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Does Republic lose ALOT in WZ's on yoru server ?


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Unfortunately most of the so called hardcore pvpers all rolled the sith side.


This is the biggest pile of garbage I have ever read. Most of the hardcore PVPers are not playing this game because it doesn't have competitive level PVP. Guild Wars 2 is still in Closed Beta testing and they already have competitive PVP leagues up and running.


the problem with SW:TOR is most servers have a massive rift in the population differences between Republic and Imperial sides. Both of my servers sit at about a 10/1 or 9/2 ratio. All this means is that in the average 8 man warzone team We have 1 or 2 50's and constantly go up against 8 lvl 50 Imperials. That is generally a guaranteed loss. But I can say that I have noticed the Republic players tend to be far more skilled.


This game has created a major problem for many so called "Hardcore PVPers".... Most of them that came from WoW or Rift are garbage and cannot play worth a damn without 7 abilities bound to a single key press. Macros have deteriorated the playerbase skill level massivly over the last few years.

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I play on Vornskr with PUGS primarily.

I get huttball vs. other Imps a lot. Not like it's all I get, but at least 70% of the time. If there are any premades in the other team I usually lose.


The few matches I do play against republic seem to be pretty poorly matched. Once in awhile there will be some ******* dual wielder running around butchering everyone in 4-5 hits with all of their battlemaster gear. Usually it's just because my team is full of morons, though. Once I said, on Alderaan, for two people to take the left turret and the other six to go center. Every single person besides me went to the left turret. Bah.


My biggest problem with PvP is that matches are usually complete and total facerolls in favor of one team. Most huttball matches end 5 minutes in with a team going 6/0, or just running 15 minutes with 4/0. I think I can count the number of matches where I felt real competitive tension on one hand. Same problem with Alderaan and the Ship too. I had a match where we held all three turrets almost the entire time, and a match that same day where we got completely destroyed. I've had matches on the ship where we got to the datacore with almost no resistance and cheesed past doors with stealthers. I've also had matches where everyone would abandon one door constantly and we would get wrecked.


It's hard to get people to work together, I guess. I know of two games of huttball where I felt challenged, but not destroyed, and about one game of each of the other two warzones.

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My republic server is pretty balanced. Sometimes the sith are winning, sometimes the republic are winning. It's about 50/50 chance, the thing to remember is that the wins and losses often will come in streaks due to the same pools of players requeuing. Even if it's not the exact same players don't expect a dramatic change. If you're on a winstreak stick with it. If you're losing bad over and over you might want to take a break and come back later. On one other note I've noticed the republic winning more later in the evening or late night, to which you can come up with any conclusion you'd like to as to why. (Remembering of course every server is different.)
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I've been tallying up my wins since probably december 25th, give or take. Please take into account I do not join pre-mades that often, quite a few of these games have been done solo.


Huttball (i know, but I may as well) 31W - 36L

Civil War 12W - 17L

Voidstar - 9W - 21L


Total 52W - 74L


This is on the swiftsure, I play sith. I've been trying to figure out what it is about these stats. They shouldn't be this out of wack. Its not me, I've already considered that. I often do quite well in matches, I'm rank 44 and usually top 3 or 4 on the boards, with the most damage almost always. The only thing I can think of is it is my lack of pre-made games, but I'm really not sure at this point.

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Unfortunately most of the so called hardcore pvpers all rolled the sith side.


Unfortunately that would be wrong. What happened OP, is that most people in general went Imperial. In the beginning when everyone was leveling, WZs were slightly more of an even playing field. However, as time went on and more Imps reached max level ( moreso than Republic) they started getting gear, and it became easier for them to dominate lesser leveled/geared Rep teams. Now, you have teams of mostly/all geared 50s Imperials against Rep teams that have lesser geared/leveled players. When brackets hit, it will alleviate some of the issue from levels 10 to 49, but I'd imagine being a 50 Republic player will be painful.

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Played probably 12 matches from 4 am to 7 am, won one (3 minutes before dailies reset) got 4 bags and out of those I got belt and boots, I'm lucky. But that sounds about right for winning, I win probably (PUGs) 1 out of every 4 or 5 matches. The times we do win, it's not close, it's usually a steamroll of level 11-30s. It seems if we hit any 50s they are in a pre-made or geared.
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I have stated before, this is due to the imbalance in faction and the way that a "random" selection of players will always result in a higher number of level 50s for Imp than for Rep.


It is simply a matter that more Imps play = more Imps at level 50 = more Imps at level 50 chosen for WZ.


