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I'm afraid to continue my Republic character


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this is why two-faction PvP games will ALWAYS fail.


3 way faction at least in-game dynamics (2 sides teaming together to handle the OP'd 3rd side) would even things out.


I said it in beta and will say it again


SWTOR <>DCUO same game, PVP, PVE but the 'cover'/'wrapping' is different..



this tittle will be FTP within 6 months..


In Anarchy Online there was 3 factions, the neutral faction could PVP with either, they always picked the winning side. So not always true.

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Not our fault there are less Republic players.


I didn't roll Empire because I wanted to be on the "popular" side, or because evil is "cool". I rolled Empire because I tried all of the classes during the beta and had the most fun as a sniper. Problem?


At any rate, fail argument is fail. Try something else.


A gunslinger sharpshooter speced is the samething. Why not play that?

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Here's a suggestion :


Allow faction changes for each character maybe based on lightside/darkside points.


Since every class is mirrored , allow the current class to switch over to the mirror but keep all gear, items , crew skills , and mirror companion effection ( although I don't know how they would work this , ideas? I mean if you were a BH going 'good' or republic then obviously Mako would come but Kaliyo wouldn't come with you if ur an Agent... hmm maybe u can kill or banish ur bad companion and get a good one on the rep side for the mirror class...hmm) You can actually weave a cool storlyline quest into this as well. Like a Bounty Hunter that kept on chosing lightside and eventually becomes tired of being a hired hand of the Empire and decides to bring his skills to Republic Service by becoming a Trooper , or a Trooper that has gone so dark that he is formerly court marshaled and becomes a gun for hire , a bounty hunter. Even let the 'cross overs' keep their current 'look.' I.e. the new 'Vanguard' will still look and function like a Powertech but officially be a 'Vanguard."


This would add a lot of diversity to the game and allow for players not to have to 'reroll' and really has the potential for some good storylining :)

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... I've heard stories of some Imperial players actually getting four non-Huttball WZs in a row, I'm not sure I believe them.


I play on a RP-PVP server I wouldn't believe a Republic player who claimed such. I get Huttball about 1/4 of the time, even a few Republic-vs-Republic rounds.


First time I spawned as a Rottworm I thought my screen was going out. "What the !@#$ with the colors?! What's wrong with my computer!?" :D



Allow faction changes for each character maybe based on lightside/darkside points....


Just allow faction change. A Fallen Jedi / Redeemed Sith nor is a Republic BH or Empire Smuggler a far fetch to lore at all.

Edited by Kunari
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No, I wrongly assumed all the kiddies would roll a Jedi. Need to get my BH to 50 then I will roll a Trooper. I don't mind being the underdog, means more targets for those rare world PvP opportunities. I'm level 38 and have had only 5 fights on a PvP server.


I've had around 10, most of which were me getting ganked by 4 lvl 50 datacron hunters.



I just dont see why Bioware doesent give servers with imbalances a 10% bonus to XP, valor and commendations.


surely that would get many a person to reroll republic


Sadly, I think this is the only way to fix this.

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I just dont see why Bioware doesent give servers with imbalances a 10% bonus to XP, valor and commendations.


surely that would get many a person to reroll republic


Because it would not help that much... yes, some would reroll but so what? Drop in the bucket.


this should have been done right from the start, made very widely known before Early access! Then it would have had an effect, now the train has left the station.

Edited by mufutiz
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I could kill you. Just because a few are bad, does not mean all are bad.


From my experience? I could say the same about the Republic.


Weird, huh?


Handouts. Rofl.


Time for elitism to set in! I was waiting for it!


Faith in humanity - another 2,000.


Time for the empty threats to begin!


I rob your house. (of course I am joking, just put this for the tools who would flag me)


Keep the meaningless offenses for the schoolyard.

Edited by gluefoot
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Faction imbalance isn't the players fault. Don't like the way things are going? Change it. Get a coordinated group together.


So get a premade to go to Ilum and commit suicide against a zerg army?


I like this idea!



Edited by gluefoot
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As rep I usually win 2 of 10 matches... I see way too many healers on rep side and huttball makes rep side even look sillier! Imps r using clever passes and positoning while rep is mindlessly bashing random imp chars... Its funny to see on alderaan or voidstar what happens when the majority is a healer class. Everyone stands back trying to heal 1 guardian getting crossfired by lighting.. Reps should roll dps classes as soon as possible.. Edited by MEdiKLEZ
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You don't get it do you? I know this is like, beyond your elitist "I'm a hardcore PvP'er because I didn't pick the faction that everyone was gonna roll on" mindset, but really seriously listen to these words:


People picked Empire because they wanted to shoot lightning and have red/purple sabers. They didn't roll it to be "faceroll" or "easy zerg mode." They played what they wanted to play because they paid to do it. I'm sorry you can't have a decent Ilum warzone, but you know what? It's not my fault and it's not really Biowares fault either.


Star Wars franchise is popular BECAUSE of the Dark Side. Way more people want to be a Sith vs a Jedi. If you want to blame anyone go blame George Lucas for making Jedi's a bunch of hippies.


I know this is like, beyond your comprehension of grammar, but that's not the concern here. The concern is that once the new patch comes out, it will promote Empire zerging and thus decrease Republic population. The economy will crash, and looking for groups will take literally days to complete.


