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Sentinel Needs Serious Love


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You should be using stims, buffs, etc. anyway, regardless of your class. The ability to get a 5k hit isn't that important, it's just nice to get an extra medal for it. I'm not fully battlemaster geared (you want to have some columi or rakata gear anyway, because of DR on expertise). At the time I had a BM belt, implants, and earpiece, 2 rakata relics, 5 champ pieces, 2 columis, and an orange chestpiece with good mods (i refuse to wear the knight pvp gear). Maybe it's different on your server but on Nadd's Sarcophagus there are a lot of geared sents.to t Just because you have to struggle doesn't mean the class sucks, it just means you have to work hard and practice.


I'm not saying I'm the only goodsQUOTE]


stim cost PVP marks and if ur on a server where you lose 802% of the game just becouse of the fact that you are like with 20% republics and 80% imperials then you can't spare those marks to buy stims, ofcourse you need to use them also the fact that if you use them they are wasted in just 0.5 sec after being used by the fact that the players are outgearing you by default also to what the previous guy is saying that he is beating 1 guy with valor 70 or even 2 of them then i would say i dont believe you and i tell you that ur talking out of ur *** specially due to the fact that a rank 70 dude has so much expertese that all ur DMG is being mitigated thanks to the expertese, ofcourse you get expertese aswell but valor 70 isnt something you can ignore specially me with my valor 25 or something.


the fact of skill is true but it doesnt take away that all the other class's are way to easy to play, lets just say "smack-ur-face-to-ur-keyboard easy, compleet wow-style easy while sentinels are actually quiet difficult to play compared to the other classes due to the fact we have to run behind the target and keep on running without any CC except for the slow effect and yet that can be countered by the kinockbacks, they got stun, hold immobilize effect and what do we got, hardly anything, 1 immobilize effect of wich we can't attack that target. that means that they can immobilize us and yet attack us, so who has the upperhand??


us, who are not able to reach them and have to run, run and run and on top of that no CC/immobilize or them with the several immobilizes, CC, heals, shields, knockbacks and insane DMG??

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This is another post where the guy paid attention to the class.


He is not ONLY telling that he can kill all the mobs, like some players will say to 'prove" that the class is fine, because, and this may be a shock to these players, but yes, we also can kill all the mobs. The problem is, all the other classes can do that and also have more hp at the end of the fight. Just because they have more defenses with the SAME damage.


We are one of a few PURE dps classes, and yet, we dont deliver much dps.

So all the other classes can do what we do, deliver damage and better. heal and guard.


And to point that out, I love to have so many buttons. This is what makes the class fun and this is why i stil play it, but the lack of dps made me create a trooper and a sage.

btw, my trooper is still low lvl, but that AOE shot that kills everyone in the circle, makes me fell bad for the jedis when i group up with one. :/.

It is embarrasssing! i do more damage as vanguard, defense spec with that AOE than everyone around.


Eh while he does bring up SOME semi valid points, I don't believe you can call this "a post where the guy paid attention to the class" if anything its very obvious he didn't. The comments about opportune/pommel, obviously meant for PvE only as everyother class has similiar abilities (pve only) The comments on his sweep, and 2 other abilities not "stunning" in pvp says he completely failed to read them, as they say standard and weak enemies which has no bearing on PvP. I honestly think the guy stumbled onto a few valid points while clearly showing he doesn't have a good concept of the class. If you are listing abilities as buggy or not working... you should at least know what the ability does, lets be honest about that.

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I ruin ppl in pvp. Top the charts nearly every match and wreck any healer I decide to focus on.


Watchmen spec is about as good as it gets, get rid of focus and you'll be fine. Learn the rotations, put points into the centering building talents, use zen every time its up.


I thin the class rocks and is fine, get rid of the idea of pommel strike and opportune strike, they are pve only. Force sweeps aoe stun is pvp only (for a good reason).

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I ruin ppl in pvp. Top the charts nearly every match and wreck any healer I decide to focus on.


Watchmen spec is about as good as it gets, get rid of focus and you'll be fine. Learn the rotations, put points into the centering building talents, use zen every time its up.


I thin the class rocks and is fine, get rid of the idea of pommel strike and opportune strike, they are pve only. Force sweeps aoe stun is pvp only (for a good reason).


Yep, focus spec is trash for raids compared to watchman, and I agree watchman is great for pvp. I just like to play with focus because I have more fun with it than watchman, despite that healers are harder to kill.

