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Orbital Stations Must Die!


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Is anybody else put out by these orbital stations we have to go through on each planet? I mean really it's just an extra step that needs to go. I have a ship and I should be able to land on the planet.




they are not on each planet they are on some planets.


And no it really does not bother me all that much.

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If you want to get technical, they need to unscrew the exit the ship and place the scenes where they need to be. The developers in charge of these cutscenes were clueless when it come to how and when something happens. Like any 6th grader put in charge of a bucket of marbles and is told to sort by size and color so to di the developers with the cutscenes.


The single biggest example among many is this, how about when we exit the ship we are in the spaceport instead of doing a cutscene of the ship flying to the planet? It is no big leap that the people placing these screwed them up as you can look at what needs to be changed, sadly the devs will simply state....this is a feature.


So many screwups by the devs in both cutscenes, travel, skill tree, and yet they will not state the people in charge of those tasks mixed them up and we will be fixing them. To proud to admit the rush and poor Q/A.

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Space stations are there to increase the sense of realism and immersion in the game, as well as show off the fancy loading screens (someone worked hard on them and is proud of them).


I love them.


I am also petitioning to add restrooms and meters to track the urgency of your characters bodily functions in order to similarly increase the sense of realism and immersion in the game.

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Is anybody else put out by these orbital stations we have to go through on each planet? I mean really it's just an extra step that needs to go. I have a ship and I should be able to land on the planet.


Yup, just another showcase of bad level design.

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Not sure which brain dead dev or his line manager actualy thought that players would see the excessive gateing (loading screens) would add to the enjoyment of this game.


Those not yet at level 50 will love the experiecne of staring at their loading screens for endless moments/minutes ( your milage will vary dependant on your current computers ability to decypher the mad instructions from the hero engine).


It goes like this, spend an hour on the fleet station forming a group to run a flashpoint on Illum, now you all travel to Illum.


Sequence goes : 1 Elevator to ship, 2 get on ship, 3 select world, 4 get off ship, run a bit, 5elevator, run a bit , 6 shuttle, run some more to instance, 7 get in instance.


Thats seven gates/loading screens you jump through in order to go from one main area to another. 6 if your just after your dailies.


Yup, fun all that, not tedious or anoying at all. Completly neccessary as well. Oh wait, isnt there another MMO out there that manages to get you around without so much annoyance? Something about summon stones or their latest gimmick of portals. Which you do once or maybe twice. Same goes for hopping to other main areas of their worlds, you stare at a loading screen ONCE.


I am not saying gimme portals etc. I am asking why are there so many hoops to jump through in order to get around in this game? It adds nothing and detracts a lot. It is not laziness or" **** L2p you greedy children, all want ,want ,want, **** and go play XYZ game. This isn't WoW" (thought I'd get that in before the fanbois harp on).


Indeed, this isn't WoW but this isnt 1980 either. People pay subs to play the game, not stare at their screen while the game struggles to load (if you have doubts, check out the customer service forums with the sheer volume of players asking why there stuck at the loading screen for minutes on end).


Illums bad enough as it is seeing the only reason people bother to go there is in a vain attempt to get their pvp daily/weekly done. Few do the HM flashpoints on Illum, why bother? BT is shorter to do, easier to access and gives better rewards, without being as bugged.


Its not a lack of level 50's, at least not on my server. At peak about 8 pm (GMT) you see around 150 people on the fleet station. A third or more being lvl 50. Go to illum and your lucky if there are 10 ppl on that planet at any time (that includes the 4 chest farming low lvl bots).


Could the exccesive, get on the bus, get off the bus, be adding to the problem and making Illum even more unattractive to bother with than it currently is?


Oh, I've turned this from the spacedock thread to, Illum sucks one, sorry, Op's point still valid. Get rid of the stupid spacedocks.

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Not sure which brain dead dev or his line manager actualy thought that players would see the excessive gateing (loading screens) would add to the enjoyment of this game.


Those not yet at level 50 will love the experiecne of staring at their loading screens for endless moments/minutes ( your milage will vary dependant on your current computers ability to decypher the mad instructions from the hero engine).


It goes like this, spend an hour on the fleet station forming a group to run a flashpoint on Illum, now you all travel to Illum.


Sequence goes : 1 Elevator to ship, 2 get on ship, 3 select world, 4 get off ship, run a bit, 5elevator, run a bit , 6 shuttle, run some more to instance, 7 get in instance.


Thats seven gates/loading screens you jump through in order to go from one main area to another. 6 if your just after your dailies.


Yup, fun all that, not tedious or anoying at all. Completly neccessary as well. Oh wait, isnt there another MMO out there that manages to get you around without so much annoyance? Something about summon stones or their latest gimmick of portals. Which you do once or maybe twice. Same goes for hopping to other main areas of their worlds, you stare at a loading screen ONCE.