You may not have rolled Empire to do "easy zerg mode", but new players certainly will, once they learn of Ilum. I didn't pay to have a crappy economy in SWTOR, it's too representative of real life. I knew I would be out-zergged, but I was shocked by the numbers.


And whether or not they intended it, it IS Bioware's fault. People are able to avoid Project damage by cloaking. They can't do that with Shock. And may I bring up Mortar Volley vs. Death from above? Unload vs. Full Auto? Just a few exaples of maybe/maybe not intended favoritism.

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I know this is like, beyond your comprehension of grammar, but that's not the concern here. The concern is that once the new patch comes out, it will promote Empire zerging and thus decrease Republic population. The economy will crash, and looking for groups will take literally days to complete.


You may not have rolled Empire to do "easy zerg mode", but new players certainly will, once they learn of Ilum. I didn't pay to have a crappy economy in SWTOR, it's too representative of real life. I knew I would be out-zergged, but I was shocked by the numbers.


And whether or not they intended it, it IS Bioware's fault. People are able to avoid Project damage by cloaking. They can't do that with Shock. And may I bring up Mortar Volley vs. Death from above? Unload vs. Full Auto? Just a few exaples of maybe/maybe not intended favoritism.

You can also avoid a scoundrel's backblast by interrupting them before they can get their opener orr, or cloaking, or performing knockback, etc

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Oh what was that quote about the darkside being the quick path to power but it being temporary or not as strong.. Forgive me for not perfectly remembering my lore quotes. Don't give into the fear and join the darkside, the path to light is a difficult journey and what not? Edited by Wasbeer
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It's not rage, it's me trying to get through your dense skull. I know what you're complaining about but he only thing Republic stands to lose is never getting Ilum to work right. Who cares if there's more same faction warzones? Clearly there's more then enough Empire players to support as many warzones for Rebels Vs Imps and STILL have Imp vs Imp huttball, it will be the same when the new ones come out. There is no same faction exclusive warzone maps, they are all faction vs faction with only 1 atm being same faction.


Ilum is mostly junk even on "balanced" servers. You can't have open world zones when you have instanced PvP that earn the same rewards. It worked in Warhammer because you had to raid the cities in open world to get to the higher tiers of gear. This, it doesn't matter. The only thing Ilum gives is a daily bag which is just traded for on a daily basis anyway because of the flawed mechanics.


So in short, play what you want to play because really, it doesn't matter.




Seriously. I think we all know when it's on.

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Please, you only like the empire because of how Bioware designed the experience. It's their fault for making it so attractive, and they can do the same for the Republic faction.


Boggles my mind why they did that. Its Aion all over again NC-Korea making the Elyos experience way better than the Asmodians. It took NC-West a year and a half before they started doing something about the problems.


Wish jedi warriors pvp armor looked as deadly a sith warriors but i guess they will continue to look like robot samurai rejects till Bioware makes something better...

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No one needs an economy because you can farm commendations for 30 minutes and have best in slot gear for your level.


Dont be scared to roll republic. WORST CASE scenario, Republic disadvantage breeds skill and we roll them in every non huttball warzone they get until they beg for huttball.


Yeah...for that matter no one needs to craft or do anything but just WZ's, Dailies and Weeklys - you make so many creds it's sick.

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I suspect you'll see a lot of Empire PvPers rolling on the Republic side as well, just so they can get some decent PvP action.


And we don't have to beg for Huttball, it's all we ever fecking get. There aren't enough Republic players queuing, so we always end up in the one warzone where Imps can be sent up against each other.


I've heard stories of some Imperial players actually getting four non-Huttball WZs in a row, I'm not sure I believe them.


Been melting faces on our Server (Hotlips from The Harbinger) as empire, but 4 of us are now rolling republic to change it up a bit and get some more varied games (even tho I love huttball). So if you see 4 Angelis variations, that's us lol (we did it for ***** and giggles).

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Boggles my mind why they did that. Its Aion all over again NC-Korea making the Elyos experience way better than the Asmodians. It took NC-West a year and a half before they started doing something about the problems.


Wow yeah I didn't even realize the similarities. Hopefully Bioware doesn't solely play the Empire. If they play the republic, then they've got some stake in this.

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I suspect you'll see a lot of Empire PvPers rolling on the Republic side as well, just so they can get some decent PvP action.


And we don't have to beg for Huttball, it's all we ever fecking get. There aren't enough Republic players queuing, so we always end up in the one warzone where Imps can be sent up against each other.


I've heard stories of some Imperial players actually getting four non-Huttball WZs in a row, I'm not sure I believe them.


considering the state of some servers... I'll believe them. Fact of the matter is, there is far more Imperials than Republic players. Period. The developers CANNOT hide that fact. There is only 1 server that I know of that is republic heavy. Then there is Veela and a few others that have a decent population of republic. That's out of all of them.

Edited by Andrew_Waltfeld
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I play Republic on Fatman server. I would say it is one of the most heavy Republic pvp servers around. Peak times for Republic fleet will have 100-145 players. This is due too many of the guilds are former rivals from Bloodfin server for Star wars Galaxies. Imp fleet has about 200 peak time player when I log on a low lvl alt. We do good in Warzones I say about a 40% win ratio at the right time of day. I feel like when i pvp Imp side i loose a lot more mainly since i solo que against organized imp hutt ball teams. It must be really tough for most of the pvp servers for the Rep. side if they did not have a lot of organized pvp guilds roll on there.
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