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stim cost PVP marks and if ur on a server where you lose 802% of the game just becouse of the fact that you are like with 20% republics and 80% imperials then you can't spare those marks to buy stims, ofcourse you need to use them also the fact that if you use them they are wasted in just 0.5 sec after being used by the fact that the players are outgearing you by default also to what the previous guy is saying that he is beating 1 guy with valor 70 or even 2 of them then i would say i dont believe you and i tell you that ur talking out of ur *** specially due to the fact that a rank 70 dude has so much expertese that all ur DMG is being mitigated thanks to the expertese, ofcourse you get expertese aswell but valor 70 isnt something you can ignore specially me with my valor 25 or something.


the fact of skill is true but it doesnt take away that all the other class's are way to easy to play, lets just say "smack-ur-face-to-ur-keyboard easy, compleet wow-style easy while sentinels are actually quiet difficult to play compared to the other classes due to the fact we have to run behind the target and keep on running without any CC except for the slow effect and yet that can be countered by the kinockbacks, they got stun, hold immobilize effect and what do we got, hardly anything, 1 immobilize effect of wich we can't attack that target. that means that they can immobilize us and yet attack us, so who has the upperhand??


us, who are not able to reach them and have to run, run and run and on top of that no CC/immobilize or them with the several immobilizes, CC, heals, shields, knockbacks and insane DMG??


My win percentage probably isn't too much higher than yours, but somehow I have plenty of commendations to buy enough pvp medpacks and stims to use them on cd. Once in a while I'll get almost 1000 commendations and convert 600 of them to merc commends and buy a champ bag even though i dont need them (theres nothing else to buy with commendations).


Expertise has heavy DR, so they can't mitigate all your dmg like you say. Once you get past +10% dmg/dmg rdctn from expertise, the expertise DR is enough that youre better off using rakata or maybe even columi gear instead of another pvp item.


You say you're valor 25: well THERE'S your problem (are you even 50 yet?). Sentinel PVP takes practice to get good at, its a heavy skill intensive class. I know that I was god awful at pvp when I was valor 25. I got BM about a week ago, and I've definitely still got stuff to learn. Practice lots/L2P and gear up, things should get better.

Edited by JediMasterSLC
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I have to assume you are comparing your sentinels to pyro powertech BHs since thats the only spec that can do close to sentinel dps. As a pyro, the BH has.....one stun, a couple ranged attacks, and a 10m attack we use a lot, and no charge, just the grip. The powertech in this spec also has no standard shielding, just a CD that heals 10% of health and a -50% damage CD. Sentinel has a short vanish, a 99% dmg reduction CD, charge, and the ability to speed themselves up significantly. Plus in melee their dmg is about as high as it gets in game. Also in 1v1 they are one of the only classes that will generally beat said powertech. What exactly do you guys want? The ability to mow through multiple people at once?


I always see BH at the top of the medal charts in pvp..so ya it would be nice to be on par with your mowing abilities, since you have a larger "toolbox" to work with. I would like to add that with your meager stun you cant be interrupted for your tracer. When you have equal ranged to melee dps, and your stun; ranged > melee every time. The 99% dmg reduction comes at a huge cost..when it ends in a few short seconds half your job is done for you.

Generally speaking, I would like to see these zomg pwn sents...my experience has been to see sents at the mid of the medal and dmg chart constantly. youtube vids are not "proof" of a sents greatness..Anyone can have a good game from time to time. Love hearing about how "I" am so effin good and you all suck sents.

I would also like to say that Im sick of hearing about the watchmen tree..I want to play combat, and not be pigeonholed into the class en vogue.

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I always see BH at the top of the medal charts in pvp..so ya it would be nice to be on par with your mowing abilities, since you have a larger "toolbox" to work with. I would like to add that with your meager stun you cant be interrupted for your tracer. When you have equal ranged to melee dps, and your stun; ranged > melee every time. The 99% dmg reduction comes at a huge cost..when it ends in a few short seconds half your job is done for you.

Generally speaking, I would like to see these zomg pwn sents...my experience has been to see sents at the mid of the medal and dmg chart constantly. youtube vids are not "proof" of a sents greatness..Anyone can have a good game from time to time.


I'm not the greatest Sent alive, but when people claim that the majority of Sentinels they see are in the middle of a list, or that they can't do as much in terms of overall DPS I often wonder what they think about the guys on the bottom of a list? There is a point where a "good game" doesn't double or triple your numbers, if you even remotely have a grasp of Sentinel you'll understand that much.


