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Everything posted by ZaneKaiser

  1. Bumping this to oblivion. Bioware needs to take this suggestion to the board.
  2. How exactly do they charge you? If you're using game card or paypal? Do they charge your credit card?
  3. Check the OP. Twas all a misunderstanding. Faith in Bioware has been restored.
  4. I don't want my account getting closed so not on these forums. Give me your email and maybe
  5. It's not exploiting, it's called open world PVP? Why should I get punished for a bug that Bioware created?
  6. I was in Ilum before they announced that people should avoid it....I completely followed the rules as Bioware stated.. and yet I still get punished? What kind of justice is this?
  7. So I just got an email from Bioware stating I was caught using an "exploit". Um...the valor thing was a bug on your behalf, I was just playing the game like you told me to. They then told me they will take action to reverse the effect of the exploit?! So I log in and I see my valor rank go from Battlemaster down to Gladiator ... I'm sorry but why are you punishing me for something that was your fault? Nvm, was a misunderstanding. I am innocent
  8. Do you think eventually SWTOR could become a real competitive e-sport?
  9. It kind of defeats the purpose of a spoiler tag if you put the spoiler in front of it in the title.
  10. For those of us who remember the previous community manager, anyone hear anything recent from him? Last I heard he was working on some new project.
  11. I love my class story, the side quests...not so much. Thanks to the PVP XP, I can run only my class quest without having to do the side quests. For example, I did all of my class quests on Dromund Kaas and ended up at Lvl 13, after a dozen WZ matches I easily leveled enough for my next class quests on Balmorra. This will help people when they re-roll classes on the same side, trust me they won't want to do side quests a second time.
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