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Space Combat for the future


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As there is no suggestions forum i decided to post here (if a mod thinks it should be somewere else plz move)


Before i start alittle back ground on what sucessful Star Wars space combat is like



(xwing alliance, still played by many to this day & regarded as 1 of the best space combat sims of all time. PS while this game can be played with joystick, this video is of KB control, its alot less fluid)


2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJzlhDiZiFs&feature=related (rouge squadron 2, not the golden boy xwing series was, but still good, main reason for it being here is seen between 4:00min & 4:30min, the "look around cockpit" & "targeting computer")


3. X-wing series of books (after reading these books u will understand the possabilitys for space combat, both battle & dogfight tactics are well thought out & follow a very Star Wars theme. Running a course to crash into a cap ship, then at the last min, kill thrust, side slip to run parallel to said cap, hitting repulsors at the last min to bounce off the ships hull & have ur persuers smash into the cap ship...(while not in an xwing book, using an interdictor to produce a gavity well that ur ships can use to revet to realspace, next to a golan 2 station))


Now thats over with its time to put a few truths out there. The space combat in the game now is good for what it is, a "gap filler", & it is better then even i thought. The equip slots for ships is also a good idea, one that should be kept, but the "frighter sized" ships of the game now are not going to work for "dogfighting" (yes i do know a YT1300 - YT2400 are used in many movies/books/comics to dogfight with, even the firespray is a "patrol ship"), there needs to be fighter sized & eqiped ships for that. The main reasons for this is that u can "look" around the cockpit & out the sides of ur canopy, u can incoperate zero G thrust kill & side slip for fighter ships that just dosent fit with bigger craft.


Now to the fun stuff. 4man FP's in space, 16man OP's in space, guild cap ships & 8man a side PVP dogfighting... Need i say more?. well perhaps. Most of us that have been thinking of the future space combat in SWTOR have "known" for some time that this is the most likely way it will go. Now in a perfect world (my perfect world anyway) this would be a perfect balance between xwing & X2 the threat (X2 for what i consider the best capital v capital game of all time), with MMO mixed in. This is the real world thou & nomatter how i try to think of it working, i just cant see capital ship combat being succesful in this MMO, look at the Rebel Cruiser, it has 8 turrets, are u going to have one person for each turret?, one person on navigation? (maybe for a guild), i dont see that being any fun.


FP's & OP's i hope these will be something alone the lines of say "cartel listening station", were u must defeat the stations fighter screen & turret defense, using ur raids fighter to take out fighters & maybe a heavy strike fighter (Bwing) to distroy the turrets. Then a capital ship comes in as the first boss (perhaps a Cruiser) that spawns fighters from said station, the second boss would be the sercurity chief once u enter the station (yes a combined space & ground raid), 3rd would be say a Rebel jedi u have been sent to capture or kill, the last boss would be the destroyer they sent in to prevent u from getting away.


PVP, i would hope that OWPVP is in, althou this i think should reflect player skill/rank/eqipment more then ground based PVP (if anyone has ever played runescape, im thinking lvl's of wildy, but with skill/rank/equipment rather then character lvl - BW plz take note as this might be an idea for ground based OWPVP aswell), but the real action wil be in group PVP ie Warzones, something as simple as 2 cap ships with fighter escort (player fighters, npc cap ships) were the goal is the disable the enermy cap ship before ur's is, to dare i say it, capture the flag were the flag carrier is outfitted with enhanced shields & manoverablility but reduced weapons & its the team that holds the flag for the longest that wins. (this in a tight asteroid field would be, i think, great fun).


Really thou all im saying is if they make the future of space combat in this game like xwing they will not only have one of the best ground based MMO's there is, they will have somthing that the others dont. 2 games for the price of 1.


Plz feel free to post replys & idea's, even "constructive" dislikes are all good, but before anyone posts it... yes i know im a noob/fool/idiot/dreamer etc etc etc.


PS joystick isnt nessasary for flight sims, freelancer proved that



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I think what would be awesome would be space combat pvp, where there would be two huge frigates (one for each side) and smaller fighter ships. The player would start out in the smaller fighter ship and objectives would be to kill other fighter ships and various things on the enemy frigate such as turret defenses, etc. After all the defenses on the enemy frigate are destroyed, the smaller fighter ships could dock at the enemy frigate, and then on foot pvp would begin in the enemy frigate, basically turning from space combat to melee combat.
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(xwing alliance, still played by many to this day & regarded as 1 of the best space combat sims of all time. PS while this game can be played with joystick, this video is of KB control, its alot less fluid)


In fact I am currently playing it and it's absolutely AWESOME with the model upgrade pack. The super star destroyer is so beautiful :o Too bad my game bugs if I try to force AA ><


Anyways it would be great if they make them like x-wing alliance. I like they way it's now but I would much prefer a xwa or even freespace 2 type of missions.

