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10 Good
  1. I've been tallying up my wins since probably december 25th, give or take. Please take into account I do not join pre-mades that often, quite a few of these games have been done solo. Huttball (i know, but I may as well) 31W - 36L Civil War 12W - 17L Voidstar - 9W - 21L Total 52W - 74L This is on the swiftsure, I play sith. I've been trying to figure out what it is about these stats. They shouldn't be this out of wack. Its not me, I've already considered that. I often do quite well in matches, I'm rank 44 and usually top 3 or 4 on the boards, with the most damage almost always. The only thing I can think of is it is my lack of pre-made games, but I'm really not sure at this point.
  2. I wanted this game to be in another year of development, just so I could have a game like EVE online tacked onto this one. Give me a break, you guys expected a space combat game, and an mmorpg game all in one? get realistic.
  3. no brackets in pvp. wait no, huttball wait the UI..... NO! it has to be the fact I cant finish my BH story line yes... I can't even do my dailies on ilum! thats a huge issue!
  4. I wasn't even aware this was a bug until a guildy told me about the ilum dailies... how did bioware let this slip? I'm in love with this game but come on, was there no BH class line bug testing in beta? I've been 50 for a while now, and been missing out on the dailies!
  5. Huttball can stay, but some things need to change. First off, while carrying the ball you should not be able to sprint, leap or pull. The game should be based off throwing the ball. I can't begin to count the amount of times I've an assassin pick up the ball, sprint into the pit and pass to his assassin buddy in the end zone, scoring the ball in a matter of seconds. Next, make the air blowers NOT RANDOM. I know what people are going to say "its a risk, you don't need to take it" Yes, maybe you're right. However, RNG has no place in a PVP environment. And before you say "oh you just don't pass the ball you bad" I've probably played more huttball then most of you, playing sith and being levlel 50. I also have the "throw ball" skill keybinded.
  6. but huttball isn't fun? Heres a way to fix huttball permanently. Simply add a filter system where I could click off huttball, and never queue to it again. YAY!
  7. aion was out for a year before its launch into north america.
  8. the swiftsure? you aren't the luckiest... because I'm on it too.
  9. thats why we want them raised? for me the server im playing on (swiftsure) is running flawlessly, we could afford to increase the cap by 1 or 2 thousand and I doubt anything would happen
  10. I'm so glad people aren't making queue posts anymore wait
  11. I dont mind queues, but 2 hours is extremely lame. I've been out for an hour and left myself in the queue. Right now I'm 700th.
  12. me. people saying this is the best launch? when half the people aren't even playing... I don't think this counts.
  13. ordered:9/18 Entered Product key: 9/18 entered EGA key: 11/2 why. why oh why are there 2 keys? I would have been in right now!
  14. My guess is they'll open new servers today, and invite twice as many people as they did yesterday. I'm hoping and praying my sept 18th pre-order will get invited.... although I doubt it
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