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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will SWTOR ever become an e-sport?


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E-sport? There's no such thing as an e-sport. Sports include physical activity which I doubt most of this games community has ever participated in.


Physical activity such as operating a mouse and a keyboard? Sports are about competition not the physical part. Many times they are linked, but go say golfers who earn millions that golf isn't a sport. Any healthy human being can get physically fit but how many become best in the world at something?


Think about. Think about it hard son.

Edited by Bosseking
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No, not at this time. And unlike others I'll provide reasons.


1) The combat system is slow, unresponsive, and clunky. There is simply too much lag between the time the button / action is pressed to when the animation is seen and the damage or heal is recorded. Big turn off to anyone including pros, who depend on lighting fast responsive control, and this game lacks it big time.


2) Lack of UI customization, combat logs. macros, etc. This game simply lacks the tools hard-core pvper's and pros use in this type of environment.


3) No current arena, ladder, or controlled warzone environment. WoW didnt start getting e-sport status until a controlled arena system was introduced, where a true, unbiased 2v2, 3v3, 5v5 environment was created for high-level competition in mind.


4) Combat from a spectator's point of view is painfully boring. Not that watching a WoW arena tournament is extremely fulfilling, but it's tolerable and interesting, as opposed to watching swtor's below average combat animations and effects.


If some of these issues are addressed, then there maybe a future for swtor pvp, but in it's current state, not a chance. In all likelihood, swtor's subscription and pvp base will rapidly decline as there are simply better options to those who enjoy, engage, and even earn a living in high-level mmo competitions.

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It's certainly possible.


Console FPS are being played competitively, so its not as if difficulty matters, only popularity.


Theres almost certainly more complexity and depth to SWTORs combat than Halo.


What SWTOR lacks is that you cant watch it and understand what is going on without being knowledgable about the game and there is no spectator mode.

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Are there even any MMO's out that can be taken "seriously" when it comes to e-sport?


And dont start with WoW, because that game is so imbalanced that I would like to slap all the people that think they are great, for "owning it up in arenas"


O'Dear Kid someone cant play his class and after all the years im guessing you put in

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Lol, no.




I've played CoD since MW2 and there is little comparison. Sure, you get people who suck at CoD who think it's just kids running around with no skill. I and millions of others know differently.


That's not to say MMOs don't take skill. You need to keep track of your skills and a major part is to try to guess the other player's likely rotation in order to match your skills to theirs, all the while moving to get behind them or out of sight, and coordinating with a team...so yeah MMOs definitely require some strategy, but they'll never match CoD or Starcraft for intensity.


Throw in gear and it's no longer a question of skill. And if it's not about some kind of skill that resides inside of some actual person's skull, rather than pixels on an avatar, then it's not a sport, IMO.

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