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10 Good
  1. This is still a major problem. Re-subbed for a month because I want to like this game, but I seriously hope this is being addressed. After BioWare states it is fixed, if I find it is still not fixed, I'm gone and I'm sure many others are as well.
  2. Bump, this game is doomed if this isn't at the top of BioWare's list. Shouldn't have ever made it to release with this ****.
  3. I guess the glass is half full for you, guy. If you're with the crowd that is satisfied with empty information and vague responses from a developer's eighth lackey, that is cool, have fun with that. I've played MMOs for a long time and this game even being released with such a problem is a dark spot on an otherwise good game. Your response makes me facepalm. If you want to get complex, the Hero engine should've never been selected for this game in the first place. The graphics are from 2004. I don't care about that, though, I just think a glaring error like this is worthy of more important action. Try not to border on fanboy so much.
  4. Unstickied? lol? This game is doomed, make this your top priority or SWTOR is going to be Aion 2.0 (aion has some crappy problems w/relations between animation and GCD/abilities too, if you don't get the reference)
  5. Bump for obvious reasons. If this isn't BW's top priority atm, this game is doomed.
  6. Historically, the most frustrating thing in ANY game is the game not responding to what you are trying to get your character to do. If that is dumb, I must be dumb. Anyone remember playing street fighter as a kid? Remember trying to get off flash-kick on Guile and it wouldn't f-ing work? That is pretty much the same thing as this. I'd rather worry about my rotation in PvE/countering another player in PvP than stare at the flawed UI to make sure my ability actually went off.
  7. I was very closely following the thread on ability delay, even pleasantly surprised that BioWare, albeit extremely vaguely, admitted there is a problem. Why was the biggest thread ever seen on this forum unstickied? Why hasn't there been an update on what BioWare is doing to solve the problem with ability delay? I've already unsubbed and will remain so (still on first free month) until this problem is fixed. To me, the fact that it was unstickied and BioWare is releasing patches for things no one gives a damn about speaks volumes about BW having something to hide. (Grats on fixing a couple of flashpoints no one will ever do more than once/twice). The gamebreaking, broken ability delay is bad enough. Add in unbalanced PvP (broken resolve bar anyone? Scoundrels/Operatives 2shotting people? No brackets? High res textures?) and a number of other things that are minorly annoying, I'm losing faith quickly in a game that I thought would be good. Sincerely, A guy starting to think BioWare should've stuck to making mass effect sequels.
  8. Adding my name to the hat, this is a huge problem BioWare and is absolutely game breaking for anyone with half a brain. I feel bad for the kids who are celebrating over something that isn't fixed it. Props for admitting there is a problem, but to me the vague response simply indicates that they are just trying to milk the subs and this problem won't be fixed. Time will tell. Great game apart from this problem for me, in addition to a few minor other complaints. Unsubscribed until this is fixed or addressed in a proper manner other than "Uhh there is a problem, we're looking into it."
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