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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Premade 50s? Really?


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Do you also kick puppy and throw rocks at cats.


See a shrink about your ego then come back and fight remotely fairly.


How badly must you win in order to bring premade 50s before the 50 environment is locked.


I know the devs didnt prepare for this, so you take advantage of it?


Sad and pathetic.


It isn't even cross server so we can get away from you...

Edited by Betteratforty
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I agree, it's SO UNFAIR for other people to play with their friends and guildmates when you're somehow physically prevented from doing the same thing, and are apparently the only person in the game with that "no friends or guild" affliction.


It's too bad you couldn't solve the problem by doing something as simple as getting friends or a guild yourself, because that would make things much easier for you. My condolences.

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nothing wrong with playing with friends, but i think premades should have there own bracket, because premades have a HUUUUUUGE advantage over pubs. Oh ya sure it takes real skill to beat a pub, lawl. Anyone knows a well organized premade is gona stomp any pub. Thats why hey lets put the premades vs premades, and pubs vs pubs then everyones happy and the premades can hone there skill against other organized groups. just a thought, but im sure all the people who are comfy racking up there commendations by taking advantage of the pubs wont like that no sir, they must have it ez or else it wont be fun because having a real pvp challenge is not the way to go, amirite premades? Edited by Suriken_
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nothing wrong with playing with friends, but i think premades should have there own bracket, because premades have a HUUUUUUGE advantage over pubs. Oh ya sure it takes real skill to beat a pub, lawl. Anyone knows a well organized premade is gona stomp any pub. Thats why hey lets put the premades vs premades, and pubs vs pubs then everyones happy and the premades can hone there skill against other organized groups. just a thought, but im sure all the people who are comfy racking up there commendations by taking advantage of the pubs wont like that no sir, they must have it ez or else it wont be fun because having a real pvp challenge is not the way to ago, amirite premades?


Total sense there Suriken ... but sadly, us premade's will offer all kinds of retorts against this.


I know I would rather fight other premades, mopping up pugs got old many games ago.


Yet another oversight by the great Bioware, oops Mythic, gods.

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Personally I'm Going to miss the 50's when they are gone. Sure it sucks when you PUG and your group has only 1 50 and the other group is a premade of 50's. But I believe fighting the best helps make me better. You have tons of things to learn in a loss and nothing in a win. Granted winning is more fun, but I feel fighting the 50's will make me a much better player when I actually hit 50. Only 50's I want out are the pansies who quit in the middle of a warzone cause we are losing. Edited by Ssfbistimg
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If it's any consolation, we hate being saddled with lowbies who don't know how to pass just as much as you hate getting rolled by 50s.


<---Member of a premade, eagerly awaiting the 50 bracket


Same... I think its wonderful to have new people playing warzones so fast. But not against fully geared and experienced 50s. talents and knowledge make a huge difference.

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When you pre-made with 4 people you wait in 5-10 minute ques and thats republic side im guess imp even longer. When you que solo you get insta ques and if you are doing the illum warzone honor buffer you actually make way more valor ranks because you are not waiting 5-10minutes per game. So in the long run if valor grinding fast is your thing solo atm is king.
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Total sense there Suriken ... but sadly, us premade's will offer all kinds of retorts against this.


I know I would rather fight other premades, mopping up pugs got old many games ago.


Yet another oversight by the great Bioware, oops Mythic, gods.


I've been in pugs where we wipe the floor with pre mades.


A pre made just means they know each other or are in the same guild, it doesn't mean they are elite.


And I don't think the OP was meant to single out playing with friends and such.


Listen, anyone that's played other MMO's knows that the people that succeed early on, cry the most when the majority catch up to them. Let them have their fun, because it certainly won't last.

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You're complaining of a premade when they aren't letting more then 4 people be in a group.

If it was any other game it would be 8 people in a group and you would be getting merc'd by a 8 guilded 50s in vent playing how its suppose to be played. (I really don't understand why they didn't do that Kinda ruins the point of having a pvp guild)

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''premade'' is not really the word since you can't queue ops groups. so half of your group is premade, the rest is totally wild..


I did it, 3 lvl 50s, me my bro and my friend on vent, trying to have a strategy... we won, we lost, we failed, we fought other similar groups...

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Make premade self? Yes, sometimes I do want to pvp with friends, I don't see the problem


Aslong you pvp vs. other premades there is no problem, if you start steamrolling randoms then there is.


If you have skill then show it vs. premades, if you dont want this then you most likely dont have the skill which you pretend to have.

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yeah we get our own bracket, at which point 90 percent of lvl 50s will stop queuing because it will be the same thing, you people think you are the only ones who get hit hard by the level 50 premades. are you kidding me? I join random parties with 6 lvl 50s in the group and we still get owned by the lvl 50 premades. You think giving level 50s their own wz instances is going to fix this? hahahah thats pretty funny. Have fun when you hit 50 and cant pvp because the same lvl 50 premades that you see now maybe every 2 or 3 games are your opponents every single time. I dont blame you though, bioware didnt plan for this.


Huttball - Premade Wins

Void Star - 15 minutes of zerging and a random winner

Alderaan Civil War - The only real pvp.


Have fun. If you are getting owned now. You will get owned then.

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Personally I'm Going to miss the 50's when they are gone. Sure it sucks when you PUG and your group has only 1 50 and the other group is a premade of 50's. But I believe fighting the best helps make me better. You have tons of things to learn in a loss and nothing in a win. Granted winning is more fun, but I feel fighting the 50's will make me a much better player when I actually hit 50.


I agree with this. I'm a horrible PvP'er and most of the time I land on the losing side but I'm getting better and better with each match. I'm learning the limitations of each class, and how to get out of sticky situations, and to best avoid getting murdered.

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Alderaan Civil War - The only real pvp.


I couldnt agree more with this...


On my server the republic loses most of the time except in alderaan. We spank the **** out imperials on this map. And no, its not cause they never play this map lol.. its actual PVP!! Amazing when a map actually requires someone to go toe to toe.


Now to be honest and truthful.


If I was an imperial on my server I would probably be spec'd into movement stuff because they do get huttball a lot. At least thats what they say.

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