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Lol at Bioware claiming only 5% of people get low fps in Warzones/Fleet


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God I love the blatant lies coming from Bioware. My system rating is over 7 on every piece of hardware I have. I can run Crysis 2/Dues Ex/Battlefield 3 all on ultra/high settings smooth without issues and yet this game runs mediocre/choppy in Warzones/Fleet. Ya Bioware 5 % , nice job pulling a random number out of your rear end. Edited by carrylot
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God I love the blatant lies coming from Bioware. My system rating is over 7 on every piece of hardware I have. I can run Crysis 2/Dues Ex/Battlefield 3 all on ultra/high settings smooth without issues and yet this game runs mediocre/choppy in Warzones/Fleet. Ya Bioware 5 % , nice job pulling a random number out of your rear end.


...So you're in that 5%, then.

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...So you're in that 5%, then.


It's far more than 5%. Fact is most people don't report it. This guy's post might not be worded the best but it is completely laughable that BioWare thinks they know how many people are having issues as though everyone reports it to them.

Edited by Shillen
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...So you're in that 5%, then.


I can run Warzones/Fleet at around 30 FPS on average on a PC I am sure is better then 65% of the people playing this game. I find it hard to believe all the people below me with worse PC's are magically getting higher FPS then me. 5 % is a number they chose to be safe by acknowledging they have an issue but not making a realistic number like 25-30% because they know people would be up in arms calling for Biowares head on a stick.

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They have actual numbers, sitting right in front of them, that show them exactly what's going on, despite what is said on the forums.


What you got?


They don't. That's what I have. All they have is the number of people who made forum posts and submitted tickets. Which is a small portion of those actually having issues.

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They have actual numbers, sitting right in front of them, that show them exactly what's going on, despite what is said on the forums.


What you got?


So they can track people who having a horrible time running the game, "interdasting" (spelled on purpose)

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They don't. That's what I have. All they have is the number of people who made forum posts and submitted tickets. Which is a small portion of those actually having issues.


So, you are saying the company that has run seminars at things like GDC about the metrics systems they have developed for this game, and how extensive it is, doesn't have the details on players fps? And you can confirm this?

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God I love the blatant lies coming from Bioware. My system rating is over 7 on every piece of hardware I have. I can run Crysis 2/Dues Ex/Battlefield 3 all on ultra/high settings smooth without issues and yet this game runs mediocre/choppy in Warzones/Fleet. Ya Bioware 5 % , nice job pulling a random number out of your rear end.


If you've seen that "5%" number, you've also seen that it specifically mentions there are certain areas where performance is worse, and that they're working on those.


Don't try to slam someone for being inaccurate or misleading if you're just going to turn around and do it yourself.

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They don't. That's what I have. All they have is the number of people who made forum posts and submitted tickets. Which is a small portion of those actually having issues.


So....people are reporting the issue to you instead of BW? If tickets and forum posts aren't credible, then where does your infallible data come from?

Edited by TheUnNamedHero
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They have actual numbers, sitting right in front of them, that show them exactly what's going on, despite what is said on the forums.


What you got?


No they don't. Their metrics can't possibly tell them what FPS everyone is getting in all situations. The best it can do is poll occasionally, but since people tend to spend as little time as possible in areas where they're getting bad performance, their data is destined to be skewed.

Edited by Mannic
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And you didn't just do the same thing? BW at least has tickets to back up the claim they make. What statistical data do you have?


I would be willing to have someone hold a gun to my head, make the prediction that 35 % of users and above are having issues in Warzones/Fleet and are getting worse FPS then they should be on the computer they have. If the number was under 35% I would be perfectly fine with the man pulling the trigger, I am THAT sure that the number is that high. Bioware is trying to save face and not call "FIRE!" and start a chain reaction through the player base. Why do you think they have refreshed the "Horrid FPS" thread 10 times now. It would be at like 2000+ pages already.

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They don't. That's what I have. All they have is the number of people who made forum posts and submitted tickets. Which is a small portion of those actually having issues.


No, actually - their metrics system means that they don't have to rely on the reports to know what's going on; only where prioritizing is concerned is that relevant, because it tells them what people care about.


So, they can actually know what the percentage is to make a statement.

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God I love the blatant lies coming from Bioware. My system rating is over 7 on every piece of hardware I have. I can run Crysis 2/Dues Ex/Battlefield 3 all on ultra/high settings smooth without issues and yet this game runs mediocre/choppy in Warzones/Fleet. Ya Bioware 5 % , nice job pulling a random number out of your rear end.


My system is 5.6 and it runs like a dream in Warzones and on Fleet and I play on one of the highest pop servrs, so Fleet is always very full....


Go figure...

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Haven't had much of a problem yet and I stress yet lol. I can say the difference from having this on its own ssd over a regular hd is huge lol.


My wife plays on her laptop and I am on my desktop. My game has its own ssd and my god the difference in the overall performance is huge.


Generally end up doing some waiting for her to load >.> as on mine what's a load screen? Neither have had any fps hang ups though and there not monster rigs although mine is well tuned by me. Pretty much have everything timed and set perfect and she uses one of those Asus republic of gamers laptops.

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