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Quietly pushing ability delay under the carpet, BioWare?


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you mean, "Don't just let them forget this?"


but anyway. Call me dumb... but how do you rate a thread?


It's below the message panel under additional options. In this case, I'm rating this 1 star, as everyone should do to these "conspiracy" threads.

Edited by bassfu
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Um, I thought the ability delay fix was in already? I haven't noticed a problem any more myself but I suppose it's been a while since my last WZ...


I wonder the same, I have not been having as much an issue as before now.

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Why was the biggest thread ever seen on this forum unstickied? Why hasn't there been an update on what BioWare is doing to solve the problem with ability delay? I've already unsubbed and will remain so (still on first free month) until this problem is fixed.


To me, the fact that it was unstickied and BioWare is releasing patches for things no one gives a damn about speaks volumes about BW having something to hide. (Grats on fixing a couple of flashpoints no one will ever do more than once/twice).

It was unstickied because it served its purpose. It was to alert everyone about it and they are looking into it. When a new update is done they will sticky it like everything else they have been doing. The stickies are just a way to notify generally for those not reading Dev Tracker. If you notice the stickies only stay up for a week or say and they are replaced with new updates.


It wasn't unstickied because they don't care. It was because there are other updates on other things. As soon as there is another update they will post it as well. (Grats on actually watching and paying attention to how they handle their stickies).

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They never stickied the ability delay thread that had multiple part and it is just not as often on first page since people are starting to give less of a crap and are playing the game(or unsubbed).


We asked them if they were going to do something about the combat issue and they said they were aware of the issue and working on it.


So we could just wait for the fix or, ask them when when when every half hour.

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So I guess the OP is a game designer and programmer and knows exactly how long this stuff takes.


Seriously, you guys are crying that they said they were going to do stuff with the ability delay and it ISN'T IN ON THE NEXT PATCH?


What color is the sky in your world?


Two words, Immediate Entitlement. That sums it all up. Theres no room for time to fix the issue. Time doesnt exist, its now or never!!!@!@#!@!@#!@#!@ Who cares what it takes to fix it, or the vastly complex levels of coding, programming, and engine issues that it may (underlined) take to fix. It has to be done now. And because theres nobody talking about it on the main forum page of a game that has around 1million subs (give or take) and perhaps 1% of that (which is still alot) active on the forums, that must mean nobody is doing anything about it.


Now that I've spelled it out...do you clearly understand how crazy that sounds? Seriously. Lol. This thread makes me laugh. Unlike the actual thread that was proposed was specific and detailed, this one...trying to live in the limelight. Your concerns are unfounded, they are being addressed. However, with complex issues comes complex fixes, so it takes time. You don't want to spend the time waiting? There are other games you can play.

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They got the message out that they are aware of the issue and aren't sure how to fix it, but they're thinking about how it might be done. I mean, how long do you want it to stay on the front page? Until it's fixed? That could be a while...
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I dont like you ubsubbers..... The game is pretty awesome. You guys unsubb for dumb reasons.


Relax kid, we will fix our game for you to have better experience. We will make a gamer out of you so you are not just blind, obedient consumer.

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Two words, Immediate Entitlement. That sums it all up. Theres no room for time to fix the issue. Time doesnt exist, its now or never!!!@!@#!@!@#!@#!@ Who cares what it takes to fix it, or the vastly complex levels of coding, programming, and engine issues that it may (underlined) take to fix. It has to be done now. And because theres nobody talking about it on the main forum page of a game that has around 1million subs (give or take) and perhaps 1% of that (which is still alot) active on the forums, that must mean nobody is doing anything about it.


Now that I've spelled it out...do you clearly understand how crazy that sounds? Seriously. Lol. This thread makes me laugh. Unlike the actual thread that was proposed was specific and detailed, this one...trying to live in the limelight. Your concerns are unfounded, they are being addressed. However, with complex issues comes complex fixes, so it takes time. You don't want to spend the time waiting? There are other games you can play.


I guess the glass is half full for you, guy. If you're with the crowd that is satisfied with empty information and vague responses from a developer's eighth lackey, that is cool, have fun with that. I've played MMOs for a long time and this game even being released with such a problem is a dark spot on an otherwise good game. Your response makes me facepalm. If you want to get complex, the Hero engine should've never been selected for this game in the first place. The graphics are from 2004. I don't care about that, though, I just think a glaring error like this is worthy of more important action. Try not to border on fanboy so much.

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Their sticky admitting the problem with ability delay was infact a good start, however vague it was. However we as a community deserve follow up, or the playerbase will suffer =/


They have unstickied it, seriously i doubt its gonna get solved any time soon. there is just so much wrong with this game at the moment. Most people enjoying the game has very little or no MMO experience they are just happy with fancy jumps, flame throwers, voice acting and single player story. I play on Ajunta Pall realm and most players i have talked to, have no idea what makes up a good MMO and are generally new to genre.


This game doesn't have combat log, hard to believe, yes? But its true :(

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I have no doubt that this is because they are using a shotty, untested game engine (cough, hero engine, designed for a game called Hero's Journey 'NOT SWTOR', which never even got released) which no doubt is showing it's true colors.


