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This is an OUTRAGE!!


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Every American company has done this to date, don't be surprised.


And that makes it right how? It's clearly possible to do without discriminating, as seen of Blizzard.


The only thing you will end up with if you try to treat customers who are used to getting service locally adjusted to them is... well pissed off customers, e.i. shooting yourself in the foot.

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You havent kept up with the news I see?


No probs here in Canada we have 3x less people and 2x as many jobs as the states.


We have a lot less debt, oh wait we dont have any. (except Newfoundland they've been paying off a loan to the germans for like 20 years.


And our people are a lot nicer.


Theres a lot less extremists to.


Our news is actually informative.


So bit of a ramble their. But any Euro's out their looking to move to the states. Move to Canada it's way better.

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5 dollars of difference ... are you really in that need?


It's the general principle, as well as for 5 dollars I can buy a month's worth of rice or other foodstuff and I'm on a pretty highstrung budget as it is due to being a student.

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No probs here in Canada we have 3x less people and 2x as many jobs as the states.


We have a lot less debt, oh wait we dont have any. (except Newfoundland they've been paying off a loan to the germans for like 20 years.


And our people are a lot nicer.


Theres a lot less extremists to.


Our news is actually informative.


So bit of a ramble their. But any Euro's out their looking to move to the states. Move to Canada it's way better.


Except it's really really effing cold ^.^

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I love these threads.


This is an outrage ofc and we should fight for change. Not the serious inequality in the real world for people of different cultures or sexuality, but having to pay a tiny amount more for an entire months worth of entertainment.


How about dealing with it?


Sorry this bit almost made me pee my self



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This entire post bought into being is an outrage. Its allways been like this. Deal with it.





ive seen the same thing in other another MMO. they obviously have to pay more in order to offer the service to you. be glad its available to you. unlike services like hulu which can be restricted to US only, period.

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I do not know if the EU players knows this or any other player for that matter. I did some calculation and I found out something so very disturbing and annoying that it irks me incredibly.



Americans 14.95 dollars

Europeans 14.95 euro


14.95 euro is NOT 19.95 dollars, its actually 19.026 dollars.


So we are actually paying somewhere between 20-25% more for gametime than the americans. does this by any means sound fair?


I want the prices to be adjusted to ONE price... it is 14.95 dollars the use Origins or whatever you use to make the appropriate cost change into my countries currency.


14.95 dollars is 104 swedish krona and last I checked the price subtrakted from my account will be 119 swedish krona, thats 12 percept more I pay than the price actually is.


Id say for BW and EA to start showing the prices for what they are, not claim it is 14.95 dollars or whatever they claim but show the prices in the currency they are actually charding so that the person buying actually knows the cost of the subscription BEFORE they buy the game.


Im not willing to pay 10% or 15% or 20% more than the americans for the same game, I was equal treatment.


Either that or let us all pay our gametime in dollars to make it fair on everyone else.


OMG a completely legitimate complaint... FANBOIS ATACK!!!

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I do not know if the EU players knows this or any other player for that matter. I did some calculation and I found out something so very disturbing and annoying that it irks me incredibly.



Americans 14.95 dollars

Europeans 14.95 euro


14.95 euro is NOT 19.95 dollars, its actually 19.026 dollars.


So we are actually paying somewhere between 20-25% more for gametime than the americans. does this by any means sound fair?


I want the prices to be adjusted to ONE price... it is 14.95 dollars the use Origins or whatever you use to make the appropriate cost change into my countries currency.


14.95 dollars is 104 swedish krona and last I checked the price subtrakted from my account will be 119 swedish krona, thats 12 percept more I pay than the price actually is.


Id say for BW and EA to start showing the prices for what they are, not claim it is 14.95 dollars or whatever they claim but show the prices in the currency they are actually charding so that the person buying actually knows the cost of the subscription BEFORE they buy the game.


Im not willing to pay 10% or 15% or 20% more than the americans for the same game, I was equal treatment.


Either that or let us all pay our gametime in dollars to make it fair on everyone else.


Shock, horror!!! Disparity in the money markets.


Get over it, this is not a Bioware issue, it's a a reginal economic issue.


BTW. In the Uk we play £8.99, which is even less. Make sure to thank Brussels for me, will ya!

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Feh, in Norway the government has decided to tax online purchases, so we actually pay 25% on top of the normal price for things like ebooks and steam games, etc.


It's what we get for having some of the highest wages in the world.

If there's one thing we can afford, it's to pay more for our games.

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you pay more for most things it would appear


$11 per U.S. gallon (3.8 liters) Europe

$3.14 in Phoenix AZ US


ground beef

London: $9.03

Phoenix $2.79


1 lb. Coffee Beans

London: $18.26

Phoenix $5.99



Dozen Eggs

London: $5.28

Phoenix: $1.47


whats your point?

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I'm English, we pay £8.99 which is equivalent to:


13.77 USD




10.86 EUR


UK wins!




Which is a shocker. Because we have 20% VAT (value added tax, or, the equivalent to sales tax). Which usually means we pay way above what America usually does for all sorts of things (most notably electronics, media items, and so on). VAT coupled with greedy retailers means the UK gets shafted time and time again. So I for one am mightily happy we seem to get the better end of the deal this time around.


Anyway, there are time cards available for TOR, you're not forced to pay via paypal or credit card. Just shop around. There are deals to be had everywhere. You don't even need to buy your time card from somewhere in your own country. A code is a code.

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I'd like to know why I'm paying the euro price, I'm not in the EU i demand to pay in pounds or US$.


Actually i don't really care but I'd like to know why if someone could explain. I'm from south-eastern Europe. Obviously there has to be a reason why.

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I'd like to know why I'm paying the euro price, I'm not in the EU i demand to pay in pounds or US$.


Actually i don't really care but I'd like to know why if someone could explain. I'm from south-eastern Europe. Obviously there has to be a reason why.


They haven't figured out to charge 1/5th of a sheep or whatever currency you use...

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How often do you see Aussies ************ about downtime? They're probably screwed out of primetime more than you are.


Actually, we do. SWTOR maintenance is 7pm to 11pm with the next one being 7pm to 1am. But we got scewed from the beginning with the game not being 'officially' released here. That and we've learnt there's no point complaining. Also latency is quite good compared to other MMOs like WoW which gives lower bandwidth priority to foreign connections.


But as least we get to pay in US dollars and AUD is worth slightly more. :)

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