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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Orbital Stations Must Die!


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Hate running down corridor after empty corridor for seemingly no reason.


Little-known fact: BioWare originally had the Dr. Who license, but when they got the SW license, they figured it would be more profitable, so they repurposed the work they'd already done.

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Getting to a planet is like this:


Go into space station and take elevator to ship dock


Loading Screen


Enter Ship


Loading Screen


Pick Planet from galaxy map and hit travel, watch as your ship jumps into hyperspace and comes out infront of the planet (Pretty cool)


Click "Ship Exit"


Loading screen


Pop out at Planet space port, take elevator to surface


Loading Screen




All total, can take up to 15 minutes because of slow loading screens.


Garbage is the word I'd use to describe it.



Pretty much this. It is Garbage! it is one of the few things I dread doing and its wearing me out. I'm at the point I don't want to play the game just because of this.


Bioware listen to your fans. Remove this over used amount of loading screens that are there for no other reason then annoying!

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Either these are a vestige of something they wanted to do and didn't, or there is some technical reason why they need to slow down your travel time to the planet (maybe the planet keeps loading while you're running through the orbital station, this would give the impression of shorter loading times).


As much as I'd love to see them gone, there has to be a reason why it is the way it is. It would be sadistic if there isn't. I doubt we'll ever know either way, since yellow posts that aren't PR or maintenance notices are rare as hen's teeth.

Edited by Whillwynn
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Thread Translation: I am lazy.. complaints like this are just crazy.. If it was up to me no one would get a speeder till 50.. and sprint would of never existed.. Everyone can walk everywhere at slow motion like I did during vanilla wow days.. Just like I hate how you can log into wow and Q for anything from anywhere... My butt had to travel all the way to arathi highlands to q for arathi basin.. etc etc.. I cannot stand how MMO's implement and promote lazy options..
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I'd also like the orbital stations to be removed but also:


The need to take an elevator to our ships hangar

Needing to click on a destination button on the elevator when there is only one destination. The popup is useless and annoying.


I wouldn't be that bad if they removed the lift and replaced them with a green force field pre-loading the area. i.e: I'm moving into a starport, I'm not grouped with another character close to me, well guess the game can pre-load my space ship area because there's a fair chance I'm not here to have tea and will end taking off soon with my class space ship.


The game is also missing a direct recall to our space ships.

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Thread Translation: I am lazy.. complaints like this are just crazy.. If it was up to me no one would get a speeder till 50.. and sprint would of never existed.. Everyone can walk everywhere at slow motion like I did during vanilla wow days.. Just like I hate how you can log into wow and Q for anything from anywhere... My butt had to travel all the way to arathi highlands to q for arathi basin.. etc etc.. I cannot stand how MMO's implement and promote lazy options..


Post translation: I am a troll and I need to get out.

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No what they really need to do is when you go to you're ship entrance / exit door they need to have something like this pop up instead.

[Taris Orbital Station]

[Taris Planet]

That way you are given the choice, since some of them have Flashpoints inside them and the Airlocks are kinda stupid, those should be taken out of the game, because i think i have used it 1-2 times in my entire class phase and then what good are they but a waste of time!

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If you want to get technical, they need to unscrew the exit the ship and place the scenes where they need to be. The developers in charge of these cutscenes were clueless when it come to how and when something happens. Like any 6th grader put in charge of a bucket of marbles and is told to sort by size and color so to di the developers with the cutscenes.


The single biggest example among many is this, how about when we exit the ship we are in the spaceport instead of doing a cutscene of the ship flying to the planet? It is no big leap that the people placing these screwed them up as you can look at what needs to be changed, sadly the devs will simply state....this is a feature.


So many screwups by the devs in both cutscenes, travel, skill tree, and yet they will not state the people in charge of those tasks mixed them up and we will be fixing them. To proud to admit the rush and poor Q/A.


It is not a "screw up" they did it this way because the game needs to be totally instanced or the servers won't be able to handle it. If there was ever any battles like in WoW where there are more the 100 players on both sides the SWTOR servers would most likely fry.


This is all due to Bioware using the Hero game engine and not taking the time to develop their own game engine, which btw they have done for pretty much every other game they have ever developed...

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Bouncing between stations isn't overly prolonging the leveling experience. If you want to level up, you go to a planet, clear it, and leave.


What its preventing though is the ability to go do FP's quickly. want to find an FP?

Have fun with 15m wait before and after going to the fleet. sure you can blow your pass (or use the 1hr one if you have the key) but you still have upwards for 15m to get back to your planet. Its just silly.


When you go to board your ship (from the planet) it should give you a drop down.

Orbital station. Ship. Planet listing of all previously visited planets.


You wanna go from Voss to Coruscant? Select Coruscant while at the Voss "orbital station" shuttle on the planet.