If they are ignoring it, it would mostly likely be because the issue is at the very heart of the engines programming. An engine that isn't theirs and was made by a company with no MMORPG experience besides some 'farmville' knock offs and text based online MMO's. The fact that they even managed to make SWTOR is beyond me.

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I have no doubt that this is because they are using a shotty, untested game engine (cough, hero engine, designed for a game called Hero's Journey 'NOT SWTOR', which never even got released) which no doubt is showing it's true colors.


If they are ignoring it, it would mostly likely be because the issue is at the very heart of the engines programming. An engine that isn't theirs and was made by a company with no MMORPG experience besides some 'farmville' knock offs and text based online MMO's. The fact that they even managed to make SWTOR is beyond me.


and wow is running on an engine designed for an RTS back in the 90s


stop acting like the engine is the issue, bugs are simply lines of code that didn't interact as planned


it took blizzard 7 years to fix charge and when they did, you can fly when you jump out of water now.


**** happens in MMOs. bugs are a permanent part of it.

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They have unstickied it, seriously i doubt its gonna get solved any time soon. there is just so much wrong with this game at the moment. Most people enjoying the game has very little or no MMO experience they are just happy with fancy jumps, flame throwers, voice acting and single player story. I play on Ajunta Pall realm and most players i have talked to, have no idea what makes up a good MMO and are generally new to genre.


This game doesn't have combat log, hard to believe, yes? But its true :(


what MMO have you been playing for the past 10 years.

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and wow is running on an engine designed for an RTS back in the 90s


stop acting like the engine is the issue, bugs are simply lines of code that didn't interact as planned


it took blizzard 7 years to fix charge and when they did, you can fly when you jump out of water now.


**** happens in MMOs. bugs are a permanent part of it.


Dont you dare compare this rag of an MMO to WoW, you blasphemor!!


And this is coming from a player who wants to quit WoW badly.

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and wow is running on an engine designed for an RTS back in the 90s


stop acting like the engine is the issue, bugs are simply lines of code that didn't interact as planned


it took blizzard 7 years to fix charge and when they did, you can fly when you jump out of water now.


**** happens in MMOs. bugs are a permanent part of it.



Why do people always jump to compare to WOW? lol. It doesn't help you argument at all to compare SWTOR to WOW.


1. Blizzard made their own engine.

2. WOW was released 7 years ago and had far less 'INTERNAL' bugs than SWTOR.


I know the standard is to compare this game to WOW, but the two aren't even on the same 'scale' as far as MMORPG's are concerned. This game is a gimmicky mess with half the subs here because it's "Star Wars". WOW actually got their subs because their game was you know.. "GOOD".

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gameplay and responsiveness are the 2 most important factors in a game, including MMOS.


WoW has very good responsiveness, Rift mediocre imo,GW1 has very good, GW2....ppl say it's very good - better than wow's.


Swtor's responsiveness... well as sith assassin it is rather mediocre - rift level at most.

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Why do people always jump to compare to WOW? lol. It doesn't help you argument at all to compare SWTOR to WOW.


1. Blizzard made their own engine.

2. WOW was released 7 years ago and had far less 'INTERNAL' bugs than SWTOR.


I know the standard is to compare this game to WOW, but the two aren't even on the same 'scale' as far as MMORPG's are concerned. This game is a gimmicky mess with half the subs here because it's "Star Wars". WOW actually got their subs because their game was you know.. "GOOD".


You're a pretty cool guy. I'll miss you once the free month is over.

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Basically a time it takes for ability to activate after you have pushed it. If you have low latency you use skill and it doesn't go off immidately, then it is responsiveness problem - ability delay. It is unrelated to lag delay. The two are seperate issue.


What you have set is ability queue in essence. Has nothing to do with ability delay.

Edited by Mazari
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Why do people always jump to compare to WOW? lol. It doesn't help you argument at all to compare SWTOR to WOW.


1. Blizzard made their own engine.

2. WOW was released 7 years ago and had far less 'INTERNAL' bugs than SWTOR.


I know the standard is to compare this game to WOW, but the two aren't even on the same 'scale' as far as MMORPG's are concerned. This game is a gimmicky mess with half the subs here because it's "Star Wars". WOW actually got their subs because their game was you know.. "GOOD".


1. WoW's engine was made for the RTS warcraft III

2. wow has bugs today that it had at launch. go blink up a hill. go see how vanish works. go look at how they fixed charge the messed up swimming. how'd that ignite munching work out. heroic leap is broken. you could deathgrip people onto boats and their character would fly across the whole map and then dc them. there is a bug right now where when a hunter pet is called it has 6k hp for a few seconds and can die because of it.


the list of bugs goes on an on. the last patch added a bug to hagara and arenas that dc'd you if you jumped, it lasted 2 weeks.


bugs are just inevitable. go to the wow forums or mmo-champion.com forums, the same crap the babies say about swtor bugs is said about wow bugs.


it's didn't lose 6300 subs per day for a year because people were happy. the problem is simply that a lot of these little ******* dont' like MMORPGs

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