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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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Swapping advance classes from one to the other i can see as being bad for game for a few reasons and i wouldnt be excited if they did so. I think it would cause some problems with FOTM kinda deals but honestly i can see why ppl want it as ive leveled a SI to 30 and honestly not liking that choice. Releveling that character to 30 as the other advance class is gonna suck truely so i can see their point.


Honestly the way i see it is give in a let them have the chance to do it once. That way if you get high level and dont like the choice you can atleast have a chance to try out the other advance class it has making you feel like it wasnt a total waste of time. If you dont like the other choice either then the whole class isnt for you so you didnt just waste another 30 levels on that class.


Now Im not saying everyone takes 30 levels before they know that the advance class wasnt for them but I often find you dont really know a class til your atleast half way throu the levels cause of the moves you get later in game. If you dont like this idea thats fine if you do thats great but its how i think it should be. You level so far and think this advance class bites let me respec to the other and try it out. One time only is the best option IMO and gives the player atleast the chance to not just end up mad cause he wasted time and effort and might keep them playing the game.


Most ppl i know only play two at the most characters. Ive played several MMO and most dont have time or dont want to put in the effort to gear more then whatever they geared as their favorite or 2 favorite classes and thats understandable so i dont see a one time pass as having to great a hurt on the game. More like a chance to test the other side before you give up totally on a class your not enjoying.

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It's not oblige they allow to swap between ac.


They could implement a possible change each three month or for real money or 1 million credits or a combination.


With restrictions, ac change is not a game breaker, it's more choice.


I'm level 50, i want to change my ac but i absolutely don't want to up another toon, especially not one from the same class and surely not with a possible ac respec in a near future.


More choice, more fun.

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More choice, more fun.


Not so. If more choice was more fun people would like games that don't have any rules at all. A game is by definition bound by some restriction on choice or other and often games which are very restrictive are funner because you know what to do and are free to try and win.



I don't support advanced class respecs because they told you it would be permanent and it gives you too much freedom. 6 talent trees? ick.

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Please allow Advanced Class Respec. There's no reason for this, give players the choice! If you're worried it will hurt your story or something - don't. You don't seem to care you send Jedi to go slaughter hundreds of Sand People, so why care about something that is needlessly restricting players?





If you want to say "NO" or "Bioware will never do this!"...




Thanks to Salzwasser for the link.


...and to finally put matters to rest, read: http://torwars.com/2011/12/01/stephen-reid-on-advanced-class-switching/


As a sith assassin, I support this message.

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Not so. If more choice was more fun people would like games that don't have any rules at all. A game is by definition bound by some restriction on choice or other and often games which are very restrictive are funner because you know what to do and are free to try and win.



I don't support advanced class respecs because they told you it would be permanent and it gives you too much freedom. 6 talent trees? ick.


Yes, that is why ac respec with restrictions like each three month or real money or 1 million credits or a combination isn't a game breaker. It is more choice for more fun. Like i 've written before.

Edited by Voodh
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Please allow Advanced Class Respec. There's no reason for this, give players the choice! If you're worried it will hurt your story or something - don't. You don't seem to care you send Jedi to go slaughter hundreds of Sand People, so why care about something that is needlessly restricting players?





If you want to say "NO" or "Bioware will never do this!"...




Thanks to Salzwasser for the link.


...and to finally put matters to rest, read: http://torwars.com/2011/12/01/stephen-reid-on-advanced-class-switching/


Thanks for providing video links for your conversation, not usually done.


Now I severely hope they do not do this. Your advanced class is like the class you pick at the start of other MMOs, only in TOR you get 10 levels to consider your choice first. I can only imagine the hell that would ensue if we get this feature plus LFG tools. People who played DPS all the way to 50 then swapped to tank would be a miserable experience for the rest of us

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Thanks for providing video links for your conversation, not usually done.


Now I severely hope they do not do this. Your advanced class is like the class you pick at the start of other MMOs, only in TOR you get 10 levels to consider your choice first. I can only imagine the hell that would ensue if we get this feature plus LFG tools. People who played DPS all the way to 50 then swapped to tank would be a miserable experience for the rest of us


This logic is simply not valid. There are good players, and players who aren't. I can level as dps and still respec to heals as a Sage at level 50 if I want, so how is that any different then switching AC's? Really players can still give you a "miserable experience" either way. So at least let them be happy.

Edited by Dunzo
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Dear Bioware:




Advanced Classes in SW:TOR = Classes in other games.


These classes are very different from each other, and people are just whining because they are ballz-class players, and the grass is always greener.


Bioware, if you decide to captain the failboat, and allow these players to switch their classes, please limit that switching to Level 15, or 20. That would be reasonable. And make them go back to level 10 to start their new class from the beginning. I think it would be roflsauce to see these players raging once they reach a certain point and realize with their class change that they still aren't pwning + 1-shotting everything in the game.


