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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Orbital Stations Must Die!


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I don't think most of us are against orbital stations per se, just that they don't serve any purpose other than to slow down the player. As I said in an earlier post, they could certainly work around them (missions to secure access to private landing pads, space missions to sneak down to the planet etc), but having them literally be a couple more buttons you need to click on and more hallways to run down just makes them annoying.


Also fluff and gameplay should compliment each other. If something isn't fun, then it should probably be looked at. Now things that are tough, or annoying can be useful in a game if they make beating them give a greater sense of accomplishment. Orbital stations don't, they just get in the way.


Beyond that, if people want to start quoting fluff about why you can't land on planets, I seem to remember plenty of spaceships in the movies touching down in what was less than ideal conditions.


One idea could have orbital stations act as a sort of staging area for the planet. Have LFG options available on them, and let a party on the ground teleport a player on the station to them (dispatch a shuttle really). People could meet on the station and then select a heroic area, or other quest area to shuttle down to. It'd make the stations useful, fit them into the fluff, and provide a good gathering point, as well as some much needed grouping tools.




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Space stations are there to increase the sense of realism and immersion in the game, as well as show off the fancy loading screens (someone worked hard on them and is proud of them).


I love them.


I am also petitioning to add restrooms and meters to track the urgency of your characters bodily functions in order to similarly increase the sense of realism and immersion in the game.

My thoughts also; well put.


You guys probably wished for something like, now I'm on Alderaan and crossing some blue colored shielded entrance/portal-ish thingy would teleport me to Balmoraa. Remember, this is SF not fantasy :p. That's what this is about: space ships, orbital stations, ridiculously huge and improbable war ships and other stuff.

I bet that if the devs wouldnt have implemented all this "crap", alot of ppl would have complained. "wha' ? what kind of shayty sw game is this ? screw you, I'm off to play Portal 2"

Edited by Andhor
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I feel that there are far too many steps involved when traveling from one planet to another in general...


run to shuttle

click on shuttle door

run to elevator

click on elevator switch

run to ship door

click on ship door

play take-off cinematic

run to galaxy map

click on galaxy map

run to ship exit

play landing cinematic

run to elevator

click elevator switch

run to shuttle

click shuttle door


...after doing this 5-6 times a night. I'm ready to give the damn ship back :mad:


At least give us an option when we quick travel to get picked up by the ship or something..

Edited by habbathejutt
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Some people need to understand this is star wars, not star trek. In order to land your ship, there needs to be a physical space port built. Not every planet has one. Some planets do not have them due to civial war (Balmorra), No room (Hoth) or for other reason (Quesh so that you dont instantly die when you leave your ship).


Orbital stations have a reason to be there. And personally, i see nothing wrong with adding a tiny bit of travel time. I do agree on the loading screen issue however. Loading screens, not orbital stations, must die... Or at least be reduced. If i could dock at an orbital station, have a loading screen and then have no more loading screens until i leave Hoth, i'd be happy.



Okay, so why can't an Imperial Agent with high security clearance or a Sith Lord not be able to land/fly around a planet when one can look up in the sky and see ships flying and taking off all the time? Bioware has such a way of making us feel heroic and unique. :rolleyes:


I don't think people would care so much about the orbital stations, if it weren't just one more symptom of a huge problem with this game--immersion being broken very frequently by loading screens. I agree with another poster that said it's become a chore to go to other planets to level or do bonus quests or run errands...not because I'm lazy and I want an insta-port everywhere, but because every time I see a loading screen, I'm reminded that this game is a disjointed series of maps, and not a real world. It's disappointing and I would point out that if Orbital stations did not exists, NO ONE would be begging for them to be added. It's like asking for us to be forced to enter a 10-digit PIN number into the GTN terminal every time we use it, because it enhances immersion.


No one demanded that the auction house in Ironforge be moved right next to the flight master, because running from the FP to the AH didn't involve loading screens.

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Space stations are there to increase the sense of realism and immersion in the game, as well as show off the fancy loading screens (someone worked hard on them and is proud of them).


I love them.


I am also petitioning to add restrooms and meters to track the urgency of your characters bodily functions in order to similarly increase the sense of realism and immersion in the game.


My thoughts also; well put.


You guys probably wished for something like, now I'm on Alderaan and crossing some blue colored shielded entrance/portal-ish thingy would teleport me to Balmoraa. Remember, this is SF not fantasy :p. That's what this is about: space ships, orbital stations, ridiculously huge and improbable war ships and other stuff.