If my average game is around 180k - 220k a good/great game isn't going to suddenly boost me beyond 340k. Convincing yourself that every video on youtube is just some nutler having a "good run" on their Sentinel is weak. In most cases it might not be an issue of L2P, but more so not knowing where your skill level really is at. Do you really believe that a guy posting a few 400k Videos hails with an average damage of >75k Damage a map? You really think they can dominate the top charts of one game and then proceed to swamp up the middle of the charts every other time?



If you play the class right and understand your function, tactics, and can maintain a base control over your skills and manage them, there should be no reason why you're not maintaining a base average of mid-high DPS. You have enough damage there, if you're using your tools right, at the very least you should be able to handle breaching 75k damage irregardlesd of Kills/Death (for the most part at least).


What really concerns me is that people complaining about CC's against Sentinels act as if they're the only class vulnerble to death via chaining. Here's a news flash, even the higher skilled players can't stop it in chains. However, I bet the fundamentally different thing is that they're not exposing themselves to theses sorts of risks nearly a much as most of the people comp,aining about this. In fact, I'd wager they're actively avoiding those situations.



I would also like to say that Im sick of hearing about the watchmen tree..I want to play combat, and not be pigeonholed into the class en vogue.



With regards to PvP... you're probably going to hear it more and more. Combat is the most adversely affected Tree on a Sentinel in terms of skill stuttering. Whatchmans only really issues is Merciless Slash and I suppose Blade Rush for that final blow. When the general consensus is that Combat is too unreliable with most of it's core skills so terribly affected... I don't know what else to say about that. One broken tree doesn't make a class underpowered, especially if a lot of people are feeling that another available tree is picking up the slack.


This isn't to say Combat is horrible. IF it's your preference and play style, then that is fine, but if you're expecting people to change the typical concensus of Watchman > Combat because of that, I would just avoid it. You may want to play Combat, but those of us who have tried it, found it inferior, or just became far too frustrated with it, are probably going to keep answering questions of being UP with: "Have you tried Watchman yet?"

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Those at the bottom of the dps chart are full speced healers..so I hope you not saying sents should be happy out dpsing healers?

Yes everyone is subjected to cc, but sents less in the toolbox to combat it. We have to bring our dps to bare...ranged can counter stun once they are out of it and fire instantly. I find the argument that sents need to learn their class better lacking because every other class knows theirs as well. Ill say again when dps is equal ranged has an advantage..add in a stun and the gap is greater...add in yet a third mechanic where ranged dumps heat or ammo, and melee has to build focus and you have the makings of this debate

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Far as the vids of 400k sents..I really dont care what they put out. Maybe they have better gear then others on their server..maybe they found a golden spec..maybe they had a good team. I can put up 300k + with a healer as combat..but its in rare situations..and generally is the Merrimack vs Monitor type fight.
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There are really good points by the OP but he's not an expert of the class as one person said lol.


PvP as Watchman I can rate crazy dmg... and PvE is really great. DPS wise we aren't bad at all don't get folks who say this, yeah, it's not the same for all specs. We def lack the CCs/stuns of other classes, and sure lose more health by the time we kill, but imo Sent needs some love but NOT serious love...


Guardian has far more issues than Sent imo.

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I liken the sent to a F-1 car. Both are flashy. Both are high-performance machines and do what they were designed to admirably well; the F-1 car goes fast as hell around bends and the sent deals massive amounts of damage. But here's the catch that applies to both: YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.


There is a learning curve to playing a class like the sentinel. If you can't handle that, re-roll a FOTM class.


While I do agree with you to some extent...


We are a car that falls apart way too easy.


A couple hits from strong mobs and I'm hurting.

PvP is just as bad.


I'm not talking I lost some life, I am talking we lose a ton of HP.


I LOVE my class and I practice as much as I can but there are a couple issues to address.

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The OP is spot on in a lot of ways. I'll admit, I don't PvP at all (not my thing), but these things still affect me in PvE. The biggest things for me are:


- The animation is insane. If I hit Slash, it does this crazy animation before it actually hits the mob. No one in their right mind would do such a thing. It's flash without taking into consideration practicality or that the player is waiting for this move to actually hit the target. This is true for other moves as well. I started a Shadow a few weeks ago and their animation is straight and to the point. Add in the ability delay issues (double/triple pumping when trying to Slash) and it's too frustrating.


