nail on the head there sunshine, that's right this is a video game we play. It does not matter what you are doing in SWTOR, you are just playing a game. And these servers my friend are PVP servers which is why players of the opposite faction are automatically highlighted red in CONTESTED areas!


You are also the second person that I have noticed, to claim that players must have some sort of real life issue if they wish to kill other players however they like.


How old are you, really?

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I realize most of you don't understand role-playing, but since story is a pretty big deal for BW you had to realize this change was coming.


You can still gank each other at the Pilgrim's Shrine. I've spent the last couple of days decimating the scrub 50s who try to gank my Republican homies there.

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"return to medicenter" works well for those being camped.


Not really complaining about the PvP state of SWTOR (I come from EVE), but what you suggest is not a solution. There is a level 50 sith waiting at the medcenter too.


I had to use psychological warfare (read: almost naked guy attacking you with /kiss, /hug and /clubdance) to get rid of him.

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you're right, all defences and npcs should be removed as they get in the way of pvp, all republic and imperial bases should have 0 defences whatsoever!


also, lets give each faction the ability to go to each others homeworlds.. that'll get pvp going right! I mean, sure, it makes 0 sense to the story or the world you're in, but it's not like that matters, does it?


Voss doesn't want people wantonly fighting in the streets of its city, Voss is the perfect place for a sanctuary, neither the republic nor the imperials want to upset the local population in hopes of gaining their favour, but step outside? and all bets are off.


PVP is PVP yes, but you're still playing Star wars, you're still stuck in their story lines and plots and you have to live with the nature of the game, Voss is a sanctuary for story reasons.


If you don't like it, then don't go to Voss, it's easy to skip that planet if you're not doing class quests and as noted above, you aren't interested in the story there anyway, so why bother?

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I like the idea. It's retarded to worry about getting jumped at a vendor, and on a RP-PvP server, it makes no sense that the empire and republic could fight in the streets without the Voss authorities getting involved.


Are you serious with this post? You're on a RolePlaying-PlayerVersusPlaer server, so let's look at it from an RP Perspective. Voss Authorities would be less inclined to get involved between a Sith and somebody else for the simple fact that the Sith would probably eat them alive. What would a non-force using race do against an evil force user? From an RP perspective, your comment and opinion are both invalid. If you want to RP on planets without PvP, you should have rolled on a PvP server.


Carebears who roll on a PvP server type are ruining MMO's, and you're only contributing to that.

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I had to use psychological warfare (read: almost naked guy attacking you with /kiss, /hug and /clubdance) to get rid of him.


that made me laugh


+1 to you sir


What would a non-force using race do against an evil force user? From an RP perspective, your comment and opinion are both invalid. If you want to RP on planets without PvP, you should have rolled on a PvP server.


I dont wanna spoil anything buuuut. . .



even the Rakgouls(or however they're spelled) can be force sensitive. Dont you come across a couple force sensitive Voss as well?


Edited by FourTwent
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