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Hey Imps, reroll Republic...no really


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I've heard stories about people being kicked from Republic flashpoints for picking dark side options in the dialogue. True?


Stuff like that is insufferable. I'd rather the opportunity to kill these players who see themselves as 'the good guys'.


Also, brown robes and Jedi. Yeech. NTY.


Better hope not because that can be harrassment reportable and 1 weekable.

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In the end it is a developer issue. How many mmo's have come out and had unbalanced populations? Plenty. Low populated servers/sides etc. They really have not learned a darn thing. Bioware needs to fix this issue or suffer. They will suffer where it hurts most, profit. This game is new now but overtime people will get tired of the bad server/population management and just take their money/time else where. This is not to say SWTOR wont be around for a long time, just saying they will bleed off players for no reason other then not fixing the problem.
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I tried rolling a Jedi Knight but the story just bored me to tears. The characters and story have zero depth. By contrast, the Sith Warrior story is actually quite engaging right from the beginning. I would have rolled a Smuggler, but IMO the cover system is totall fail. I loved the IA story but the game play just feels off. This is only my opinion of course.
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BW can't won't and most importantly shouldn't "do anything" about it.


It's up to ppl to pick side and server, but hey it's 21st century darkside runs strong in internet.



But I say it will balance out over time, ppl will bad on some servers, some hipsters will change to repubbie etc etc

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I tried rolling a Jedi Knight but the story just bored me to tears. The characters and story have zero depth. By contrast, the Sith Warrior story is actually quite engaging right from the beginning. I would have rolled a Smuggler, but IMO the cover system is totall fail. I loved the IA story but the game play just feels off. This is only my opinion of course.


Roll a trooper. They're awesome. Trust me.

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Also I must remind you that Luke fought against the odds in the imperial galaxy. So stop being cowards, play republic, be smug about it

Luke was extremely whiny. He spent the original trilogy whining and being squeaky clean, except for that accidental incest thing, until the very end when all the whining and plot-reversing force-accidents culminated in a triumph of smugness.


Holy god, the Galactic Empire should've won.


Yoda and Windu are the only Jedi not deserving to be put out an airlock. And they aren't in this game.

Edited by Laiov
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I scrapped my level 50 shadow due to being the only one in any game i played in WZ's that actually did some effort (or so it felt) over and over and over trying my best to keep my spirits high i just had to give up, rolled a OP instead won every single WZ i have set foot inside after i hit level 10, i am now level 45.


I might go back to my shadow when the sides even out but right now, way too many herpderps on rep unfortunatly :/

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No I will not roll a pub!


Balance takes time.


I'd bet that most of the 1st month sub drops will be imperials!;)


Lets let 3 months go by and reassess whether or not people should start re-rolling already.


That happened on Aion. At launch (North America & Europe) Asmo greatly outnumbered Elyos, Now they have in game incentives for people to roll Asmo ro balance the servers.


1) Wait for people to leave the game.

2) ???

3) Profit.

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So far Ive played a bit of Jedi, and my main is lvl 50 sith. As a sith inquisitor my main goal through the story is the accumulation of power, I do what im told when I need to but overall what I do I do for me and me alone. This I can relate to in some sense at least.


As a Jedi, even picking darkside options, I do things for other people for no discernable reason other than I'm a jedi and jedi are good guys. I find this wholy and completely uninteresting, and I for one, naver having been a monk, cannot relate to this at all.

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