- Sentinels take too much damage. Not much to be said here, but trying to solo quests is a lesson in frustration because even though you can fight and win most of these encounters, with no real healing (don't get Doc for a long time) you'll spend a lot of time resting. There's nothing fun about this. Especially in a game where it's rare you'll be fighting only one mob, the Sentinel just can't hold up well in this situation.


- Abilities are all over the place. Force Leap works well enough followed by our AoE move (name escapes me at the moment), but after that? I've had people contact me in game asking for advice on how to play and I've grouped with some Sentinels who were doing nothing but hitting Strike and Force Leap. A lot of them didn't know what moves we should be using. It's not totally obvious either. Took me a lot of trial and error to get to a point where I feel like I kinda know what going on. Okay, maybe the class takes some skill, but this is a little too much. Some abilities could stand to be rolled into others just to cut things down a bit and to try to make things work together a bit more.


- The crappy burn sucks. I try to use Cauterize as often as possible, but it doesn't last long enough. I went Watchman because I figured it would be better for soloing, but keeping the burn going is tough. It only lasts 6 seconds and is on a long cooldown. Using Overload Saber is cool, but with the animation taking a while and the fact that it also doesn't last very long even though each application will refresh the cooldown is disheartening. They should allow Strike or Slash to apply the burn or if they're really freaky they can use one of our AoE moves to do it. Kinda like how Howling Blast applies Frost Fever for Death Knights in WoW. Having your DoTs being applied through normal activity is something they could consider.


There are other issues, but these are my biggest. I'm almost considering going Combat so that I can avoid Cauterize altogether. All this said, I'm pretty much sticking with my Sentinel even though I think the mechanics aren't all that compelling at the moment. I just hope the devs really take a look at the class. It needs it.


Oh, and the heal we get as Watchman isn't really worth it. Considering damage intake and how long the DoT lasts, it's not good at all. If we could spread the burn around or have a longer uptime, then I think it would be better, but as it stands now it's not worth it.

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I do agree with the OP here. As on of the highest damaging (possibly the highest consistent dps) sentinel on my server (Vrook Lamar) I can say that I have to work 10 times harder to get to 400K than my sage jedi brethren. Anyone who feels it is a L2P issue needs to roll at sorc/sage or trooper/bh and see just how easy mode those classes are.


I always tell people playing a sentinel is like driving a car with stickshift while drinking a soda and talking on a bluetooth headset. Can it be done well? Sure! Is it as easy to do as driving an automatic transmission with both hands at 10 and 2? Absolutely not. It requires an abnormal amount of skill, focus AND a PC/framerate conducive to the high paced speed of sentinel combat. I often times find that after about 10 or so matches in a row I am mentally drained because I spent the better part of two hours pushing my gaming skills to the limit; and I am no slouch in the MMO pvp dept (going back all the way to EQ1).


On the otherhand it does feel extremely rewarding to be in those matches where I many of the times come out no. 1 in DPS and no 3 or 4 in healing (Go watchman go!)...Unfortunately players like me are ruining it for everyone when BW sees that some of us are really making the class work. What BW doesn't see is the amount of cursing, fish shaking, and frustration that go into that amount of work compared to playing any other class. So in essence it isn't that sentinel is broken in comparison to other classes it just is considerably harder to make effective in a "pick up and play" game style that every other class seems to be conducive to.

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If you're having problems with these things, you should really be in focus spec. The 2 extra abilities it grants both have 10m ranges, very useful if you're having a tough time getting in range. It solves the AOE problem: charged sweep hits for 4k w/o relics adrenals or inspiration. Better cc: shorter cd on stasis. Exhaustion is good dot/slow. Leg slash only costs 1 focus in this spec. Solves the only 1 closer problem: Zealous leap closes when theyre in the 5-10m dead zone, and gives 40% movement speed for 5 secs. You have endless transcendence in group situations with this spec, 50% speed. More incentive to use blade storm than in watchman with focus spec, another 10m range ability.


