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Hey Imps, reroll Republic...no really


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There is always this problem with new games.. The bad guys usually have the cooler stuff in wow it was taurens undead ... plus most 'hardcore' players seem to favour the bad guy side.


I convinced myself i wanted to level a smuggler to 50 and play nothing else. After 20 or so games of pvp i gave up. It's sort of the alliance of this game where people don't seem to work together and always loose

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I started as republic. Created 2 alts aside of my main. I sincerely tried but couldnt just by having a look on the end game armors for PvE and PvP.


Jedi Knight --> Power Ranger

Shadow --> Alcoholic bum and Power Ranger (bull helmet)

Trooper is ok.

Gunslinger --> Space Cowboy....


Also *** does a Jedi Shadow healing Jedi Masters? That fits completely with Sage but Shadow????


So rerolled as Imp in other server.

The armors are pretty cool, the story is far better for all classes IMO.


When the art department starts to recreate the Republic armors i might go back, until then no.

Have u seen the craftable lvl 36 headgear for sage/shadow? Looks like Amidala...


Imperials have better armor looks imo, republic is far behind that road.

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I tried to play a Jedi sage, but I just got so tired of how freaking preachy and cheesy all her dialogue and her entire story is. Playing her is like sitting in church.


Oh gawd this. I'm trying to level a consular myself but I can't sit through her dialogue, I skip through everything she says, she makes me feel angsty and irritated - I threatened to kill my ship droid when I first encountered it.


I've re-rolled her dark, hopefully it helps.

Edited by grania
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After playing both sides extensively, I can say with no bias at all that Imperials receieve by FAR more interesting and fun stories.


Smuggler gets honorable mentions for being the single most funny VO in the game (great work all around on Smuggler dialogue) but the story itself is lacking when compared to Sith classes.


You can tell where Bioware put in the most work. Rep world quests feel disjointed at times where Imp world quests feel more seemless and flow better.


Overall, it's just a better experience when you roll Imp. I say this as an Officer of a large Republic guild. All my Imp experience comes from months of beta.

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Trooper is the only one i've been playing for awhile but the whole good soldier routine gets old.


Yeah I've tried to play trooper too because I want to try the Aric Jorgan romance, but playing a man-woman gets old quick for me. And the manlier I act the more he likes me - I don't think we were meant to be. :o

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Yeah I've tried to play trooper too because I want to try the Aric Jorgan romance, but playing a man-woman gets old quick for me. And the manlier I act the more he likes me - I don't think we were meant to be. :o


M...maybe he's just not... you know... that interested in women in general. :D

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Do you like this game, do you want to see it thrive?


How long can SWTOR sustain the overbalance of Imps?


Most rough estimates I'm hearing are anywhere from 4:1 Imps:Reps to 3:2 Imps:Reps.


On my server I ask the Imps in Ilum (where we can actually show our faces for like 3 more days) and it seems to be about 4:1 on mine.


If anyone has any numbers that dispute or confirm this I'd love to see them, ideally from Ilum or Fleet.


And seriously reroll, bring your guild, your family, your friends, your baddies and your pros. Balance the game, cuz we know BW won't.


Sorry bud, enjoying my Agent too much :(


You can rest assured I'll eventually level Republic alts as I like both factions.

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Im amazed more people are not republic. The smuggler storyline is great with tons of great one-liners that actually make me laugh out loud unlike every other class (IMPs Waayyyyy too serious). Trooper storyline is grand and epic, much better than my level 41 bounty hunter


(2 chapters of picking up bounties and it finally starts to look interesting with the republic naming you most wanted and IMPs disavowing themselves of you, but then, as soon as the conversation is done, what are you doing again - bounty hunting 1 guy on belisarius and another one eventually on another planet for the empire. Could have been so great trying to be on the lamb while clearing your name, but instead nothing changes and you are juts back to some highly repetitive bounty hunt with nothing new or impactful from that brief foray into an actual story.



Sith sorceror is weak and highly anti-climactic

You just be people's little ***** the entire storyline, the only thing that changes is who is your master



I got bored with Jedi stroylines, but Sith warrior wasn't much better.


Basically Trooper, Smuggler, and Imperial Agent are the 3 good storylines, 2/3rds of which are Republic. If you are not so addicted to min-maxing with PVP gear (I refuse to use any, its just a big ego crutch - look at me I can do 9000 crits and have 24,000 hitpoints, I must be good), the armor and gear and stroylines are great on Republic side.

Edited by Kesh_
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There is always this problem with new games.. The bad guys usually have the cooler stuff in wow it was taurens undead ... plus most 'hardcore' players seem to favour the bad guy side.
It's kind of silly to call the taurens "the bad guys"...


I mean, in wow, there was some moral ambiguity. In TOR the empire is just kick the dog evil.

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Some numbers to confirm the bias. This isn't scientific, but it's a pretty good rough indication.


On Death Wind Corridor server, I logged in to a jedi on the republic fleet and a sorc on the imperial fleet on Friday between 7-9PM EST (it's an EST server)


Population on the imperial fleet ranged between 180-210. Population on the republic fleet between 80-100.


This is why huttball needs to be an optional choice. With this unbalanced ratio, my last 10 warzones have been 9 huttball and one capture and hold. Huttball can be fun, but not that often.


As for playing the republic, I did in beta. The dialogs and characters were pretty annoying for both jedi stories. I ended up going for dark points as much as possible, which did lighten things up a lot, but in general the characters are too stuck up and preachy. I felt like I was bible school.


Don't get me wrong. The writing, dialog and plots were excellent, and felt quite real. However, I just don't think I'd last long on the light side of the force.

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Went Sentinel for my main. Found it lacking in PvP so I went with my first choice, the Sage.


Found the storyline and animations so utterly bland I actually did the impossible!


I went Sorc, and I'm loving the change of scenery.


Love my Sage.

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I will say this though, my smuggler is awesome. I made my husband spit laugh last night when I did Esseles with him on my smuggler. I got two lines in a row - the first one said something like "Let the imps come, we can take 'em!" And the very next line I got was "The imps are here? Where are the escape pods!!" Edited by grania
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Bet that the imbalance flips here in a few months. I know I for one when I level cap my Inquisitor will roll a Republic alt. The storylines here are so great, it's like an entirely different game. Normally I get bored when I level cap in an MMO but this game completely reinvents itself when you reroll.


So I'm guess a HUGE chunk of Imps are going to end up rerolling as Republic shortly and everyone will be on here complaining about that.

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Started Imp and by the 20s thought the general vibe was just too one dimensionally evil, so we flipped to Republic. Sadly, Republic is just lame, at least so far in the 20s:


-Esseles is awkward and juvenile compared to Black Talon. Not a great start!


-Faction imbalance makes the fleet feel like a ghost town.


-Coruscant upper levels and senate are beautiful, but the rest of the assets are bland and 1970s retro sci fi. Loyal to the franchise, but uninspiring as hell. There is no sense of power in the styling of ships, armor, architecture, etc.


-Other than Seteel Shan, there are no strong, compelling characters...lots of bumbling bureaucrats and childish aliens that really need more of a background. Seriously, all the alien species are just underachieving hangers-on of the humans?


-The class mechanics feel slow and dull in many cases compared to the imperial equivalents...trooper versus bounty hunter, sage versus sorc, etc.

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