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Waiting NINE minutes to respawn is RIDCULOUS


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For the people saying that you shouldn't be dieing so much... It can happen on the 3rd death which a 3rd death is not uncommon for some classes on their class missions as they are horribly overtuned... Edited by Saetun
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Back in my day we used to lose 10% of all xp we gained in that level AND had to walk back from our home-point (which could be very far away if we forgot to update it) or we could take a res, lose slightly less xp and take a 10-minute (I think it was 10 minutes?) resurrection sickness.
If you're talking EQ.


A res meant losing significantly less experience ( or even none with AA rez). As in 10% loss vs 0.4% loss.


res sickness was pretty much insignificant.


de-levelling was possible
and back in the day, most children died before age 2... back in the day != better. Edited by ferroz
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I agree OP, many people do. The trolls will try to derail with the die less comments, but nothing you can do about forum trolls. The 10 minute time out (anything over a minute) is just overkill considering the ridiculous repair cposts in the game.


It's a slap in the face, and is one of the bigger reasons I likely won't subscribe. Why would I give a company money to watch a timer before I can play? Thanks for the repair costs, the lost time, and the "time out". Seems Bioware feels a nice "finger twist in the bullet wound" after you die is necessary.


To be fair you are not playing well. Imagine you played Everquest you would be level 1 forever.

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If you're talking EQ.


A res meant losing significantly less experience ( or even none with AA rez). As in 10% loss vs 0.4% loss.


and back in the day, most children died before age 2... back in the day != better.


It was FFXI but that was close. I don't know if I'd compare a videogame to infant mortality but I see your point.

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By definition, a game will have penalties and rewards for failure and success respectively.


It used to be that meeting a difficult challenge meant something. After all, when you pay to play a game, you expect there'll be some level of difficulty associated with it. In terms of MMOs, SWTOR's leveling content is ludicrously easy.


Penalties are there to make you learn. Repeated failures should result in increasingly harsher penalties, because failing repeatedly means you're not learning or willing to learn. Personally, when I beat an encounter after wiping to it multiple times, I feel a sense of accomplishment that is proportional to the challenge.


As to why I care if there's a death penalty: well, those people who are struggling with the solo content may someday ask to join my group. Obviously, if those people have no clue what they're doing solo, then they're probably not going to perform well enough to contribute to a group. The penalties are there to ensure that you know a) what those buttons at the bottom of your screen are for, b) what the numbers on your gear represent, and c) what those little boxes mean when you hit the letter K on your keyboard.


Rather than complain about the timers, people need to examine what they're doing wrong and learn from their mistakes.

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He's talking about FFXI.
maybe he is...


but the point remains, old is not the same thing as good. It's not accidental that those sort of death penalties have gone the way of the dodo. They've vanished from newer MMO's because they just don't add anything useful to the game. They're like any other time sink for the sake of a time sink.

Edited by ferroz
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maybe he is...


but the point remains, old is not the same thing as good. It's not accidental that those sort of death penalties have gone the way of the dodo.


And I agree to a certain extent (I *hated* losing XP) but some element of risk needs to be kept in the game for it to remain rewarding.

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I agree. In fact all absurdly long cool downs/casting times annoy me.


They're old hangovers from PnP games like DnD. For example like rez spells in every game nearly always take 6 seconds to cast. It's meant to represent the complexity of the spell but in a videogame it just ends up being a pointless delay (especially if it's an out of combat rez. Why make someone stand around for 6 meaningless seconds?)


And changing things like that doesn't make a game less rewarding, it just makes it less tedious. Why do so many people seem to love MMOs being tedious?

Edited by Thaderin
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Ever played WoW? You know, die, rez and go find your body?



How about Lotro? One revive an hour?




Lol, 9 minute is kiddy play park compared to those. Besides, didn't you figure after the 4th death that maybe you needed to grab a friend/ level more before taking on that content?

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2 Loading screens for dying in a Flashpoint is Ridiculous!


Why must load the Fleet ship, then zone back in and load the Flashpoint again? That's just silly and needless loading screens, plus a wait for me and my group. We should just have to run back from the entrance.

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They're old hangovers from PnP games like DnD. For example like rez spells in every game nearly always take 6 seconds to cast. It's meant to represent the complexity of the spell but in a videogame it just ends up being a pointless delay (especially if it's an out of combat rez. Why make someone stand around for 6 meaningless seconds?)


Cast timers have nothing to do with the "complexity" of the spell/skill. Rather, they're there to ensure that a window of opportunity is left open for you to be interrupted. The more time it takes for you to rez a comrade, the greater the chance someone or something can jump you.

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Dying inside a FP and having to load twice is just stupid. Period. Especially if you have long loading times... Who came up with that terrible idea anyway?


Just make the start area "secure" put a medical droid or whatever there, problem solved.

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I agree, but surely the biodrones will defend this amazing innovation of MMO and video games alike, surely who would think having to wait 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute 30 seconds then 9 minutes would be a bad thing?? Game innovation at its best.


ROFL I mean yeah evil biodrones trying to defend the lightest death penalty in MMO history...


I think it's fine as it is, but I know how to play, never wait more than 30 secs

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