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Fix the Groupleader from being able to remove everyone with no vote.


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Wow, what the hell MMO's you been playing? This stuff happens all the time even back in EQ days. What do you ONLY group with friends?


What type of people have you been playing with?


I've been into this genre since UO and have never seen a group leader in any MMO boot the entire group and then invite all his pals, during an ongoing run.


Most people do tend to group with friends, yes, why wouldn't they? This is common knowledge.

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This is not very standard, ive played mmo for years and never got kicked at last boss just so the group leader could get his guildies in.


And btw, there is 4-man groups in tor not 5.


haven't played wow lately have you. The vote system they put in did not help either. It was noy uncommon for say 3 guildies to vote out the other people just before a boss.

Edited by Baaddare
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haven't played wow lately have you. The vote system they put in did not help either. It was noy uncommon for say 3 guildies to vote out the other people just before a boss.


Yeah but with that arrangement you were always suspicious that it would happen due to being the only non-guildie.

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They had this problem in DDO way back when. The fix was, once you entered the i nstance, you couldn't be kicked from the group.


And that opens up a whole different can of worms. It's a perfect example of the cure being worse than the disease. You'll get the idiot who keeps going AFK every three minutes, or the guy who is simply too terrible to successfully complete content, or the griefer who specifically annoys the hell out of people because it's fun for him and can't be kicked.


It's up to the player to be competent enough not to get kicked from groups. If, in the course of playing, the player runs into that exception where he's kicked from a group simply because the leader is a jerk, the options are real simple: Chalk it up as something that happens when you play a game that includes other human beings and move on, or start taking the initiative to form your own groups with yourself as the leader.

Edited by Mannic
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haven't played wow lately have you. The vote system they put in did not help either. It was noy uncommon for say 3 guildies to vote out the other people just before a boss.


They've fixed this. You can't do that anymore. Even with 4 guildmates it's exceedingly difficult. Once you kick one guy you pretty much can't kick anyone else. And if you kick people too often you lose your kicking privileges entirely for a time.

Edited by Shillen
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Yeah but with that arrangement you were always suspicious that it would happen due to being the only non-guildie.




Dont really care a whole deal about this, but wasting an hour of peoples time is ******** to say the least. Its quite obvious if the group leader removes 3 people in under 30 seconds from the group while bosses are still alive.


If you say "he made the group, his decision". You are a troll, or a dbag who does the same thing. Nothing less, nothing more.

Edited by Sandybeaver
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Obviously, the leader being able to manage the group ie; kick whoever whenever is working as intended. Since there isn't any cross-server LFG tool that promotes anonymity, I'm completely okay with this. If this behavior happens, then this person will quickly get a bad name... Eventually he'll be labeled as a bad egg, as will his guild... And in the future you know who to stay away from.


This is why I refuse to run flashs with anybody but my rl friends and guildies... I you're on Jedi covenant sith side, PM me and I'll get you into a guild where you won't have that prob.

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Obviously, the leader being able to manage the group ie; kick whoever whenever is working as intended. Since there isn't any cross-server LFG tool that promotes anonymity, I'm completely okay with this. If this behavior happens, then this person will quickly get a bad name... Eventually he'll be labeled as a bad egg, as will his guild... And in the future you know who to stay away from.


This is why I refuse to run flashs with anybody but my rl friends and guildies... I you're on Jedi covenant sith side, PM me and I'll get you into a guild where you won't have that prob.


More than anything we need Server Forums where this stuff can be posted and not blown off the front page in under 3 minutes.


Right now word of mouth is the only thing stopping people from being *****, and I have a feeling that is exactly why people have no problem doing this stuff.

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Dont really care a whole deal about this, but wasting an hour of peoples time is ******** to say the least. Its quite obvious if the group leader removes 3 people in under 30 seconds from the group while bosses are still alive.


If you say "he made the group, his decision". You are a troll, or a dbag who does the same thing. Nothing less, nothing more.


No one disputes that someone who does that is a d-bag.


What many of us dispute is whether Bioware should spend time coding a different system to account for it. Just because 2% of the community are d-bags doesn't mean everything in the game has to be designed in such a way that you never get d-bagged by a d-bag. Every time something like this gets "fixed" it either creates entire new opportunities for d-baggery or it just makes doing ordinary things in a game unnecessarily a pain in the ***.

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Obviously, the leader being able to manage the group ie; kick whoever whenever is working as intended. Since there isn't any cross-server LFG tool that promotes anonymity, I'm completely okay with this. If this behavior happens, then this person will quickly get a bad name... Eventually he'll be labeled as a bad egg, as will his guild... And in the future you know who to stay away from.


This is why I refuse to run flashs with anybody but my rl friends and guildies... I you're on Jedi covenant sith side, PM me and I'll get you into a guild where you won't have that prob.


Cross server tool does not promote anonymity it is all an excuse for "it is too hard to implement and we have not got round to doing it yet".


If you are really passionate that you have been wronged in a cross server group, simply make a level 1 alt at the "offending" person's server and complain to his guild master. What else can you do if he was from your server?