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Loving this, make it an easy to play flying minigame. i love the current version but would love to see something like the tie fighter series or even as easy as the Battlefront 2 flying. would be a great addition to a great game, and i would love to fight against opposite faction in space combat.
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i would like to see more than just little white dots over a black background. at least make some interesting looking constellations. freedom of movement would be a huge bonus. and ship gear REALLY needs to scale better. i look at what the epics do for you vs. vendor bought stuff and i just don't feel the incentive.


at all.

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Loving this, make it an easy to play flying minigame. i love the current version but would love to see something like the tie fighter series or even as easy as the Battlefront 2 flying. would be a great addition to a great game, and i would love to fight against opposite faction in space combat.


Yeah it doesn't have to be hard, or not be fun, to be much, much better.

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I personally like the current space combat system. It allows for much more cinematic experience with scripted events that just won't be possible if we were able to fully control the movement of the ship. The only thing I want is more missions. Different types of missions with more objectives and maybe a Flashpoint boss that requires the 4 people to get on their ships, fly on parallel rails from which you can see but can't help out your teammates and at some point the 4 rails come together for an attack run on a big ship or something.
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Imagine this: a BG with two opposing capital ships; the objective is to destroy the enemy's cap ship. Each team has fighters, and weapon systems on the cap ships themselves, giving the players the option to attack or defend as they prefer. Each cap ship would have destoyable hardpoints, and once those are down destroyable shield generators, and once those are down destroyable reactor modules...blow them all up and the cap ship explodes and your team wins.


Fighters would have to be completely player controlled with a collision model.


Defensive ship cannons would be similar to the quads on the millenium falcon, completely player controlled. Defensive players would also have the option to attempt repairs on destroyed modules.


Each team leader, or designated pilot would fly the cap ship itself, while giving orders etc.


I can't help but think something like this would be completely fun to do.


Imagine variants where you run a "deathstar-like" base destruction run, or one where you have to land ground troops by making it through a blockade.


The possibilities are endless...

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Space Combat was the longest going topic of debate pre-release.


The general consensus was something along the lines of X-Wing with multiplayer.


No fast open voids of nothingness, but intense combat zones you’d hyperspace into with a group to complete a specific objective and hyperspace out.


That said….. the obvious brilliance of that in game and the resulting space combat led many to believe that this simply isn’t a space MMO, but one focused on ground combat, story, and cinematics.


Hope for improved space combat, but also realize that what we got, might be it.


Heck…. for all we know, BioWare might be restricted to keeping space combat as a simple tunnel shooter. The licensing to make a Star Wars Space MMO might be someone else’s.


Speaking for myself.... I'd drop this game in a heart beat if a Star Wars Space MMO came out.

Edited by stem
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As there is no suggestions forum i decided to post here (if a mod thinks it should be somewere else plz move)


Before i start alittle back ground on what sucessful Star Wars space combat is like



(xwing alliance, still played by many to this day & regarded as 1 of the best space combat sims of all time. PS while this game can be played with joystick, this video is of KB control, its alot less fluid)


2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJzlhDiZiFs&feature=related (rouge squadron 2, not the golden boy xwing series was, but still good, main reason for it being here is seen between 4:00min & 4:30min, the "look around cockpit" & "targeting computer")


3. X-wing series of books (after reading these books u will understand the possabilitys for space combat, both battle & dogfight tactics are well thought out & follow a very Star Wars theme. Running a course to crash into a cap ship, then at the last min, kill thrust, side slip to run parallel to said cap, hitting repulsors at the last min to bounce off the ships hull & have ur persuers smash into the cap ship...(while not in an xwing book, using an interdictor to produce a gavity well that ur ships can use to revet to realspace, next to a golan 2 station))


Now thats over with its time to put a few truths out there. The space combat in the game now is good for what it is, a "gap filler", & it is better then even i thought. The equip slots for ships is also a good idea, one that should be kept, but the "frighter sized" ships of the game now are not going to work for "dogfighting" (yes i do know a YT1300 - YT2400 are used in many movies/books/comics to dogfight with, even the firespray is a "patrol ship"), there needs to be fighter sized & eqiped ships for that. The main reasons for this is that u can "look" around the cockpit & out the sides of ur canopy, u can incoperate zero G thrust kill & side slip for fighter ships that just dosent fit with bigger craft.


