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SWTOR has ruined other MMO's for me.


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Yep, I'll never read another Quest Text again. MMOs are gonna need real characterization and Storytelling elements to get me interested going forward.


I could care much less about what customization I get to start a game, I want to be a part of my character's emotional journey as they progress through their life. Other MMOs don't do that for me - or require so much time and effort to get there that my life style just won't permit it.

Edited by Drallbait
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I'm feeling the opposite, I am well getting bored with SWTOR.

In fact it made me appreciate quite some previous MMO's I played.

This game is just , mediocre I almost feel guilty for saying it.



I see a lot of people stating 'leveling is so fun'.

Well I'll be honest, I find it tedious.


The main planet story line and quest line stories are interesting, in fact it's amazing.

How ever the side quests are just a waste of recourses, they are annoying and repetitive.

They always ask for the same thing and my character tends to respond with the same lines.



Every quest I've done involves killing stuff or clicking, it's as mind numbing as it can get.

In the end I well think I'm playing the poor mans version of Rift/WOW, it's pretty sad actually.


I wish the game was more than that, but it might as well have been single player.


just pointing out that in both WoW and Rift "Every quest involves killing stuff or clicking"... except they don't have the "main planet story line and quest line stories " that you find amazing... I fail to see how this could be the "poor man's version" of those games that are exactly the same except are missing the one thing you claim to like about this one

Edited by Liquidacid
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That's normal, every game has its fans. Go to WoW forums and they will be talking **** about this game and others or go to Rift forums, same thing. When you go through all these games' forums you realize that at the end of the day, all games have their ups and downs.
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wow people have no reason to flame this game, because it's obviously inferior. any do you know what? i have around 200 days /played in wow and it NEVER bugged me THIS MUCH to do quests. never ever. anyways -


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Edited by Choseh
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I'm still wondering why WoW is so amazing...the time i've played it(played through reg and BC) it just seemed like another fantasy MMO. Is it because of the name it has or what? It really just seems to me like another one of one of those fantasy MMOs where theres thousands upon thousands out there.
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I'm still wondering why WoW is so amazing...the time i've played it(played through reg and BC) it just seemed like another fantasy MMO. Is it because of the name it has or what? It really just seems to me like another one of one of those fantasy MMOs where theres thousands upon thousands out there.


Those were some of the best days of WoW, you just never really liked it in the first place.

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Actually I played WoW for the first time ever yesterday night and so far I enjoyed it more than my time spent with SWTOR. Everything feels a lot more intuitive and it somehow still looks better IMO.


Troll is obvious lmfao, do not feed.

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I'm still wondering why WoW is so amazing...the time i've played it(played through reg and BC) it just seemed like another fantasy MMO. Is it because of the name it has or what? It really just seems to me like another one of one of those fantasy MMOs where theres thousands upon thousands out there.


Well, I could make a giant list, but the main thing is that WoW had a lot more visceral, real time combat than any previous MMO. Along with general high quality.


So it attracted a lot wider group of people than EQ, AO or others before it. That is the main reason.


Unfortunately, WoW ruined MMOs in general for a lot of people because after doing anything for 4-5 years you get sick of it. To me, that is the biggest factor SWTOR, or any MMO trying to be mainstream, has to overcome - people bored of MMOs because they played too much WoW.


Or like some of the whiners on this board - people so stuck on WoW they will actually try to bring down other games to battle the threat to their beloved WoW.

Edited by Drallbait
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Each time someone mentions WoW I remember the very first time playing through the night elves starter zone. Most fun I ever had in an MMO. That game is awesome. Just don't listen to those having played WoW for years, finally losing interest. It just grew old to them.


TOR is great too though.



This...WoW was awesome for a long time. If you like RPG's then you should definately try it. It is completely dumbed down at this point though.


I love me some Swtor too though. The fully acted story lines alone are better than alot of the things WoW did right. Im just glad I dont have any problems with my game. I only have some lag in fleet but that is to be expected since it is such a big hub.

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You're right about one thing - I finished with WoW 3 years ago. But SWTOR a fresh adventure? Not even close. The only difference is the way in which quests are delivered. That will get old once you're on your 2nd or 3rd alt. Then what?


Not really. I've got 7 characters, from 12 to 25, taking my time leveling up. And the way each character speaks and reacts differently to the same quests makes them a lot less stale than the same old quests in WoW. I played WoW more than I care to admit, but I think the questing is much better in this game.

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I'm still wondering why WoW is so amazing...the time i've played it(played through reg and BC) it just seemed like another fantasy MMO. Is it because of the name it has or what? It really just seems to me like another one of one of those fantasy MMOs where theres thousands upon thousands out there.


Cata and Arthas being a raid boss killed WoW, at least for me. Warcraft 3 and Arthas were the main reason I went to WoW and I didn't regret it until they brought Arthas to the Raid..... Some heroes/villains are not suppose to die. Like Sam Fisher from SC or Agent 47 from Hitman.

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Well, I could make a giant list, but the main thing is that WoW had a lot more visceral, real time combat than any previous MMO. Along with general high quality.


So it attracted a lot wider group of people than EQ, AO or others before it. That is the main reason.


Unfortunately, WoW ruined MMOs in general for a lot of people because after doing anything for 4-5 years you get sick of it. To me, that is the biggest factor SWTOR, or any MMO trying to be mainstream, has to overcome - people bored of MMOs because they played too much WoW.


Or like some of the whiners on this board - people so stuck on WoW they will actually try to bring down other games to battle the threat to their beloved WoW.


Ah ok thanks, makes sense.

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The lesson from dumbed down WOW is simple though. It got dumbed down because people got so bored with it, Blizzard had no choice.






WOW was created dumbed down, it wasnt dumbed down after that fact.


A pre WOW Release reveiw nailed what WOW has been always


A MMORPG on training wheels


Please dont try to suggest WOW at any time was challenging, difficult, or hard as its simply not true

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PvP in this game is extremely clunky and imba. I think you need to open your eyes sir.


I don't find it clunky at all. Maybe you need to optimize your system for gaming. I can do that as well. However, the PvP lessons are free, the computer work is not.

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