That is why Republic are losing consistently on many of the servers, doesn't mean you always lose, was playing last night, quite drunk, with a really good team of player and we won consistently.


They, of course, were all level 50 and there were enough of them with enough skill of the right classes to combat the level 50s on the other team.


Do yourself a favour, the next time you getting your behind handed to you, take a step back for a moment.


Look at your own team, how many 50s are on it? Now go through the opposing team...how many 50s on that team?


9 times out of 10 you will find that republic has 2 level 50s and the Imps have 6.


Of course you are going to lose. Has nothing to do with "hardcore pvpers rolling imp" it is simply a matter of who has the most level 50s.


Stupid PvP is stupid.

Edited by Dravinian
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I play same faction Huttball so often that I honestly couldn't tell you because Empire vs. Republic is so far and few in between that I don't really remember them.


If I had to guess though it's probably about even. Might even be possible Republic has an edge because more often than not it seems like they're mostly pre-mades where as Empire has a lot of solo queues.

Edited by Amp_
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Sorry I can't recall my server name, but we seem to lose ALOT approx 80% of the time, and not a close lose, a pure we kicked your buts loss, like in the 3 cannons map 500 vs 0


huttball 6 vs 0

the bombs on doors one, we rarely get through the first doors the sith get to the computer in a few minutes.


How are Republic doing on your server, I did roll a sith class, but I like Reoublic more I just hate losing, not sure why it is.


I dont think it's because they have more 50's we have a fair few in the maps I play, it may be because they have more healers, not sure.


any ideas why you think we lose so much, is it because the better PvPers chose sith, and we ended up with the casual no Pvpers?




Nope, republic win on alderan about 75% of the time, Huttball about 50% of the time and always seem to win void star. I'm on deathwind corridor. :o

Edited by Madgecko
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Vanjervalis - Evening / Night is when the fully geared Imperial Permades of a certain guild rule the day.


Yes, im about to abandon PvP till 50, its a mayor source of frustration, regarding hat my RL dictates pretty much the time i can play.


I guess, when im 50 im in a field where everyone is geared fully *sigh*

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As a great example, just logged on, did Voidstar.


Republic....2 level 50s.

Imperial....6 level 50s.


I left and will join the queue again after this. I don't see the point of staying in such WZs, I have unsubbed and am not "progressing" my character, I care nothing about the valor or credits, I do the PvP to have some fun and spend a Sunday cause I can't leave the house.


I don't see that PvP as fun so no point staying in it.

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As a great example, just logged on, did Voidstar.


Republic....2 level 50s.

Imperial....6 level 50s.


I left and will join the queue again after this. I don't see the point of staying in such WZs, I have unsubbed and am not "progressing" my character, I care nothing about the valor or credits, I do the PvP to have some fun and spend a Sunday cause I can't leave the house.


I don't see that PvP as fun so no point staying in it.


Couldn't hold out till Tues huh?

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I'm on Krayt Dragon (U.S) and just for example: I played pretty much all day Saturday - from about 7:30 AM to just after the 1:00 AM EST reset time and still did not get the Weekly done. Yep...that's right....I was in only 8 winning matches the entire day.


Imps on our server were all 50 by New Years and are now uber geared making them almost impossible to kill - especially with their healers.


Now...what I find amusing is: All of these little pissants who wanted to grind to 50 so they can dominate in PVP will now be in queue hell Huttball purgatory playing each other after the Bracket/Ranking system is implemented.


And I will revel in their tears of whining :)

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Canderous Ordo seems pretty even as far as I play, albeit I'm a UK player on a US server so maybe I don't see the times when the late night US players get on.


There's a couple really good Republic PVP groups on our server such as LD50, who dispite annoying the hell out of me, they're actually pretty good.


That being said if you find yourself on a team with a couple of Con members you're pretty much guaranteed to pick a win up.


Im actually looking forward to the day when I'm stuck on an Imp team with one of their pre-mades against a good LD50 one. That fight will be pretty good and with the 50 only bracket there's probably more chance.

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Depends on the time of day. We have more Imperial PvP focused guilds (which is already a rare thing since we're RPvE), which means more premades with better coordination/more battlemasters and players who are general much more comfortable with PvP overall. Which means that the times when these groups are rolling about, Imperials tend to do better for a stretch since they're rolling on Republic teams that tend to have less geared 50's and a bunch of people who don't even have sprint yet.


Maybe I'm nuts but I find there's a bit more ebb and flow on Adraas. Not enough tot call things even but enough that smart Rep teams can still generate the victories they need.

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