This thread here is a prime example that when you are dealing with people there will be consequences and you have to take the risks. It is not the cross server LFG tool to blame.


You can "break" a group in 100s of ways if you want to. If it is a 25 man raid it will take ages until they discover who is doing it. And without Recount you can keep at it forever. Great fun.


Players have short memories. There are so many players on a populated server as well as migrating players. The only thing Bioware needs to do is a cross server ignore list.


The bottom line is it mostly works. There are those that abuse the system, they leach, they go AFK, they have the worst gear and expect to be carried, no matter what the system is, these players will always exist.

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Just got to last boss in HM Flashpoint and group leader removed everyone from the group and brought in his guildmates im guessing so he could get the loot.


Pretty assinine considering this type of crap should been thought about WELL before launch.


Well, in a closed server community, that would be suicide if he did that.


But the group leader needs to be able to control.

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you guys DO realize that this isnt some random X-server group dont you?


all you have to do is place him on ignore, and even announce his d-baggery in general chat ensuring that he doesnt get puggers again...


on a game with no X-server, ser rep MATTERS!


Do you have any idea at all how many times we read in WOW trade chat "X is a ninja, he got this and that". Do you really think people instantly rush to ask questions, do a thorough investigation, get both sides of the story etc? The most you can do is add the "offender" into your ignore list, assuming you trust some anonymous guys... I have seen 2-3 friends ruining a raid and then ALL of them blaming other random members. Raid ruined, not anyone ever realised it was all planted. You can never know what happened unless you see it with your own eyes, like in real life. And of course without combat logs it is even harder.


So, this x-server excuse you guys have been using for NOT implementing the cross server LFG tool is pretty lame in my opinion. It sounds like propaganda and brain washing. Had you really played the game you'd know that any kind of system can be abused and will be abused.

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There was nothing to loot, they hadn't killed the boss yet.


Try actually reading the OP prior to posting.


I did read it. Just before fighting the boss, he could change from group loot to master. They could either drop group, or fight the boss. Either way, he'd get what he wanted.


Where did I lose you?

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Maybe you sucked really bad?


Playing with bad players can be a real headache, if I was struggling with a player that was holding back the rest of the group you would be out too, with an explanation and comforting /w of course.

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Crappy situation, but group leaders should still maintain 100% control over their group.


Just put bad leaders on ignore and dont play with them anymore, and you'll filter them out quickly. People like that, and guilds like that, get bad reps quickly then they're easy to avoid in the future.


Implementing a garbage system where players lose control over who they can play with is a terrible, terrible solution.

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Only thing you can do is sit in Fleet and warn everybody. I'd say ignore him, but it's better to make a list and anytime you see this guy looking for members, reply with a warning about his actions.



Let's just think for a moment. What if you were the leader and 2 people in your group were incompetent or underleveled & undergeared. After a couple of wipes, you should have the right (as group leader) to bring the group up to standards to finish the job. You're not going to just give up, or at least you shouldn't.

Edited by Kourage
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If, prior to the last boss, you rocked the instance, then I'd say, said group leader needs to go onto not 1, but three people's ignore lists. Not sure if you can do a search on the guild name, but if so, put the others in the guild on ignore as well.


Don't send a whisper, don't yelp about it, just do it.


Enough people get denied the last boss on the instance(s) by this guy/these people, and they'll soon find that they can't get teams to save their sorry hides because everyone else has them blacklisted. Meanwhile, you can go on with other players, perhaps leading the group yourself, and rock the instance again all the way through.


The only answer to people being douchebags is to let them be douchebags in their own little backyards, and simply refuse to have anything to do with them. But if you blow it up into an issue that the devs have to solve for you, then the devs will solve it... most likely with a system that is even worse.

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Dont really care a whole deal about this, but wasting an hour of peoples time is ******** to say the least. Its quite obvious if the group leader removes 3 people in under 30 seconds from the group while bosses are still alive.


If you say "he made the group, his decision". You are a troll, or a dbag who does the same thing. Nothing less, nothing more.


I am neither and believe this. I also have yet to kick a single person from a group. Of course, you could always just pretend I'm lying and continue to live in your fantasy world.

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i had a funny situation recently. its like 4am and i decided to do Essless with my lvl 14 commando alt, quick LFG brings in 3 midnighters and here we go. 2 of those are fine persons, one of those is not. at some point trooper boots drop, he ninjas them (he plays consular). a bit surprised, i asked him why? at this point he tries to troll me. and i forgot to mention that we just killed droid boss, means we are almost done.


i ask him again, no swearing, rather being surprised. he trolls me again, saying I AM A TROOPER LOL etc. i say - ok dude at least i can give you props for having balls to fck with a group leader. and at this point everyone realize that i am in fact a group leader, and i kick him right away. he proceeds to whisper me with question marks - ???????? - i just never respond. laughing, we finish the flashpoint in mere 10 minutes and go to sleep.


somehow i find this story relevant to OPs.

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