I am not saying gimme portals etc. I am asking why are there so many hoops to jump through in order to get around in this game? It adds nothing and detracts a lot. It is not laziness or" **** L2p you greedy children, all want ,want ,want, **** and go play XYZ game. This isn't WoW" (thought I'd get that in before the fanbois harp on).


Indeed, this isn't WoW but this isnt 1980 either. People pay subs to play the game, not stare at their screen while the game struggles to load (if you have doubts, check out the customer service forums with the sheer volume of players asking why there stuck at the loading screen for minutes on end).


Illums bad enough as it is seeing the only reason people bother to go there is in a vain attempt to get their pvp daily/weekly done. Few do the HM flashpoints on Illum, why bother? BT is shorter to do, easier to access and gives better rewards, without being as bugged.


Its not a lack of level 50's, at least not on my server. At peak about 8 pm (GMT) you see around 150 people on the fleet station. A third or more being lvl 50. Go to illum and your lucky if there are 10 ppl on that planet at any time (that includes the 4 chest farming low lvl bots).


Could the exccesive, get on the bus, get off the bus, be adding to the problem and making Illum even more unattractive to bother with than it currently is?


Oh, I've turned this from the spacedock thread to, Illum sucks one, sorry, Op's point still valid. Get rid of the stupid spacedocks.


Acceptable in an single player game where you don't need the freedom to bounce back and forth between hubs and planets. Not so much in an MMO. But doesn't it make sense? Bioware makes excellent single player games and this is their first MMORPG.

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But how else would people reach their daily rage and annoyance quotas at the same time?


Oh there is enough "game breaking" bugs to take care of that. But hey, we will now get our very first patch... over a month after release. BioWare sure work fast.

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Most planets DON'T have them. And I don't know what your issue with them is. They don't cause any additional loading screens. If anything, they make the world seem more real.


Once you are on the station, you are for all purposes on the planet. Taking the shuttle is no different than taking an elevator.

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It is different than taking an elevator. I have to run all the way across the station to the shuttle and back when I leave. It's just an unnecessary step. Games are for fun and running back and forth for that extra step is not fun.
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When going from the orbital station to the ground, I've noticed that there isn't a loading screen, just a blackout. That seems to indicate that the planet is already loaded and the game is just porting your physical character to the starting area. So I assume that the orbital station map is somewhere outside the real planet map. I would love to know the rationale for adding these transitions when the map is already loaded. Can't the maps be interconnected for seamless transitions?
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Give us a reason why they exist at least...


I think the reason the station exists is to be a safe guard for players on pvp severs so they can get to there ships and not get ganked. They only seem, as far i recall, to be on plants that both side can fight each other.

Edited by Ravenooe
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Orbital Stations are a lore thing. Your faction does not have spaceports on every planet. Take Taris (Empire) as an example: The Republic has claimed Taris to rebuild it and the Empire ruturns to destroy it for good. So the Republic does have a spaceport on the planet, while the Empire does not. But since your ship has to be docked properly, the orbital stations are just logical.


And besides that: it takes less than two minutes from the hangar to the shuttle, so why can't people just walk for that short period of time? I for one am glad that I actually have to walk to places to get things done and don't have a teleport to everywhere. I play LotRO and one of my major complaints with the past few updates was that you can enter instances from any place in the world, without gatherin first. For me it was always a part of the experience to get together at a certain point and from there enter the instance or quest-area.


Some of the "mordern" MMO-mechanics seem to have made players lazy and impatient and that's not a good thing in my book.

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Orbital Stations are a lore thing. Your faction does not have spaceports on every planet. Take Taris (Empire) as an example: The Republic has claimed Taris to rebuild it and the Empire ruturns to destroy it for good. So the Republic does have a spaceport on the planet, while the Empire does not. But since your ship has to be docked properly, the orbital stations are just logical.


And besides that: it takes less than two minutes from the hangar to the shuttle, so why can't people just walk for that short period of time? I for one am glad that I actually have to walk to places to get things done and don't have a teleport to everywhere. I play LotRO and one of my major complaints with the past few updates was that you can enter instances from any place in the world, without gatherin first. For me it was always a part of the experience to get together at a certain point and from there enter the instance or quest-area.


Some of the "mordern" MMO-mechanics seem to have made players lazy and impatient and that's not a good thing in my book.


Agreed. When they allow players to jump magically all over the place with no sense of continuation, abstraction is complete, and environmental design gone the way of the dodo. And what resemblance of patience that remains is so tiny at any rate, nobody should be really stretched by these very short segments of what we have left of movement in any form whatsoever.



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