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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Gameworld is like a corridor


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Everything feels like one big tunnel. It always feels like you're being funneled through this corridor from one objective to the next. There is no sense of a large scale and all the areas feel so small and cramped. Once you have checked out a area it feels even smaller. At first everything was fine but it didn't take long before all the area, dungeons and so on all just start feeling like little compartments in a rat maze with barely any turns.


Seriously not sure how this game is gonna compete with open-world mmos like WoW. If you've ever played that game why oh why would you ever make the gameworld like this game?

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Everything feels like one big tunnel. It always feels like you're being funneled through this corridor from one objective to the next. There is no sense of a large scale and all the areas feel so small and cramped. Once you have checked out a area it feels even smaller. At first everything was fine but it didn't take long before all the area, dungeons and so on all just start feeling like little compartments in a rat maze with barely any turns.


Seriously not sure how this game is gonna compete with open-world mmos like WoW. If you've ever played that game why oh why would you ever make the gameworld like this game?


I'll agree with this.

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Everything feels like one big tunnel. It always feels like you're being funneled through this corridor from one objective to the next. There is no sense of a large scale and all the areas feel so small and cramped. Once you have checked out a area it feels even smaller. At first everything was fine but it didn't take long before all the area, dungeons and so on all just start feeling like little compartments in a rat maze with barely any turns.


Seriously not sure how this game is gonna compete with open-world mmos like WoW. If you've ever played that game why oh why would you ever make the gameworld like this game?


All the planets are boring, old, uninspired, and uncolorful. Every zone feels like a corridor with different colors. This game is so bad..

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All the planets are boring, old, uninspired, and uncolorful. Every zone feels like a corridor with different colors. This game is so bad..


Seriously why do they all have the same boring ecosystems - either sand, rock or grass and oak trees... who plays a space MMO to see oak trees!?


Where are the liquid nitrogen forests and the electrical gas clouds? Where is the alien plantlife? Space is a huge opportunity for creativity and oak trees is what they came up with!?!? And if they are gonna copy earth plants you'd atleast think they would mix it up a bit and give us palm trees and cactus but noooooo....

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Seriously why do they all have the same boring ecosystems - either sand, rock or grass and oak trees... who plays a space MMO to see oak trees!?


Where are the liquid nitrogen forests and the electrical gas clouds? Where is the alien plantlife? Space is a huge opportunity for creativity and oak trees is what they came up with!?!? And if they are gonna copy earth plants you'd atleast think they would mix it up a bit and give us palm trees and cactus but noooooo....


Welcome to starwars :D

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Simple because this game is focused on the class story , lets say they opened a 2 road , on that road you can lvl PvE , but never do any class quest , now you will have to go back and do all you , now very low lvl class quests , cause they gave you that way.

WoW has no such thing , just go and play , i for one never read ANY quest in WoW , had no purpose, was just see what you got do and run , other than that i dont even know the NPC names lol.

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All the planets are boring, old, uninspired, and uncolorful. Every zone feels like a corridor with different colors. This game is so bad..


100% agree. This game couldn't be less imaginative or innovative. It is stale boring and a complete travesty.

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I find movies boring for their linearity. Why can't we just tell the actor what to do as we wish?


As others have said, the game world starts to open up past Nar Shaddaa, but I think you're missing the point. What's more fun: walking around in an empty field, or going through Disney's Haunted Mansion?


Go back to nearly every one of the Cata zones. There's a set path that you have to follow. Hyjal is literally a path. Your perception is twisted because of flying mounts. Regardless, the leveling experience is linear.


And honestly,other than TBC, WoW can be summarized by sand, trees, and rocks, and snow, too.

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It is funny how some people are personally offended each time someone writes something critical.

Although I enjoy the story in this game, I agree with OP in this. It IS a game about corridors and invisible walls.


That is because about %95 of the posts are from low lvl people :eek:

Edited by xXcronicXx
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I find movies boring for their linearity. Why can't we just tell the actor what to do as we wish?


As others have said, the game world starts to open up past Nar Shaddaa, but I think you're missing the point. What's more fun: walking around in an empty field, or going through Disney's Haunted Mansion?


Go back to nearly every one of the Cata zones. There's a set path that you have to follow. Hyjal is literally a path. Your perception is twisted because of flying mounts. Regardless, the leveling experience is linear.


And honestly,other than TBC, WoW can be summarized by sand, trees, and rocks, and snow, too.


But that's exactly the point - WoW had way more creative "space" zones than this (and don't forget it had swimming/underwater ecosystems at launch too!). And many people hate what Blizzard did with Cataclysm by making the game more linear - in fact this is a reason swtor got such an influx of subs - everybody was expecting it to innovate, not devolve the genre in a way that makes what Blizzard is doing actually look good...

Edited by Taurusaud
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I find movies boring for their linearity. Why can't we just tell the actor what to do as we wish?




That is quite possibly the worst attempt at comparing in the name of sarcasm i have ever seen. They are not even similar in the least bit. It is like you went out of your way to make yourself seem like a fool.

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WoW is anything but "open world", even if it seems like one.


Also, it gets better after Nar Shadaa I think, at least Tatooine feels far more open than previous worlds.



Actually, there is a lot more to Nar Shadaa than people realize.

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Actually, there is a lot more to Nar Shadaa than people realize.


Yeah truthfully I've probably not explored it fully... I intend to do so at max level, to have something to look forward to :D However it does feel very much like a corridor to me, at least the content I did, it didn't give me a "big city" vibe if you know what I mean.

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Hoth and tattoine are the only truly open planets. Don't pretend the other planets are as open as those just because they're big. You're still cut off by giant walls and inaccessible areas.


Disagree. Belsavis is open too. And it is a maze also.

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But that's exactly the point - WoW had way more creative "space" zones than this (and don't forget it had swimming/underwater ecosystems at launch too!). And many people hate what Blizzard did with Cataclysm by making the game more linear - in fact this is a reason swtor got such an influx of subs - everybody was expecting it to innovate, not devolve the genre in a way that makes what Blizzard is doing actually look good...


Oh , then the problem is that you misunderstood the game.


SWTOR is by no means like WoW on this point and the devs tried to let that quite clear in my opinion , in WoW dont matter your lvl you are just another Paladin , they dont try to make you feel like you made the difference , you and nothing are quite the same.


On this game by adding the story they try to pass that you are SOMEONE that actually change thing in the galaxy (even if we know that is not true) they want you to think , hey im a special sith among the sith , not just another mindless drone.


That is the point of the class story , to make my sith pass the feeling that it is not the same my generic paladin 1 was.

Edited by rzrknight
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Oh , then the problem is that you misunderstood the game.


SWTOR is by no means like WoW on this point and the devs tried to let that quite clear in my opinion , in WoW dont matter you lvl you are just another Paladin , they dont try to make you feel like you made the difference , you and nothing are quite the same.


On this game by adding the story they try to pass that you are SOMEONE that actually change thing in the galaxy (even if we know that is not true) they want you to think , hey im a special sith among the sith , not just another mindless drone.


That is the point of the class story , to make my sith pass the feeling that it is not the same my generic paladin 1 was.



Great post

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