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10 Good
  1. What a waist of an opportunity, pre written story's that have had people buying books for years! Guessing there's no Mara Jade, no Solo kids, no yuuzhan vong. We must have all been dreaming
  2. Thanks , looks like im off to Dromund Kaas.
  3. Hi everybody, I have just returned from a long break, 1 of my existing toons has this set on (got at lvl 40ish from pvp vendor pre F2P, pre legacy), is this set or set look still obtainable ingame?. If so where can I get it? Cheers!
  4. Boba Fett (not jango), the only man to have survived the sarlacc on tatooine.
  5. I never did play SWG, but the more i know the more i wish i had
  6. As there is no suggestions forum i decided to post here (if a mod thinks it should be somewere else plz move) Before i start alittle back ground on what sucessful Star Wars space combat is like 1. (xwing alliance, still played by many to this day & regarded as 1 of the best space combat sims of all time. PS while this game can be played with joystick, this video is of KB control, its alot less fluid) 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJzlhDiZiFs&feature=related (rouge squadron 2, not the golden boy xwing series was, but still good, main reason for it being here is seen between 4:00min & 4:30min, the "look around cockpit" & "targeting computer") 3. X-wing series of books (after reading these books u will understand the possabilitys for space combat, both battle & dogfight tactics are well thought out & follow a very Star Wars theme. Running a course to crash into a cap ship, then at the last min, kill thrust, side slip to run parallel to said cap, hitting repulsors at the last min to bounce off the ships hull & have ur persuers smash into the cap ship...(while not in an xwing book, using an interdictor to produce a gavity well that ur ships can use to revet to realspace, next to a golan 2 station)) Now thats over with its time to put a few truths out there. The space combat in the game now is good for what it is, a "gap filler", & it is better then even i thought. The equip slots for ships is also a good idea, one that should be kept, but the "frighter sized" ships of the game now are not going to work for "dogfighting" (yes i do know a YT1300 - YT2400 are used in many movies/books/comics to dogfight with, even the firespray is a "patrol ship"), there needs to be fighter sized & eqiped ships for that. The main reasons for this is that u can "look" around the cockpit & out the sides of ur canopy, u can incoperate zero G thrust kill & side slip for fighter ships that just dosent fit with bigger craft. Now to the fun stuff. 4man FP's in space, 16man OP's in space, guild cap ships & 8man a side PVP dogfighting... Need i say more?. well perhaps. Most of us that have been thinking of the future space combat in SWTOR have "known" for some time that this is the most likely way it will go. Now in a perfect world (my perfect world anyway) this would be a perfect balance between xwing & X2 the threat (X2 for what i consider the best capital v capital game of all time), with MMO mixed in. This is the real world thou & nomatter how i try to think of it working, i just cant see capital ship combat being succesful in this MMO, look at the Rebel Cruiser, it has 8 turrets, are u going to have one person for each turret?, one person on navigation? (maybe for a guild), i dont see that being any fun. FP's & OP's i hope these will be something alone the lines of say "cartel listening station", were u must defeat the stations fighter screen & turret defense, using ur raids fighter to take out fighters & maybe a heavy strike fighter (Bwing) to distroy the turrets. Then a capital ship comes in as the first boss (perhaps a Cruiser) that spawns fighters from said station, the second boss would be the sercurity chief once u enter the station (yes a combined space & ground raid), 3rd would be say a Rebel jedi u have been sent to capture or kill, the last boss would be the destroyer they sent in to prevent u from getting away. PVP, i would hope that OWPVP is in, althou this i think should reflect player skill/rank/eqipment more then ground based PVP (if anyone has ever played runescape, im thinking lvl's of wildy, but with skill/rank/equipment rather then character lvl - BW plz take note as this might be an idea for ground based OWPVP aswell), but the real action wil be in group PVP ie Warzones, something as simple as 2 cap ships with fighter escort (player fighters, npc cap ships) were the goal is the disable the enermy cap ship before ur's is, to dare i say it, capture the flag were the flag carrier is outfitted with enhanced shields & manoverablility but reduced weapons & its the team that holds the flag for the longest that wins. (this in a tight asteroid field would be, i think, great fun). Really thou all im saying is if they make the future of space combat in this game like xwing they will not only have one of the best ground based MMO's there is, they will have somthing that the others dont. 2 games for the price of 1. Plz feel free to post replys & idea's, even "constructive" dislikes are all good, but before anyone posts it... yes i know im a noob/fool/idiot/dreamer etc etc etc. PS joystick isnt nessasary for flight sims, freelancer proved that Cheers!
  7. This is the way to go, maybe just drop the stun from there opener? Also the best thing i read in the leadup to this game was the fact that they wanted more of the long duration fights in this game, ppl able to survive in longer fights. As it stands this has to be one of the quickest fight duration MMO's i have seen. Maybe increase health pools by say 30%-50%. that said at lower lvl's fights do take time, OWPVP when it happens on say tattoine takes time, the battles i have had have left me with the feeling "wow that was epic", WZ's are like survival of the fitest gone wrong (i am not the best PVP'er, id say only just standard - thou i am learning), but to get face rolled by the same guy over & over cos he knows ur an easy kill is kinda bad.. let me spend more time fighting then respawning & i might get better?
  8. Thanks, hope they change it... i like whole munbers
  9. Ok atm i have 1567..4000244141. I have recived decimal dark side points from 2 diplomicy fails that quinn has had (negitive points both times) Is this normal?, a bug?. i would have just done a search... but alas we still have no forum search. Cheers
  10. I had so much fun lvl'ing my marra (& yes i found it very hard at times, died way more then i like to admit), but thats y i love the class, it was a challenge. Thou once u get lvl 38-40+ & fill out ur tree (carrnage for me), u become alot more stable in combat, even "god like" i would say (compared to some fights u remember from early lvl's) Half way through soc lvl'ing atm, lol havent died yet... ran quite a few times but no deaths...might try a jugg, combat on a soc is boring (for me)
  11. I might be wrong, but i though it did improve mission times & success rate? (less fails, rather the higher crit chance). Im remembering an early dev release about companions, so it may have been changed since
  12. I have not tryed bio, but from what i have seen, its the only skill ATM that is 'working as it should", I have no probs with having reusable stims, more powerful stims, unlimited med packs (90sec does seem alittle fast, but i cant remember what the CD on normal is, if its 90sec, then thats fine for unlimited) Its the rest of the skill that need some work (im not going to say there broken, just they need some fine tuning and/or reworking)
  13. I dont know that metal (never had a high UT'er) but if its a purple underworld metal, then yes. I cant really think of a better way to do it, but ATM the crit rate for epic mats is to low, i have the same trouble trying to get them, i even picked a trade that was compatible with my commpanions, last toon roll. Maybe a high cost mission, lower chance to come up on mission list, that is 100% epic mats? That said, does any1 know if mission discoverys have a higher probability to have epic mats?, i have tryed a couple but they seem to just give all standard mats for a chosen skill in 1 mission (only tryed 1 or 2).
  14. Best idea i have seen in a long time, expertice for raids +50xp for you
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