There is *no good reason* for them not to do this. I go to my ship alot anyway to do space missions.. making it take forever to go from planet to planet is just inane.


(and this is before getting into the issue of Coruscant space port being the largest, and only one not to be able to QT out of.. and you can't mount in it either. how stupid is that? needs to have a "instant transport' tram in it to zip you to the Senate.. especially for poor troopers who have to go back to the General 40 billion times)


Obviously there is going to be some time sink for traveling.. but this is more than accounted for in traveling across the planets themselves. Even with a level 50 speeder and using taxi's and such it still takes a hefty amount of time to coss planets. (check Alderaan. the planet is a circle yet the taxi's link in a semi-circle.. so you have to * go around the whole planet* to travel 200 yards.. assuming that I haven't missed a taxi somewhere).


I am lost what game are you all playing. ONLY the 4 starting planets use the orbital station. All others you land directly on the planet.

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It is not a "screw up" they did it this way because the game needs to be totally instanced or the servers won't be able to handle it. If there was ever any battles like in WoW where there are more the 100 players on both sides the SWTOR servers would most likely fry.


This is all due to Bioware using the Hero game engine and not taking the time to develop their own game engine, which btw they have done for pretty much every other game they have ever developed...


You are confusing software capabilities with hardware capabilities. Trust me when I say proper hardware would have no problem handling the situation you are describing. Now if the software can handle that, well that is a whole other story.

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No one seems to realize this....



the planets that have orbital stations , are planets that DONT HAVE A SPACEPORT , at least for your faction



point in case : Taris


go there as republic and you can just land your ship, however empire has to go thru orbital station because they dont have a spaceport on their side, the storyline for empire actually ends with destroying the olaris spaceport, but empire doesnt have a prescence on taris , and as such they dont own a spaceport (aka you cant land you ship there)


also, only a few planets seem to have this orbital station hell you speak off

Edited by LaVolpex
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Hmm, a very interesting point this is!


I dunno. Having an extra section of space just to reach another section of extra space without benefit is really just a waste of time.


The extra benefit seems to be: "You are more immersed into the game" and "it is more realistic" therefore you should be more immersed into the game.


Unfortunately, the more realistic it is, the chances are gamers will hate it or get tired of it. I think most people would get tired of repeatedly running through the same area if they feel that the space in question is not necessary.


And to put it another way, if they did take it out, I doubt anyone would miss it. :) You wouldn't see a thread clamoring to bring orbital stations back so that people can run through an extra segment of space, unless that space was somehow so filled with thought provoking, sense tingling, and force powered goodness that it would make us laugh and cry like the best of times and the worst of times.


Maybe make each orbital station more unique to the planet it's orbiting? There's just no looking forward to visiting those things, and having it there for the sake of it being realistic at the cost of enjoyment is not a good trade.


I do recognize that some people draw enjoyment from varying degrees of realism no matter the type, and so be it. It's just that they probably could have had "realism" invested somewhere else without such a conflict of interest of time and space.


Your rather LOUD footsteps doesn't help, either. Anyone noticed that the volume of your running is more on the distracting side?

Edited by Savarous
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Is anybody else put out by these orbital stations we have to go through on each planet? I mean really it's just an extra step that needs to go. I have a ship and I should be able to land on the planet.


I like this game but yeah the docking in space ports is starting to wear thin . Balmora and Hoth are notorious for this . Why can't I just land my ship in the planet itself .

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Hmm, a very interesting point this is!


I dunno. Having an extra section of space just to reach another section of extra space without benefit is really just a waste of time.


The extra benefit seems to be: "You are more immersed into the game" and "it is more realistic" therefore you should be more immersed into the game.


Unfortunately, the more realistic it is, the chances are gamers will hate it or get tired of it. I think most people are would get tired of repeatedly running through the same area if they feel that the space in question is not necessary.


And to put it another way, if they did take it out, I doubt anyone would miss it. :) You wouldn't see a thread clamoring to bring orbital stations back so that people can run through an extra segment of space, unless that space was somehow so filled with thought provoking, sense tingling, and force powered goodness that it would make us laugh and cry like the best of times and the worst of times.


Maybe make each orbital station more unique to the planet it's orbiting? There's just no looking forward to visiting those things, and having it there for the sake of it being realistic at the cost of enjoyment is not a good trade.


I do recognize that some people draw enjoyment from varying degrees of realism no matter the type, and so be it. It's just that they probably could have had "realism" invested somewhere else without such a conflict of interest of time and space.


Your rather LOUD footsteps doesn't help, either. Anyone noticed that the volume of your running is more on the distracting side?


The upside isn't the immersion, it's that it takes time. Bioware designed this game to fit within quite rigid predefined metrics, design by spreadsheet if you will. I assume the game actually turned out to be shorter than they had hoped and therefore very slow speeders and very long orbital stations.

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