Focus spec doesnt transform sents into a burst class, but it definitely makes you burstier. Leap, exhaustion, zealous strike or another ability if you can, then sweep. You dealt about 7k dmg in around 5 seconds, assuming you didn't crit at all besides the sweep of course- not including a zealous strike. After the sweep, zealous strike if you didnt before, zealous leap, stasis (or stasis. zealous leap). Around 4k more dmg counting the zealous strike, and still assuming no crits. Use leg slash, strike, master strike (probably not), or blade storm if you have extra focus, then sweep on cd. They are either dead or about to be dead. This assumes you didn't get knockbacked or stunned, but I assumed no crits besides sweeps. Plus, you probably had transcendence active most of the time, popped a relic, use camoflage at some point, and activated rebuke right before you jumped in (doing dmg to them and giving you 1 focus per GCD every time youre hit).


The main reason I pvp with focus is that it's so fun. Fully-loaded-sweeping groups of imps is immensely gratifying.


If you are already using focus for pvp and still think all your concerns are valid.... either gear up, L2P, or reroll.



i am focus and i got to say that the zealius leap basicly sucks ***, when you use it they are arleady out of range by the time you reach thme plus most class's have a in-combat sprint wich puts them on the otherside of the room by the time i land. the DMG of focus with the 100% crit on a force sweap plus the 300% DMG increase on a critical with force sweap after the force statis channel bugs out half of the time. and it doesnt do 4k, 3.5k is my max while i see agents and bountyhunters blast for like 800 with each shot (6 of them) in like the same amount of time that i do 1 attack wich basicly means they're DMG output is way higher and yet with less effort. i find it funny to see that i have to do a 4 second channel (give or take) to get 300% more DMG (its nice to have) and yet only do 3.5k while other class's do way more for less effort and by far less gear. also our DMG is being outhealed compared to what we dash out. our interupts are on a large CD for that aswell. and yet all you non-sents are constnatly ************ bout the fact that we have to interupt while we got 1 inteupt on a long CD. ofcourse the pure (DPS) melee class's need to be put behind just for the fact that we are close ranged, yeah right. everthing gets away way to easy, all our abilities are on the same global cooldown so putting up a real combi is practicly out of the question and we are weak to basicly everything. couse of no migitation or survivability.


you can say that i have said it before, i probably might but it doesnt takes away that its that. you can say that i suck and that all those other sents dash out 300k DMG in a single WZ (wich i dont believe). you can say that if you can't dash out 300k in a single WZ that we have to reroll then thats good for you (in being a total ******e). you can say that we sentinel arnt suposed to deal allot of DMG well to that i say, how can you say that, since the only thing we can do is dealing DMG, what?? we have to tank them? we have to heal?? c'mon. the only thing we can do in PVP is dash out some slaps and on my server (tott doneeta) its like if you play republic like this: you spawn, you jump at something, do the stasis and then get jumped by 8 imperials and get killed in 0.5 sec. if you actually get the stasis finished you directly have to activate ur force sweap to get the 2.5k DMG medal and see if you can kill it, if you can't do it directly then ur dead (ofcourse that normal. but what i'm basicly saying is that 80% of the time we are being overwhelmed by imps. ok thats not a class issue but more a server imps vs reps ratio issue.


yesterday had a 6hour WZ day and only got 550 commendation out of it with 2 win of wich 1 win only counted for the daily (3 win) mission. thats how bad it is but again thats a server issue. and yes its all the things together that frustrates me and aslong as there isnt going to be a server swap (for free ofcourse sicne its basicly a empty one on the rep's side) or a server merge its going to be a pain in the ***.


but then again its also practice, practice and practice, but you can't ignore the fact that you guys say "you got to select ur target, while i see all those light armors being bubble and take us way to long to get the bubble away just becouse of the low spikes. but meh ... getting tired of it ... i'll just put my head in the ground and sufficate myself :p

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i am focus and i got to say that the zealius leap basicly sucks ***, when you use it they are arleady out of range by the time you reach thme plus most class's have a in-combat sprint wich puts them on the otherside of the room by the time i land. the DMG of focus with the 100% crit on a force sweap plus the 300% DMG increase on a critical with force sweap after the force statis channel bugs out half of the time. and it doesnt do 4k, 3.5k is my max while i see agents and bountyhunters blast for like 800 with each shot (6 of them) in like the same amount of time that i do 1 attack wich basicly means they're DMG output is way higher and yet with less effort. i find it funny to see that i have to do a 4 second channel (give or take) to get 300% more DMG (its nice to have) and yet only do 3.5k while other class's do way more for less effort and by far less gear. also our DMG is being outhealed compared to what we dash out. our interupts are on a large CD for that aswell. and yet all you non-sents are constnatly ************ bout the fact that we have to interupt while we got 1 inteupt on a long CD. ofcourse the pure (DPS) melee class's need to be put behind just for the fact that we are close ranged, yeah right. everthing gets away way to easy, all our abilities are on the same global cooldown so putting up a real combi is practicly out of the question and we are weak to basicly everything. couse of no migitation or survivability.