Now to the fun stuff. 4man FP's in space, 16man OP's in space, guild cap ships & 8man a side PVP dogfighting... Need i say more?. well perhaps. Most of us that have been thinking of the future space combat in SWTOR have "known" for some time that this is the most likely way it will go. Now in a perfect world (my perfect world anyway) this would be a perfect balance between xwing & X2 the threat (X2 for what i consider the best capital v capital game of all time), with MMO mixed in. This is the real world thou & nomatter how i try to think of it working, i just cant see capital ship combat being succesful in this MMO, look at the Rebel Cruiser, it has 8 turrets, are u going to have one person for each turret?, one person on navigation? (maybe for a guild), i dont see that being any fun.


FP's & OP's i hope these will be something alone the lines of say "cartel listening station", were u must defeat the stations fighter screen & turret defense, using ur raids fighter to take out fighters & maybe a heavy strike fighter (Bwing) to distroy the turrets. Then a capital ship comes in as the first boss (perhaps a Cruiser) that spawns fighters from said station, the second boss would be the sercurity chief once u enter the station (yes a combined space & ground raid), 3rd would be say a Rebel jedi u have been sent to capture or kill, the last boss would be the destroyer they sent in to prevent u from getting away.


PVP, i would hope that OWPVP is in, althou this i think should reflect player skill/rank/eqipment more then ground based PVP (if anyone has ever played runescape, im thinking lvl's of wildy, but with skill/rank/equipment rather then character lvl - BW plz take note as this might be an idea for ground based OWPVP aswell), but the real action wil be in group PVP ie Warzones, something as simple as 2 cap ships with fighter escort (player fighters, npc cap ships) were the goal is the disable the enermy cap ship before ur's is, to dare i say it, capture the flag were the flag carrier is outfitted with enhanced shields & manoverablility but reduced weapons & its the team that holds the flag for the longest that wins. (this in a tight asteroid field would be, i think, great fun).


Really thou all im saying is if they make the future of space combat in this game like xwing they will not only have one of the best ground based MMO's there is, they will have somthing that the others dont. 2 games for the price of 1.


Plz feel free to post replys & idea's, even "constructive" dislikes are all good, but before anyone posts it... yes i know im a noob/fool/idiot/dreamer etc etc etc.


PS joystick isnt nessasary for flight sims, freelancer proved that





how come no one ever reads the developer posts?



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As there is no suggestions forum i decided to post here (if a mod thinks it should be somewere else plz move)


You go to General Discussion, and Above al the topcis there is the Suggestion Box, so there is a suggestionforum (in case you have future suggesttions)


OT: I really like space-comabt, however, i rather fly my D5-Mantis then a Tie-fighter

Edited by Faldaith
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I'd preffer gameplay experiance, if I want to watch a film I'd goto the cinema;)


I personally like the current space combat system. It allows for much more cinematic experience with scripted events that just won't be possible if we were able to fully control the movement of the ship. The only thing I want is more missions. Different types of missions with more objectives and maybe a Flashpoint boss that requires the 4 people to get on their ships, fly on parallel rails from which you can see but can't help out your teammates and at some point the 4 rails come together for an attack run on a big ship or something.
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I personally like the current space combat system. It allows for much more cinematic experience with scripted events that just won't be possible if we were able to fully control the movement of the ship. The only thing I want is more missions. Different types of missions with more objectives and maybe a Flashpoint boss that requires the 4 people to get on their ships, fly on parallel rails from which you can see but can't help out your teammates and at some point the 4 rails come together for an attack run on a big ship or something.


Lord forbid they do something that requires programming...

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Sorry I didn't read the whole post because I don't have time but I just want to say.


The Space Combat needs to be more like Star Wars Galaxies.


Star Wars Galaxies: Jump To Lightspeed Trailer




I agree, it was one of the few things SWG actually did right.

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What we have today is OK for a simple action arcade style game.


They could do so much more though to differentiate this game from all the others, and make it truly into a star wars simulator.


Such a game would draw a bigger subscriber base.

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Starwars is not just planet fighting it's also space fighting, the two sides....questing on the planet and questing in space should be parallel and on the same scale. I have no problems at all with the planet questing and building your character, I'm very happy with how that has turned out. But the space combat as it is, is like a second thought and not that much thought has been put into it either, it's more like a cake topping and nothing more.


We all know now what the planet side quests are like and how we build our avitars and lvl up which is good, now why can't space be exactly same only you level your ship? new quests and new upgrades and abilities as you progress? This should have been done from the start.;)

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I have to say, Bounty hunters were able to hunt in space in SWG (BH hunted other players for for large amounts of money of missions they got from the bh mission terminal) that was something they had right on swg, I also enjoyed space mining, wish i had seem the capital ship expansion for guilds that were planing but that never came out since they NGE F-ED the game. Imagine you are a member of a 50 member guild 10 of them man an star destroyer and the rest of you your personal ships ... got head PVP with an opposing faction with matching numbers and ships

that would be epic

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