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Black Lightsaber


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I see people try to rationalize how the saber would work and what makes it tick.


Star Wars was never the tech-savvy series. Its a fantasy world set in a different dimension with tech advancement that "is" and not explained why.



The Tech-Savvy counterpart is StarTech that always tried to be contained withing logic and future inventions and describe how would a modern world look like.

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from a graphical represantation point, how would it appear ingame? Black cannot be seen. Needs at least some color outline radiance to line its shape.


Just like it does.


Black with a gold, red, or blue outline. The black lightsabers in The Force Unleashed and The Clone Wars are black with a white outline, and I'm hoping a similar crystal appears in The Old Republic.

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I see people try to rationalize how the saber would work and what makes it tick.


Star Wars was never the tech-savvy series. Its a fantasy world set in a different dimension with tech advancement that "is" and not explained why.



The Tech-Savvy counterpart is StarTech that always tried to be contained withing logic and future inventions and describe how would a modern world look like.


I assume you mean Star Trek (StarTech?), but yes, 100% agree, and this is the magic of Star Wars (and I don't mean the Force)... Star Trek writers have a HUGE amount of work that they must do for everything they make, because it all has to at least semi-balance out logically/scientifically, and because of that, the storyline suffers a decent amount... unless they work even harder.


I'm a fan of both, and when I watch Star Trek, I am watching how things work, and why they work, and getting a little bit of story thrown in as well... If Star Trek had never been a series, I think it would have flopped horribly. But because they had tons of episodes to slowly weave in a continuing storyline, they could put in tech stuff as well. If it was just a 2 hr movie, and 3-5 years later another 2 hour movie, then another 3-5 years later... It would have sucked, because they would have had to cut one of two things out: Story/Plot, or Explanations of any sort. Basically, it would have been just another sci-fi.


Star Wars, on the other hand, didn't even really try to make things scientific (how fast did Han do the Kessel Run again?)... They instead focused on storyline, and real emotions. But of course, this is also where the PT failed. The relationship between Anakin and Obi-Wan should have felt more like Han/Luke... the relationship between Anakin and Padme should have felt more like Han/Leia... But of course, the OT had Lucas before his stuff became majorly popular, and as such he wasn't allowed to just make things happen, with the PT, no one ever questioned the all-powerful Lucas, and thus, we have something resembling a Michael Bay production instead of a trilogy focusing on actual plot and storyline and emotion...


But I digress, for those of you who TL;DR - What makes Star Wars so great, is that you don't need (or even really have the ability) to logical and scientifically deduce and reason out every piece of tech. There are Black Light Sabers, they work, done.

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Black Lightsabers make sense, the beam of a lightsaber is a controlled plasma, color doesn't matter, black is a mix of colors, it's the absence of light, but the actually color as seen in the light spectrum is really a reflection of multiple colors as 1.


If you want to get technical look up subtractive and additive color.

Edited by Heartbeatracer
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I made this thread to argue whether the "black" lightsaber is canon or not.


I personally think it shouldn't be canon for two reasons; this saber only appears in the force unleashed and it goes against the established lore of how lightsabers work.


In TFU we had the black crystal but it never showed up in cut scenes so I believe that it was never intended to be real.


Second, black is the absence of light so a lightsaber cannot have an absence of light.


I look forward to your rebuttals and support against/for me.


Black lightsaber is canon.


Black lightsaber is in TFU, the CLone Wars cartoon (actual canon) and SWTOR. Your argument is invalid.

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Eh if you've seen the History channel's Star Wars Tech show, they state that with current technology (Or any tech that they could foresee) Lightsabers aren't possible.



So don't try and bring any science at all into this argument.

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Eh if you've seen the History channel's Star Wars Tech show, they state that with current technology (Or any tech that they could foresee) Lightsabers aren't possible.


Not really. That's the very place that hypothesized that a lightsaber could be a beam of plasma in a magnetic field. We can't do it today, but it is hypothetically possible (emphasis to make sure certain posters understand that I not only mean hypothetically, but VERY hypothetically.)

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Not really. That's the very place that hypothesized that a lightsaber could be a beam of plasma in a magnetic field. We can't do it today, but it is hypothetically possible (emphasis to make sure certain posters understand that I not only mean hypothetically, but VERY hypothetically.)


a weapon like a light saber might be possible ie a plasma sword. But an actual light saber like we see in the movies is 100% impossible.



A plasma beam in a magnetic field would never behave like the light sabers in the movies do.

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Star wars fans complain a lot. It is a magic from a magical universe where magical things happen and most importantly magic is a thing. If it is impossible there is probably some form of that magic that makes it possible for whatever reason. Don't understand how that works? You don't have to that's the beauty of it. These things are to please you and let you escape the world you are already in. So my real question, why try to bog down such nice things by adding real world discussion to it? Why try to make our fantasy worlds as crappy as our real one?
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I am fine with black lightsabers, they they are possible has become canon, so we might see more of them in the future.


Realistic? Who cares? It's Star Wars! And by the way, silver is equally unrealistic, but only people who have no clue about physics tend to discus how unrealistic it is, while those who understand it have never tried to explain anything in Star Wars with physics (because it's just a waste of time).

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a weapon like a light saber might be possible ie a plasma sword. But an actual light saber like we see in the movies is 100% impossible.



A plasma beam in a magnetic field would never behave like the light sabers in the movies do.


May be possible but would also be 100% impractical :p I don't foresee guns going away *just advanced to maybe lasers* in the future. And, correct me if I'm wrong but does any human have the reflexes to move a thing piece of metal in front of a sniper shot?


It'll just be like indiana jones. guy does his sword dance, Indy shoots him. 'cept it'd be ignite your plasma sword and get a laser in the eye.

Edited by Lithy
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Sooo, FTL travel, maneuvers in space with only engines in the back of the ships, a mystical power that binds everything together...


And you think a black colour crystal is strange and breaking the laws of physics in their reality?

Edited by WickerThing
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Star wars fans complain a lot. It is a magic from a magical universe where magical things happen and most importantly magic is a thing. If it is impossible there is probably some form of that magic that makes it possible for whatever reason. Don't understand how that works? You don't have to that's the beauty of it. These things are to please you and let you escape the world you are already in. So my real question, why try to bog down such nice things by adding real world discussion to it? Why try to make our fantasy worlds as crappy as our real one?


True indeed ;):ph_good_post::sy_empire:

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Are you guys really trying to argue realism and logic for a sci-fi world and video games?




Screw your logic, I would love to see a black lightsaber like the one from TFU. Hell I would love to see more colors in general.


god I loved the armour in TFU. I want some like that for my Sentinel.

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Just want to throw it out there that you're arguing for realism in a universe that completely destroys RL physics. Lightsabers shouldn't even exist in the first place. Either the SW universe operates on different rules then our own, in which case a black lightsaber makes sense, or their understanding of physics is so advanced from our own that it appears not to make sense, in which case the idea that they know how to create a black bladed lightsaber isn't odd at all.


Does the idea of a black bladed lightsaber really break your suspension of disbelief that much?

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