you can say that i have said it before, i probably might but it doesnt takes away that its that. you can say that i suck and that all those other sents dash out 300k DMG in a single WZ (wich i dont believe). you can say that if you can't dash out 300k in a single WZ that we have to reroll then thats good for you (in being a total ******e). you can say that we sentinel arnt suposed to deal allot of DMG well to that i say, how can you say that, since the only thing we can do is dealing DMG, what?? we have to tank them? we have to heal?? c'mon. the only thing we can do in PVP is dash out some slaps and on my server (tott doneeta) its like if you play republic like this: you spawn, you jump at something, do the stasis and then get jumped by 8 imperials and get killed in 0.5 sec. if you actually get the stasis finished you directly have to activate ur force sweap to get the 2.5k DMG medal and see if you can kill it, if you can't do it directly then ur dead (ofcourse that normal. but what i'm basicly saying is that 80% of the time we are being overwhelmed by imps. ok thats not a class issue but more a server imps vs reps ratio issue.


Exhaustion is better than stasis anyway unless you dont have enough focus- you should only be using stasis if exhaustion's on cd and you dont have singularity stacks. And as a focus sentinel you have gotsta gotsta gotsta use infinite transcendece (only possible when you have 2 allies reasonably close to you, so make sure that happens). And if the speed you get from this isn't enough to keep in range of enemies, just leg slash, not that hard. Exhaustion's short term slow is good too.


Yes, focus spec's interrupting definitely isn't as good as watchman spec, that's the tradeoff: focus gives you less 1v1 power, but better aoe and slows.


Dude, if you jump into a group of 8 imps and use a channelled stun one of them, you SHOULD die quickly. Pick your battles, otherwise you'll be committing suicide half the time.


And you say no mitigation or survivability? What are rebuke (get Jedi crusader talent) saber ward and guarded by the force? Oh and camo? And awe's 6 sec mez? Many times if i know im about to die, ill pop guarded, use medpack and/or stun breaker (heals me for 2-3k hp talented), rebuke and/or saber ward, and make it to the nearest heal token. Or if camo is off cd, just use that instead of popping your other defensive cds. Transcendence is probably going during all this time.


If 3.5k is your max sweep dmg, then you probably aren't very geared at all, which is a separate issue.


My highest warzone dmg is 370k (with average 6-8 fps, laptop sucks ***) and I've seen others get up to 450k. One of my frequently used rotations when leaping into a group of imps is force leap, exhaustion, camo, position youself so that youre within sweep range of as many enemies as possible, then sweep, awe, run away, which isn't hard with transcendence. If you're really good you can get 2 transcendences going on top of each other but this is hard to maintain. I can't get more than 2 or 3 rounds of double transcendence going. Unless your timing is literally perfect, eventually the 1st one finishes before you can start the 2nd one again.


I'm not saying the sent doesn't have any problems. My main grievance is the animation time on sweep: many times enemies see the animation starting and knock me back so the sweep lands out of range of them. Force leap should probably have its cooldown reduced some.

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Yes, focus spec's interrupting definitely isn't as good as watchman spec, that's the tradeoff: focus gives you less 1v1 power, but better aoe and slows.


The primary thing most people don't get with Focus is that despite being AoE, you don't need to jump gung-ho into groups. Further, you're not a Guardian Focus spec, you're a Sentinel. You're wearing half the armor a Guardian is. Even if the two shared tree's are functionally the same, a Focus Sentinel is very much a pick/choose and node crasher role.


Even without the CD reduction of Watchman, you still have plenty of 1v1 power, and knowing how to approach a fight/combat situation is part of it. Do you always have to have Singularity up? Not really, not at the start at lest. Sometimes you want to burst the last half of a healer before they can do anything about it, a lot of it is knowing how to and when to trigger things. Leap in, slow roll, interrupt them right before you're ready to drop your burst on them. Unlike the Watchman spec needing to wittle down an enemy (comparitively) you're waiting for your opponent to get to that tender spot so you can one-shot them. At this point they need to ensure that their health never strays into that red-zone.