The post you quoted (above) was AGAINST orbital stations, yet you argue FOR them. I'm going to assume that you pressed the wrong quote button instead of assuming that you don't get sarcasm. :p


Anyways, even if it makes it "more realistic" (in SW terms), that doesn't mean that it has to be implemented the way it was. They could very well have made a single cutscene that shows your ship landing at a station and then the shuttle going down to the planet. You might argue that something happens once in a while in those places, but those are so few and far between that it doesn't justify adding annoying empty space. Even on Quesh, you could just have an extra cutscene instead of a mission.

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Okay, so why can't an Imperial Agent with high security clearance or a Sith Lord not be able to land/fly around a planet when one can look up in the sky and see ships flying and taking off all the time? Bioware has such a way of making us feel heroic and unique. :rolleyes:

On Balmorra, Imperial controlled AA Guns force the republic to use the shuttle.


On Hoth, where are you going to land? Theres no space port.


I don't think people would care so much about the orbital stations, if it weren't just one more symptom of a huge problem with this game--immersion being broken very frequently by loading screens. I agree with another poster that said it's become a chore to go to other planets to level or do bonus quests or run errands...not because I'm lazy and I want an insta-port everywhere, but because every time I see a loading screen, I'm reminded that this game is a disjointed series of maps, and not a real world. It's disappointing and I would point out that if Orbital stations did not exists, NO ONE would be begging for them to be added. It's like asking for us to be forced to enter a 10-digit PIN number into the GTN terminal every time we use it, because it enhances immersion.


No one demanded that the auction house in Ironforge be moved right next to the flight master, because running from the FP to the AH didn't involve loading screens.


As i said, loading screens. not orbital stations, must die. There must be a way to do it without the 200 loading screens.

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I fully agree.


Travelling from Fleet to a planet should be a case of walking to your ship, flying to planet and walking off your ship onto the planet. That's it. Nothing else.


For the love of god BW you need to fire whoever decided this was a good idea.

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Ha you fanboy. Installing TOR to a SSD does nothing.


Oh lol, you sure are funny, it does brainiac, I have 2 systems and the one with the SSD loads a LOT more quicker, so I guess you are running the game on a 486, what's the use of upgrading right!?


Did you unsub already...

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/sarcasm on

Wut??? But I really love the scenery as I run down that tube to the orbital station door, then all of the extra scenery in the orbital station itself.


I wuv it so much that I sometimes just do laps between my ship and the planet surface just to see it more often.


/sarcasm off


Yes, please have an option where we can go directly from ship to planet surface and vice-versa. Those that want the extra immersion can run through the tube/station all they want.

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I totally agree OP. I suppose it makes sense RP wise, some planets are too hostile, too harsh weather, or no spaceports but still it feels like I'm wasting a lot of time. At least get rid of the useless walkway to get to the orbital station.



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they are not on each planet they are on some planets.


And no it really does not bother me all that much.


It might not be on every planet, but they certainly become more fequent, after a certain point in the game. There are certain worlds where that makes sense, because of the nature of the planet itself, such as Quesh and Taris. But more often than not, it is just a tedious middle step to get to where you are going. Think about it, you go from your ship to the airlock, loading screen, from the airlock to the space station, loading screen, and finally from the station to the shuttle which takes you planet side, another loading screen; maybe if the game loaded faster, this would not be such a big deal. Or maybe if there was an actual reason to go through them, such as quest givers, where you need to return to the station to finish the quest, again, it would not be so bad. For me, it is just an annoyance, but I can empithize with those who strngl dislike it; the majority of those stations serve no real purpose in the game.

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I don't mind them. I like engaging in the 'game'. I hate when games make things simple for everyone to the point of removing the atmosphere. WoW was ruined by this.


I'm so tired of seeing statements that say this was ruined by wow.


SWTOR way:


spaceport > hallway > elevator > hanger > ship (launch cut scene) select dest > warp cutscene > land cut scene > run through the same on generic spaceport to get shuttle to planet.


WoW way (pre-portal or destination with no portal)


Go to flight master > select destination automated flight over a living game world where i can see other players questing, mobs patrolling, critters grazing and foraging, world events taking place. You know, atmosphere.


Which is more immersive?


Yes portals have cut down on a LOT of the travel time in WoW but when you do need to travel the old fashioned way (and you still do quite often) there is a heck of a lot more atmosphere in WoW than this game when it comes to long trips. Also, WoW has the added bonus of being able to take a few breaks while traveling if I need to.


Traveling in this game is just tedious and needs an overhaul.

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