People divorce, thinking that their new girl won't realize what a loser they are after 5 years (just like the first one did) and ask them to better themselves. Don't facilitate this rampant societal weakness that prevents people from taking responsibility for their actions.


I don't know what I just wrote. I am high. Pressing submit now...

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absolutely not.


i have a level 32 Gunslinger who ive grown very bored with due to the reliance on cover. i wish i had picked scoundrel.


now i'll probably roll a new smuggler at some point and make him a scoundrel, i would not want to respec my gunslinger to one.


why? because i'd actually like to learn how to play the class and how to deal with encounters as a scoundrel.

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Dear Bioware:




Advanced Classes in SW:TOR = Classes in other games.


These classes are very different from each other, and people are just whining because they are ballz-class players, and the grass is always greener.


Bioware, if you decide to captain the failboat, and allow these players to switch their classes, please limit that switching to Level 15, or 20. That would be reasonable. And make them go back to level 10 to start their new class from the beginning. I think it would be roflsauce to see these players raging once they reach a certain point and realize with their class change that they still aren't pwning + 1-shotting everything in the game.


People divorce, thinking that their new girl won't realize what a loser they are after 5 years (just like the first one did) and ask them to better themselves. Don't facilitate this rampant societal weakness that prevents people from taking responsibility for their actions.


I don't know what I just wrote. I am high. Pressing submit now...


How can you reduce someones level in a game that leveling comes from non repeatable questing. That has to be one of the dumbest suggestions for a game like this ever. But your high so its understandable that you'd make a mistake like that. Though admitting that your high when your trying to convince someone not to do something is not exactly the best either.


One time allowance of a advance class respec wont hurt anyone and should be allowed. Let ppl that dont like their choice have a shot at wanting to keep the character instead of just deleting it.

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absolutely not.


i have a level 32 Gunslinger who ive grown very bored with due to the reliance on cover. i wish i had picked scoundrel.


now i'll probably roll a new smuggler at some point and make him a scoundrel, i would not want to respec my gunslinger to one.


why? because i'd actually like to learn how to play the class and how to deal with encounters as a scoundrel.


Okay, that's fine for you, but why force that on to other players? Why not allow us to have the freedom to respec or reroll? Does this negatively effect you in some way? Let's be real here..

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Okay, that's fine for you, but why force that on to other players? Why not allow us to have the freedom to respec or reroll? Does this negatively effect you in some way? Let's be real here..


If they allow you to change your advance class, they have cut their possible playthrough replayability in half.


They are trying to make money here.


/thread again

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absolutely not.


i have a level 32 Gunslinger who ive grown very bored with due to the reliance on cover. i wish i had picked scoundrel.


now i'll probably roll a new smuggler at some point and make him a scoundrel, i would not want to respec my gunslinger to one.


why? because i'd actually like to learn how to play the class and how to deal with encounters as a scoundrel.


For you and others that think they need those lower levels to learn how to play then that will always be an option for you. I encourage it if you think you need it to do just that. Reroll all over and learn from lvl 10. The rest that want a 1 time respec can use it learn from the level we are and move along in our story without having to repeat all we've done before.

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One time allowance of a advance class respec wont hurt anyone and should be allowed. Let ppl that dont like their choice have a shot at wanting to keep the character instead of just deleting it.


people need to learn how to live with their choices. It's not bioware's fault that people cant do some research before they pick up a AC.and it dosent take 25 lvls to figure out if you want to either tank/dps or dps/heal.lvl 1 to 15 can be done in 2 hours easy so do your homework before picking up a AC and if you dont like your choice then reroll. its only gona take you 2 hours to redo your toon.

Edited by dendaros
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If they allow you to change your advance class, they have cut their possible playthrough replayability in half.


They are trying to make money here.


/thread again


Then why restrict us to only 8 toons per server? Thats 1 per class per side. :)

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people need to learn how to live with their choices. It's not bioware's fault that people cant do some research before they pick up a AC.and it dosent take 25 lvls to figure out if you want to either tank/dps or dps/heal.lvl 1 to 15 can be done in 2 hours easy so do your homework before picking up a AC and if you dont like your choice then reroll. its only gona take you 2 hours to redo your toon.


Stop assuming people made a "mistake", are lazy and don't want to re-roll. It's called circumstances. People might level a Sentinel to 50 due to imbalances in the game, such as Guardian DPS being a poor leveling experience, having done the actual research. However in an end-game role, they want to tank or dps. That's one out of hundreds of reasonable situations that would call for an AC respec. It also DOES take 25 levels, if not more, for many utility classes to come into their own. Please don't act like you've played 1-50 of every class and understand them all, cause I assure you, you don't.

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