I'm not saying the sent doesn't have any problems. My main grievance is the animation time on sweep: many times enemies see the animation starting and knock me back so the sweep lands out of range of them. Force leap should probably have its cooldown reduced some.


I would disagree on the standpoint of Leap having it's CD further reduced from a Guardian perspective in the same tree. Force Push already made Focus Spec Guardians an absolute house, I do believe Push Should be made available to Sentinels again though, I can't understand why they wouldn't allow Sentinels to have something like that while allowing Guardians to retain it.

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Even without the CD reduction of Watchman, you still have plenty of 1v1 power, and knowing how to approach a fight/combat situation is part of it. Do you always have to have Singularity up? Not really, not at the start at lest. Sometimes you want to burst the last half of a healer before they can do anything about it, a lot of it is knowing how to and when to trigger things. Leap in, slow roll, interrupt them right before you're ready to drop your burst on them. Unlike the Watchman spec needing to wittle down an enemy (comparitively) you're waiting for your opponent to get to that tender spot so you can one-shot them. At this point they need to ensure that their health never strays into that red-zone.


well i can't even get half of the healers health down before they realise it. the thing is that they realise that i'm going at them before i reach them and by that time they have a heal ready, pots ready (thats normal) and if i'm on them and interupted the first heal they justheal again since i got a large CD on the interupt.

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Im a BM Focus spec'd Sentinel. Have eight pieces of BM gear with the rest being Champon. The class damage in general are fine along with our abilities.


A few bugs exist here and there but i expect them to be addressed in the future.

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I know it gets old hearing l2play but honestly sentinel isn't that bad. I'm in mostly centurion gear without Champ weapons or tier pieces and i can pull 290-350k in WZs pretty consistently win or lose, healer or no healer. With pocket heals I've hit 460k in warzones. Keep in mind this is in mostly Centurion gear without weapons.


I also play a commando trooper and find sentinels to be way more consistent in damage. What I mean is they are not as dependent on the rest the team. On my trooper, if our team is getting rolled, my dmg plummets because our range is getting swarmed by melee and you can't get a cast off. On my sentinel you pretty much stick to the same plan and can pump out consistent dmg rolling CDs to survive.


Are there things that can improve the class? Yes of course, but in no way is the class THAT gimped.

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You're saying force camo, which grants invuln and 4 seconds of stealth, isn't enough? The fact that they gave a vanish to a nonstealth melee dps class with the lockdown potential of a sentinel is beyond me in the first place. Don't know what to say to this haha


tbh force camo doesnt give you a invulnerebility, i've been bashed out of the force camo after 0.5 sec when activated by a knockback effect. while if you see the others go stealth mode and you use the force sweap attack on the same spot 0.000001 sec later they are still in stealth. i'm not saying i want to be uber elite but i'll say it like this, you say transcendence well then i say you this, i never get 30 stacks on me just becouse of the fact after 3 stack i'm death just becouse i'm getting jumped by 50 people (yes its exagerated) and the 30 stack direct add (can't recall the ability) is being used for the +heal+DMG buff just for the healers ... to be myself more usefull.


the stack built is a bit slow in PVP and i dont rely on it and i dont think it should be faster ... would be great but that would be a bit to much. all i'm asking is a bit more survivability (shorter CD's and that negative effect of guarded by the force needs to be removed. as far as i can see it we are the only ones with negative effect on a ability wher eyou turn in something big for a merely small 6 seconds.


also the DMG needs to be upped i mean as a pure raw melee class wich makes us run after a target (ok also normal) we need to do more DMG then normal just for that mather that we need to smash through the armor (just its a small amount of armor but its still there. while other class's (consuler/inquisiters) go right through the armor since we have no elemental defense atleast not so much. i'm saying by 20% but a 2% is noticeble and not even to much. its what you exspect from a pure raw melee class its the same for the range class's they have the DMG that they exspect from a ranged class so why not for us :)


yes you can say go reroll or that we all suck donkey balls. they we need to gear up or that we are even stupid. well if you think like that then its ur opinion but we have ours so let it be like that and if you can't handle the reactions or things being mentioned then go leave this threat and dont comment. i mean it for both sides. the ones who are against it or the ones who favor it.

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Im a BM Focus spec'd Sentinel. Have eight pieces of BM gear with the rest being Champon. The class damage in general are fine along with our abilities.


A few bugs exist here and there but i expect them to be addressed in the future.



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